Magic Pills Ch. 04

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Magic Pill therapy is an unqualified success.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 02/19/2004
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The whole point of the story is missed if you do not read the first 3 chapters. I am not conceited enough to think I have created a work of art valuable for anything other than a few minutes of entertainment. Read it and enjoy yourself!

By the way, a special thanks to Lance for poof wreading and etiting this! I love ya Lance!

Jerks, jerks, jerks, God men are such jerks! There seems to be just no pleasing them somedays! I guess you just have to take them by the hand and lead them to happiness.

To; Mad Scientist

From; Horny Joe


Jackie has been on the treatment for five months now, and I am afraid things may be getting out of hand. I feel guilty about drugging her without her knowledge, and even though she seems to be perfectly happy with her new attitudes and lack of inhibition I am becoming concerned. I don't want to turn her into a nymphomaniac, or for her to lose control of her own life completely.

Last night she gave me oral sex in front of her best friend of almost 20 years. Linda is the other test subject in our study. When I came home the girls were sunbathing, in the nude, on our back porch. Neither one of them appeared the least concerned about being naked. Then Jackie just pulled my pants down and did me right there, to climax, while Linda openly watched. I have got to admit that it was the most exciting sexual experience of my life!

Now I'm feeling bad, guilty, about what I have been doing to Jackie and helping Alan do to his wife. If we are making them do things against their will, or removing their will not to do something, that seems wrong to me.

I am thinking about stopping the pills and telling Jackie the truth. I want your opinion before I make the decision.


"No you don't buster!" I said to myself, "not after all my hard work!"

There was no way I wanted to go back to what things had been like between us six months ago. We were miserable, frustrated and thinking about breaking up. Trying to return to that life would kill our relationship. Besides, I have never had more fun in my life! In my opinion the magic pills were the brainstorm of a lifetime.

I had to come up with something pretty good to turn Joe back around, so I set my devious mind to work. While I was pondering the solution Linda called.

"Hi there!" she chirped cheerfully as I answered the phone, "what's up?"

"Oh just working on a special project," I replied, not about to tell her the story.

"Well as one submissive slut to another, how'd you like to go shopping today?"

"You didn't!" I screamed excitedly into the phone.

"Oh yeah, I did!" she said in a proud tone. "After watching you last night, and listening to your theory about why men are so weird, how could I resist?"

"So how was it, what happened?" I asked.

"Voyeuristic now are you?" she teased.

"You're damn right I am, I want all the details, after all I do feel responsible for your breakthrough. "

She would never know just how responsible for it I really was.

"Well I woke up feeling especially sexy this morning, but not all that horny, you ever feel like that?"

"I know what you mean, just in a teasing mood."

"Yeah. So I cooked Al some breakfast, parading around naked, wiggling my ass at him and all that stuff, and trying to make him horny. That's not real hard work with Al by the way."

"He kept suggesting that we crawl back in the sack, that if he went to work like that, meaning his hardon, he wouldn't be able to concentrate all day. Well I was feeling kind of mean, enjoying my newfound power to light him up, so I just kept teasing."

"God," I interjected, "it is so much fun to fuck with them isn't it."

"And so easy!" she replied.

"Anyway, just as he was getting ready to leave I kind of sauntered up to him, smiling a devils grin and told him I had a little something to give him before he went to work. Just like you said to do I knelt down in front of him and pulled his pants down and went to work on him. You would not believe the look on his face!"

"Yes, I would. I've seen it a hundred times on Joe's!" I told her.

"I guess you have you slut! Anyway I was having a ball! I never knew that it could be such fun, it used to always be such a chore, something I only did because I had to, you know. I had made up my mind, I guess when I got out of bed this morning, that I was going to show Al just how much I loved him, adore him as you say."

"I'll bet he was feeling pretty adored about then!" I quipped.

"It was hilarious! When he came we both jerked at the same time and he popped out of my mouth. I ended up with him all over my face, my cheeks, my chin, and in my mouth. But I didn't stop! I was determined to finish what I started and give him something to really remember."

I tucked him back in and then stood up, He kissed my forehead, I guess that was the only dry place he could find. You know what he said, standing there holding me by the shoulders and looking at me all splattered with his cum, he said I was the most beautiful woman he knew. Wow! And you know what else, I believe him! Then I shooed him off to work, telling him to think about me."

"I'll bet he thinks of nothing else all day!" I commented.

"Jackie," she said in a quieter voice, "when I went into the bathroom to clean up and saw myself in the mirror, well....I got turned on by it. I mean that mess, his cum, all over me made me horny. Am I a pervert Jackie?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, you are, a horny, happy pervert, welcome to the club! I'm just kidding, there is nothing wrong with getting excited over something so sexual. I think it's normal. What excited you was the idea of what you had just done for your hubby and I think it's great!"

Changing the subject I asked, "So what's this about shopping, where we going?"

"Oh, I want to go pick up a few things for Alan and need your opinion and advice. I think I want to get some lingerie. You know stockings and garters. Al was watching a movie the other night and a girl showed up in that and he commented about how sexy he thought it looked. Then he said that he thought I would look really sexy in something like that. Well the idea has just sort of stuck with me, and the more I think of it the more I think it would look sexy. I guess it's just the pills working, but who cares. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan to me! Some men want us naked and some want us fancied up a bit. Maybe Al likes a little gift wrapping on his presents. Pick me up in about an hour, I have to take care of some emails before I go."

To; Horny Joe

From; Mad Scientist


Think things through very carefully before you make this decision! Once done it can not be undone!

Ask yourself these questions before you decide. Are you happier? Is Jackie happier? Are Linda and Alan Happier? I don't mean just your sex lives, but in general? Have there been any signs of any kind that either of the girls has experienced any physical or emotional damage from the treatment?

From what you tell me the girls are taking an interest in keeping themselves in shape with diet and exercise, so they are healthier as well as happier.

What will happen if you spill the beans to Jackie, will she tell Linda? What will Linda do?

Right now you have a win, win situation. If you tell Jackie everybody loses. You will hurt not only your marriage, but your friend's as well. Do you really want to go back to where you were when we first made contact?

As for your guilt: I understand that, and admire your concern, but I think it is unnecessary. You have obviously made her life better, giving her a gift, in my opinion.

If it will put your mind at ease, our studies have shown that the pills do not make a woman into a nymphomaniac, they just eliminate her inhibitions and reduce the socially imposed restrictions that keep them from doing things they would like to do. Like hypnotism, I don't think you can make a woman do things against her basic nature by using the pills, You just eliminate the obstacles preventing her real nature from showing.

You can test this by asking her to do something totally outrageous and see if her natural good sense protects her.

M. S.

"Wonder what he will think up?" I asked myself.

Linda and I spent the afternoon shopping in the best lingerie stores we could find, burning up Al's credit card and having a blast.


Jackie blew my mind last night when she sucked me off with Linda sitting there. Seeing Linda naked for the first time was a shock in itself, but then what Jackie did, wow! Then I got to thinking. Thinking too much is a problem Jackie tells me. I guess she might be right.

I woke up this morning feeling guilty as hell. I have been drugging my wife for months without her knowing it and now I was helping a friend do the same to his wife. What kind of asshole does that to the woman he loves? I had decided that I would tell her the truth, that I was not the hero she thought me to be. I couldn't work up the nerve before I left for the office, so I sent an email to the Doctor. Now I'm glad that I postponed things.

Al called my office right after eight. I was afraid of this call and didn't know what to say, but had to take it.

"I understand that you saw my wife naked last night?" he began.

"Al, look I'm sorry, I just walked in and there they were!" I explained to him.

"What did you think?" he asked without a trace of anger.

"Well Jesus Al, she's beautiful!" I honestly answered him.

"Yeah, she is, isn't she," he mussed. "You're probably the first person to see her naked since we got married, including her doctor probably."

"She really is something special Al," I told him.

"I understand she got to watch Jackie suck your dick too?" he asked.

"Jeez, does she tell you everything?" I asked a little shocked.

"I hope so!" he replied.

"Look Al, at first I was so surprised by finding two naked women on the porch that I didn't know what was happening, then it was too late to stop, you know what I mean?"

"Joe I found out this morning exactly what you mean! Linda sent me off to work with the best blowjob I have ever had. She even let me cum in her mouth! I thought you were BS'ing me when you used to tell me Jackie did that! God, it was great. As soon as I got to the office I sent her a dozen roses! I'm going to get tickets to that new play she wants to see too."

"Get four," I told him, "Jackie wants to see it too, we can double date."

I was shocked by Al's bluntness. Not that we didn't talk about sex a lot, what we would like to do to some hypothetical gal, but this was his wife we were talking about, and mine. I do know that the mental image of Linda watching Jackie suck me off made my dick hard again, or was it the picture of watching Linda do Al? That would only be fair.

After finishing up with Al, very relieved that he wasn't looking for me with a gun in his hand, I checked my email. The message I expected from the Doctor was there.

I didn't really need his reassurances now, but his thoughts made good sense to me. I think it was fear over Al's reaction that had me feeling worried. Of course I have noticed that the bigger my dick the smaller my feelings of guilt.

I called Jackie on her cell. "Hi lover," I said when she answered.

"What's the matter?" she asked, "your dick hard?"

"I called because I love you and missed you," I replied, sidestepping the question.

"Oh I bet it's really hard!" she answered not fooled in the least. "You know where I am?" she questioned me, "Linda and I are at Bare Necessities trying on a few things, don't you wish you were here?'

She can be so mean in her teasing, she knew that all I would think about that afternoon was her sexy body.

"Hey, this Saturday we want you and Alan to take us shopping. Think you can talk him into it?" she asked me.

"You know Al plays golf every Saturday," I reminded her.

"You don't think he would enjoy this more? I bet he would, I know you would!"

"I'll talk to him. By the way, we are getting tickets to that play you guys want to see, that will be the same night." I told her.

"You're wonderful! That will be great! We can go together and really have a fun time. Pick someplace nice for dinner," she bubbled back at me.

I made the call to Alan next. "Al, the girls want us to take them shopping Saturday." I told him.

"You know that I play golf every Saturday, besides, I hate being drug around some mall all day looking stupid." He almost snapped at me.

"Look Al, you really want to do this, trust me. Have you been shopping with Linda since she started on the pills?"

"No, I hate shopping and she knows that!" he replied.

"Al, this will be a whole lot better than golf, believe me!" I told him again. "I'll bet that Linda is ready for you to "suggest" what dress to wear to the play that night, it might be a lot of fun helping her choose it. Besides, I know you have been wanting to see more of Jackie since that night in our living room, this will be a good chance for that too."

"You're kidding?"

"No, I tell you I've been shopping with Jackie, it's one of the sexiest shows in town!"

"Ok," he said, "I'll call the guys and beg off this week, but you better be right!"

"Al, you'll probably give up golf after this weekend."

My dick was rock hard. I had just promised my best friend that he would get to see my wife naked again, and I knew that my sweet, darling little bride would be more than willing to show herself off for him. Sometimes life is just too good! I went to the restroom and jacked off, because I couldn't stand it any longer and had to relieve some of the tension. The picture in my mind was Jackie on her knees, my cock spurting down her throat and Linda stark naked watching us.


After I got off the phone with my horny husband I went back to Linda where she was checking out half cup bras that just covered the lower half of the breast, leaving the nipples bare.

"Sexy," I told her, "and you have great tits for it too."

"You really think so?" she asked me, "Al says he likes them, but I guess I'm just not used to thinking of my breasts as sexy."

"Well then you're the only one! The boys are going to take us shopping Saturday." I told her.

"That will be the day, when I can get Alan to spend the day shopping with me. If he does go he'll just be a grouch all day long."

I laughed, "You just gotta trust me kiddo, I'll show you how to keep old Al following you around until the stores close! We'll empty their pockets and fill out their pants and they will love every minute of it!"

"Well you haven't been wrong yet, so I'll trust you this time. Look we've got to run, Al is taking me to dinner tonight and I want to try out some of my new clothes for him."

As had almost become a habit with us Linda called me the next morning.

"You know Jackie, I think the boys have got to be taking some of their own pills! Al has been so sweet to me, and last night he was an absolute doll!" she began.

"They do have a bit more incentive to be nice to us lately you know," I reminded her.

"Yeah they do don't they!", she laughed back, " anyway last night after Al got home and told me he was taking us to that new Italian place I was feeling especially playful. I came down stairs in my new short white skirt, the one I picked out yesterday, and I was wearing the white garter and stockings we got. I walked into the living room where he was sitting, waiting for me and asked if he could see my garter straps when I sat down.

He sort of sputtered and put his newspaper down and looked me over. It was a great look, made me feel really sexy, know what I mean?

Then I sat in his lap and asked if they showed now. I could feel his hard prick in his pants. His hand slipped up my thigh and pushed my skirt up to the top of the stockings and told me that now they did and they sure looked sexy!

I jumped up and told him not now and then flounced up the stairs so that my skirt bounced real nice and gave him a teasing peek. I told him to sit still, I needed his opinion on something else.

I came back down with red and white panties in my hand and asked him which ones I should wear. The white matched my outfit, but the red would stand out better if anyone peeked. He couldn't say anything, he just stared, Red? White? I asked. Oh well, then how about natural, I asked him and raised my skirt to show that I had nothing on under it.

I thought he would jump out of the chair and take me right then. Needless to say he picked the natural look. That's the first time I can remember ever going out of the house with no panties on. I didn't wear a bra either.

All night long Al had his hands all over me, holding my hand, touching me, walking with his arm around me, it was neat!"

"Sounds pretty good to me," I told her, "did you guys fool around any?"

"Nothing really serious, just teasing. I made sure my straps showed in the car and for a little while in the restaurant. When I told Al that I though someone sitting across from us could see up my skirt he just smiled at me. I think he would enjoy someone else getting a look."

"Of course he would," I told her, "you're his prize, his trophy, he's proud of you and want's to let everyone know it. Besides, you love it don't you?"

"I don't know Jackie," she allowed, "I mean it scares hell out of me, and excites me at the same time. The other night when Joe walked in I thought I would pee my pants, well if I had been wearing any that is!" she giggled, " I know one thing, it makes me horny as hell, I just don't know if that comes from the fear or from being naughty."

"Naughty is nice!" I chuckled.

"Al said that he loved looking at my breasts, and at my hard nipples sticking out in my blouse. I knew that they were most of the night, I was horny. He mentioned it a couple of times, how hot he thought it was, and how much he liked it."

"He's just suggesting you wear sexier tops, maybe something a little more see-through, or thinner. He's counting on the pills to help you pick up on the suggestion. Sounds like it's working to me," I coached her.

Later that morning I checked my email again, and there was the message to the Mad Scientist.

To; Mad Scientist

From; horny Joe


I have reconsidered the things I talked about this morning and I now agree with you. There is no way that I can return to the sad life that we lived before.

Jackie had become the most sexual woman in the world, and she is mine. I want to keep her on the pills and continue the treatments just as we have done.


Well that was one less thing to worry about.


After talking Al into going shopping with the girls I couldn't keep my mind on work. I called Jackie to see if she could meet me for lunch. When she arrived at the restaurant she was wearing a little slip dress and heels. I had a sure knowledge that there was nothing else under it. For the last several months Jackie had stayed as close to naked as the law allowed, and sometimes, often, beyond that. I didn't complain, believe me.

We enjoyed a nice meal and small talk. Then I asked her, "Have you noticed anything odd with Linda lately?"

"Oh yes! She is a lot happier! I don't know what the problem was but they seem to have worked it out," she replied.

"You notice anything in her behavior, anything different?" I pressed.

"No, she just seems happier. We talk a lot and I really don't think there's anything you need to worry about. Is Alan worried about something, is that it?" she asked.

"No, nothing like that, I just thought she seemed a lot bubblier, and after all she was naked on the porch when I came home the other day. I thought maybe she was doing some drugs or something."

Jackie burst out laughing. "Linda, doing drugs! You've got to be kidding, she's Miss Just Say No! And we were just getting a little sun when you walked in, there's nothing wrong with that is there?"