Mad Monk's Priory


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It was almost 7PM when they wrapped up. Matt dropped him at 'Art of the Table' where Karen was mostly patiently waiting, her choice of appetizer on the table when he sat down across from her. He had at her suggestion invited Matthew and Sherry to join them, but his colleague had declined, accepting a 'rain check' for a visit at their place some future weekend.

So, it was late when they were back to their home.

"Wow," Tague said, slowing down to turn in, "Do you suppose the Winters still have their pool open?" Karen blinked awake and saw what her husband was talking about-- the back of the B&B was brightly lit.

"Sunday night pool party, I guess," Tague quipped, "Maybe we have to get a pool one day." Karen shrugged, aware that her body was responding to the prospect of what might be happening in their neighbors' back yard. And she felt... cheated? Jealous? She pushed such introspection away, looking at her husband.

"Maybe someday," she said. "But this weekend was great, thanks, babe!"

Chapter 8

She giggled at the reversed roles getting up Monday for her hospital shift while Tague was sleeping in. Matty asked after their weekend when he came in to replace her, and took notes about where to eat when next he was 'visiting the big city.'

When she got home, Tague had made pasta and then worked on his computer while Monday Night Football was on. Tired from the shift, Karen turned in early, hoping he would join her before she was asleep, but not enough to call him or try to stay awake. She had long since slipped into dreamland before he padded in.

The next thing she knew he was kissing her goodbye and murmuring he would be back that evening.

She rolled onto her back from her side, aware that it was light out, but glad that the windows in the room faced west away from the direct morning sun. She got up, padding into the bathroom, absently wondering when she had decided to stop wearing pajamas.

She peed, then turned on the water, or more accurately reached in to start the shower, and realized she could see her breath. Her nipples hardened in response to the plummeting temperature. There was no dimming of the lights, or swirling smoke or mist. She barely started at the pressure of large hands on her waist just above her hips. She was a little surprised she felt no shame at being naked.

"You were jealous?" she bit her lip, knowing what the question was about, and scared she had been and he somehow knew. She nodded. "So, you believe in me now." she nodded again, then gasped as a hand rose, pinching her right nipple sharply.

"Yes!" her voice sounded low. God, she was so hot, "I believe. I don't know how, but I know it was you... you and Tague who fucked me that night... you marked my ass." It chuckled.

"Mine." She nodded.

"You're will... Tague's body." He shifted and she moaned feeling an enormous phallus slip between her legs, the curl of it jutting against her wet sex, splaying her labia, the edge of the crown brushing over her clit, coming to rest shockingly close to her navel.

"You are mine." the accented Tague voice said calmly. "You will always be mine. And you will be pleasured and protected. But I am not yours." Karen could not help it; the idea of such pleasure being shared with others... of It belonging to someone else. She clenched her lips, struggling not to reveal what she was feeling.

There was a searing pain in her abdomen, and she dropped to her knees, whimpering.

"Do not dwell on jealousy. Revel in the pleasure, reserved only for you." and in the next moment Karen was cumming, her whimper rising to a scream of release, nipples tingling, her fluids pouring down her legs, toes curled, back arched, mind empty beyond the sparkling silver and white pleasure greater than she could comprehend. She heard the chuckle, and then all went black.

Karen's body was still trembling on the ride to work. She had awakened naked in a pool of her own fluids, but at peace with it. She was not scared; was not curious just what had taken control of her life. It was no surprise she arrived in the ED in just a T shirt and scrub top, no bra, though she wondered if that was her decision or It's will. She hugged Brenda when the nurse passed her-- it seemed the most natural thing to do. And then the demands of her job occupied her attention.

Chapter 9

After their Seattle weekend, things fell into a comfortable routine. Both worked long hours, shared the chores and enjoyed their time together. She stopped one morning considering they had had sex at least three times a week since arriving for her new job, which was decidedly more than before they had come to Pokrovska. She knew Tague was satisfied, and loved having sex with him, but... She flushed admitting to herself the other times were so completely fulfilling.

It was visiting her more days than not. Sometimes it was a momentary touch, a whisper, and she would find herself frozen in place, climaxing intensely but silently. It had happened in the kitchen with Tague mere feet away. It had happened in the garden and the garage and in bed.

Other times it was like that first night, an abrupt presence, her immediate arousal, and then rutting madly together, her moaning and begging for it like a bitch in heat. She did not feel jealous any longer, sure that Brenda and Alexandra and the other women she had seen at the pool party were receiving similar visits. No, on the infrequent days where it did not happen, it was longing and anticipation she felt... need.

After one especially prolonged phantasmic fucking while Tague was late getting home, she found herself wondering how Jeff fit into what was happening. She decided he must, like Tague, be unaware, that the ghost or whatever it was could act through him as it had her husband that night. It certainly explained how Alexandra would calmly watch her husband having sex with another woman.

She was almost unaware of the continuing subtle changes in who she was. She seldom bothered with a bra any longer, and frequently padded naked around the house, even when Tag was home.

Karen knew it was not jealousy she felt when the lighted back of the Winter home evidenced another party, though it was cold enough she doubted anyone was swimming. Tague mentioned it, coming in from grilling and she considered walking over, but instead waited for her next shift, when she would see Brenda.

When she quietly asked if there had been a pool party, nurse Fowler just smiled and winked.

"I wasn't invited," Karen hoped she did not sound petulant to the other woman.

"I... I'm sorry, Karen, but only sisters are invited." Karen clearly did not follow. "Remember, I asked if you go to church?" Karen still was not following. "There's a women's church. You should come."

"I didn't know that," Karen was having trouble pairing what happened at pool parties with church, "And like I said, I'm not very religious." Meaning of course NOT religious. Brenda just smiled.

"Lots of our members say that," she gave a little shrug, "Maybe you'll find salvation with your sisters. Come see, I asked and they're expecting you." Without really thinking about it, Karen nodded and her friend smiled broadly.

Chapter 10

Sunday Brenda pulled up their drive in a Subaru Crosstrek. Tague gave her a pointed look and a hidden smile as she hopped down the stairs in a dress she had dug out from the back of her closet, a summer dress really, but her options were summer or formal event dresses.

"She's not a lesbian," she turned and hissed at her husband, "She's divorced."

"One doesn't exclude the other," he answered, smiling more broadly. She knew he was teasing. "Have fun, babe!" Then he went inside to watch football and hockey.

She listened to the classical music playing through the Subaru's speakers, waiting to see if Brenda had any pointers. Instead, her nurse asked about their home, and Tague's work, and whether he minded Karen joining the church. Karen bit her cheek rather than point out she might not join. She began to laugh as Brenda led her to church, having parked down the street from the town square to the east. They were approaching the heavy ornate door of the building she and Tague had examined briefly a few weeks before. In the daylight she could see the words over the now open portal 'Church of the Sisterhood.'

"Tague and I wondered what this was going to dinner one night," she told her friend. Brenda caught her hand and gave it a squeeze as she led her into the cool dimly lit interior.

"And now you know. Alexandra had it brought over brick by brick from somewhere in Ukraine."

Karen was a little surprised when Brenda led her into what was essentially a big locker room. She blinked, seeing that women had actual lockers. She was also surprised to realize everyone was stripping naked and donning matching robes. Brenda had stopped at her locker and without hesitation or consideration Karen was there she quickly but casually stripped naked, folding her clothes and setting them on a shelf in the locker before pulling her robe out.

"Uhm, Brenda?" she asked quietly. Just then another woman Karen had never met approached and without a word took Karen by the hand, leading her to the other side of the room. She pointed and Karen saw there was a locker with her name on it. Trying not to look nervous, she stripped out of her low heels and the dress, biting her lip, worried someone would be shocked and say something when they saw that she was not wearing any underwear. She stood naked for a moment, expecting direction from the robed woman who had led her to 'her' locker. When the woman nodded toward the locker, Karen put her clothes on the shelf as Brenda had, and reached into the locker. She was glad to feel a robe in the dark recess, but when she pulled it out, she was surprised that it was a shimmering white, not the deep iridescent maroon of the others.

She donned the robe, which was thin, the inside rough. Struggling not to ask questions, Karen followed the other women, wishing Brenda was still with her. The robes were hooded, so she could not identify anyone else as she followed those in the changing room down a narrow curving hallway.

The hall opened into a large circular room with a fire at one side, a brazier in front of it, on a semicircular dais that occupied slightly more than a quarter of the room. The rest of the room was stepped, and Karen was more than a little surprised to see so many women already in the room, with more flowing in behind her. She was led to a place in the front row, right of the middle. There was a low chanting, not from the women. The room was warm, but not uncomfortable with a high arched ceiling.

The women were silent, and still, which added to the tension and anticipation in the room. When the pastor stepped out from a well concealed gap in the wall beside the wide bank of flames, Karen nearly gasped.

It was Jeff, in robes so dark a maroon they were almost black. At his spoken word, a language Karen did not understand, the women knelt, and she belatedly followed suit. He stopped, smiling down at her, and she felt arousal and peace at once wash through her body. She glanced around, seeing all the women within her view were staring at her. Most were smiling, but more than a few wore pinched, impatient, frustrated looks.

He proceeded to talk, welcoming all, noting they had a 'guest,' waving as he did his left hand at her. Karen noted he wore a ring on his finger with a large glittering yellow stone. He apologized to those expecting a full service, and appreciating their grace for the dedication that must be provided a guest. Karen did not understand just what he was saying, but some of the pinched looks eased.

He spoke a word, and the hoods were removed. She glanced around trying not to look like it, trying not to stare. She actually knew or recognized many, but the sheer number seemed impossible. He spoke another word and the women to each side of Karen turned to her, hugging her, kissing her cheeks, whispering a welcome, and additional words of encouragement and support, somehow turning and passing her.

She heard the soft burr of feminine voices, occasionally interrupted by a cry or low moan. She was being moved from woman to woman, up the steps, down the steps, always being hugged and kissed. She blushed, though, aware that hands were on her breasts, her ass... pressing against her sex. Arousal sparked and bloomed. Karen bit her lip, aware that the moans and cries of pleasure she had been hearing were increasing in number and frequency.

And then she was standing before Alexandra.

"Welcome, sister," the woman whispered, pulling Karen close and kissing her passionately on the lips. Karen found herself returning the kiss, not thinking about what was happening. She moaned into the older woman's mouth as one of Alexandra's fingers expertly traced up her robed covered cleft, hovering over her erect clitoris.

Jeff spoke another word and the women stilled. Karen realized she was exactly opposite where she had been standing before on the front row of the assembly.

Without warning Jeff launched into his homily, sermon, message... whatever it was. His voice rang through the vaulted room, urging the women to protect and support and love each other. To recognize the world was arrayed against them. Their husbands would never understand. Only the other women could be depended upon. He mentioned protecting the children, nurturing the 'children of the sisterhood,' and the need to care for each others' children as their own. He demanded the women share with one another, hold no secret from a sister, betray no sister's secret. He spoke of sisters taking power, letting others take the credit, of the value of being the power behind the throne.

Then he demanded the women enjoy their bodies, and the pleasures available to them, to share themselves and teach one another, together bringing the world new life. Through it, Karen heard sisters moaning and crying out, whether overwhelmed by the message or the conflict between what Jeff was saying and what they were living Karen could not know. Some seemed to be having prolonged orgasms, and she watched not with the clinical detachment of a scientist, but with yearning to be part of it.

As he brought the service to a close, reminding them again of secrecy, support, and service, Karen was dismayed that some angry glares were still directed toward her. Her body was nearly vibrating she was so aroused. A gong sounded, and she realized Jeff was no longer standing before the group in what he had termed 'the celebration chamber.' The women were beginning to talk to one another, some hugging or laughing. Karen realized there were other entrances to the chamber, seeing women disappear from different positions in the room. She tried to remember if she was sure where she had entered. Then Brenda caught her hand. She turned to face her friend, who was looking at her expectantly.

"That was amazing," she whispered, not trusting her voice, "Thank you so much for bringing me." The women hugged, Brenda laughing,

"You are so excited!" Karen blushed but nodded.

"Not everyone was happy I was here," she said. Brenda rolled her eyes.

"When we have a visitor it's more... restrained, and some of the sisters don't like that. C'mon," the smaller woman kept hold of her hand, leading her back out the corridor to the changing room. Karen was not surprised to see naked women hugging. She understood their need, and giggled imagining Tag would not know what hit him when she got home.


Karen's husband benefited not once but twice on Sunday from her attending church. He was so impressed he teasingly asked if there were serivces other days, as well. He was also intrigued to learn what the building was he had wondered about. He was also skeptical about Brenda's story, pointing out Alexandra and Jeff Winters did not seem independently wealthy.

He got home from a long day late the next week to find Alexandra visiting Karen. The women were laughing at the kitchen breakfast bar, a nearly empty white wine bottle on the granite surface.

He looked to Karen when the older woman insisted on a hug, nearly gluing herself to his body for several long seconds while gushing about how happy she had been Karen came to 'Sunday services,' and asking Karen if she had enjoyed herself.

When Karen assured the B&B owner it had been a moving service, Tague suggested he should come along the coming Sunday.

"Sorry, neighbor," Alexandra scolded, "It's a women's only church." Tague did not stop to consider neither woman mentioned who was leading their services.

Karen could not tell Tague, but by Thursday when Alexandra was visiting, she had nearly been beside herself, because there had been no 'visits' as she was terming the time she spent getting off with the phantom. Alexandra rose, saying she could get home, but stopped in the doorway.

"I almost forgot," she said, and Karen was sure the woman was lying, "Since you like it so much, are you interested in joining the Sisterhood?" Karen felt a whisper at that moment, and a tickle in just the right places.

"God, yes!" she exclaimed, to Tague's surprise and Alexandra's obvious delight.

Brenda insisted on bringing Karen to the next Sunday's service. Karen had to get Matty to cover her shift, but he had a Saturday coming that he needed covered, so was happy to swap. Karen remembered where her locker had been, and went over to find the locker now had 'noviate' below her name.

Inside there was a pink robe. There was also a list of 'the laws.'

Help a sister if asked, no matter what is asked, outside the church.

Keep the secrets of sisters and the Sisterhood, under pain of ostracization.

Do not betray the Sisterhood in any manner.

Those seemed easy, and the threat of 'ostracization' laughable, until Jeff paused the service, standing directly in front of her. Karen barley suppressed her moan, feeling 'It' behind her, against her as Jeff stared at her. She shivered wondering if it had been Jeff all along, and not caring if it had been.

"You understand what you will lose if ever you betray the Sisterhood, or put yourself ahead of your Sisters?" A tear tracked down her cheek as she nodded, then spoke.

"I understand my pledge to the Sisterhood and what betraying the Sisterhood would mean." Her voice nearly broke in a moan, as Jeff raised his hands, and she could feel Its/his touch on her flanks, coming up to her breasts. Her nipples, already hard, began to ache with need.

"Welcome our noviate!" He shouted, and the women-- her Sisters-- set upon her, hands and lips touching her, the change so abrupt and total it was long moments before Karen understood her robe was gone. She blinked, wondering hot it had happened, even as she cried out in a prolonged orgasm. She was still buzzing with arousal, standing naked and unashamed before the others as Brenda was announced as her 'sponsor,' and Judith Sykes her 'mentor.'

Unlike the prior week, Karen felt drained after the pleasure of her initiation service. She slept through the rest of the day. Worse for Tague, though, her cell phone which had barely rung outside of work since they had arrived was suddenly ringing all the time. Karen was up before dawn and home after dark every day helping her Sisters with all manner of chores.

When it became obvious that was going to continue, Tague chose not to complain that his wife was being 'hazed' and instead offered to help her. He actively tried to help, in fact, driving Karen to more than a few of her 'activities' but the women she was coming to help universally kindly but firmly explained he was not part of their circle and was not welcome. It was not all major community activities, either. Karen was cooking and cleaning, painting houses, watching children, walking dogs... menial tasks she disliked doing at home. She would fall into bed, apologizing to her husband and assuring him it was 'just a temporary thing.'
