Maid to Obey

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A Young man turns his Devious hypnotist Maid into his slave.
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So here's the thing I've always been into older women, I blame my Mom for that, see she's always looked like a goddess to me, ever since my first pop tent, I must've cracked off a thousand times to imagining her kneeling, those big round supple tits I could only dream about swallowing my cock and pumping till I covered her soft feature in thick ropes of jizz. Hey don't judge me, she's a bombshell, and always around, maybe a little too much, personally I think with dad away all the time she's grown to like the attention. So yeah, I hold a candle for the older ladies, I'm a young man, leave me to my kinks, back on topic, I need to get this all down even if no one ever reads it, see I may have gotten myself into a bit of a weird situation, see I mentioned imagining those big pillowy soft mounds swallowing my cock and how I could only dream of having her pump me till I stream all over her face.... well recently I've stopped having to dream about that... or imagine it, or do anything really other than order her down on her knees to service me like a good mommy.

I should preface this by saying this was not my intention, fantasies are one thing but were all taught to separate fantasies from reality, I never expected things to go the way they did, and in my defence I didn't start this sordid situation, that blame rests squarely on Sophia, our recently hired maid and my first sex slave (We'll get to that...) See I mentioned dad was away a lot on business and me being a 19 year old heterosexual male taking about as well to house chores as a lion takes to a petting zoo, my attempt and laundry and cleaning were equally disturbing and I believe I chipped more plates in the dishwasher then actually got cleaned. So about 6 weeks ago, my mother having developed a genuine fear for the future of her dishes and knick knacks, decided it was time to hire a maid.

So we're kinda a family of means as my Mom calls it, benefit of Dad never being here I guess, but it comes with a certain lack of social class structure. What I'm trying to say is while my mother could have literally hired anyone as a maid, she hired a middle aged latina lady who literally wore a maids outfit. I felt embarrassed on behalf of everyone involved when Sophia arrived, tottering dangerously on a pair of high heels that seemed in no way conducive to cleaning and wearing a white frilled top so dangerously low cut she gave my mother impressive mounds serious competition and legs that seemed to go on for days, with what I learned later a lot of this made sense but in the beginning, I had to wonder if Mom had hired out to the wrong agency and accidentally rented a hooker.

Now I cant speak to Sophia's cleaning skills, I can't say I ever saw her clean anything truth be told, she spent a lot of time around my Mom and after about a week I started to notice little things, Sophia was almost never on time in the mornings, if anything the state of the house seemed to get worse but the really weird thing was how Mom just didn't seem to notice that our cleaner didn't seem to be doing a lot of cleaning, she just carried on about her day, which seemed to involve increasing amount of time in her bedroom and a gradual slide away from her normal work clothes to yoga outfits, not that I minded the yoga outfits of course, bless her but my Mom always had a larger figure, not for the lack of trying but all that exercising seem to do was firm up her curves till I'm pretty certain you could bounces a quarter off her ass and no matter what she did those tits refused to shrink, but to her credit see never stopped trying to shed the pounds, even though other women would have either killed or paid a great deal of money to have her figure. I have to admit between Mom's wardrobe change, the general lack of interest in housework and her increased alone time, I was in heaven for a 19 year old guy, I stayed out till whenever, did whatever and suffered no nagging in response. That said after a another week or two, curiosity got the better of me.

So imagine your me, Sophia's an hour late, still dressed in an outfit that screams fetish escort more than house maid, Mom by this point is living in yoga pants and a sports bra and I'm not 100% certain but I don't think the dishwasher has been used in over a week and I'm running out of clean boxer shorts and the two of them are closed off in Mom's room, the suspense would be killing you right? Well it was sure as hell killing me, so there I was skulking about my own home (A skill perfected in my younger years) creeping up on my Mom's bedroom door, they've been in there maybe 10 minutes before I get to the door handle and press my ear to the door, its kinda muffled through the heavy wood but I can make out mainly one accented voice speaking, a soft quiet tone that I cant quite make out the words to, then every now and then a break followed by my Mom in a strangely hollow tone, always one or two word answers, I was going nuts trying to make out the words through the door till I leaned just a little too hard on the door and it gave just a crack, just enough to let the warm air and mix of perfumed scents draft out of the room, my heart froze as I stared through the crack of the open door directly into my mothers eyes, those soft bright blue but strangely unfocused eyes staring straight into my own. That was the moment I was fairly sure I wouldn't make the ripe old age of 20.

And then there was nothing, she simply carried on staring straight passed me, blissfully unaware of her son staring at her through her own cracked open bedroom door, her bare tits rose and fell gently with deep relaxed breath and her unfocused vision seemed locked in the middle distance, Sophia's back was turned to me and in those ticking moments of terror I had completely forgotten to pay attention to what either of them had been talking about, mesmerised and confused by the rhythmic swell of my Mom's magnificent rack seemingly on display to our maid without a care in the world. I have to admit in retrospect, if it hadn't been for those inviting pillowy mounds of perfection I probably would have beat a hasty retreat from the situation, but as it was the whole thing was too fascinating to pass up, after a few seconds spent realising my Mom either hadn't noticed me or simply didn't care, I settled back down to my voyeurism, nursing a hard on that rivalled bone density, maybe daring to push the door open another smidge for a better view, that's when I finally focused on what Sophia had been saying all this time

"That's right Mrs Cavendish, so warm and relaxed, so easy to obey my voice and follow my pretty crystal, so easy to obey and follow, follow and obey, a slave to my will, obedient to my desires, helpless to resist" I could see her arm moving, a chain descending from her grip as she stood above my mother, the crystal that presumably swung before the hypnotised blondes eyes concealed from my view by Sophia's body, she simply sat on her bed nodding gently as Sophia's words washed over her open mind, drool forming in the corner of her mouth that she hadn't the free thought to wipe away, completely held under the crystal sway of her own maid "That's right slave, deep in my power now, completely under my command, enslaved to my will, my obedient little rich bitch fuck toy"

My Mom nodded along with Sophia's command, she groaned toward the end and repeated in a soft monotone "Obedient little rich bitch Fuck toy" much to Sophia's delight as the maid gave a dark sarcastic laugh

"That's a good bitch, now its time to worship your mistress, on your knees" she gestured to the carpeted floor next to her and my Mom sank to her knees obediently, Sophia turned on her hip and spread her legs as my Mom buried her face between Sophia's legs with a murmured

"Yes Mistress"

I pulled back silently from the door, choosing discretion as the better part of valour and stealthily made my way back to my room, I had a lot to process, but first I had a raging hard on to deal with. Now post nut clarity is an interesting thing when you're my age, there was a lot to unpack mentally, my maid had hypnotised my Mom into being a sex slave, a sentence that sounded outright absurd even in the confines of my own head, like a plotline for a bad movie or spoof of a magic show, and yet I had seen it myself, the maid had my Mom on her knee's eating her out like a randy teenager. Two things occurred to me at this point, one that going to the police with this story would be a farcical waste of time and two, this presented an opportunity, if I could learn how Sophia did whatever it was she did, maybe I could turn the tables on her, use her power to.... free my Mom of her control... OK I;m no angel, at this point I was definitely thinking about turning them both into my sex puppets but in my defence the Maid started it...

I'm a fairly tech savvy guy, which is to say I'm a bit of a tech nerd, so hooking up a hidden camera in my Mom's room while she was out was pretty much child's play, in fact, I placed 5 cameras in the room networked to my laptop hidden as various objects as well as a number of hidden microphones, I needed to know exactly how Sophia worked her magic, the words ("Induction" was the term I had learned from my online research, its amazing how studious I could be on this side project considering my normal academic applications...) the combination of visual and audio she used to put my Mom into a relaxed suggestible state (again, more late night research) I probably only had one shot to put Sophia under my control, I had to make it count. Sure enough less than a week later I was sat at my desk watching my little camera network as Sophia opened the door to my Mom's room.

It all seemed to innocuous at first, she knocked on the door, asked permission to enter to do some dusting, Mom obviously welcomed her in, the next thing I see is Sophia drawing some off hand attention to a crystal necklace she always seemed to wear, my Mom just seemed to freeze up, starring right at the crystal as Sophia slipped it offer her neck, dangled it loosely from the silver chain, slowly swaying the crystal back and forth, one step at a time closing on my Mom who just seemed to stand their slack jawed as Sophia started up her spiel, slowly but surely dropping her employer into a deep mindless trance, apparently she took great joy in reducing my Mom to the state of a mindless whore, commanding the older woman to slowly strip for her, showing off every inch of her body to a tune only my mother could hear, the slow rotation of her body as she peeled of layers of tight clothes before her tits finally bounced free of her black lace bra, I had to assume Mom had been made to practice the routine as she rand her hands over her naked body in an effort to tease her mistress, Sophia in turn watched as her prideful toy humiliated itself for her amusement touching herself to the site of my mesmerised stripper Mom until finally she ordered her slave to slowly remove Sophia clothes.

My cock threatened to drill a whole through my shorts as I beheld the most erotic show of my life, made all the sweeter that neither participant knew I was watching, eventually Mom finished disrobing Sophia from her restrictive outfit her final act to take the maids lace thong in her teeth and slowly drag it down the perfect olive skin of her long legs, finishing kneeling before her mistress. Sophia commanded her slave to kneel upon the bed and while my Mom moved to obey, she pulled a long doubled ended black rubber length from her bag, first slipping the faux cock into her own aroused sex before approaching the kneeling blonde and proceeding to rail the mesmerised woman for the next 15 minutes (I counted every second) my Mom bucking her hips in silence as the orgasm ripped through her tight body with the slightest forced grunt from her hypnotised body all the while Sophia thrust and smacked her slaves ass till the cheeks glowed a bright red even on the camera, crying out in a mix of Spanish and broken English as she fucked her mesmerised employer.

The problem, of course once had recovered from repeatedly relieving myself and rewatching my little home movie, was in how to proceed with any long term plans, Sophia had obviously conditioned my Mom to drop into a suggestible state a the drop of a hat, or in this case the swing of a crystal, which was unlikely to put Sophia under my control, which for the moment, was the entire point of the exercise. Don't get me wrong, I could watch the buxom Latina domme my Mom until the end of time but there was a nagging moral righteousness buried deep inside that wouldn't stand for having her dominated and demeaned by this other woman, besides, having Sophia kneeling at my feet worshipping my cock, knowing her dominant proclivities just made the whole prospect far more seductive.

Resolving to go ahead with my plan to ensnare and enslave the devious fake maid I simply needed to find alternate way to induce a suggestible state, I leant back in the chair and cracked my knuckles to get ready for a lot more research ahead of me. It turns out the internet is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to researching more.... esoteric subjects. I mean its not like you can google "How to turn your house staff into hypnotised sex slaves" I mean you can... hell I did to start with, it did not lead to a lot of useful information, just a lot of adult videos that if I am honest, paled in comparison to the footage I already had access to. In the end the useful information came more from psychological texts and journals than anywhere else, some rather dubious looking online courses in hypnotherapy for use in dealing with things like smoking or substance abuse, not exactly what I was after but, it got me closer to my objective.

After a further week of research and a rewatch of my home videos enough times I honestly lost count, I had a basic outline for my plan.

1. Get Mom out of the house on the day Sophia was planning to visit

2. Offer Sophia a drink that contained enough of my Moms ground up sleeping pills to knock out a horse


4. Brainwash the Maid into my loyal sex slave

Yes... I know, the plan has some rather important gaps, but stay with me, from what I had learned online putting Sophia in suggestible state could be achieved in a number of ways, in my thoroughness I decided to opt for all of them at once for the maximum chance of success, so there I am, the big day of Operation: Maid to Behave (I'm a geek, sue me) Sophia arrived around 10ish, normal for her to start her "Work Day" and I sweetly explained how Mom had been called into the office for a workplace emergency, this of course was a minor lie, she was in fact dozing off a heavy dose of crushed sleeping pills that I slipped into her protein shake this morning, honestly the stuff is so thick and chemical tasting its like the perfect cover if you want to drug someone, I think Mom was too surprised I;d made the effort to prepare it for her to question why I would have done such a thing.

Luckily my Mom's obsession with trying to stay fit made dragging her dead weight unconscious body up to her bedroom far easier than I had dared to hope. I must have spent a good 10 minutes staring at the sleeping blonde, the swell of her tits pulsing with every deep sleeping breath, it was at this point I realised I had effectively crossed my Rubicon. If things didn't go well today I would have a titanic amount of explaining to do with little to no hope of success, but one last stare at my sleeping Mom overlaid with her face in my memories, slack jawed and dazed, receiving commands like a mindless robot, steeled my resolve.

Sophia seemed disappointed with my mothers absence and I decided not to push as to why she wanted my Mom to be here to watch her clean, no point in tipping my hat, I knew exactly why the devious hypnotist wanted my mother home. She made some attempt at showing to do her job, the occasional dusting, vacuuming, I honestly wasn't in a place to judge her work ethic or her ability to clean a house, but I did notice the slight sheen of sweat developing on her exposed skin despite how revealing her outfit was, before she had arrived I had cranked the thermostat and it was only by dint of sitting very still and wearing a loose pair of shorts and a t shirt that I myself wasn't sweating like a pig even as my heart hammered in my chest, my sacrifice however had the desired effect and in addition to the thin sheen of sweat I could hear the Latina panting with exertion as she began tidying the living room while I sat on the sofa idly surfing through channels.

"Sophia, would you like a glass of cold water?" the question was innocent enough, we rarely shared the same room, let alone spoke to one another, in part due to embarrassment, for hers I guess I wasn't that interesting, though that was about to change, the point is she had little to no reason to suspect me of anything untoward.

"Yes... thank you..." she moped her brow with the back of her hand the satin of her outfit already staining with sweat, I slipped into the kitchen and ran the cold tap while I prepared her drink. Now concealing crushed pills in water is a little more challenging, bubbles as the chemical oxidises you see, telltale sign of a tampered drink. Which is why I Pulled a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge and poured the cold fizzy water over the fine crushed powder that sat in a thin layer at the bottom of the glass.

She took the glass from me gratefully and guzzled the refreshing ice cold water, the ice liquid running down her lips and chin and falling in droplets against her olive skinned breasts, running in rivulets over her sweat sheened skin, she finished the glass and liked her full red lips as the cooling drugged liquid ran down her throat delivering my narcotic payload, a slightly smaller dose than I had given my mother earlier, I wanted the big breasted villainess compliant, not unconscious, she made and effort to continue cleaning for maybe another quarter of an hour before the pills began to take effect, the slow slumping of her shoulders as the drugs began sedating her muscles, she swayed slightly when she walked as her balance started to fail, at one point she reached out to the mantle piece to steady herself, I of course, being the noble gentleman I am, got to my feet to help support her, wrapping my arms possessively around her shoulders to steady her.

"Sophia... are you OK? Do you... do you need to sit down?" I was, at this point, actually concerned for her well being, the pills I had given my Mom had been on her own prescription, but I had no idea of Sophia was in anyway medicated on something that could interfere with my own chemical concoction, her eyes rolled around in her head as she tried to focus on my face mere inches from her own.

"I... yes... I.... I need to...." she trailed off as the words came out in a jumble and I slowly guided her, one step at a time to the cinema room, I had chosen my location to strike well, the cinema room was next tot he living room and the trip despite Sophia's instability, was fairly quick and easy, her addled mind not questioning why of all rooms I had delicately guided her to the cinema room, guiding her to a soft leather seat in the centre of the viewing room and setting her down. The temperature in here was different to the rest of the house, it was kept bitterly cold for the sake of the video equipment, the effect on Sophia was magnificent as her nipples turned to diamond peaks pressing against the tight satin fabric of her outfit and a shiver crossed her body, she sat back, limp in the soft leather seat as I busied myself with stage 2 of my plan, slipping her legs through loops of black bondage rope I had purchased online just for this purpose, securing first her ankles to the bottom of the seat, then spreading her thighs and similarly binding them to immobilise her legs wide and open, I bound her wrists to the armrests and finally with the final length wrapped gently around her neck and slipped over the back of the chair to secure her gaze toward the 150" mounted TV screen that served as the cinema rooms focal point, Sophia groaned and slurred throughout my efforts to bind her but she hadn't the mental concentration to understand what I was doing, or the motor control to stop me.