Mass Effect - A Hero Rises Ch. 21

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A Mass Effect trilogy novelisation.
8.8k words

Part 21 of the 69 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/11/2019
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Book 2, Chapter 2 -- Omega


I was right, of course. I'm not always right, I've been wrong more times than I count, but I know a bullshit artist when I heard one, and the Illusive Man was already proving to be the greatest weaver of bullshit I've had the displeasure of listening to. Of course he knew about the Collectors being responsible for the abductions.

"I had my suspicions, but I needed the proof," he explained, "The Collectors are enigmatic at best. They periodically travel to the Terminus Systems, looking to gather seemingly unimportant items or specimens. Usually in exchange for their technology. When their transactions are complete, they disappear as quickly as they arrived; back beyond the unmapped Omega Four relay. Until now, we've had no evidence of direct aggression by the Collectors."

I was ready to chew him out, but he'd already offered new information. "What's the Omega Four?" I had to ask.

"We assume it leads to the Collector homeworld. However, no ship that's ever passed through the relay has returned to let us know what is on the other side."

"Any idea why a ship has never returned?"

"Our best guess is that the relay reacts differently to Collector vessels, allowing them safe passage. If they can manipulate relays, that's just further evidence of their connection with the Reapers."

At least he was speaking sense regarding that. The Reapers would have pawns ready to do what they wanted if they were trapped in space.

"Okay, why the sudden interest in humanity? We've barely been on the scene for thirty years. The turians are probably the biggest military threat, the salarians regarding science, and the asari regarding Machiavellian politics. Surely those three are the bigger threats?"

"It could for any number of reasons. The most obvious, however, is that humanity played the largest role in Sovereign's destruction. I'm sure that drew their attention." I could only nod his head in agreement. The Alliance had sacrificed many ships and men to ensure the destruction of the Reaper. That would definitely have put the bullseye on us. "What really concerns me is why bother abducting the colonists. Once the humans are paralysed, why not just kill them?"

"I'm glad they're not. I'd just like to find them alive, if possible."

"On that we can agree, Commander. Despite what you may believe, I want to help and protect the colonists. They are humans, just like you and me."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Again, it was just all too neat, like he already knew everything, but was simply drip-feeding it to me so I was kept interested and on his side. I knew I was being played, martialled into a position where I would need to co-operate with him. The idea made me sick as I had a bad feeling already nestling in my gut that it was exactly what I would end up doing. "Listen, it appears you already have it all figured out. What aren't you telling me?"

"The patterns are there, buried in the data. The Council and the Alliance want to believe the Reaper threat died with Sovereign. You and I know better."

"The Council?"

"Full deniability. The Alliance forwarded Donnel Udina as the candidate. I understand you didn't have the best of relationships?"

"Understatement. So I guess he denied everything?"

"They haven't quite written you off as insane, but the Reaper hypothesis has been completely rejected."

I suddenly felt very alone. The Council had basically written me off as a crank, and even if I returned, I'm sure they'd have a million and one questions. As for the Alliance, what would they do with me? The Normandy was gone, and I doubt I'd be given my own command after two years in the wilderness. First I'd be interrogated, and I'm not sure they'd believe the whole 'I was dead for two years but Cerberus rebuilt me'. Would probably sound as insane as the Reaper hypothesis to them. I had maybe a few allies in the Alliance, those who survived. Hackett, Anderson, Ash, Joker, Chakwas, a few of the sailors who might have survived. I could approach them directly, but I think even they'd be forced to hand me over until I was cleared, and that would simply take too long.

The longer I thought about it, the more I realised that the Illusive Man was the only option. The Council was a no-go. The Alliance would help me but it would take too long. Cerberus was ready to go now. I could only assume I would be getting resources, so perhaps a ship, weapons, credits, armour and hopefully people.

"Shit," I muttered, running a hand over my short hair.

"Commander, we are at war, and we need humanity's best soldier at the front, leading the way. But you can't do it alone. You're going to need the best."

"I guess my old squad is counted out, right?"

"It's been over two years, Commander. They've moved on with their lives. I've already compiled a list of soldiers, scientists and mercenaries. You'll get dossiers on the best of them. Finding them and convincing them to work with you could be challenging, but you're a natural leader. I'll continue to track the Collectors. When they make their next appearance, I'll notify you and your team. Be ready."

"Spectre status?"

"You can approach the Council but I wouldn't expect a warm welcome. I don't think they'll arrest you, but I'm sure they'll have plenty of questions in regards to where you've been. And if you return to the Citadel, it will attract the attention of the Alliance."

I pinched the bridge of my nose again and sighed. I hated being backed into a corner with only one way out, and I didn't like the way being offered. But I was racking my brain, trying to think of anything else I could do. I still had hope that if I could contact Anderson... but he was 'only' a captain. Hackett? No, even as an admiral, he still reported to superiors. My return would lead to questions...

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Send me the dossiers and I'll have a look at them," I stated flatly. Fine, I'd work with them for now, and I'd just bury the hate. Work like a robot until the job was done, then I'd think of something else. First thing, a steaming hot shower so I didn't feel anywhere near as dirty as I did.

"Commander. Two things before you go." Fuck me, what now? "First, head to Omega and find Mordin Solus. He's a brilliant salarian scientist. Our intelligence suggests he may know how to counteract the Collectors' paralysing seeker swarms."

"Giving orders already? In case you've forgotten, I don't work for you." Keep this up, Shepard, and you will be shot in the back of the head. Then buried in some unmarked grave. You know what these people are capable of.

I noticed the Illusive Man just grinned, waving a dismissive hand. "I'm merely giving you direction, Commander. A helpful suggestion. Nothing more. I'm just hoping you make the right choice."

I sighed, as it was nothing but an order, but I couldn't be bothered arguing any longer. "Very well. Point taken. What's the second thing?"

"I've found a pilot I think you may like. I hear he's one of the best. And he's someone you can trust."

Turning around, I was greeted by the sight of my pilot, Joker. Dressed in a Cerberus uniform. He stopped and saluted, not looking ill at ease at all. The first thing I noted was the fact he appeared to be walking unaided. He hadn't walked all that much on the old ship, and when he did, he needed crutches at least. I returned the salute, simply out of habit. "Joker, the fuck are you doing here?" I strode forward and offered my hand, which he accepted immediately. "Can't believe it's you."

""You're one to talk, Commander. I saw you get spaced."

"Good point. Again, I'll ask, the fuck are you doing here, Joker? In that uniform?"

He heard my tone and gestured with his head. ""Come on, we'll walk and talk. Apparently they have something to show us." Falling in alongside, he led me down a series of hallways as he continued to explain. "It all fell apart without you, Commander. Everything you stirred up, the Council just wanted it gone."

"So I've been told. With Udina on the Council, I was going to be fucked over regardless."

"Yeah, don't expect any help from them. Alliance? Doubt they know you're back yet. Once they find out, I'm sure they'll have a few questions. Anyway, after all that, the team was split up. All records from the mission were sealed, by both the Council and the Alliance. And I was grounded."

"What? Why? You're the best damned pilot in the Alliance."

"I was. Post-traumatic stress disorder, they called it. Apparently seeing your Commanding Officer spaced, and feeling guilty about it, was detrimental to my ability to pilot a ship."

"Had it rough?"

"Others have had it worse so I'm not complaining. Just facts, Commander. But in the end, the Alliance took away the only thing that mattered to me. So when Cerberus approached me with the offer to fly again, I accepted."

"No hesitation?"

"Oh, plenty of hesitation, Commander. This is Cerberus we're talking about. Trust me, I remember everything you found, but the Alliance forced me here. Payslip I get each month is a nice bonus. Don't expect we'll be here forever. Sure we'll see a cell once the job is done and we go back."

We stopped at window, overlooking a dark docking area. I assumed there was a ship there. "So any trust in regards to any of the clowns in charge? Cerberus as a whole?"

""Do you trust them, Joker? Cerberus? The Illusive Man?"

"I certainly don't trust Cerberus. This is simply a means to an end. A job. Honestly, I don't really trust anyone. Except you, Commander. And considering they saved your life, and let me fly, I guess they can't be all bad."


Joker then gestured out the window. "Then there is this. They only told me about it last night."

The dark silhouette outside was slowly illuminated by a series of lights. An enormous ship. Sleek in design. Painted on the front splitters and on the hull were the words SR-2. Even sitting still in the docking bay, it looked fast. Painted white, black and gold. They were the colours of Cerberus, but at that moment, I didn't mind. Leaning forward, placing a hand on the glass, I simply took it all in. And I knew this was now my ship. I would be captain once again. "Wow," I whispered, "She's a real beaut."

"It's good to be home, huh, Commander?"

"Sure is." We both stared in silence for at least a few minutes before I added, "Guess we'll have to give a name?"

"You sure, Commander? Some say renaming a ship the same as one lost can be bad luck."

I grinned. "I'm sure, Joker. She's been reborn. Bigger. Stronger. Faster. I can't think of a better name."

Joker called across one of the technicians standing nearby waiting for the instruction. "We'd like a name painted on the side of the ship."

"What name would that be?"

Joker looked back at me, and I returned a single nod.



Actually getting ready to depart took a few hours. The crew was nearly ready to go, but last minute changes needed to be made, more supplies were being loaded, and even Cerberus required everything to be signed off before we could actually leave. Joker immediately got himself comfortable at the helm, which was good enough. I simply marvelled at the space available within the CIC.

Miranda and Jacob were polite enough to give me the rundown of what the ship was capable of and also its design. First off, the armoury was completely in the wrong place. It should be in the docking bay, ready for soldiers to grab their gear and leave. So that was an obvious flaw right there. The drive core was supposed to be even more powerful than in the old ship, so that was good. There was a tech lab, which would come in handy. A conference room, for meetings and also the place the Illusive Man could bother me. I had my own cabin at the top of the ship, which was a bonus. All in all, the ship was enormous.

And it came with artificial intelligence. Known as EDI. I think Miranda and Jacob were expecting a different reaction than my casual indifference. "Planning on taking over the ship or slaying humanity?" When EDI said no, that it was shackled, I was fine with it. Miranda actually looked impressed at the fact I didn't really give a shit.

"The Illusive Man must have been impressed so far, Commander," she said, "I was concerned by your attitude when you first woke up. I'll admit I would have done things slightly differently during your reconstruction, but I guess my mind will change over time if you continue to be cooperative with us. However, seeing that you are now here with us and at least committed to taking down the Collectors, I'm now confident this mission will be a complete success with you in charge."

"What would you have done differently?"

"Control chip to make you more amenable to our goals," she replied bluntly, and honestly, which was something I could appreciate, I guess, "The Illusive Man said no. I suggested that he may regret that decision. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

"And the biotic thing?"

"We agreed that, although you would have to adapt, considering your history, we assumed it would not take long and that, as a vanguard, it would suit you better."

"Can we set up training as I'm still not exactly sure how it all works?"

"Of course, Commander. Jacob and I can both help you in any way you require. We need you at your best, and training is a vital component."

I gestured at the nearby AI interface. "And this EDI? And before you even think about replying, don't spin me bullshit. Is it here to monitor us?"

"Yes," was the simple reply, before Miranda added, "But even I am not aware of all its functions."

"Fair enough. Long as it doesn't try and take control of the ship, then take us to the geth so it can lead an overthrown of the organic races, it can stay. Now, Joker knows we're off to Omega. Anything else I need to know?"

"The first person you may wish to speak to is your yeoman, Miss Chambers," Jacob replied, before he saluted and followed Miranda to the elevator. I walked towards Miss Chambers, who was busy at her terminal, looking up as I came into view.

"Hello, Commander."

"Miss Chambers."

"Miss Chambers is so formal. Call me Kelly."

"If you're Kelly, I'm Shepard. Not sure I'm really a 'commander' anymore anyway."

"Still a little overwhelming?"

"Haven't even slept yet and I'm not sure how long I've been going so far. I'm sure I'll crash and burn eventually. Could do with a bite to eat and a drink too."

"Mess is down one level, Shepard. The medical bay is also down there. And there is also a fully stocked bar in one of the lounges."

"This ship has lounges?"

"Two of them, either side of the ship."

"Damn! Cerberus knows how to build a ship at least."

"You haven't seen your cabin yet, Shepard. I think you'll be impressed."

"So, although I'd love to stay and chat, Kelly, I'm going to head downstairs, grab a bite, then head upstairs. But I think, as we'll be spending a lot of time together, I'm sure we can chat soon enough."

"Of course, Shepard. I look forward to it."

Walking back to the elevator, it arrived quickly and I stepped in, turning around and definitely checking out her backside. She was definitely gorgeous. I loved redheads. Green eyes are a bonus. And her voice was hypnotic. I was already thinking of my life on the old Normandy, and also what I'd got up to off the ship. Maybe being stuck with Cerberus wouldn't be so bad, at least in regards to one aspect.

Arriving in the mess, I was introduced to Mess Sergeant Gardner, who explained he was a jack of all trades, master of none, but before I could grab a tray, I glanced at the medical bay and noticed someone I did not expect to see again, at least for a few months. I immediately strode across, the door opening, and Doctor Chakwas looked up, grinned, and immediately rose to her feet. "Commander," she said softly, "It's good to see you alive."

The embrace wasn't a surprise. "It's good to see you too, Doc."

She moved her hands to my shoulders as she leaned back, definitely looking at my face. I'd only looked in the mirror once, hadn't liked what I'd seen, so avoided it since. "You look a little rough around the edges, Commander."

"I'm feeling it too!"

"Do they hurt?"

"Surprisingly, no. Or, at least, not constantly. Occasional shooting pain, nothing more. Miranda said my reconstruction hadn't finished when I was woken up. It's a long story. But I'm surprised to see you here, Doc. What are you doing on a Cerberus vessel?"

She let me go and gestured to her desk, resuming her seat as I sat opposite. She'd barely changed since the last time I'd saw her. Silver hair. Wise eyes. I didn't know her exact age, but I put her in the late 50s, early 60s bracket, so probably double my own age. Still, constantly on her feet and at work had kept her slim. And I was aware of her attraction on the old ship.

"Hmm. It is surprising, even to me. But here I am, ready to help. And from what I've already heard, whether through gossip or otherwise, it sounds like you haven't changed a bit, particularly in your opinion of the organisation we are currently allied with, so to speak."

"Could be better, could be worse. At least there's a job to do to keep my mind focused. We do the job, beat the Collectors, then... well, god knows, really, but I guess we won't be sticking around here too long."

"I'm thinking the same thing, Commander."

"Good. Now, is there anything you need?"

She shook her head. "No, Cerberus know what they're doing regarding medical facilities. I have everything I need here. I did lose something during the destruction of the old ship, though."

"What did you lose?"

"A bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy. I was saving it for a special occasion and have always regretted never opening the bottle."

"Say no more, Doc. First stop we make, somewhere decent at least, like the Citadel, I'll pick you up a bottle." She looked ready to argue but I immediately waved those away. "I remember an invitation for drinks before I carked it. So it's a good excuse for a catch up at least."

"Well, if you've really been asleep for two years, it'll be a one-way conversation."

"What have you been up to?"

There was a sigh, one of equal frustration and sadness. "After you were lost, I was reassigned. Eventually I found myself based on Mars. I had a respectable position but it wasn't a starship. I've spent nearly my entire adult life on starships, never knowing what the next mission might bring. Ship life suits me, Commander, and I missed it. Life planet-side is, if I'm completely honest, a little boring."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me. And the people we're working with?"

"I honestly don't know them at all. Miranda Lawson was the one who recruited me. She'll take some getting used to. The only other one I know is Kelly Chambers. She was very sweet. May end up being the only honest person on the ship, asides from us. Don't think she has a dishonest bone in her body." She paused before adding, "You'll definitely like her."

I gave her a look as I knew exactly what she meant. "Anyway, Doc, I just popped in to say hello. I'm absolutely starving, then I need a little shuteye before we arrive in Omega."

"Don't be a stranger, Shepard."

I headed back out into the mess to grab a tray and some food. Taking a seat, I realised the food was going to be rather awful within the first couple of mouthfuls, but I was starving, and used to eating crap, so I just hoovered it down. Miranda wandered out from her office to grab a bottle of water from the fridge, and I definitely checked her out again. I wasn't sure if her best feature were her tits or her arse. Legs were nice, but the tits were on point, definitely fake, but also spectacular. I definitely had some thoughts as she didn't look my way, simply heading back to her office, click of her heels on the floor echoing around the otherwise empty mess.