Mary's Challenge, Day 02


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Her bottom was of course uncovered. She stayed as still as possible, even though she wanted to fidget and twist in anxiousness. She wanted to prevent any peeks at her body the two could get, even if they'd seen it before.

Mary looked at her friends eyes. They were wide, almost never blinking. It was like they were trying to remember every inch, or take a mental image of her. Mary's breath began to come in quick again. It was hard to control her breathing; she was being pushed from her comfort zone.

"Turn again please," Jenny requested. Mary slowly turned another ninety degrees till her bottom was pointed at her friends. She kept her legs locked closed, so to prevent any revealing shots from behind.

Now Mary was blind to her friend's voyeurism. They would be able to look as intently as they wanted, not that they were hiding it before. Everything was so silent. At moments, Mary wished they weren't so quiet; being silently judged was worrying her a lot. Mary knew that if they did say something though, it would only embarrass her more somehow.

"Face us again," Mary heard. She slowly did a 180 and was now facing Jenny and Julie again. Their eyes were in a frenzy to take in everything.

"Now, I have to say I love the ENF-look, but I want to see more, right Julie?" Jenny asked.

"Definitely! She's super cute all shy, but I think I want an exhibitionist Mary to look at now!" Julie joked.

"I'm not an exhibitionist!" Mary suddenly objected.

Jenny chuckled a little, "Don't worry, she's only joking. We know it's never that black and white." Mary, even through their earnest eyes, could tell the two were sincere in the fact that they weren't thinking badly of Mary in the very least. "Just lower your arm so we can see your breasts," Jenny followed up.

Mary thought about it for a second. Her nipples had been out of site for a bit now. Even though with no clothing, they had at least felt covered to an extent. It was like stripping and flashing Jenny and Julie if she lowered her arm.

Mary also knew that their erect state would easily be noticed. Julie before hadn't even needed to see them to know they were hard before. Now each would get to stare and really take note of it. They'd be completely aware of Mary's arousal.

Mary knew that this would happen. She knew they'd sit there and think that this show was turning her on. Yet that was half the problem for Mary, it was true.

Mary was feeling very vulnerable. She felt so naked in front of people she had thought she was getting used to being naked around. Yet as if hooked on it, her mind and body insisted that this embarrassment she felt was something that turned her on and wasn't going to go away.

Mary had to finish the task, and she really felt as if she should do it. She was convinced that she was supposed to, either for the sake of completing the task, or deep inside the fact that she might for some reason enjoy it.

Both girls were surprisingly silent as the pink, hard tips were revealed. Straining out into the air, her nipples were nearly tingling as soon as they were uncovered. The warm flesh that had been hiding them was now gone. They were introduced to a sudden blast of the open air and two pairs of roaming eyes.

Mary let her arm slide between her legs with her other. Both hands now cupped the area between her thighs. The exposure up top was tough, but for some reason, being the only area covered, she felt she really had to hide her lips now.

"You're doing great," Jenny said.

"Looking it too!" Julie added.

Mary huffed a little, as if angry with the teasing. She didn't need to the confirmation that the girls liked what they saw. It was just reminding her of the harsh reality that she was really showing off a lot.

As if in response to the comments and thoughts, her nipples nearly tingled. Mary thought about how she could in a way feel them. Aware that they were exposed. The way the air touched them. The way her breathing made them move so slightly. The way her skin tightened around them. Even her picturing and focusing on their exposure caused them to tingle, and Mary worried they were tingling so much it was somehow visible!

In fact, Mary was now very self conscious of what her body might be giving away. She was sure she was plenty red from embarrassment, but she had to assume Julie was convinced some of it was from a general excitement-flush.

Her breathing was getting pretty heavy too. The embarrassment was pushing her adrenaline. She almost ached with how alive her body was, the way her nerves were so on end.

Then there was the fact she couldn't stand still. No matter how much she tried, something willed her body to move. Her embarrassment wanted her to either run or find cover. Her nervousness made her wiggle and shift. She even had to fight her hands from moving too much, her hands being against a part of her body that was begging to be touched more.

"You have really cute nipples Mary," Jenny suddenly commented. Mary looked up at her, horrified by the sudden personal comment. "I mean they're just sticking out atop two near perfect curves. Like I have to admit that it's one of your best features," Jenny elaborated, "like something about this is just so 'please look at me! Please devour me with your eyes!'"

"I think they could use a pair of tongues!" Julie said. Mary's heart started to pound harder at the suggestions. Images of both girls licking her nipples flooded her mind. She almost backed up, but at the same time a similar pulse of pleasure quaked through the nipples, causing them to tingle more. Was her body trying to make them feel like two big targets? Did Mary suddenly want her nipples licked?

"Julie, behave, Mary is being so nice and letting us look at her body. She's offering her cuteness for us, and we should appreciate it with every second. Not to say your nipples don't look delectable Mary," Jenny offered. Although Mary definitely sensed that Jenny was supposed to be the good-cop, and the more calming of the two, some her comments didn't really calm her down much at all.

Mary's thoughts briefly returned to the previous night. She recalled herself on the side of the road, when she'd lost all self control and masturbated. She recalled how much her body ached and wanted to be touched.

She at first chided herself for such thoughts. Yet she knew why she thought of that at that moment. Something was similar. Something about her current arousal reminded herself of that, that feeling of her mind wanting to detach from common sense and let her desires taking over.

Mary found something else odd though. Of course she told herself to not just pleasure herself in front of her friends. Yet at the same time, she wasn't able to stop herself from doing it outside before. Something else was holding her back, but she wasn't sure what.

As if perfectly timed to interrupt her thoughts, Jenny had another command, "hands at your sides now Mary. We want to see the naughtiest part."

All of Mary's focus on her total exposure, and especially her naked breast disappeared. Suddenly the only things Mary was aware of were her hands and pussy.

Her hands felt stiff. They were locked in place. They didn't want to move in anyway. They both felt needed and comfortable. She could feel the way they were so well fit between thighs. She couldn't ignore the warm and wet sensation on her fingers.

The still hidden area beneath her hands was also sticking out in her mind. It was as if she was perfectly aware of that area. From the hairs above and the sensitive skin below, it was all in her mind's eye. Mary thought about how that was the one area that needed hiding the most. It was something so private and usually just hers to know about.

She worried not only the sight of her pussy, but the act of showing it. She worried what it would mean to give in and show it to two people who were so intent on seeing it. She worried also of what they would know by seeing it.

Jenny and Julie would get a close look at something so private and always be able to picture it. She could be in twenty layers of clothing and that wouldn't stop the two from being able to 'see' it whenever they wanted.

Mary knew they'd also see so many signs of her arousal. They'd see how the lips had become almost puffy and swelled. The coloring was surely differently. It embarrassed her that she could even use a napkin or something to clean her fingers due to how wet she'd become.

Yet Mary's hands moved on their own. She hadn't forced it, and she didn't want them moved. Yet she was doing as Jenny requested it seemed, and Mary tried to prepare for the next few moments.

Mary's Challenge, Day 2

By Jappio

Part 9

Mary was able to safely look at Jenny and Julie without risk of eyes meeting. Neither seemed like they'd look up at her face nor try to read her expression. The two were far too concentrated on the showing of very naughty skin.

Mary hung her arms at her side. She stiffened her body to prevent herself from moving in anyway. She caught her breath, knowing she was about to exhale into some type of moan or whimper. She did everything she could to not let her body betray how she felt she should be.

She stood like that, silent and forcefully calm. She knew where the two girls were looking, that they weren't seeing anything more than skin. Sure it was clearly aroused, and that really embarrassed her even more, but at least she didn't appear totally controlled by it.

The naked girl though was fighting with herself too. Not only did she not want to let Jenny and Julie know that she was being controlled by her torrent of emotions, but Mary didn't want to admit it either. She didn't want to let it take her over completely, but it was as if that fight as well was only fueling her feelings.

Mary had to breathe again; she'd been holding her breath without realizing it. Timefelt like it was moving again. Jenny and Julie weren't just staring, but now again surveying and observing. The two actions seemed different to Mary.

"Julie, behave," Jenny suddenly commanded. Mary figured something must have been so obviously deserving of comment that Jenny predicted Julie would have teased Mary about it.

Mary tried to close her fists around anything, like the sides of her shirt or something if she had one. She wanted to hold onto something, come to grip with things around her. Yet, she was completely bare and with nothing to hold onto. The feelings of vulnerability had to do with more than just her exposure.

"Your-" Julie began to say, but was immediately cut off.

"Julie, I said behave. Let Mary breathe and relax some," Jenny again barked. Jenny sounded a bit on edge Mary realized. Were both girls really so into this? It caused Mary's body to quake internally.

Mary's mind was finally coming off from its high. For moments it had felt like this wasn't happening. Yet finally Mary was accepting that she was indeed very naked in front of Jenny and Julie.

This was total nudity for Mary. This was complete nakedness. She felt as if they'd gone as far as they could, but Jenny and Julie sat up. They stood, and it caused Mary to be uneasy, with them so close to her exposed body.

"Mary, I won't be able to keep Julie here quiet for long. Your body surely is worth commenting on. I have a hard time holding my own tongue obviously. We would love to keep viewing you like this, but for your own good I think we need to go to the next step, please sit on the bed where we were."

Mary looked all around her. She saw the spot she was meant to be on. Stiffly, Mary shuffled to the spot and lowered herself to it. She could feel the sheets below touch her hot skin. Even with people sitting there before, they almost felt cool to her.

Mary liked that her lips were again slightly hidden by her legs being shut, but this just refocused everyone's attention on her breasts.

"Now Mary, we aren't going to ask you to do anything too crazy," Jenny prefixed as the two began to kneel right in front of the bed. Mary was both worried by Jenny's foreshadowing and by the fact that both felt so very close to her naked body. "Yet we want to really get a good look at you. These next poses will require you to touch yourself in some ways..." Jenny explained.

Mary's heart nearly imploded. Images again of her touching herself very inappropriately returned. She suddenly wondered if her friends really intended her to masturbate for them! Mary though couldn't even find the words to create a rebuttal, as if she didn't have one.

"Simple though... we just want you to hold your breasts. Nothing too perverse," Jenny added. Mary felt that this whole thing was perverse, but held her tongue. She felt she was getting off easy, she wasn't sure if she'd been able to say no to her greater worries.

Taking a deep breath, Mary brought her hands to her breasts. She slowly grabbed them, fingers just loosely around the sides as she looked to Jenny for guidance.

"No, a little lower, like this," Jenny demonstrated by holding her breasts more from the bottom, through her shirt of course, "kind of like a shelf bra, but with your hands."

Mary's breasts didn't fill her hands nearly as well Jenny's did her own. Yet soon enough Mary was holding her breasts up, as if presenting them more than before. Her nipples tingled having available hands so close.

"Very good. Now just give them a little bit of a push up and ease down..." Jenny again demonstrated the motion.

Mary was starting to turn to autopilot. Her brain was nearly exhausted with all the anxiety over every embarrassing thought. However once she started the motion of bobbing her breasts up and down slowly, Mary's body ached again.

It was like every time they lifted and dropped, her breasts grew warmer and tingled more. They were so more obvious now, with such a subtle, but at the same time exaggerated, motion. They were the soul focus, and now Mary could see and feel them move. She could feel their weight and shape, and she was showing both as well.

"Now... just move your hands a little higher," Julie suddenly requested. Mary did so, and Julie was now showing with her hands. Mary mimicked Julie, spreading her hands across her breasts. "Make sure to avoid the nipples though, leave those pointing out between them," Julie warned.

Mary did as told, and she shivered anytime she brushed one of her nipples. She knew she wanted more of a touch, but she just followed along as told. Soon she was holding the whole shape of her boobs in each hand.

"Now... just feel how soft they are. Move your hands a bit in a circle, just move and enjoy them..." Julie softly commanded.

Mary did as she said. She felt embarrassed, to touch herself so intimately in front of the two. "Breathe now, slowly..." Julie continued with the guidance. Mary did so. Each breathe slowly eased her into a pace.

"That's right. Keep it up. You're doing wonderful," Julie encouraged. Mary began to arch her back a bit. The rhythm was starting to sync with desire. Her body was growing warmer still, and she felt herself losing to those desires. They weren't so much taking it over, as much as it seemed Julie was telling her to go with them. Mary didn't feel like she was out of control, but at the same time she didn't feel in it either.

"Good... good. You're so cute Mary. Your face is so red, and your breasts so rosy and pointy. You're breathing heavily. I can hear air escape, and the slight tone of what sounds like a moan trying to escape," Julie continued on, describing the small details of the scene in front of her. Jenny seemed to be watching intently along as well.

Mary started to lean back more. Her upper body felt heavy, she wanted to lie down. Sensing those desires, Julie was quick to say, "You may lay back. Just relax..."

Mary lowered herself onto the bed, her hands never leaving her breasts. She never stopped her motion either, at least until suddenly Jenny and Julie were leaning over the side of the bed. They were on Mary's sides, propped on their elbows, so close to Mary's chest. No less than a foot from Mary's rubbing.

"Keep going Mary. You're doing wonderful. I love what you're doing; I love how adorably you're struggling to do this naughty little show. I love how it has you so wrapped up but you want to deny it too so much," Julie continued to say. Although Mary's face felt like it was in pain with how hard she was blushing, Mary continued on.

"That's very good, thank you so much Mary. Please, let us see your nipples more clearly. I can see they are so hard, but place your thumb and forefinger around them..."

Mary slowed her hands down, and peeled them from her skin. She looked at her friends intently still taking in their shape, color, and everything about them. Mary brought each set of fingers to her nipples, and since they were so extended, easily got a hold of them.

Mary sighed out loudly. The touch was almost electric.

"They're sensitive. Let's back up a little. Just your finger tips on top of them, like you're trying to hide just the nipples from us," Mary complied. "Good. It might almost hurt, so please take it slow our little cutie. I want you to just move your fingers on them. Not quite anything as intense as fully twisting or pushing them, but just wiggle them around a little."

Mary began to move her fingers, causing her nipples to move about. Her breathing came out in small gasps. The arousal was overtaking her breathing. Mary subconsciously arched her back, pushing her wanting nipples into her fingers.

"Now... you can slowly place your fingers around them again. Just a tiny, non painful pinch," Julie reordered.

The world around Mary was hazy at this point. What was so embarrassing before was forgotten. Now only the act of following the orders to tease her nipples existed. It was all whirling by so fast for Mary. She never could catch up because she was on to a new task already.

"Ah" Mary muttered as she began to tease her nipples.

Julie giggled a little. "There we go, not able to hide that moan, were we?"

The accusation alone caused Mary to let go another small moan. Mary was starting to understand the idea of this exposure. It was more than just her body. It was so much more.

"Mary, time to rest your arms and hands at your sides," Mary heard Jenny say. Without thinking, Mary did as Jenny asked.

Suddenly Mary's body felt total exposure again. The touching that once distracted her was gone. Her body screamed for fingers once more. She wanted her hands to be against her vulnerable tender areas for both pleasure and for modesty.

Surrounding her on each side was a girl. They were staring down at her naked breasts, now heaving up and down with her breathing.

She shifted in her lying spot. Mary was totally on show, and her body was so on fire it was insane. She started to think as if she had just a bit more time and more intense play; she may have orgasmed from her time with just her breasts. A wiggle of her thighs confirmed her pussy had been quite aroused, her thighs were even moist.

Julie, acting in the role of the psychic that Mary always felt she was, spoke up again, "Sorry Mary. I know you're close to orgasm. You're aching and wanting, but just a bit longer."

Mary turned her head, wishing she was closer to the pillow so she could bury her face in it. A second wind of energy was catching up with her and she was able to get out a grumbled, "shut up!"

Both girls just smiled. Mary was getting her moment to think. Her chance to cool down wasn't really doing much of that, since embarrassment and modesty were rising.

"Time to sit up dear," Jenny said. Mary started to rise. Sitting up again, Mary tried to take another breath. Both girls returned to their kneeling position on the floor.

"Sorry I let Julie have her go there, but I hope you don't actually mind much," Mary just avoided eye contact, knowing that Jenny was right, she didn't mind.