Marci's a Star


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"Man this place is notorious!" He said as he climbed into my car. "Every player in town comes to this place." I handed him a couple of hundred dollar bills.

"She's with a big bald headed guy." I said adding that she was wearing a black dress. "I don't want to cause too much suspicion so if you'd just call me every once in a while and let me know what's going on I'd appreciate it."

"No problem man! My phones got a camera on it so if I get a chance I'll get some pictures and email them to you."

"Thanks for the bucks man but you don't have to!" He said as he started to get out of the car.

"Just have a good time and let me know what's going on." I said.

Twenty minutes later I got the first call.

"Man they're in the VIP section and he's all over her. They even spotlighted her as Brother's and Babes newest sensation. Shit the whole club was cheering her. They asked her on stage but she said maybe later. I'll let you know. They're knocking back some champagne though." I made some notes knowing that we could subpoena the Disk Jock if we had to.

"Thanks man! Hang in there." I said About twenty minutes later he called back. "Man she went on stage and did a striptease. When'd she get the tat man! And her hair!" He was obviously excited to see her on stage.

"Whoa, slow down man. She did a strip tease! Did she leave anything on." I asked

"Yeah! She left her g-string on. She's busy autographing copies of her movies. They gave ten away as door prizes." He said. "Every guy who got one must have copped a feel! I got some great shots with my phone camera."

"I guess we know what product she was selling tonight!" I thought to myself.

She's backing the VIP section with the big dude and a couple of the brothers who own the place. They're all over her. Wait... hold on...." He paused and I heard some scratchy sounds over the earpiece.

"Oh fuck, she goin down on one of the dudes right there in the booth. Oh shit! I'll call you back I gotta get some pictures." The line went dead.

I don't suppose any of this surprised me, but I couldn't believe my wife had become such a black cock whore that she would actually be stripping and giving head to someone in public. About ten minutes later Ted came back to the car. I unlocked the door and let him in.

"Man, I hate to tell you she's a slut!" She was fucking the guy she came with while she blew the other two guys right there in the booth. Just after that they got up and walked back to the offices."

"I hope you got pictures!" I said.

"Damn straight!" all sent to your email.

"Thanks buddy!" I said. "I owe you big time."

"No problem. Hell I enjoyed watching." He said as he got out of my car. "I'll talk to you later!" He said as we both drove off.

I drove the rental car back to the mall and picked up my truck before heading to the house. I got back to the house about 11:15 p.m. Marci came in shortly after midnight. I feigned sleep.

Part Five

Once again I followed my 'normal' routine. Marci was out light a light and I don't think she stirred the whole time I was showering or getting dressed. I didn't bother telling he I was leaving as I walked out of the house and drove to the mall to retrieve the rental car. Once again, I decided I would have breakfast and figure out what I needed to do.

Marci's infidelity was pretty well documented. I needed to see the pictures Ted was able to get from the club last night, download them, and put all of my photos into an album. The copy of which would make a nice parting gift for her.

Marci was from the heartland and the youngest of six kids. Her Mom and Dad were still alive and owned a corn farm and raised pigs in a rural state setting. She had been raised in a strict religious environment though we rarely went to church after we started college. I knew the divorce would devastate her parents, but the movies, magazines, and my photo album would be enough to ensure her banishment from the family.

Coupled with the fact that I was going to throw her out of the house, I was pretty sure that she wouldn't have many options other than sticking with her black men. That meant that she would probably stay in the city. I didn't want to remain.

I decided that I would sell the house and move out of town as soon as possible. Though it meant starting over, I could at least make enough off the house to have the down payment on a new place wherever I decided to settle. I debated keeping anything as far as household items, reasoning that it would only keep her presence in my life and I wanted to wash my hands of the damned bitch.

I went to a bookstore back at the mall and spent a couple of hours reading about different places and thinking about where I would move. About ten-thirty my cell phone rang. It was my boss from work.

"Hey George! What's up?" I was expecting him to ask me about something he needed from the office.

"I just thought I should tell you that Marci called me looking for you. She said she had been trying to get you here at the office and that she kept getting you voice mail. I told her I had sent you to the plant to review some stuff they had going on over there."

"Thanks George. I appreciate that!" I'll give her a call." Pausing I continued. "I might pop back into the office for a little bit this morning and use the computer if it's ok with you. I'll just check on a few things and make sure everything's going ok."

"No problem, everything is fine here. How's it going with you?" He asked.

"I'm ok George. This thing is going to work out I think. I'm really surprised at what I've been finding out about her." I said

"Yeah! Rumors are flying through the office. I'm sorry Mike. They're not to complimentary even if one percent of them are true."

"Well, just between you and me, they probably are!" I confirmed. "She's a royal bitch!"

"Jezzz... if there's anything I can do let me know!" He said as I walked out of the office and back to my desk. I sat down and called my home. The phone rang almost eight times before Marci answered.

"Hello!" I heard her say slightly out of breath.

"Hi Honey, just thought I'd give you a call. You O.K? .You sound out of breath!" I said. There was music playing in the background.

"I'm O.K.. I just slept late and I don't feel so good this morning. My tummy's a little upset I guess so I'm takin it easy. What time will you be home?" It seemed as if she was pausing between every other word out of her mouth and I wondered if she was being fucked by her black lovers as we talked.

"I'm sorry. I won't be home till late. I'm gonna go out with the guys tonight for a few beers!"

"OK, no problem. I'll see you when you get home." We talked for a minute or two longer. At the end of our conversation I swear I could have heard her moan, forcing me to once again contain my anger as I left the office and went back to the rental car. I was going to go by the house and see if my imagination was correct.

Sure enough, there were three cars parked either in front of my house or in the driveway. All of them were 'pimped out' to one degree or another. I parked three doors down and began to watch the house.

After about thirty minutes two black guys I had never seen before walked out of the house and got into one of the cars. They were laughing and carrying on as if they were just having a great time. They backed out of the driveway and went in the opposite direction. No sooner did they leave than another car pulled up and parked in my spot in the driveway. Four of the meanest looking black guy's I had ever seen exited the car, each carrying a quart sized bottle of beer. They walked up to the door and knocked. I don't know who opened the door but it wasn't my wife, and they all went in.

Twenty minutes later two other guys walked out and got into the car parked in front of my house and left only to be replaced by yet another pair of black men who drove up behind them.

It was pretty apparent that Marci was 'entertaining'! The whole sight was making me not only ache with pain inside, it was depressing me, so I decided I'd seen enough. I put the car in gear and left, slowly driving by the house.

"She's having a god damned gangbang session!" I thought to my self. "I'm glad it's Thursday so I only have to put up with her cheating ways only one more day!"

I stayed gone till about ten-thirty that night. Marci was still up watching television when I walked in the door. The house smelled of smoke and stale beer thought she had obviously tried to mask the odor with room spray. I pretended not to notice as I walked over and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hi honey! I hope you're feeling better!" I said as I sat down next to her on the couch. She was sipping hot tea and was dressed in an oversized tee shirt she used sometimes as a nightgown.

"A little!" She said. "Did you have a good time with the guys?"

"Ah! You know same ol stuff with them. They were all headed over to Ted's to watch some porn. I really wasn't interested so I blew um off and decided to come home. I've been really busy at work. They've had me going and coming back and forth to the new treatment plant. Besides, we don't spend enough time together anyway. How about you, what did you do today?" I took her hand in mind and looked over at her already knowing what she really did.

"I was here all day. Maurice came by and went over some stuff that's coming up. They're starting up a new office in Austin and I may have to go down there for a couple of days to train some of the people down there. But it won't be for a while so we'll see." I got up from the sofa.

"I've gotta go pee! I'll be right back. You need anything?" I said as I started down the hallway to the bathroom. As I turned on the light and lifted the seat to the toilet I happened to glance down at the trash can. While it was full of Kleenex there were also a couple of brightly colored objects in the pile as well. I finished, flushed the toilet and turned on the water in the sink to mask the sound of me going through the trash. I couldn't believe it. It was a pregnancy test kit. I looked and the strip and it was confirming a pregnancy. There were also a couple of condom wrappers mixed in with the used Kleenex. I stuffed the pregnancy kit and the condom wrappers in my pocket, turned off the water and started back to the living room.

No wonder Marci had an 'upset' stomach. Hell, she was pregnant and since the baby couldn't be mine, the odds of it being black were pretty good. These items would be welcome additions to my collection of incriminating evidence against her. All I could do was smile. The bitch is going to get it in 'spades' I thought.

I walked back out to the living room and sat down next to her. She was extremely quiet and withdrawn as I put my arm around her.

"I'm sorry you don't feel well." I said. I reached over and put my hand on her tummy, rubbing her flat stomach. "Maybe you should go to the doctor."

"I'll be ok." She said. "I think I'm just tired."

"Then it's off to bed with you young lady!" I said as I took her hand and stood up. "I've got a big day tomorrow too and don't you have to work tomorrow night?" She got up and walked with me to the bedroom. I took off my clothes.

"Yeah, but I think I'm going to sleep in." She said as we crawled into bed and turned off the lights. "Mike!" she said as she lay next to me on her side. "Mike I..." she paused.

"What honey?" I said rolling over to face her. Tears were rolling down her eyes.

"We need to talk about our lives and where we're going." She confided as she put her hand on my arm and began rubbing against me.

"Sure honey!" I said trying to sound empathetic. "Did I do something or what's wrong?" I was trying to draw her out as I wondered if she really didn't want to tell me about her activities.

"Not tonight! It's late and I don't feel well. Maybe this weekend?"

"Aw come on honey!" I said as I pulled her close to me. "Now you've got me worried!"

"I'm sorry!" She said. "It's just that we haven't been spending enough time together and I know it's because of my job and working nights, and well..." there was a long pause before she continued. "I... I really do love you Mike."

"Look!" I said. "Is it your job? You could quit and find something else if you want. We're ok without you working. I just want you to be happy!"

"No, no it's not that easy. I... I guess I really do like my job. I just hate the hours. You work days and I'm working nights and therefore we never see each other. I don't know... I just feel like... I just want to spend some time figuring out where we're going with our life together."

My mind was racing. I couldn't tell whether she was trying to get us closer or whether she was trying to say we were heading in opposite directions (which obviously we were) and we should split up. I really didn't know what to tell her and pondered telling her all that I knew. I didn't say anything for a minute or two.

"Look, you're sick and tired. This weekend there will be time to think about things!" I finally said. "Let's get some sleep O.K." I could see her nodding her head up and down against the pillow.

"OK!" she said. "I do love you Mike!"

"Shuuu... " I said. "You sleep baby! Things are gonna work out the way they will!" I hoped I had said the right thing as I didn't want to let my anger out right then. "You need to sleep." I kissed her on the cheek has she closed her eyes and started off to dreamland. Chapter Six

She never came back to the house after our confrontation at the adult store on Friday night. On Saturday morning the locksmith came and changed all the locks to the place as I packed her clothes and boxed up some of the personal things that were hers. I cancelled all of the credit cards we shared and I stored her stuff in the garage. I can't say that it was easy to do. Several times I wondered if I shouldn't have just finished it that night she wanted to talk.

The Friday night confrontation went as planned, though I really didn't get as much satisfaction out of it as I thought I would. Funny, she never said a word until I threatened to send copies of all the pictures and movies to her parents in Nebraska. The big black guy, Maurice her boss was beaming, though I could tell he wanted to beat the shit out of me. The feeling was mutual as far as I was concerned.

I went back to work on Monday, pulling everything out of the bank and opening a new account at a different one. By the following Friday I was pretty well into the single living routine. Over the next week, I stopped getting mail for her and the lawyer called and said he had receive back the signed papers from her agreeing to everything I had asked for. He said she would have someone come by and pick up her things and they would call before they came. I guess my threats and evidence worked.

Ninety days later, the final divorce decree was issued. I spent five minutes in the judges' chambers with my lawyer. Marci was there with Maurice and we never said a word to one another. She was a totally different person than the woman I had originally married. She didn't look pregnant so who knows what the story there is.

To this day I've never seen one of her porn movies, though Ted tells me she is now a mega-star in the X-rated world. He said she even has her own line of adult products and clothes. I guess she's hit the big time which is alright with me. I don't hate her, I just never want to see her again.

I sold the house and bought another one in a small suburb north of here. I enjoy spending time in my back yard and by the pool. Once a week I still get together with the guys, though our group is dwindling in numbers. It seems they're all getting married, raising kids, or maybe just getting to old for boy's night out.

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timrivtimrivabout 1 month ago

Would like a chapter telling Marci’s side of the story, She had said she loved her husband so why was she doing what she was doing. She seemed to have gone overboard. Was she being coerced? Did she really want to do the things she was doing? Was she drugged? Blackmailed?

mfbridgesmfbridges2 months ago

I guess when you cheat as badly as that, there really isn't any denying it.

TotosRevengeTotosRevenge2 months ago

Very weak ending.

papabernonpapabernon4 months ago

Not a bad story. But I'm afraid that I could have never, have held my anger like this guy did. Because the moment I saw that fresh tattoo of Africa on her Shoulder, I would have exploded. Grabbing her by her hair and pulling her in to the bathroom while pulling off the tattoo Wrap. Then grabbing a bottle of Peroxide, and slowly poured it all over the tat, and after using the whole bottle, and the Bubbling slowed down, showing white burnt skin. I would have started in with a bottle of bleach next. When I was done the tat would be one green, red and black blob mess of a tattoo, Completely Unrecognizable. While she's crying Hysterically, she ask why did you Ruin my tattoo? Because I know what it stands for slut. And with that mess on your Shoulder you'll never be a porn star anymore. Now go tell your lover that he can keep you now. Maybe he can still turn you out for tricks.

fishgetterfishgetter10 months ago

1* and that is for TRYING. Total wipe out with the ending. It could have been a good one, but.......!

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