Marisol: Passion in Bloom


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As soon as he voiced those sentiments, Tom immediately felt he might've insinuated too much. He pursed his lips tightly together as he chastised himself for letting his feelings take control. It was his turn to fear that he'd done something wrong.

But, Mari didn't seem to think so. Unable to catch her breath at first, and feeling like the planet had tilted on its axis, she fell against him and breathed heavily as she asked, "Like what, my bold knight? What other services are you offering your lady?" She was trying to regain her ability to verbally spar with him, but her rising emotions were making it difficult indeed. Passion was growing steadily within her, and she wanted to experience so much with him. She wasn't thinking about sex so much as possibly some smoldering kisses, or his hands caressing her body. Yes, sensual touching and kissing. How wonderful that would be! Under this bright moon, these voyeuristic stars!

Tom moved closer now. Easily, three quarters of the length of their bodies - from calves to shoulders - were in contact. Those contact points seemed to tingle. Tom put his arms around her, his hands caressing the base of her spine, just above her buttocks. The soft touch made her again move into him. At that move, Tom's hands grabbed her more firmly, pulling her to him. He looked into her eyes, his lips parting ever so slightly as they came closer and closer.

"I offer my lady any services that would please her - anything that would make her feel worshipped and adored. I live to please you, and no other." His lips were mere inches from hers. The warm words washed over her, seeped into her already reeling brain. Oh, my, if only it were true. If only...

Passion threatened to burst to the surface. As badly as Mari wanted that, she resisted. She felt the need to divert the inevitable. She knew that if she kissed him right then and there, she would indeed be sleeping with him almost immediately. She would squeeze him against her body and they'd be naked and making love in seconds. She needed control. She needed to slow things down, no matter how badly she wanted to let them run their course.

Gasping, Mari pushed Tom back a few tiny inches and said, "Well, how do I know you're not all talk, my rogueish knight? Many men lavish women with promises to get what they want, and then fail to come through on them. Why should I believe you're any different?"

Mari could see that Tom was disappointed with the untimely demise of their imminent kiss. But, he knew she was right. He could very well have been saying whatever she wanted to hear, just to get her naked and in his arms. But that wasn't Tom's style. He didn't make promises he didn't keep. Besides, he thoroughly enjoyed pampering a woman, spoiling her with sensual delights and physical pleasuring - and not just in the various incarnations of the sex act, either. He knew he'd have to prove his intentions to her.

Tom took on the look of a man with a mission. Mari could see him reeling in his emotions - and she wondered instantly if she'd made an enormous blunder - and coming to a conclusion.

"What did you buy today?" Tom said suddenly, standing up straight, forcing his yearning mouth away from Mari's.

"Excuse me?" Mari said, surprised by the question, and staggered a little by the suddenness of his move away from her. Those moist lips retreating from hers caused a cold shudder of disappointment to replace the growing heat of just moments ago.

"What did you buy today - at the mall?" Tom's lips moved, holding her attention, but they didn't move where she wanted them to, nor for the correct purpose.

"Why on Earth would you want to know THAT?" she asked, incredulous.

"Well, I want to prove to you that I really can't wait to pamper and spoil you. You seem to think I'm just after sex, and I'm going to show you I'm not. I'm serious about giving you a massage, and any other form of pampering you might enjoy."

"But, what's that got to do with my mall purchases?"

"I was just thinking that you probably bought yourself some decadently delicious personal products to spoil yourself with, right?"

She laughed, "So, what if I did?"

"Well, maybe there's something in your bags that you can let ME spoil you with, instead of doing it yourself. Maybe that way I can prove to you that I want to make you feel good in ways that don't involve sex."

Mari thought about that for a second, and then laughed, knowing full well what was in her shopping bags.

"Well, I did buy a items today. But, I'm not sure they're the kinds of things YOU could help pamper me with." But, even as she said that, she knew she was wrong. Her mind had already begun spinning wonderful little fantasy vignettes, where Tom used each and every product in her cache to spoil her rotten to the core.

"Great," Tom said, smiling, "then show them to me and let's see if I can't use them to make you feel like pampered royalty."

"Fine," Mari smirked, "but I left the bag in the living room. Shall we get it and see what work you have in store for you, kind sir?" She could barely keep from laughing.

"Of course, Milady. Please, let's off to the living room, that I might discover how hard I'm to work in your service tonight."

Tom led the way back to the living room. Mari was just about giggling aloud as she thought about what was in her bags. She wondered just how far Tom was willing to go with this. Upon reaching the living room, she would find out that Tom was a man of his word. She would be pleasantly surprised about many things. And her ability to resist her passionate nature would again be put to the test.

"All right, Sir Knight," Mari said with a chuckle as she found and opened her bags, "let's see how far you're willing to go to make your lady feel adored and worshipped. Let's see what we have in these overflowing bags, shall we?"

Sitting on the living room's long, luxurious sofa, Mari pulled item after item out of the bags, her eyes twinkling mischievously at Tom as she revealed each one.

"Let's see. We have two loofah sponges, bath oil, shampoo and conditioner, body splash and body lotion, a new razor and cream, some...uh....massage oils - keep those in mind, sir - a new negligee and matching panties," she blushed, "some body powder, a new hairbrush, a pair of sexy slippers, foot cream, deodorant, perfume, foaming bath flakes and three bottles of nail polish and one of remover. Now, aside from the massage oils, of what use are those other items to your plans for me tonight?" Even as she asked that question, her mind bolted ahead to numerous possibilities. But, she never in a million years expected Tom to be of similar inclination... or, did she?

"Wow," Tom said, after hearing the list and seeing the items first hand, "that's incredible."

"Well," Mari asked, "what are you going to do now, Sir Knight? - bathe me and paint my nails?" She started to laugh, quickly covering her mouth and trying not to allow the sudden outburst to reach snort level.

"I would be honored to do both of those things, if you'd let me," Tom replied quietly, his eyes looking at her as if in some happy daze.

Mari stopped laughing, a delightful shudder morphing the giggles into sighs. She looked at him, unbelievingly. "Oh my God, Tom, you're not serious! I mean, a massage would be lovely, but...a bath?" She shivered gleefully at the thought. "You'd paint my nails?" She looked at her fingers and realized they could use a new coat, then looked at Tom as if he were the Messiah. She was beside herself, imagining this cute fellow giving her a sensual bath, massaging her, painting her nails. And then it hit her. Something else sensually delicious. "What about my hair? Would you wash my hair for me?" Her eyes widened, brimming with hope.

"Of course I would," he answered, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a man to do for a woman. "Hey, why not? You SAID we'd have a lot of time to kill before we watched the sunrise together. So, why not?"

Mari was nearly squealing like a kid now. "So, which are you going to do? Wash my hair?"

"Well, why not all of them."

"All? You're kidding, right?" As sudden as a snake's hungry lunge, Mari's blood rushed headlong down between her legs. Her brain thus being undernourished, she instantly felt lightheaded. Again, Tom had an angelic glow around him.

"Not at all," Tom replied, as if it were all the most logical path in the world for them to follow, "We've got several hours before sunrise. I can give you a massage, give you a nice, soothing bath, and then paint your nails for you. Oh, yeah, and wash your hair, too. Why not? A lady deserves to be pampered. Especially a lady as lovely as you, Mari. You just honest to God DESERVE it. So, why not let me try to make you feel special? C'mon, Mari, I know I can make you feel incredible, if you'll just give me the chance." His eyes actually PLEADED with her.

Mari's brain turned to mush. She saw that Tom was serious, and her mind was picturing the entire erotic scenario frame by frame. She was in awe. She'd only dreamed of things like this before. Her ex had rarely touched her, even in a sexual way, and here some man was willing to pamper her as if she were the Queen of the World! Of course, it WOULD mean getting naked in front of him, a complete stranger. But, my God, if it was even one tenth as erotic as it possibly could be...she'd turn to goo for sure! So, she had a dilemma. Should she get naked in front of this man, just so she could be spoiled rotten? Or should she balk at the offer and just go for some light kissing and a shoulder rub at sunrise?

Mari thought long and hard about it. She missed physical contact with a man very much. She'd spent years unappreciated and untouched. She hadn't felt like a woman in decades, and here Tom wanted to make her feel like more than a woman, a bona fide GODDESS! He was willing to pamper and please her even without the promise of sex. My God, was he real or a hallucination? Should she begin doubting her very senses? Was she going to wake up momentarily, in her much too roomy bed, teeth clenched in frustration?

But, if this WAS real, would it then follow the predictable course and lead to sex? Would her passions consume her...and Tom? Could she risk it? She'd be naked in his hands, after all. Surely, sex would become an issue at some point. Could she control her passion? Would she WANT to? She could only bite her lip and deliberate. She looked into Tom's eyes and he looked back, smiling, patiently waiting for her to reply. Those deep, blue eyes were at once shyly endearing, and yet disarmingly cunning as they boldly dared her to take him up on his offer.

"No pressure," he said finally, "honest. Just because I pamper you a little, doesn't mean I expect you to sleep with me. If you don't want to, you don't even have to..."

"Shut up," Mari said.

"Uh..what?" Tom staggered back, jolted by the words he wasn't sure he really heard.

"Shut up," she repeated. "No more talking." Mari was shivering from head to toe, her head swimming with the most erotic thoughts she'd had in twenty years.

Tom smiled, sure that he was reading her correctly. "Then, you want...."

"I want it," she said in a low, breathless voice, "I want it all. The massage, the bath, my hair washed, and my nails painted. I want it all. And if you play your cards right, I'm going to show you some very hefty gratitude. That is, if you want it." She said the words huskily, forcing them from spastic lungs. Every word sent a shiver to some part of her body. She was going for it. She had catapulted herself right from doubt to desire, and she would be damned if she was going to let an opportunity like this get by, now or ever. Now, she'd find out how serious Tom really was. She'd find out if he truly desired her, or even just to please her. And after all those years of self-doubt, she NEEDED to know those answers. She collected herself and repeated, "Do you want me, Sir Knight? Do we take this plunge?"

Tom nodded, his lips smiling in silent reply. Then he grinned a cunning grin and said, "Well, you yourself did say that when a job is well done, a reward is in order. Remember?"

"Yes, I did say that, didn't I? Though at the time I believe I was talking about letting you kiss my toes. Still, I suppose I AM bound by my word." Mari had to concentrate to keep herself from stammering, such was her sudden arousal.

"Exactly," he said quietly, coming up close to her and stroking her face gently with a trembling finger, "and since I'll be working hard to please you, I see no reason why I shouldn't claim the reward you offer. But, you can always back out if you want to, Mari. I won't hold you to anything. Really, I'd be happy to pamper you all night with no thoughts of a 'reward'."

Mari kissed him lightly on the lips and sighed, "I won't be backing out of anything. You make me feel special - as if you haven't already - and I'll return the favor. Case closed." Sexual tension crackled between them like a downed electrical wire patiently waiting to see who would respond to its incessant sparking first.

They looked into each other's eyes for a long time. It was now obvious to each of them just how badly the other wanted them. From that point on, there would be no turning back. "Follow me... said the spider to the fly," Tom joked, trying to sound menacing. It only made Mari laugh.

"Where to, Sir Knight? Your 'scary' room, perhaps? Going to bury me with the others without even giving me my massage?"

"Not at all," he answered, ushering her to the doorway, "I haven't shown you every part of the house yet. I think..."

"Aha!" Mari's eyes grew wide in feigned shock, "So you ARE going to chop me into itty bitty pieces! Some hidden crawlspace containing the moldy remains of your last dozen girlfriends, I presume? Could THAT be this previously undisclosed location you're going to show me all of a sudden?"

Tom chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Always a flair for the dramatic with you, isn't it? No, Miss Paranoia, I'm going to show you the third bath in this house, the one I haven't showed to you yet. As I was about to say, I think you'll like it. It's much larger than the other two, and has a huge, square tub that's big enough for two. Almost like a Jacuzzi, but without the jets."

"Ah, so you were holding out on me, huh? I guess I didn't earn this knowledge until I said I'd let you get me naked, right?"

"Well, let's just say I didn't want you to think I was suggesting anything by showing it to you."

"Like the bedroom, right? You whisked me through there so quick I nearly got whiplash."

Tom actually blushed. He laughed a little nervously and replied, "Well, yeah, sorry. Was I that obvious?"

Mari just smiled and nodded.

"Anyway," Tom went on, "would you like to see it? If you really want me to bathe you and wash your hair, that's where I'll do it."

"In that case, lead on, my gallant knight."

Taking her hand in his, he led her back into his home. Instead of returning to any of the rooms she'd already seen, Tom took her down a long hallway, which ended in a slatted wooden door. He turned the knob and the door opened easily. Beyond was darkness...until he reached inside and flipped a switch. Light filled the room, and Mari gasped in awe.

"Oh, now I KNOW you entertain a lot of women. This is a bachelor's lady trap if ever I saw one!" Mari eyed him suspiciously, though she hoped she was wrong.

Tom's laugh was hearty, even to the point where he had trouble catching his breath. "Hardly!" he choked out, still racked with laughter. "Like Kathryn said, I'm hardly a ladies' man."

"For the record," Mari corrected, "what Kathryn ACTUALLY said was that you rarely bring your women to the Woodkeeper's Inn. She didn't say you don't entertain them at home."

"Ah, I stand corrected," he said, still chuckling, and wiping tears from his eyes. "But, seriously - and I swear this is the truth - I've never had another woman in this bathroom before. Honest."

By this time, Mari had completely entered the oversized bathroom. The interior was completely walled in semi-glossy lumber, obviously well preserved and cared for. The floor and ceiling were likewise pristinely beautiful wood. Not a single tile to be found anywhere. To their right as they entered through the doorway, a full third of the spacious room was occupied by the most enormous bathtub/shower Mari had ever seen. It, too, was surrounded by wood, though the actual tub portion appeared to indeed be porcelain. Situated in the corner of the room, it sat flush against the two corner walls. The two open edges were solid wood, each side having two steps leading up to it from the floor proper, almost like deck stairs leading up to an above ground pool.

Protruding from the walls on either side of the tub were two showers, yet Mari could see no shower curtain. Tom noticed her puzzled look and walked over to the wall from which the tub's spigots were protruding. He pushed lightly against it, and Mari heard a faint click. A small, four inch square door opened in the wall, and Tom reached inside the opening. Another click was heard. Instantly, two vertical slats in the walls on either corner of the tub opened, and a hidden shower curtain slid almost noiselessly out, electrically pushed along tracks that were almost invisible in the ceiling. Tom smiled, obviously proud of his bath.

"Very clever," Mari said, watching the curtain retract again as Tom hit the switch a second time.

"Well, I figured for what I was spending on this bathroom, I was going to go all out...really make it special."

Mari laughed, asking, "Any other little hidden tricks?"

"Just one other one," he answered. Inside the same wall panel, he flipped another switch. Instantly, the wall that bordered the back of the tub - from about a foot above the tub's ledge all the way to a foot from the ceiling - opened upward like horizontal blinds, slowly humming as they rose from tub to ceiling. When they had fully opened, Mari could see a glass wall behind them, and darkness behind that. The overhead lights reflected off the thick glass of the wall-turned-window. It reminded her of the glass wall of the mall, and brought back an instant visual of the gorgeous sunset she'd watched.

"Here, let me show you the full effect," Tom said, walking back to the doorway and turning off the lights.

Instantly, moonlight filled the bathroom, bathing the entire room in a cool, blue-white light. Mari put her hands to her mouth, gasping into them. It was stunningly peaceful and exotically romantic.

"The moon is pretty intense up here," Tom broke her reverie, "and it's beautiful at night. I sometimes take late night baths just so I can relax and look out at the moonlight. Of course, I have to douse the lights in order to get the full effect." Then he looked at Mari and remembered their conversation at the Inn. "And, Mari," he smiled, knowing she'd appreciate what he said next, "this window also faces east, like the deck. Right over there," he pointed out into the distant darkness, "are those mountain tops I showed you. On quite a few occasions, I've sat in this tub first thing in the morning, just watching the sun rise while I sip my coffee. I'm usually a shower person, but if it's a particularly beautiful night or if the sunrise seems like it's going to be spectacular, well...I'm a sucker for that kind of thing. Guess it's the artist in me. I just love brilliant hues...warm colors and cool colors. It's amazing, but something as simple as a vibrant color can completely change your mood. It's a sensual thing, I guess."

Tom flicked the light switch again, and the cool, natural colors vanished, replaced by artificial brightness. Mari had become quiet, and slowly walked ahead to get a better look at the tub, though her mind was still processing the whole window-on-the-world thing. As she peered into the wood-surrounded porcelain, Tom flipped the switch, bringing down the wall again. Mari hardly noticed, as she was now examining the tub, her mind racing with thoughts and ideas.
