Mark and Nancy's Hot Tub Night Pt. 02

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Mark and Nancy can’t stop.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/01/2023
Created 12/10/2022
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I heard my parents car door slam. An overwhelming wave of panic started rushing in. Nancy and I jumped out of the hot tub and started collecting our swimsuits. I was able to quickly get my swimsuit back on, and get back into the tub. I assumed that Nancy would do the same, I was wrong. Nancy collected both pieces of her swimsuit, and her towel. She clinched the pieces to her body, wrapped the towel around herself, and rushed inside. Just like that, in an instant she was gone. I sat there in disbelief. What had we just done? The guilt came shortly after. I sat in the tub for what felt like an eternity. It probably ended up only being five minutes. I heard the back door open. It was our Mom, "I'm surprised to see you in here, you're not out on a Friday night?"

"I had nowhere to be," I responded quickly. "You guys are home early," I added.

"Your father started feeling a little under the weather, so we decided to call it an early night," my mother explained. I wondered how my mother or father did not see Nancy rushing to her room inside the house. Our stairs are right by the front door. My mother started telling me about their night out with their friends, but I couldn't focus. She wished me goodnight and retired back inside. Shortly after, I exited the tub, collected my towel, and retreated to the safety of my bedroom. As I was laying on my bed, the reality of my actions with Nancy started to settle in. I came inside my sister. Was she on the pill? Should we drive out to get Plan B? Is she okay? I needed to talk to her. She rushed out with out a word said. I knew I couldn't exactly go to her room at 11:00 PM and have a conversation with her. Not at least without running the risk of our parents overhearing. So I decided to send her a text message.

"Hey Nancy are you ok? Can we talk?" I sent the message with great concern of what was to follow. I waited patiently just staring at my phone. I hope she's okay. 30 minutes had gone by and I still hadn't received a response. I decided I was going to try and get some sleep, though I knew it would be impossible. I set my phone on the nightstand and flicked off my light in preparation for bed. Shortly after, I heard my phone vibrate. It was Nancy.

"Hi, yes I'm okay. What we just did was really reckless, we need to talk. Any chance you can come to my room?" Nancy asked.

I was surprised that she asked me to do this. She wanted me to go to her room now? How could we possibly pull off that conversation? What explanation would I give to my parents for going into my sisters room this late at night? "Your room is right across from mom and dads, they'll see me go in and maybe hear us talk," I responded. I thought to myself, this conversation is best done when we're alone. I waited in anticipation wondering what her plan was.

"We can wait until mom and dad are asleep, then you can come," she replied. I agreed. I knew I wasn't going to have any problems falling asleep before hand. I patiently waited for Nancy's cue to come to her room. Just before 1:00 AM I got another text from Nancy, "I think they're asleep, you can come to my room now." The nerves started to rush in again. I picked myself up off my bed and very quietly snuck through our upstairs hallway. This was terrifying. If I was seen at this time going into Nancy's room, I would have no good explanation. I successfully arrived at my sisters room door without being heard. I opened the door a little in hopes to see a signal or an invitation from Nancy to enter. Nancy was laying on the left side of her bed. She saw me at the door and waved me in. The light was off. The room was dark with the exception of the light coming off of her TV that was turned on. This gave me enough light to navigate my way through Nancy's room and over to her bed. I knelt on the floor at the side of the bed she was on. In that moment, I felt very unprepared for what was to follow.

"Listen Nancy, I am sorry for what happened. What we did was a mistake and we just got caught up in the moment. It won't happen again," I said this with concern, truthfully that's not what I wanted, but I thought that's what she wanted to hear in order to salvage any sort of relationship.

"Don't be sorry, you're not the only one to blame, it takes two. We got carried away," Nancy calmly responded to me. Her words and mood were comforting. She didn't seem upset about the situation. This was a relief to me. "You're right, we can't do that again. But you weren't too bad mister," she added with a smirk on her face. Nancy has an act for making me feel better. It was arousing to hear her say that. Thoughts of what we did in the tub flooded into my head and this started to get me excited. I dismissed those thoughts. I needed to focus.

"You weren't bad yourself," I retorted. I still needed to work out some of the questions that I had, "You let me cum inside of you, are you on the pill?"

"No I'm not, but I can try and go pick up Plan B in the morning if you want?" Nancy answered. I wonder what she meant by that. Why would she say "if I want?" I thought that was the only choice.

"That sounds good, I can pick it up if you want?" I used the same question right back at her.

"One of us can," she responded to me. I still felt like there was a lot of sexual tension in the air. Nancy was looking really good in her nightgown. The gown was cut low on her chest revealing a generous amount of cleavage. I wanted nothing more than to just fuck her again right there on her bed. I could feel myself starting to get hard again. My sister caught me looking longer than I should and drew a smile. I started to lean in closer to her at the side of her bed.

"I guess I should go back to my room now," I said to her in hopes that she would stop me.

"I guess you should," she responded. Just as I was about to get up, Nancy grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me in to kiss her. I responded by giving her light kisses on her lips. I could feel her soft lips sync with mine on each kiss. Nancy reached one of her hands behind my head for heavier kisses. At this point I was so overwhelmed with attraction to her. At the cue of her lips, I began exploring her mouth with my tongue. I could feel her lips part in response, allowing my tongue to enter her mouth. Our tongues violently began to dance around. I could hear some soft moans escape my sisters mouth. I was concerned that our parents would hear us. But at this point I felt like I couldn't stop. I got up on her bed, I began to lay on top of her. I continued kissing her passionately. I could feel my sisters free hand travel down my body towards my hard on. When her hand arrived, she started to grip my cock from the outside of my shorts. There was no stopping us. After a short while of kissing, I could feel my sister start to slip her hand through the waistband of my shorts to grab my bare cock.

I broke our kiss and whispered, "Nancy we shouldn't, mom and dad will hear us." My words had no weight to them. After a few seconds, our kissing resumed, and Nancy began to slowly stroke my cock. I could feel my cock starting to ooze with pre cum.

"Lay on your back," Nancy said pausing our kiss. In an instant, I got off of her and began laying on my back. My sister began to started to lower herself on my body. She grabbed onto the waistband of my shorts and pulled them off my body. This sprung my hard cock free. With her face inches away from my shaft, she looked at up at my eyes. She then fixed her eyes back on my hard cock. With her right hand she grabbed around my cock, and her tongue began trailing up and down the side of my shaft. This alone was almost enough to send me over the edge. My sister was very slow and sensual with her tongue. It felt electric. After a few moments, she began trailing her tongue around each of my balls.

"That feels so good Nancy," I said with so much lust. My sister looked back up at me, gave a sweet smile, then continued what she was doing.

"You ate me out so good in the tub, I had to return the favour," she replied. At that moment she travelled her tongue back up to the top of my shaft and began to wrap her lips around my cock. I let out a soft moan, trying my best to stay quiet. It felt like this was all a dream, watching my sister bob her head up and down on my cock. "I love your cock Mark," she whispered to me. I rested my head back in pure bliss. My sister continued to suck my cock for a little while. "Maybe we can have sex one more time before we pick up Plan B tomorrow?" Nancy looked up at me and asked with a devilish smirk on her face.

"Okay," I nodded back. My sister took this as her cue to move forward. My sister got up on her knees and reached underneath her gown. In one motion she slid her black panties down her legs. She then sat on her butt, lifted her legs and removed her panties the rest of the way. I was ready to make love to my sister one more time. Nancy took her panties and brought them to my mouth. Much to my satisfaction, I obliged, and I began to bite down on her panties. I needed to be inside of her badly. She shifted back to her knees, she placed one leg on each side of my waist, and began to lower down on my shaft. With no effort, I was back inside of my little sister. She let off a smile, and brought her index finger to her lips as a way to shush me. Not that it would be an issue, with half of her panties stuffed in my mouth. Slowly, Nancy began to press her hands on my body, and slide up and down on my shaft. At that moment, I had to do everything in my power to prevent myself from finishing inside of her too soon.

To my horror, I heard the door to my parents room close. I could hear footsteps begin to approach the door to Nancy's bedroom. Nancy's face turned white in horror. This was it, surely we would be caught. There was a faint knock at the door.

"Nancy, are you still up? Is everything okay in there?" Our father asked in a quiet voice from just outside the bedroom door. Nancy looked mortified. There was a pause, she was speechless in the moment, which was only making the situation worse. It's not like I could reply.

Finally Nancy in a shaky voice responded, "Yeah Dad everything is fine," to me, Nancy did not sound convincing at all. If he were to walk in, surely he would see his daughter on top of his son with panties lodged in my mouth. There was another brief pause.

"Okay, try and get some sleep, keep the noise down please," our father responded. He seemed to be annoyed. Just like that, he walked away from the door. We waited for the sound of the bedroom door to close. At the sound of the door closing, Nancy resumed. I opened my mouth and let her panties fall to the side. She lowered her face to mine, and we began to kiss passionately.

"You feel so good, fuck me Mark," Nancy whispered in my ear.

"Ungghhh fuckkkkkkk," She whimpered. "Fuck your baby sister Mark," she added. Our bodies began to match in rhythm as our speed increased. My sister reached for each side of her night gown, lifted it over her head, and threw it to the side of her bed. I could see my my sisters beautiful tits bouncing with our motions, thanks to the faint light coming from the TV. How could I resist? I brought my hands to her tits and circled my thumbs on her nipples. In response, my sister started grinding her pussy into me harder.

"I'm close Nancy," I said to her, knowing that I really couldn't hold on any longer.

"I want you baby, cum inside me again baby, cum inside your little sister," She whispered in my ear. That was it for me. I couldn't hold out any longer. In one last motion, I grabbed her hips, thrusted all the way into her, and held her tight against me as I shot out my load. My sister and I resumed kissing passionately for a little while. I could feel my self start to go soft while still being inside of her. "I love you Mark," she whispered to me.

"I love you too Nancy," I responded to her. In that moment it felt so right. I felt like I could stay there all night. Unfortunately, that would never fly. I got off the bed and searched for my shorts in preparation to head back into my room for the night.

"Mark, in the morning after mom and dad head out to do their grocery shopping, we can figure out what we're going to do," she said to me quietly.

"Yeah that sounds good, good night cutie," I let off a grin, and began to sneak back to my room. Just like that, in one night I had sex and finished inside of my baby sister twice. I got back to my room and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning rolled around. I checked my phone, it was just past 10:00am. I knew our parents were out of the house. They normally leave the house to start their shopping errands and other errands around 9:30am. I was also pleasantly surprised to see a text message on my phone from my sister. "Good morning Mark, last night was fun ;)" the message read out. I found my self quickly turned on again at the thoughts of my night last night with my sister.

"Last night was amazing," I responded. I knew I had to still make arrangements with my sister to see who would pick up Plan B. I got out of my bed, and walked towards Nancy's room anticipating that we would begin to discuss our arrangements. I knocked on Nancy's door.

"Come in," Nancy shouted out from inside her room. I opened her door. I was pleasantly surprised to see Nancy sitting on her bed. She had no gown on, this left the nakedness of her beautiful tits on complete display for me. She was only wearing the panties from last night. She was on her phone. I walked towards the bed. I was about to have a conversation with her about heading over to the store. I felt hypnotized by my own lust. Rather than asking who was heading to the store, I wrapped my right arm around her back and lowered my mouth to her bare nipples. She was surprised that I was doing this, but further welcomed me by letting out a soft moan. I circled my tongue around her nipple, and in no time I could start to feel her nipple getting hard. I began to lean forward onto Nancy which caused her to lay back on her bad. I got on top of her and started to suck on her beautiful nipple. I couldn't help it. My sisters hand travelled in between us towards my shaft. She slipped in hands in between the waistband of my shorts and wrapped her hand around my hard cock. Nancy began to slowly pump her hand up and down on my shaft.

I took my mouth off of her tit, "I can't get enough of you," I said as I looked at her with lust. She responded by pulling my head down towards hers for a kiss. I took my tongue and began to trail down her beautiful body. My tongue travelled down her chest, towards her belly. I kissed her belly sensually for a few moments, then continued my decent to the top of her panties. I looked back up at my sister for affirmation. She let off a smile, and I proceeded to slide her panties down her legs. She lifted her legs to allow me to remove them the rest of the way.

"Mmm, yes Mark. Eat your sisters pussy," Nancy commanded. I took my hands and placed them on each of her inner thighs. With a little force I spread her legs wide and began to circle my tongue on my sisters beautiful clit. "Mmmm," moans escaped from my sisters mouth. Her legs began to tremor at the motion of my tongue. In a few moments it was time for me to bring my fingers to action. My right hand began to travel to the left towards the entrance of her pussy. I pushed my index and middle finger inside, and began to finger my sister pussy while circling her clit with my tongue. I think this set her over the edge. "Fucckkkkk Mark finger me baby. I love my big brothers fingers filling me up," Nancy cried out. Nancy, with force, was holding my head firmly to her pussy.

With effort against her hand, I looked at my sisters eyes and said, "You like that baby?"

"I love it baby, you're going to make me cum," she responded. At the sound of her saying that, I increase the speed of my fingering. My sisters moans were so loud. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody could hear them from outside. I felt confident that my parents wouldn't be back anytime soon. "I can't take it anymore Mark. Fuck me. Fuck your little sister please baby," Nancy begged.

"Okay," I hastily agreed. I quickly slipped off my shorts. With no patience, Nancy reached for my cock and slid it inside my sister's pussy. In less than 24 hours, this was the third time I was going to be fucking my little sister. Nancys finger nails dug into my back, she pulled me down, and I began to pump my cock inside of her. With each thrust I could see her tits bounce up and down. She is really beautiful I thought to myself.

"I love it when you fill me up baby," my sister cried out.

"You like it when your big brother fucks you?" I responded.

"Yes baby, please don't stop fucking me," Nancy pleaded. At that moment, I knew I didn't not want to stop fucking my sister. But I felt it impossible to hold on. We continued for a little while longer. There was no controlling Nancy moans. It was if volume was not of concern. That paired with the sounds of her wooden bed frame creek with each thrust.

"Nancy I can't hold any longer. I'm gonna cum baby," I warned her.

"Fill me up with your sperm baby. Fill up your little sister. Put a baby inside of me Mark," Nancy demanded, holding me down while I continued to thrust inside of her. Did she truly want a baby? This threw me right over the edge, and I found myself once again cumming inside my little sisters pussy. My sister with all her effort continued to hold me down. "Yes baby, I want that cock emptied inside of me," she said. I leaned my head down to kiss her passionately.

After a short while, I pulled my cock out. Nancy just continued to lay there. "I love you Nancy," I said to her. I truly meant it. I felt so attracted to my sister. But I also felt unsure as to what was going to happen next.

"I love you too Mark," Nancy responded. Nancy made no attempt to move from where she was. I thought that she would at least put her clothes back on. I wondered what Nancy's intentions were. Did she ask me to put a baby in her in a moment out of lust. Were we still going to pick up Plan B? Would we continue our sexual relationship? Where do we go from here? I needed answers to my questions. The thought of getting my sister pregnant turned me on. I think I'm starting to have feelings for my sister. I felt so conflicted. I felt afraid to confess this to her. What if this was just sex for her? I could ruin a relationship with my sister.

"Nancy what should we do now?" I asked, truly wondering where we would go from here.

"One of us could head out now to pick up Plan B," Nancy suggested. Was it just my imagination or does it seem like she doesn't want to do that either? I felt afraid to ask Nancy if this is what she wanted. I figured it should be me to go pick it up.

"I can go to the store now to pick it up," I offered to Nancy. Nancy nodded in acceptance.

With big regrets in my lack of bravery. I exited my sisters room and headed towards my room to get changed. It wasn't long after my changing and morning hygiene that I was ready to depart for the store. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. I wanted to tell my sister that I have feelings for her. I felt like Nancy was the only girl I wanted to be with. I wanted to tell her to hell with Plan B, I want to you pregnant. I really did love her. Nancy would never look at me the same. How could it even be possible for us to be together anyways. I grabbed my car keys, and started heading towards the door.

On my way towards the store, the regret started to increase drastically. I pulled over to the side of the road. I couldn't go through with it. Not without at least telling my sister how I feel. I picked up my phone and sent Nancy a message, "Nancy I can't do it, not before telling you how I feel first." After sending this, it was like a huge weight came off of my chest. I sat there patiently waiting for her reply.