Marty's Mom Takes On The Town Ch. 5

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Marty's sister shows him what it's like for a girl.
1.7k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/21/2001
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Jeanie Wilson unlocked the front door and walked in. Her mom's car wasn't in the driveway, so she knew her mother wasn't home. She shrugged. She was about four hours early anyway. She set her suitcase in the kitchen and hung her coat in the hall closet. That was when she heard the faint noises drifting down from upstairs.

Jeanie listened for a moment. It sounded like someone was having sex! She had sat many Saturday nights with her ear pressed to the wall adjacent to her parent's room until she started spending her weekends in search of her own. She knew when people were having sex. If her mom wasn't home, and her dad was gone until the weekend, who could it be?

"Ohh..." she thought, "Could it be Marty?" Then "No way, it sounds like a grown man!" Jeanie's curious nature made it impossible for her to ignore the situation. She just had to investigate.

Jeanie crept up the stairs. It was coming from Marty's room! She paused in front of his closed door, wanting to find out what in the world was going on, when she realized two things. She could tell it was coming from the television in his room, and she recognized her mother as one of the participants! Shocked, Jeanie opened the door slowly.

Marty heard a small "oh!" behind him. He froze for a moment, then slowly turned, his hand still around his cock. He looked up at his sister standing in the doorway and back to the television set. He quickly leaped up and turned the set off, knowing it was far too late for that. He grabbed the towel on the end of his bed and covered himself with it as she walked in, knowing it was a little late for that too.

"Well, well... what have you been up to, Marty?" Jeanie taunted him as she walked over to the vcr. She pushed rewind and turned around. "Don't be embarrassed, Marty. Everyone does it, even me."

She turned back to the television and hit the "on" switch, then restarted the tape. "Let's see what my brother's been doing."

The few seconds of lead passed, and the view of Selena on her knees giving a strange man a blow job came on. Jeanie's mouth dropped open, then she slowly closed it. She sat and watched the whole thing without a word, so stunned she didn't even realize when her hand went between her legs. She turned to Marty when the tape was over.

"How did you manage this?" she asked. Then she giggled, looking at the towel tent in his lap. "And how ever are you going to manage that?"

"Well if you hadn't come in, I would have managed just fine, thanks." Marty returned. "Now I guess I'll get over it."

He glanced pointedly at her own hand in her lap. "Looks like you got something to manage yourself."

"I told you everybody does it," Jeanie replied. "I do it all the time. Well, whenever I'm horny and I don't have my boyfriend around, that is. And once I even did it in front of him."

"Wow." Marty was impressed. And his stiffness wasn't subsiding at all. If anything it was even more demanding. There was something too wild about listening to his sister tell him she masturbated in front of her boyfriend right after they watched their mother being fucked on tape.

"I wish I could see that up close," Marty said. His hand brushed across his towel-covered cock almost absently before he settled it on his knee. "I've never even seen a pussy up close."

"You're still a virgin? Oh, Marty!" Jeanie gaped at him. Then she asked, curious, "So how did you come by this tape?"

"I filmed it myself." he answered. "I stood in the doorway and watched through the camera while she let two guys fuck her. It was awesome."

"Wow," said Jeanie as she reached over and rewound the tape. "I can't believe you did that!" She hit the play button again and sat there watching and listening to the two men fuck her mother senseless.

"Damn, that is so hot!" she exclaimed when the tape finished. "I can't believe Mom is such a slut! Has she ever done this before?"

"I came home one day," Marty began, "and there was some guy fucking her in the garage. I watched it all as he slapped her hard on the ass and fucked her right off the floor. I heard her talking to Glenda after that and telling her how much she liked it. Then I heard Mom talk to her about setting her up to fuck somebody else, so I was ready. I didn't know it would be two guys!"

"Watching that tape has made me so horny!" Jeanie looked sideways at Marty. "Do you really want to see what a girl looks like when she's masturbating?"

"Yeah," Marty answered, "You got any really horny girlfriends?"

"You want to watch me?" she asked him. It was Marty's turn to have his mouth drop open.

"Right here? Right now?" was all he could manage.

"Yes right here right now because I'm so horny I could almost cum from a single lick. But you better hurry and make up your mind because I'm starting to lose my enthusiasm."

"Yes, please?" Marty croaked. He couldn't believe it. He had never thought of his sister like this, sure they had talked about sex, and she had even turned him on to their parent's habits, but she was his sister! Still, she was pretty hot. He knew his friend Sam would sell his own sister for five minutes in the sack with her, but then Sam would sell his sister for five minutes in the sack with anybody.

Jeanie stood up and slid her shirt over her head. Even if she was his sister, she had great tits, no doubt about it. Just like their mom she was really stacked, but with the advantage of age, she wore no bra. Her nipples stood out from them, pointing right at Marty, it seemed to him.

She turned around as she took off her jeans. He saw her ass first, and Marty wondered for a moment if his sister liked getting spanked like their mother obviously did. Then Jeanie turned around. Marty saw her light brown curls and felt his cock twitch under the towel.

Jeanie got up on the bed, and moved to the middle. She reclined on Marty's pillows and slid her hands between her legs. Marty turned sideways and adjusted his towel. He didn't say a word as Jeanie bent her knees and spread her legs and he was looking straight at her beautiful pussy.

"Now just watch," Jeanie said as she looked away from him. She slid both hands up and began to play with her tits, her hands all over them, kneading and squeezing and caressing. She pulled and twisted on her nipples until they were rosy and swollen. Marty watched carefully as she began to squirm on the bed a little.

Jeanie moved a hand down over her stomach to her pussy. Marty watched her softly stroke her outer lips, pulling and teasing at her hair as she felt all of herself. Slowly, she worked her way inward, her fingertips not missing a bit of skin as she teased herself. He could see her lips separate, a glimmer of moisture between them as she rubbed herself more firmly.

Finally Jeanie slipped a finger right between them. In seconds he could see her finger was slippery from her own juices. She added another finger and began pulling her inner lips apart with them as she stroked up and down.

Marty just watched in awe as she exposed more and more of her pink flesh to him. When she added a third finger, she slipped the middle one into herself. Marty heard her little sigh as she began to fuck herself with that finger, then another, and then a third.

Slowly Jeanie worked her fingers in and out of herself. He could see and hear more of her wetness as her fingers squished in and out of her wet hole. She started making little sighing sounds under her breath as her other hand pulled at her nipples even harder, pinching them almost flat between her finger and thumb.

He watched as her bottom started lifting off the bed just a little to meet her hand. He was getting so hot he was starting to sweat, just watching her pussy swallow her fingers over and over again. He took the towel from his lap to wipe his face, and felt his cock spring from under it.

His hand instinctively closed around it as he watched Jeanie getting more and more into her own pleasure. Her eyes almost closed, he was sure she no longer even cared if he was in the room. Moans escaping her lips every couple of strokes, she took her hand from her tits and moved it to her clit. She spread some of the wetness from her other fingers up over her clit and began rubbing it with quick little circles.

"Ohhh... yesss..." Jeanie moaned as her movements became a blur. Marty watched as her fingers pumped rapidly in and out of her cunt accompanied by even faster motion over her clit. He couldn't help but stroke his cock in time with her movements. His balls had been wanting to cum since he had watched the tape the first time that afternoon. Jeanie had caught him the second time through it.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh... god..." Jeanie exclaimed as she bucked against her own two hands. Marty watched as the fluid leaked around her fingers. Her pussy actually made a sucking sound as she pressed her hands against herself and arched upward.

Marty choked back a groan as his cum spewed from the end of his cock and onto the floor beside the bed. He didn't take his eyes of Jeanie's still twitching pussy until she pulled her fingers from it and licked them off.

"Try it sometime, you'll like it," she taunted a gaping Marty. "Now if you haven't gotten it all sticky yet, throw me that towel."

Marty tossed her his towel and picked up a T-shirt from the floor. He cleaned up his mess and slid into a pair of jeans while his sister put her own clothes on. It wasn't a minute later that they heard their mother calling from the bottom of the stairs.

"Marty, are you home?"

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