Major Arcana: Sex, Love, and Tarot


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"I get a single, since I'm an RA. Roommate days are behind me, thank God," said Fabricio, wheeling inside. "Come on in."

Rosemary stepped gingerly into his space. It looked like him, actually. Her heart thumped faster as she entered. It felt unexpectedly intimate, standing here with him.

For a while they didn't talk. Fabricio just looked at her, waiting. She chewed her lower lip, not sure how to begin.

"So," he said finally, "You mentioned something about an apology...?"

"Oh! Yeah. Um..." Rosemary's brain felt like mush. Bidding for time, she gestured weakly to the desk chair. "May I sit down?"

"Go ahead. I am," he said, chuckling again. She laughed nervously in response.

"Listen, I don't really know what happened last night. I wasn't behaving like myself. At least, not my best self. Now that I think back on it, I'm not even sure exactly what I said..."

"Something along the lines of you're seeing somebody else," Fabricio interjected. The bitterness in his voice was evident. "Then I said he'd turn out to be an asshole, and you got all mad and told me to stop insulting your boyfriend."

Rosemary groaned and raised her hands to cover her face. "I didn't really say 'my boyfriend,' did I?"

"Pretty sure you did."

"Oh my god." She shook her head, angry at herself for overreacting. From now on, whenever I think about The Tower, I'm gonna remember how stupid I acted! It's a damn long way to fall. "Fabricio, I am truly sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"Well, I did insult him. Though I don't know the guy."

"He's not my boyfriend."

Fabricio's eyebrows rose. "Really. Does he know that?"

"I think so... I'm not sure... I don't know. We haven't really talked about it."

"Okay..." Fabricio tapped his fingers on his knee for several moments, before saying, "So are you single, or not?"

Rosemary sighed. "I wish I knew the answer to that question."

"Do you want to be single?"


"Well, like I said, I'm right here." He spread his hands in an appealing gesture, fixing her with a crooked grin to indicate his joke. After last night, though, Rosemary knew how serious he was behind the humor. She smiled back, grateful for his forgiveness.

"I know. But I can't agree to anything yet. Because I am seeing someone else. Just, I don't know yet what it is, if we're exclusive, or where it's going, or what."

"And you want to keep me on the back burner, just in case things don't work out with Mr. Perfect, is that it?"

"No! Oh my god, it sounds awful when you put it that way."

"But that is what you're doing. You know that, right?"

Rosemary's cheeks blazed with shame. His criticism was spot-on. She wasn't willing to give up the possibility of something with him, knowing all the things they had in common, how well they hit it off... not to mention how much he wanted her. Yet at the same time, she had to know where things stood with Josh. The chariot driver might know where he's going, but I don't feel like I'm steering my own ride, these days!

"I guess I am," she admitted. It was one of the hardest things she'd ever said. "If you tell me to go to hell, I wouldn't blame you."

He studied her thoughtfully, his eyes boring into hers. Rosemary was certain he could see her shame, and her uncertainty. But could he also see her confusion, her hope, her true desire? If he can, he's got better eyes than me!

"I don't want you to go to hell," he said. "But if you want me to stick around and wait for you to figure this out, I do have some conditions."

That got her attention. "What conditions?"

"Come 'ere." He patted his lap, flashing an irresistible smile.

Rosemary hesitated. "Seriously?" she asked. "That won't... hurt you?"

He only chuckled. "Not unless you're gonna sumo smash me. But you weigh, what, 110 pounds wet? Sit down."

Still uncertain, she perched on the flattest part of his thighs, trying to distribute her weight so it wouldn't put pressure on any one spot. He waited patiently while she arranged herself. Rosemary felt silly, since clearly he was unconcerned. At last, setting her hands in her lap, she lifted her eyes to his. She felt shy, all of a sudden, sitting on his lap. It seemed closer, somehow, than she had been with Josh; even though he'd been naked, inside her, and she and Fabricio were separated by clothes and several inches between their chests.

With casual ease, Fabricio wrapped his arms around her waist. He held her lightly. It would have been easy to pull away, but she didn't.

"Okay now?" he asked.

She nodded.

"So, here's my conditions: first, if you ever want to change our situation -- like, if you decide to go exclusive with Mr. Perfect -- you have to tell me so. Okay?"


"Next, you need to stop acting all weird."

"I'll try."

"And you need to be honest. However you're feeling, whatever you're worried about, just say it."

"I'll do my best with that one, too."

"Now the fun conditions," he said, grinning, pulling her a little closer in his lap. "So long as you don't want to be single, and you aren't exclusive with anybody else, I'm happy to hang out on your back burner. But I expect to be getting more than 'art geek time' out of it."

"What do you want to get out of it?" she asked, nervously.

"This." Before she had the chance to react, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

The kiss went straight to her head. Beneath his soft, supple mouth, her lips parted of their own accord. He didn't use his tongue, but coaxed her with his lips. She began to relax into the kiss, letting him guide her. It was sweet, but also hot. Rosemary felt delicious butterflies rising in her belly as her lips warmed beneath his. When he pulled away she sighed, wishing it wasn't over.

"Was that okay?" he whispered.

"Yes." Rosemary's voice was breathy. Actually it had been more than okay. It had been great. Her lips tingled from his touch. She wanted more.

"Good." Fabricio grinned. "Because so long as you're not exclusive with anybody, I see no reason why we can't mess around. Never know where that might lead..."


When she got home Rosemary did two things. First she fired up her laptop, logged into the dating site, and cancelled her profile. I've got enough man problems in my life right now. Definitely don't need to be adding any more! Sorry, guys, she thought, as she deleted the few other message conversations she'd started. I'm good with Josh and Fabricio for now. Two is already one too many.

Second, she sat down at the canvas she'd started earlier. It was just a wash of background color, bright blends capturing her mood, darker corners to add shadowy texture. Now she began another layer. Abstract circles appeared, layered one over the other like a pile of coins. As she painted, Rosemary let her intuition guide her. Her conscious mind quieted, letting her creativity through without a filter. It was only later, when she set aside her brush, that she truly looked at the painting.

She'd made wheels. Bold, golden wheels, with shining spokes and round, strong hubs. Wheels like The Chariot. Wheels like those on Fabricio's chair.

Chapter 9: The Magician

Rosemary loved sleeping in on Saturdays. She lolled in bed, thoughts wandering happily, as she enjoyed the laziness of the morning. When her phone buzzed with a text, she groaned with regret as she rolled over to read it.

"Be there at 10."

From Josh, of course. Rosemary hadn't forgotten their plan for the weekend, but with the memory of Fabricio's kiss still sweetly on her lips, it hadn't been at the forefront of her mind. Things with both these guys are getting more and more confusing. Checking her clock, she saw that it was already 9:25.

"OK," she texted back.

In a hurry, she selected a pretty sundress -- after glancing outside to confirm that, in fact, there were no clouds; unusual for Seattle, but it was spring after all -- and a light sweater. She brushed her hair back in a sleek ponytail, dabbed on some lip gloss, and was good to go. It was only 9:40, so Rosemary made herself a quick cup of tea and sat down with the bag of Tarot cards. Curious to know what energy she could expect from the day, she reached inside and drew one out.

The Magician wasn't an old, gray-bearded man in a pointy hat. He was young, handsome and clean-shaven, dressed in Roman-style robes. The infinity sign hung in the air above his head, like a sideways 8, and on the table before him were laid three of the four Tarot symbols: a cup, a sword, and a disc. He held the fourth -- a wand -- upraised in his hand.

"The Magician, huh?" Rosemary murmured to herself. "Wonder what he's all about."

Then her phone vibrated. Josh, saying he'd arrived. Leaving the card on the table, she downed the last swallow of her tea, grabbed her purse, and was out the door. Firmly, she pushed a flash of guilt away. Fabricio had sprung into her mind again, but Rosemary would not let herself think about him during her date with Josh. One at a time, she told herself, sternly.

"Hey," Josh said, pinning her with that megawatt smile as she slipped into the car.

"Hi," she breathed.

Still smiling, he leaned over and gave her a quick, deep kiss. His tongue swished out, occupied her mouth, and left her with a sensuous flick. Josh kissed like a man who'd had a lot of practice, and God knows practice makes perfect. The Picasso of kissers, she thought, dreamily, as he pulled back from her at last.

"Good you see you again, Rosie," he said then.

"You too."

"Up for an adventure? I've got lunch waiting at my place, and then something special for tonight."

"Something special?"

"Yeah, and it's a surprise, so you'll have to wait to find out." Glancing over with twinkling eyes, he added, "Got to keep up the suspense, or you'll forget you promised me the whole day."

"Oh, I didn't forget." In truth, she'd been thinking about little else... except for the times she was thinking about Fabricio instead. There he went, barging into her mind again.

Josh started driving, turning on the radio at the first red light. A poppy tune came out, one of last summer's 2015 hits. Rosemary recognized the trumpets right away: it was "Cheerleader," by OMI. She'd never paid too much attention to the lyrics before -- typical dance music, so the words weren't the point -- but this time a certain line stood out:

"'Cause I'm the wizard of love,

And I've got the magic wand..."

When she heard that, Rosemary couldn't contain a burst of laughter. Josh glanced over at her, bemused, but she just shook her head, grinning privately. Wow, she thought. I know Tarot can't foresee the future, but seriously? That's more than a coincidence! Or maybe I'm just more aware of it, since seeing The Magician this morning... Chuckling again, she thought, the wizard of love, more like. And he does have a magic wand. Can't wait to have it in me again...

The ride was so smooth in Josh's swishy sports car, they were in his neighborhood before she knew it. Looking out the window, Rosemary noticed some old Ballard landmarks on Market street. Once a staid village of Scandinavian immigrants and local industries -- complete with grizzled Norwegian fishermen, Swedish bakeries, and Nordic heritage parades -- the area had morphed into a hipster enclave. Now, tall apartment buildings sprouted everywhere like cubic mushrooms, effectively erasing Ballard's old-world charm.

Josh lived in one of those new Ballard apartments: square and rather ugly on the outside, but all smooth, crisp modernity. Totally new... and quite expensive. After parking, Josh led her up to the top floor and opened the door into a spacious one-bedroom. As she walked in, Rosemary was met by a gorgeous view over the water. There was the Fisherman's Terminal, professional fishing boats at moorage, a few casual sailors out for the day, and the bridge heading off into the distance. The sun sparkled on the waves, making the water look like gold.

"Wow," she said, in admiration, "That's quite a view!"

"Not as good as the one I have right now."

She turned to see him staring pointedly at her ass. Feeling flirty, she gave it a little shake before turning back to the window. Josh walked up behind her, slipped his hands around her hips, and kissed her lightly at the base of her neck. Rosemary sighed, tilting her head to offer more to him.

"So," she murmured, enjoying the moment, "What did you have planned for lunch?"

"Hmm...." His voice trailed off into kisses, until finally he stepped back. Rosemary's skin tingled with abandonment.

"I've got something ready to throw together. It's..." he walked over to the kitchen counter and picked up a shiny laminated recipe card. "Sweet & spicy crisped cod with udon noodles in soy-yuzu sauce."

"Really?" Her voice was wry, on the edge of a giggle.

Josh gave her what passed for a bashful grin. "It's one of those grocery delivery services, you know? They send the ingredients and recipes every week. Saves me a trip to the Safeway."

"Which is just across the street," Rosemary added, teasing.

He had the good grace to laugh about it. "True, but I'm not much of a cook on my own. Following a recipe is fine, though, when everything's already all measured and there's instructions. With pictures."

Rosemary laughed, shaking her head. Feeling the lightness of the moment, Josh sidled over and wrapped his arms around her waist again.

"This way," he said, "I can make delicious meals for beautiful women, right here at home. Kitchen's here and bedroom's... right over there."

He lifted his eyebrow at the hallway, where Rosemary saw one door ajar. His forwardness put her slightly on defensive. Just how many beautiful women has he cooked for here, exactly? Then, thinking briefly of Fabricio again, she pushed that thought down. Hardly fair for me to be thinking about that, when I've got a cute young guy waiting -- as he said -- on the back burner. Rosemary wondered whether she should tell Josh that she was kind of dating somebody else, but he was already leaning in, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "So, can I interest you in an appetizer?"

Barely had she nodded before Josh whisked her off into the bedroom. Rosemary didn't have time to admire the clean lines of his modern furniture, or the tasteful abstract painting over his bed, because he threw her flat across his mattress. Her skirt was up above her hips in seconds; his hands deliberately pulled her panties down.

"Damn, Rosie, you look so good, you make my mouth water."

Then he was between her legs, sucking on her clit, and she stopped thinking about anything at all. Josh was an absolute master. He brought her to the edge, licked her down, and carried her up again, holding her captive under his mouth until she begged for release. When he finally gave it to her, Rosemary's legs were shaking, chest heaving with the intensity of restraint. The orgasm cut her limbs loose, leaving her quivering, weak from the power of it. She moaned, unable to speak; pleasure made her muscles feel as if they weighed a ton.

Josh rose up, smiling. He wiped his chin on the sheets and brought himself above her, slipping his tongue between her lips. He tasted like her pussy, and Rosemary moaned into his mouth, loving the tangy flavor.

"You make a pretty good appetizer," she said at last, still fuzzy in pleasure's aftermath.

He chuckled. "So I've been told. But the main course is even better..."

At that, he ground his hips slowly against her. Rosemary felt his erection rub between her legs, and shivered. Her inner muscles clenched with need for more, wanting him inside.

"Not yet," she managed to say. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she pushed him back so she could sit up. Josh resisted for a moment, but finally obeyed. The look in Rosemary's eyes was heavy with meaning as she added, "First it's your turn."

With Josh seated on the bed, she got down between his knees. He watched with concentration as she reached for the zipper on his jeans. His straining cock burst out the moment she undid the button. The zipper was practically pushed down of its own accord as she peeled back his jeans to release him. Josh groaned as she took hold of his boxer waistband and deftly tugged it over his erection. He was so hard, his cock sprang up, slapping him in the belly before she took it in her fist. Rosemary tucked the boxers underneath his balls, lifting them gently into her other hand. She licked her lips, bent down, and sucked him deep.

Josh's hands went around her head, tangling in her hair as he threw his head back in a helpless moan. Smiling around his cock, Rosemary worked it as she best knew how. And I know I give a good blowjob... She tasted precum on her tongue as she swirled around his swollen tip. Dipping around it, she flicked her tongue against the sensitive place beneath, where the head joined the shaft, before dipping down again to take him into her throat. His balls jumped in her hand, and she knew he was loving this.

"Aw, fuck," he swore. "Fuck, baby, I'm going to come soon."

She nodded, humming assent. But Josh's grip on her head grew stronger, pulling her back. With a small cry of protest, she withdrew, about to argue, to tell him it was okay to come in her mouth. He didn't even seem to be looking at her, though; Josh's eyes were glazed with lust, and he was staring at his dick.

Grabbing it in one hand, he mumbled, "Gotta have my money shot," as he came all over her face.

Rosemary closed her eyes instinctively, though her mouth was wide open in shock. Bursts of cum spurted over her cheeks, her lips, her eyelids. Dripping down her neck, into the dip between her breasts. Briefly, she worried that it might stain her dress. But she couldn't move -- he was holding her hard, painting her with his cum, groaning with release. When finally the last squirt hit her, he removed his shaking hand from her hair. She wiped the corners of her eyes, feeling the slippery-smooth liquid there. Rosemary opened them slowly, blinking away lingering drops of cum from her lashes.

Clarity gradually came back into Josh's eyes. Looking down at her with affection, he tilted her chin and pressed a long, satisfied kiss to her lips.

"That was so fucking hot, baby. Thank you," he said. Then, as he stood and buttoned his jeans, he gestured to a door in the back wall of the bedroom. "Bathroom's over there. I'll get our lunch started."

With that he left her, kneeling on the floor, her whole face dripping with cum.


She came out, face pink from rinsing, the neckline of her dress damp. He'd covered her with an astounding quantity of cum, and it had taken almost a quarter hour to get cleaned up. When she came out into the kitchen Josh was whistling, pushing the crispy fish around in the frying pan, and checking boiling water for the noodles. He turned, smiling, when she emerged.

"Welcome back gorgeous," he said, handing her a glass of white wine.

Rosemary accepted it, smiled with her mouth closed, and took a sip. She debated whether she should say anything. Such as: you might have asked before coming all over my face! It was one thing to have him paint her body with his semen; her face was altogether another thing. But the wine was light, fresh, and tasty. Lunch smelled wonderful, and Josh looked perfectly content. She decided to let it lie.

They ate, finished the whole bottle of Chardonnay, and by the time Josh opened his fridge and brought out mini cheesecakes for dessert, Rosemary liked him again. So he's into dirty sex; whatever, I can handle that. Hell, I like it. I'm pretty dirty, too; I just don't like being surprised. Over dessert, she began testing the waters.
