Mary Pattinson Pt. 01


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"Hi there, how are you doing, found anything you like?" The shop assistant arrived next to her.

"Fine thanks," Mary replied, as she held out the shoe. "Have you got the other one of these please?"

Returning with the other shoe the shop assistant stood to one side as Mary slipped it on and walked over to the mirror.

"Oh these are lovely and so, so comfortable," she enthused, "they're a lot higher than I normally wear but they actually feel great. Yes, I'll take them."

Arriving home she put her purchases away, briefly wondering when or if she would ever wear them.

The next day at work, Mary was summoned to Brenda's office.

Brenda looked up and smiled brightly when Mary entered. "Morning, how are you today?"

"Great," Mary replied, "what's going on?"

"You'll see," Brenda replied, "just waiting for Steve to come."

Mary grimaced, a look that was not wasted on Brenda.

"Now, now Mary, don't be like that, we've all got to get along; make the best of what we've got!" She smiled again as Mary stuck out her tongue.

Steve duly arrived in the office and Mary blanked him.

"Right, I assume you're both wondering why I've asked you in here," Brenda stated. She paused as Mary and Steve nodded their heads.

She continued. "Well you may or may not know but next week there is a road-show being run by the company which managers have to attend. Normally that would mean myself attending along with Steve."

Steve looked smugly over in Mary's direction. She scowled in response.

Brenda continued. "Sadly, I can't go and that leaves me with a gap to fill. I've spoken to Barry Knowles, our new area manager and he insists that I must send someone of high ranking to attend."

Brenda turned and faced Mary. "So I've told him you will go."

"!" Mary blurted out, "what..."

"You will both attend the show," Brenda said firmly. "It's an early start so you will be going down the night before. The show is for two days and as the second day is as long as the first and it's too far to drive home that night you've been booked into a nearby hotel for three nights instead of the customary two. Also on the first day there is a formal dinner at night paid for by the company. I've been on one of these before and the food and entertainment are superb."

"I'll give you more details as soon as I receive them. Oh, one more thing. The company will hire a car for you to go in so you will be going down together! Okay, any questions? Good, then I'll let you get on with your work."

A shell shocked Mary left quickly, avoiding looking at Steve.

Mary waited a few days until all the details of the show were confirmed before she bit the bullet and told Philip where she was going.

He didn't say much in response and she actually thought he looked relieved that she was going away even though it was only for three nights.

Eventually the day arrived that Mary had been dreading. She most definitely was not looking forward to sharing a four hour car journey with Steve.

She had packed her suitcase the night before when Philip was out. As she searched through her wardrobe wondering what she could take to wear she came across her purchases from the other week.

She bit her lower lip as she contemplated the new dress. Would she be overdressed wearing that? Making a snap decision she popped it into her suitcase. She turned to her drawer that contained her lingerie. She selected the bra and briefs she would need before seeing the bag that contained her other purchases.

She peered inside the bag before withdrawing the matching set of bra, thong, stockings and suspenders. Stuffing them quickly back inside she tossed the bag into her suitcase.

Maybe I will get to wear them after all she mused as she turned her attention to her footwear. She selected her comfortable flat shoes, which she knew she would need when walking round the show. Seeing her new high heels she pulled them out of the cupboard.

Scrutinising them carefully she then put them inside her suitcase. Well if I'm taking the dress I might as well take the shoes she mused. Adding her toiletry bag with make up and perfume, she was ready.

Steve arrived in the early afternoon to pick her up. As she saw him pull up outside the house she turned to say goodbye to Philip. She didn't kiss him or look back as she closed the door behind her.

She had been dreading the car journey down. Four hours with Steve was not her idea of fun. Still, she was going to be mature about it and made polite conversation with him.

The long journey passed uneventfully and after checking into the hotel they freshened up before meeting up in the bar prior to their evening meal.

Steve had never seen Mary in anything other than her work uniform which was most unflattering. Even on the car ride down she was wearing baggy jeans and tee shirt so she would be comfortable.

So he was mildly shocked to say the least when he saw her walk into the bar dressed in a pair of fairly tight trousers and a thin fashionable sweater that clung to her body. She looked round the bar.

"Mary; over here," he called out to her.

"Bloody hell, I'd no idea," he breathed to himself as he watched her 38D breasts heading towards him.

She clambered onto the bar stool next to him. He watched mesmerised as her trousers pulled even tighter to emphasise the fullness and curve of her thighs.

Dragging his eyes up her body they lingered briefly at her large breasts.

He snapped his head up. "Right, what can I get for you?"

"I'll start with a lager, I've got a bit of a thirst," Mary answered.

After her lager she progressed onto vodka and tonic before they were called through to their table.

Steve ordered a bottle of wine.

"Well the company is paying after all," he laughed.

Fuelled by the booze, Mary started to relax and even found herself laughing with Steve.

Finally calling it a night they went to their respective rooms, arranging to meet up early the next day for breakfast before heading to the road-show.

The day at the road-show didn't go as well as Mary had hoped. Steve who had been passably pleasant the night before reverted back to type and became arrogant and clever.

Meeting up with the top managers he took credit for all the advances their store had made, even though he hadn't been there that long and blamed others for all the problems.

Mary could see why he was the golden boy. He was very persuasive and knew how to talk to the right people and he certainly knew how to kiss ass!

By the end of the day she was fuming and abruptly turned down Steve's offer of a drink in the bar preferring instead to return to her room.

With time to spare before the evening meal and dance she took the opportunity to catch up on her sleep.

A couple of hours later she awoke refreshed and after a long hot shower, completely revitalised.

She looked into the wardrobe at the selection of clothes she had brought with her. She had learned that the dinner dance was informal but that most women would be wearing dresses.

Relieved that she had brought the right clothes for once she took out her recently purchased blue dress and laid it out on the bed.

Pondering briefly on what underwear to put on she made another snap decision and took out the bag that contained her new set of lingerie.

She put the bra on first. It looked great and really pulled her breasts in to give her a fantastic cleavage. She stepped into the thong and adjusted it so that it fit comfortably in the crack between her ass cheeks. It had been a while since she had worn a thong.

Slipping on the suspender belt she snapped the clips down onto the sheer silky stockings that she had smoothed up her legs.

She looked at herself in the full length mirror.

"Wow!" she said out loud.

She stepped into her new 5" heel shoes. The effect this had was unbelievable. She felt empowered by her new height and her look of sensuous femininity. She hadn't felt this good in ages. She turned slowly to gaze at her body in the mirror.

"Not bad Mary, not bad at all," she breathed to herself.

She turned back to the bed and stepped into her dress. It seemed to mould itself to her body, displaying a significant amount of flesh, something it hadn't seemed to do before. Must be the bra she mused.

She fastened the zip and turned once more to the mirror.

"Oh WOW!" she cried out as she took in the transformation before her eyes.

The stretchy fabric of the dress clung tightly to her full round ass showing her cheeks in all their glory. Her legs looked stunning as her 5" heel shoes stretched them out and there was more of her thigh on display now than she could remember from when she tried it on. Luckily for her she was still very well toned in that department.

She breathed in deeply, drawing in her stomach as far as she could. She could just make out a faint paunch but hey; younger women than her had bigger stomachs and they didn't seem to mind what they looked like.

Grabbing her purse she left her room and made her way to the bar.

She entered the bar with a certain amount of trepidation. The last thing she wanted to do was look like mutton dressed as lamb. She needn't have worried as the looks she got were all of appreciation.

She looked round for Steve. It was unfortunate that it seemed he was the only person she knew at this road-show and even though she didn't want to be in his company she had no other option.

She finally spied him at the bar with his back to her talking to two other men. He was plying them with drinks. He'd told Mary on the trip down that it always paid to network. What he didn't tell her was this was his mantra; a philosophy that had stood him in good stead throughout his working life. He hadn't got where he was by hard work and endeavour. His success was all down to the perception of being hard working.

What Mary didn't know was that one of the men with Steve was her new area manager Barry Knowles.

Barry saw her enter the room. "Is that her?" he asked, nudging Steve.

Steve turned round to look. "Yeah, that's her. Mrs Fucking High and Mighty!"

As she drew nearer, Steve did a double take.

Holy fuck!

His eyes roamed greedily over her body taking in the swell of her breasts and the expanse of her cleavage. He moved his gaze lower, down to her swaying hips as she walked slowly, concentrating hard on not stumbling in her high heels. Her dress was pulled tight against her legs and ass which impaired her walking as well.

Bloody hell...fucking fantastic thought Steve, swallowing hard to prevent himself from stuttering.

"Ah there you are Mary, what can I get you?"

"Vodka and tonic please," she said as she arrived at the bar and stood alongside him, Steve realised that with her heels on she was now the same height as him. For some reason he thought this was significant. He didn't know why. He was also finding it hard to tear his eyes away from her cleavage.

He shook his head. "What was that, sorry, what did you want?"

"A vodka and tonic please Steve, thank you."

After introducing her to Barry and Brendan, another area manager, he bought her a double vodka, followed five minutes later by another double.

As the drink took hold so Mary's usual reserve diminished. She was soon chatting quite animatedly to Barry and Brendan. After a couple of drinks she had an unfortunate habit of becoming very vocal and telling people how it was in a very direct manner. Luckily for her the managers were drinking steadily and took it all in their stride, even agreeing with her about various company policies that to Mary seemed totally ludicrous.

Mary inside was pleased with herself. Here she was chatting to a couple of bigwigs and they were paying attention to what she had to say.

It didn't occur to her or indeed she hadn't noticed that they seemed more interested in her physical attributes, especially her twin peaks that were prominently displayed.

Steve had noticed where their eyes were looking and became somewhat protective of Mary. If anyone was going to try it on with her he was going to ensure it was him. He moved up close behind her. She didn't seem to notice him stood behind her. He was thrilled as Mary became somewhat animated with her arms and her ass was wiggling about quite a bit. As he was stood so close it was brushing up against him. He could feel his cock was becoming interested. He dropped his hand and lightly touched her ass. She didn't seem to notice as he moved his hand in small circles around her full round cheeks.

Mary drained off the remains of her third double. "When do we eat," she asked, "I'm starving!"

Steve jolted back to reality. "I think we can go through now," he replied.

He followed closely behind Mary, blocking off the other two managers. As she walked in front of him he revelled in the sight of her solid looking but extremely shapely legs. His gaze travelled up to her ass. Her short dress was pulled ridiculously tight and he could see her cheeks moving as she walked, her high heels accentuating the movement of her hips.

Fortune smiled on Steve. As they approached their circular table he saw that part of it was snuggled up in a corner against a wall. He manoeuvred Mary towards that side of the table and slid into the seat next to her. There was no-one sat on her other side. Barry and Brendan sat across from Mary and Steve and they were soon joined by five other people.

Free bottles of red and white wine had been provided by the company and there were several on their table already opened.

Steve leaned across to Mary.

"What would you prefer Mary, red or white?"

"What's the main course?" she enquired.

"Err...rack of lamb, I think," a bemused Steve replied. "Why?"

"Then I'll have red please," she answered with a smile on her lips. "Always red with lamb." She knew a little bit about wine having been on a wine tasting trip whilst on holiday several years before.

"Okay, red it is," Steve answered who took her glass and filled it nearly to the brim.

Mary brought the glass to her nose and sniffed. She took a sip, followed by a longer drink.

"Very nice," she said, "just the right amount of fruity flavour and spices. Should compliment the lamb very nicely."

She sat back with a smug expression on her face. That'll show him, the prick she thought. She glanced over at Steve. He was sat with his mouth open.

The waitresses brought the starter followed twenty minutes later by the main course. Steve ensured Mary's wine glass was never below half empty so that she was unaware how much wine she was drinking.

As they waited for dessert, Mary was deep in conversation with one of the other people who had sat at their table. The lady she was conversing with was called Colleen and had worked with Brenda in another store before she had taken over the running of Mary's store. She was telling tales, which luckily were all good. Brenda, it seemed, was quite well thought of.

During the meal, Steve had taken any opportunity he could to look into Mary's impressive cleavage. Her bra really was working wonders.

Emboldened by drink he decide to throw caution to the wind. As he lent forward to refill his wine glass using his left hand, he accidentally on purpose put his right hand onto Mary's knee. Getting no negative reaction from her he squeezed very gently.

Mary was no fool. She knew exactly what Steve wanted. He wanted what all men want. To get inside her panties. She'd had years of contending with this before she married Philip. Unfortunately she'd often let them have what they wanted.

She decided to see how far she could take this. It would be great to get him all worked up before firmly slamming the door shut on any aspirations he may have to fuck her. She smiled inwardly as she let his hand move carefully along her thigh.

Steve was amazed. He knew Mary didn't like him but here she was letting him attempt to seduce her. What was she thinking?

But then again, he didn't really care. He moved his fingers slowly up under her tight dress and slid them down from the top of her leg onto her inner thigh.

Mary felt a reaction in herself she had not expected. Steve's fingers running up her leg was actually a quite erotic feeling especially as they were in a public place sitting with other people.

Surely, someone must see them. She suddenly felt very naughty and a little aroused. Without realising she shifted in her seat as she leaned further forward to continue her conversation with Colleen and as she did her legs opened slightly.

Steve was even more amazed now. His hand reached her stocking top.

Oh shit, she's wearing stockings and suspenders. He felt his cock twitch.

His hand moved onto her flesh, briefly catching one of the suspender clips. Her skin was smooth and soft to the touch and remarkably firm.

Mary snapped her thighs together as the waitresses brought the dessert course to their table. Steve just managed to extricate his hand in time.

She took a long drink from her glass of wine and as she set it down, Steve promptly filled it for her.

Steve was quietly pleased with his progress so far. He was definitely surprised that Mary had allowed him to feel her up. Maybe he had a chance after all. It never crossed his mind that she could have been playing games. To him it seemed that she would welcome his advances. He couldn't wait for the dancing to start as he was sure this would give him another opportunity to work his magic!

After the cheese and biscuits and coffee were served and then cleared away the disco started up. It had been playing background music during the meal but now the DJ had arrived and cranked up the volume.

He knew his audience well enough to avoid garage music and rap and instead launched into a series of tunes from the sixties, seventies and eighties.

Mary was getting on well with Colleen and after dancing in their chairs for a couple of tunes, they hit the dance floor.

Mary loved to dance. She certainly wasn't the best dancer in the world but she could still show the younger ones a move or two.

Steve watched from his seat as Mary hustled and twisted her way round the dance floor shaking her ass with free abandon.

When he noticed Barry and Brendan join Colleen and Mary on the dance floor he decided it was time to bust a move too. He couldn't allow either one of them the opportunity to make a play for Mary. He knew what they were like. If anyone was going to fuck her tonight he wanted it to be him.

Mary was amused when Steve joined them on the dance floor. She knew why Barry and Brendan were dancing with her and Colleen but for the life of her couldn't understand why Steve would want to dance.

After five minutes or so she was mildly surprised that Steve actually could dance. What sealed that was when a jive record was played and Steve grabbed her and they moved together across the floor.

At the song ended, Mary came to a stop panting. "I had no idea you could jive," she gasped.

"Oh well, you know what they say...hidden waters and all that..." Steve replied. "Come on, I could do with a drink."

He took her arm and escorted her off the dance floor and into the bar.

Taking a seat at the bar, Steve held out a hand to support Mary as she struggled to get up onto her stool. Her short tight dress was pulled up high when she finally got settled, displaying a vast amount of her thighs. Steve could just make out her stocking tops. In fact he could barely keep his eyes off her legs.

Shit or bust he thought. "You've got sensational legs you know," he blurted out.

Mary laughed. "So I've been told, many times. Nice legs; shame about the face!"

Even Steve laughed at that. "No, really they are fantastic in fact your whole body is fantastic."

"What, for a woman my age," she answered.

"No, no, I didn't mean it to sound like that." He looked into her face and saw a faint smile playing on her lips. "Oh I see, you're trying to wind me up."