Mary and Me


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"Max, you have to make me come with just your mouth and hands before you can go any farther, do you think you can do that? I don't have far to go. Just keep on doing what I showed you, good... oh... oh... I'm almost there... Ahhhhhhhhh."

"God Jayne, I've never seen a girl do that."

"I'm sure you haven't Max, that's part of the problem; you guys don't have a clue what we need to make us happy. Now get on your back, I want your cock in me... does that feel good Max... do you like it when I slide up and down on your cock... does it make you want to come Max?"

"I can't hold it any more Jayne."

"Don't hurt yourself Max, go for it."

"Oh shit, my asshole is going to implode. If my cock bucks one more time it's going to disconnect from the rest of me. Coming isn't supposed to be painful. Jayne, Jayne, please hold still, just for a minute. Ah... ah... ah... ah... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Was that good Max? Have you ever come in Janice like that?"

"I've never come like that anywhere, anytime."

"No Max, I'm not getting off you. You're not finished yet. I need three more orgasms at least and then maybe you can go home."

"But Jayne, I came, I can't get up again."

"Sure you can Max; you just have to encourage your cock. Here kiss me, like we did before."


"Uh huh..."

"Now kiss my tit. Do you like my tits Max? See it's coming back inside me, I can feel it filling me again. Make me come again Max. Make me come again. Play with my clit Max. Yes, right there... More, more, yes, come with me Max, now Max, now... God that's so good with you throbbing inside of me while I'm having wave after wave of orgasm... Yeeeeesssssssss."

Max finally got the rhythm and gave Jayne three more orgasms before he collapsed with exhaustion.

As soon as he left Jayne's house, Max couldn't wait to call Robbie on his cell.

Robby answered his phone with, "Yeah Max, what's up."

"You won't believe what just happened to me."

"What? Did some looker throw you down and screw your brains out?"

"How did you know? I just spent two hours in bed with the most talented female I could ever imagine. I came five times and I lost count of how many orgasms she had. It was the most intense thing I have ever experienced. I knew sex was good, but I had no idea how good it could be."

"Come on Max, who are you trying to kid, you know we can't do it more than once."

"That's what I thought too, but believe me I found out that I can, and you'll never guess who taught me."

"Ok, surprise me."

"Jayne Rogers."

"My Jayne Rogers! All she ever did with me was lay there and act bored."

"I guess that shows what one night with Ryan Donahue can do for a girl."

"Is that who she quit me for? First, he steals her and then he ruins her. I'm going to kill that little son of a bitch!"

"Robbie, I don't know whether she quit you, or you threw her away, but he sure didn't ruin her, she's a great fuck now and she knows it. I don't think you're going to get her back, but if you do, don't do it on a Friday or we'll lose the game for sure. Well... have a good night Robby. Adios."

Of course Robby was lying in wait for me when I got to school in the morning. I was met at the front door with, "You little son of a bitch, I'm going to tear your head off."

"Why would you want to go to jail Robby?"

"You stole my girlfriend and ruined her."

"I didn't steal and ruin anybody Rob. I just showed her how much fun it is to fuck... with somebody that knows how."

"And for that I'm going to beat the shit out of you!"

"I'm sure you can, you've got forty pounds and three inches of reach on me, and I don't like to fight. However, if you insist on pounding on me, I need to warn you that I don't fight fair, and I'll stop you any way I can. I don't want Jefferson High to lose its star quarterback just before the homecoming game, so maybe we'd both be better off if you'd just spend that energy on learning to fuck as well as you play football."

"I know how!"

"Not according to Jayne, but I wouldn't advise asking her to teach you. I think she doesn't like you very much anymore. Things are changing here at Jefferson and you'd better learn to keep up. I can assure you beating up a guy half your size, isn't going to do your reputation a whole lot of good."

About that time, Jayne and Mary came up behind Robby, and Mary said, "What's up Ryan?"

Then Jayne said, "Is this stupid ass hole of a football player trying to give you a hard time, when he can't even keep a hard on long enough to get the job done with a girl?"

"Yea, he seems to think that it'll rehab his reputation if he makes hamburger patties out of some of my body parts."

"Do you suppose he thinks that abusing you is going to impress the girls more than what you did impressed them?"

"Jayne I don't think he believes what Max told him. Somebody as arrogant as Robby isn't up to having a pipsqueak like me show him up at anything. Do you think I should try apologizing to him Mary?"

"I think if Robby ever wants to have a relationship with any female at Jefferson High again, he needs to take out his anger on Memorial High next Friday on the football field and win the homecoming game. Then he'd better apologize to you and beg you to help him figure out how to find a girl that you've pleased and talk her in to showing him how it's done."

Robby growled angrily, "Will you stop talking about me like I'm not even here?"

Jayne came back with, "Ok. Take my advice and trot out to the stadium with your tail between your legs, because you've been replaced as the most important male at Jefferson High, and I don't think you'll ever recover that title. Hard as it may be to believe Robby, fucking has become more important than football at Jefferson High, even to the girls. You may be the best at football, but I'll guarantee you, you're not worth a damn at fucking."

Robbie scowled at Jayne, stuck up his middle finger, turned and stalked of towards the gym, mumbling to himself about how he was going to show Ryan.

Principle Grimes knew something was going down at Jefferson, but he wasn't sure exactly what it was, or how to find out, in fact he wasn't sure he wanted to. It smelled like trouble to him, but he couldn't be sure. He'd considered calling Sally the snitch in and interrogating her, but he knew her snitch line ran both ways, and she wasn't the most reliable source he'd ever seen either.

The more he pondered the situation the more he kept coming back to the morning Mary Donahue and he had that conversation in the hall. Everything seemed to start from there. The fashion change, the confidential chatter between classes, the re-shuffling of steadies, the drastic change of attitudes both good and bad among students, and it seemed to be mostly with the seniors, except for the Donahue twins.

Until a week ago neither one of them was hardly visible. They weren't leaders, didn't engage in the social or antisocial groups, hadn't ever been in trouble, and didn't speak up much in class. In fact, Mary acted as if she wanted to hide where no one would notice her. Now she's the fashion leader and attention getter of the whole school. Maybe I should be interrogating them to find out what's happening.

Grimes picked up the phone, pressed the intercom button and said, "Marian, please send a notice to Ryan and Mary Donahue to be in my office after classes today. Thanks."

Ryan caught Mary in the hall after second period and said, "You lunchin' with anybody today?"

"You got a notice from warden Grimes too?"

"Yea. Let's have lunch together and plan some strategy."

They met at the cafeteria and filled their trays but couldn't find a table where they could be alone, so they ate in a hurry and went to a bench under the trees in front of the school where they could talk.

Ryan started by nervously asking, "Do you think we're in trouble Mary?"

"I don't see how we could be. We haven't done anything against the rules at school, and haven't even done anything against the law outside the school."

"That's not exactly true Mary, we've been using the F word a lot around school, and some other language that's at least frowned upon, and we verbally abused poor Robby Richards just this morning."

"Well let's hope that's all that's on the wardens mind, but I can't believe he'd call us both in after school for violations as common as that."

"Do you think Robby ratted us out, or manufactured some lies to get us in trouble?"

"Seems more than likely to me Ryan. Plus, I'm sure there are parents around town that would gladly accuse us of corrupting their innocent children. Maybe they've complained to the warden. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what we're being charged with."

"Mary, Ryan, thanks for coming in this afternoon, and first let me put you at ease. You're not in any trouble, I just need some information. I've noticed a change in student attitude recently and in thinking about it, it seems to have started with Mary's transformation from a hidden meek adolescent, to a robust aggressive young lady, and I'm wondering if you might be able to enlighten me as to what's happening in my domain, and which came first, the chicken or the egg."

"Meaning what, Principle Grimes?" Mary asked.

"Meaning, did the same thing that brought you out of your shell, bring about the changes here at Jefferson, or did you bring about those changes after you came out of your shell?"

"I think it's a bit more complicated than that. Do you consider the changes happening here to be a bad thing sir?"

"Mary, I can claim complicated too, but couples that have been going steady since tenth grade are threatening each other in the hall, kids that have been well behaved for three years are using foul language, formerly serious kids are turning happy go lucky, and frankly I don't know what to make of it. Is it good or bad? I don't know, but I'm hoping you can help me figure that out."

Mary thought for a minute, looked at Ryan, winked, and said, "Principle Grimes, as far as I know no one at Jefferson is breaking any laws. I don't think they're violating any school regulations except for perhaps improper language amongst themselves. Things that are going on outside of school are something else, but frankly I don't think that's any of your business."

"Why don't you think it's my business Mary?"

"Because you don't have any authority outside of school sir. Even though you have the power to make our lives miserable, because we have to attend school, I think what goes on outside school is a matter for parents, and ministers, and priests, and social workers, and the rest of the adults that think they have a right to tell us how to live our lives. We get enough grief from them, that we don't need the school system stepping outside its bounds to restrict what little freedom we have, just because we're students, and because you believe you can."

"Mary, you're a student and you have no right to speak to me with such disrespect."

"Principle Grimes, I don't think being a student restricts my freedom of speech, besides which I believe respect has to be earned, not demanded."

"That's enough Mary. You and Ryan may leave, but please tell your parents that I want a conference with them as soon as possible. They may call the office and make an appointment at their earliest convenience. That's all."

As they left the office Ryan said, "I guess we stepped in it big time in there didn't we?"

"Why do you say that? I think it's time for Principle Grimes to be put in his place, and Mom and Dad are just the ones to do it. I can't wait to get home and tell them what's up.

Principle Grimes said, "Good morning Maurice, Vivian. Thank you for coming."

"Good Morning Joe. What's the problem?"

"I need to talk to you about your kids."

"Are Ryan and Mary giving you problems, Joe?"

"Somebody is giving me problems Maurice, and I have strong suspicions it's them."

"You're wrong Joe. You don't have problems at all except with your ego. Vivian and I graduated from Jefferson in 1950 and if I remember correctly, you graduated in 83.

"I'm well aware of what you perceive to be a problem here Joe and believe me there's nothing going on here that wasn't going on when we were in school here. When Vivian and I were seniors, boys were sleeping with girls. I know this because we were."

"When you were going to school here, boys were sleeping with girls, and you know that, because you and Marcia were, and don't deny it because I know you were. Suddenly you're concerned because boys are sleeping with girls at Jefferson, as if that was something new. The only thing new about it isn't that it's happening, it's that it isn't being hidden, like it used to be."

"The problem with your ego Joe, is that you think you can, and need, to do something about it. You don't because it isn't happening on school property and it's not happening during school hours so it's none of your business."

Joe responded with his practiced principle's arrogant attitude, "How can you say that Maurice. We educators have a responsibility to instill proper morals in out charges."

"That's bullshit Joe. Half of what's wrong with the 'Morals of society' today is the misguided attempt of public education for the last two hundred years to instill their concept of an outdated, misunderstood, misguided, eighteenth century morality in their students. It was impossible to enforce then, and it's even more impossible to enforce now, but you have the arrogance to believe you can do something about it.

"You don't have the power to control the hormones of eighteen-year-olds any more than I do Joe; the only difference is that I know it. I'd far rather spend my energy helping head off any unwanted consequences of their activities, than in some futile attempt to stop them from doing something they're going to do anyway. Get over it Joe and get a life.

"What you do to other kids is between you and their parents, but what you do to Mary and Ryan is my business. I would suggest if you want to keep your job, that you spend your time seeing that the students are taught readin', writin', and 'rithmatic and leave the morals, ethics, and social interactions to parents."

"Are you threatening me Maurice?"

"Superintendent Juanita Torres is a very good friend of Vivian's. Several school board members have been my golf buddies for years, so if I choose to Grimes, I can make your life as miserable as you're trying to make my kids' lives. If I hear of any pressure being put on them, I swear you'll wish you'd never heard of me."

With that, he steered Vivian out of Grimes's office and as they left the school, Vivian said, "Maurice, do you think intimidating Joe Grimes is really going to smooth things out for the kids?"

"Oh yea Viv, Joe's a wimp, and he knows I can make a lot of trouble for him. He'll leave them alone now and they can get on with their wild oat farming in peace."

"How long do you think it'll take them to get it out of their system?"

"I have no idea Viv. I suppose, until they find someone they really can connect with as a soul mate. We'll just have to wait and see. If we live that long."

"Do you think we did the right thing?"

"I'm sure of it. It's got to be better than alienating our grandkids by making them go behind our backs to do something as natural as having sex. There'll be some rough spots for them I'm sure, but they're both good kids and they'll handle them. To see Mary come out of her shell, and to witness the changes in her in the last two weeks convinces me that we did indeed do the right thing."

To be Continued

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not bad, silly at times

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Where's the continuation?

Don't you think that a 9 year hiatus is a bit much?

Frankie1952Frankie1952almost 4 years ago

I enjoyed what you have written in anticipation of you building towards some incest and a possible romance between Mary & Ryan. You did promise the story was to be continued and I would love to read further chapters. Do you think you could get your mind to work on keeping your promise?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
3 Half a good story.

The first four pages were excellent. Then you went off on a tangent and did not really finish the story. This is why a lot of people are asking for a part 2. The second half of the story didn't wrap up the first time story or incest properly, It was kind of bad. I gave it a 3 because the first half was at least a four so I averaged it out. .

clearedtofuckclearedtofuckover 5 years ago
Very Good

I'm not going to give you a line by line criticism because it isn't merited. Geesh!! This story clearly needs to go on, and I'm sure it will be excellent.

paladin1954paladin1954over 6 years ago
Enthusiastically disappointed.

Such a wonderful story, but it is so far from being over. I gave your wonderful work 5 stars, but considered less. There was so many ways to handle the principal that didn't have to be aggressive and filled with threats, although most school administrators are quite like you describe.

Anyway, here are humble questions/suggestions for you to consider to give us a revised submission.

1. Although Ryan and Mary only messed around a bit, consider allowing that relationship to blossom a little more. The new found love they have developed for each other shouldn't be an afterthought so that the story could be put in the Incest/taboo section. Perhaps not intercourse, but maybe a little more with the petting and oral stuff.

2. Allow the snitch to find out Ryan's newly found prowess. That will shut her up for sure.

3. Nola is such an important character. Shouldn't she be allow to be deflowered? After all, a significant part of the story was Ryan learning from "Annie" how to do it and make this a great experience. Mary didn't lose her virginity either. It is inferred.

4. Robbie got his just rewards for being a bully. Maybe a little redemption with Sue Ann, where he learns whats going on sexually.

There are many more possibilities.

This is such a well written story, great plot, well developed characters, etc. If you felt like it was getting long and just wanted it ended, its sad for the readers. In a way I feel conned into spending my tme reading only to be left wanting. To be honest, I don't read erotica just to get a nut...I read for the artistic value of the story and to get motivated to get that orgasm. Most of the time, I shut down after I find out the story is not edited properly, or if the structure, plot, and character development are improperly handled. You suceeded to do everything well, but the ending. It was like really getting emotionally into a television series only to have the network cancel the series and doing a wrap-up that doesn't make sense or ending it at the end of the season with a cliff-hanger.

I haven't submitted a story on Literotica yet, but have written more than thirty stories that have been published either on the Alt.Sex.Stories news threads or other erotic story sites.

I appreciated your effort, but I knew something was amiss when mom and dad went into the principal's office.

I plan on reading other submissions if you have written any. Good luck in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Wow, on a scale of 5 I would rate this as an 8. So enjoyed this story and the build up was great. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great work !!!

This is only the second time in years that I have rated a story or offered feedback. This is a work of literature. Commentary about educators was spot on. I hope you will publish a lot more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

When i looked this up, i was not expecting a whole novel. Even so, i enjoyed it. However, i am vastly disappointed in its ending. Ryan never got to fuck the girl who educated him in the first place. Not only that, it leaves too many unanswered questions. This story needs to be contined. Until then, i only give it a 2 star rate. It was good, but in the end, disappointing..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Crap. Your arrogance shows by your not being able to bring a story to an end sooner. A good read is not a forever read. Don't write again please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Weel written, sobering and sadly too true

Today I read two stories on Literotica that were both entertaining, thought provoking, and caused me to reflect back on my high school and university days.

This one took me back to review the lives/divorces and years of marital unhappiness that many of my high school/university friends experienced. This story has a very interesting sociological/societal lesson in it. Sadly, many of my/our generation have lived with unjustified unhappiness because they didn't step into their first long term relationship with the skills and knowledge they needed to make the right decisions in choosing that partner.This story is one I would want my teenagers to read and talk with me about afterwards.

The description of "under the bleachers/backseat sex" and how young women and men are so lost in their path to find true intimacy and love because of a misguided combination societal and hormonal pressures really hit home with me.

The paragraph describing the erroneous expectations that fathers are expected to have of their daughters suitors was refreshing, especially when it flip flops to their sons and how they relate to girls was well written. Simple sentences, yet significant societal/moral commentary

I would like to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

It's a real shame that all 'rents aren't as enlightened, and that educators don't, as a rule, do what they are paid to do. excellent "tail" (:)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Too long and full of BULLSHIT....

This story contains no incest, is non erotic..wasted my time..and yeah, i have right for a sex ed. class too. poor read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
An excellent tale

Boy oh boy, I just wish someone had talked to me, as Ryan and Mary's parents talked to them. If I had had the knowledge, and the forethought brought to me as an intelligent conversation. instead of," we know you know what condoms are for, so use them like you should." and that was the extent of any conversation I ever had with my parents, my first wife and I may have done it correctly. and waited until married or at least with protection.

Thank You for an excellent story sir, intelligent and funny, wow. I appreciated everything about your tale. INCLUDING THE SEX

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Total rubbish by a wanker

Total rubbish by a wanker

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