Mass Effect - A Hero Rises Ch. 67


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It was one hell of a slog, earning every inch forward with blood and sweat. Kasumi, Jack and Zaeed worked as part of our unit just like before, like they'd never been away. Vega got a glimpse of her power and I think it actually scared him a bit. Javik was nothing but impressed by her.

They thought sending an Atlas our way would stop us. We made such short work of it, even I was left amazed, the giant mech riddled by bullet holes, the pilot slumped over the controls, his armour pock marked by more holes than I could count.

"We're at the elevators, Bailey. Where's the Council?"

"Above you, Shepard. Ascending as we speak."

Getting into firefight in an elevator shaft wasn't my idea of a good time, but with the firepower at our disposal, it did make our jobs easier. And that's when I laid eyes on Leng again. Didn't get to shoot the fuckwit, but I did send him hurtling towards the ground as I made sure I shot out the cable upon which he was standing. I peered over the side and gave him a mock salute.

"See ya, dickhead."

Stepping back into the cramped compartment, we readied ourselves for god knows what when the doors opened. When they dinged open, I carefully stepped forward. I was greeted by a burning skycar, Councillor Tevos, Sparatus and Udina, and Ashley Williams acting as their bodyguard. She met my eyes and approached with weapon raised. Whether it was for show, or because she was worried about my team, I couldn't be sure.

I didn't raise my weapon. "Weapons down," I ordered my team.

"Sit-rep, Shepard?" she asked.

"Cerberus is the one behind the attack, though I'm sure that's obvious by now. We've just spent the last couple of hours kicking their arse from one side of the Citadel to the other. The man apparently in charge of the attack..."

"Kai Leng is his name," Miranda added, "All the information you need will be on your desk first thing tomorrow, Shepard. And I will provide that detail to anyone else who needs it."

Ashley mouthed 'Udina' and I nodded. She grimaced because she now knew the truth about certain matters. She lowered her weapon and strode towards me, kissing my cheek. "Totally going to have sex after this," she whispered, to the amusement of those behind me.

I stepped forward. "Okay, Udina. Your little plan is over. If you come quietly, I won't execute you here and now."

"You're Cerberus, Shepard. You're responsible for all of this. I'll put it in language you'll certainly understand. You're full of shit. Always have been."

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose with finger and thumb. "I should have known you wouldn't make this easy," I muttered.

"One moment, Councillor. Shepard has never led us wrong before," Tevos stated, "If he says Cerberus is behind this, then I believe him."

"Of course you fucking would. You're both complete and utter idiots. That is why you're going to be replaced."

"Gun!" Ashley cried. Tevos and Sparatus were smart, dropping to the ground quickly, as Udina lifted a pistol he'd kept hidden. I flash charged until I was barely six inches away from him. He blinked in surprise as I lifted the shotgun, barrel at his chest, right over his heart.

I smiled as I met his eyes.

"Fuck off," I murmured as I pulled the trigger. The force of the blast tore a gaping hole in his chest before he was blown back and over the edge of the platform. Stepping forward, I glanced over to see him falling, falling, falling, all the way to the ground. His head split apart, blood and brains spreading, as his mangled body jerked for a moment before it stilled.

Turning back to the councillors, Sparatus was getting to his feet, so I stepped forward to help Tevos. First thing she did was hug me tightly. "Thank you, Shepard," she whispered. I noticed the looks from certainly members of my squad. Knowing looks from Liara and Miranda.

"You've saved us again, Shepard," Sparatus added, offering his hand, which I shook, "It's getting to be a habit. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not."

"Just doing my job, sir." I stepped back, coming to attention. "I assure you, an investigation will begin immediately regarding the activities of Councillor Udina and also into failing as to how Cerberus managed to gain momentary control of the Citadel. I will endeavour to have that report on your desks as soon as possible."

They both grinned. "Thank you, Shepard," Tevos stated.

Bailey appeared to find the situation already resolved. He smirked as I approached him, finding my hand shaken again. "Well, guess that's one situation dealt with. Udina?"

"You'll find his body somewhere below," I replied, gesturing vaguely somewhere far below us.

He nodded, looking at the councillor. "Sir. Ma'am. You'd best come with us. Rest assured, C-Sec will immediately raise an investigation into our own failings. And if you want my resignation..."

"You've helped defend the Citadel, Commander," Sparatus stated, "You've done your duty. We can discuss certain matters once the clean-up has begun."

He nodded before looking back at me. "Your friend has been taken to the hospital, Shepard. He wasn't in a good way. You might have time."

I felt myself slump. "Damn it," I muttered.

"I'll organise some transport," he said, finger to his ear immediately.

Even those people from my team who didn't really know Thane joined me as the fleet of skycars headed straight to the hospital, the same Ashley had left only a few hours before. Walking into an overcrowded reception, with plenty of casualties from the attack, I managed to find a rather harassed nurse, asking for Thane. When that earned a blank look, I asked for any wounded drells. Her face fell and she led me towards a room.

"We've given him something for the pain, but he's lost a lot of blood. Too much," she said quietly.

"How long does he have?" She gave me a look full of sorrow and I sighed again. "Thank you."

"His son is with him now."

Thane was still alive but he was barely clinging on. His son, Kolyat, was reading from an old book. I knew Thane was religious, and the words were giving him comfort in his final hours. I could hear him struggling for breath. The doctor's had done their best to patch his wound.

Kolyat eventually stopped chanting. "They asked for blood donors but there are no matches. Before you offer, only drell blood can be used."

I nodded, stepping towards my fallen friend. Resting a hand on his shoulder, I asked, "Do you need anything, old friend?"

"Just your company until the end." He coughed, offering him the water that sat on the nearby table, though he waved it away. "The assassin should be embarrassed, almost bested by a terminally ill drell."

"We'll get him, Thane," Miranda said, "I promise."

"I know you will. I remember our time on the Normandy fondly. A ship of heroes, returning from a suicide mission alive." He coughed again, his son clasping his hands, bowing his head in prayer. I didn't blame him. His father was dying in front of us.

I glanced back to see plenty of upset faces. We all knew the cost was going to be high, but that was in regards to the Reapers. Cerberus was now vying with them in a battle to be top of my shit list. Miranda still glowered with unbridled rage. I pitied the next person who pissed her off.

"Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand..."

He trailed off in a coughing fit again. It was clear his lungs were on the verge of failing completely. "Kalahira, wash the sins from this one and set him on the distant shore of the infinite spirit," Kolyat added.

Thane grinned at his son. "Kolyat, you speak as the priests do. You have been spending time with them."

"I have, father. They have helped me deal and understand my emotions." Kolyat approach me, holding a book. "Would you care to join me, Shepard?" I nodded. "Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention."

Thankfully, I could read the language as he'd brought a translation. "Guide this one to where the traveller never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me."

Thane passed away a minute later, a final peaceful breath, before he breathed no more. I was not religious, nor spiritual, but for him, I believe in that last moment, his spirit left his body, to journey onwards to wherever it would rest for eternity. Perhaps by the sea with his wife. I believed that would be a fitting way to spend the rest of existence.

"Kolyat, there is one thing I don't understand. Your father is... He was a hero. Why pray for salvation?"

"The prayer was not for him, Shepard. He has already asked for forgiveness for the lives he has taken. His wish was for you."

I sighed as I understood immediately. I rested a hand on Thane's shoulder. "Goodbye, old friend. Requiescat in pace."

The doors opened behind us as obviously the monitors had informed those waiting that Thane had passed. Asking Kolyat to contact me later, I filed out of the room with everyone else. Though I was upset, and feeling rather depressed, we still had work to do. Keeping busy was probably best.

I opened my omni-tool. "Joker, is the Normandy docked on the Citadel?"

"It is, Commodore, same place as always. An asari fleet was in the next system. They're currently mopping up Cerberus stragglers."

"Okay, we're returning to the ship. We'll be there shortly."

No-one said a word as we walked our way to the docks and onto the ship. Kelly took one look at my face and covered her mouth. "Oh no," she whispered, "Who now?"

"Thane's gone. Gave his life to protect the Council."

I think this one got to her even more than Mordin as she almost collapsed against me. Miranda disappeared into the office. Looking around, there were only a few dry eyes. "Look, we'll meet at my apartment in a few hours and have another memorial service. Kasumi, Jack, Ashley, Zaeed, you should join us."

"We'll go together," Garrus suggested, "Perhaps best none of us be alone right now, right?"

"You're right." I looked at the time. "Be ready to leave here in an hour."

I made sure Jack and Kelly joined me in our office, Miranda lying on the bed, cuddling a pillow to her. Kelly and Jack surprised me by joining her on the bed to cuddle her while I sat on the edge next to Miranda, just gently rubbing up and down her arm. Ashley, Kasumi, Gianna and Liara walked in a minute or so later, all of them sitting on the bed with the others. Kasumi was wiping her cheeks. Ashley looked a little lost, no doubt aware why everyone was upset. Gianna and Liara remained respectful.

The sobbing eventually stopped, just the occasional sniff. I don't think anyone knew what to say. For once, I was lost for words myself. Losing two colleagues within the space of a few days was a bitter blow. Miranda eventually sat up and just hugged me tightly, Kelly doing the same thing. I ended up hugging all of them, and I liked to think it made them feel at least a little better.

An hour or so later, we were gathered together to head to my apartment. Walking through the front door, there was more than one sigh from a lover. "Well, this brings back good memories at least," Kelly said.

"I'm not sure how long we'll be here, so we'll do something for Thane tomorrow. Like a band-aid, do it quickly, then we'll have to get things sorted for whatever is next."

As everyone spread out across the apartment, I took Ashley by the hand and led her towards the back room. Seated together on a couch, we faced each other as she looked at me with curiosity. "What would you like to do?"

She smiled. "What do you think, Shepard?"

"Miranda is obviously..."

"Shepard, my place is on your ship and at your side. And as I want to see you smile, a good reason to join you again is that I know I'm definitely going to be fucked a lot, if not by you, then by one of your many other girls." That did earn a smile. "There we are, a good thought."

"I'll figure out somewhere for you to sleep."

"I'll bunk with the others, Shepard, though I hope I'll be in your bed sometimes."

"Maybe not mine. Liara likes company. And... Miranda..."

Ashley smiled. "Trust me, Miranda is fucking gorgeous, Shepard. If she's interested in return, we'll see how it goes. But I'd like a little fun with Liara again. Been a long time since I've had some asari pussy."

I spoke to Kasumi again. She knew what I was going to ask. "I'll come back," she said, immediately hugging me. "Don't suppose my old bed is there?"

"We'll get you a new one."

Last was Jack. She figured it out rather quickly too. "My kids are now in training or being assigned. For the moment, they're out of my hands. Fuck yes, I'm coming back," she exclaimed, hugging me tightly, "Is there enough space for all of us?"

"We'll figure something out."

The atmosphere remained sombre that evening. I ordered in plenty of food for us to eat, and though we did partake in an alcoholic beverage or two, we spent most of the night talking in small groups about our lives since we'd last seen each other. My bed was crowded that evening. Nothing actually happened at all, but there wasn't a lot of space to move about. I barely slept in the end, nor did a few others.

Liara had spent the previous afternoon preparing everything. The memorial service was in the morning. Kolyat naturally attended as did the three living councillors. I was surprised to see them, but having learned Thane had given his life to protect him, they knew it was right to honour him. Otherwise, I shared a few words again, and I think anyone who had served alongside him eventually shared an anecdote. It was a fitting tribute to a good man.

Kolyat thanked me for organising everything so quickly. When asking what he would do next, he said he'd remain on the Citadel and carry on his father's legacy of helping those in need, though he would do so without violence. We shook hands and wished each other luck for the future.

No surprise that Garrus departed that afternoon, wanting to go visit his girlfriend. Zaeed was busy organising all sorts of deals. I did wonder if he'd actually retired. When I asked, he simply touched the side of his nose and said I'd see him around. With any luck, with an absolute fuckload of mercenaries at his side. His words, not mine. Vega preferred staying on the ship, as did Cortez, telling the pair I'd let them know when we'd be heading out. Javik preferred the Wards, so he disappeared to do his own thing as well.

To my amusement, that left me with all my girls. The mood required lifting before we started having fun, and that day wasn't the right time. The wounds were still raw, even for myself, but the memorial service had actually brightened the spirits of most, remembering the good Thane had done, and the fact his sacrifice had been worthwhile.

I did make a stop back at the ship to speak to Hackett, and Anderson was also on the line. To say both were pissed off would be an understatement. Miranda had already passed on all she knew of Kai Leng to me and them, but Anderson was able to give a personal account of a run-in he'd had with him years before. As for Cerberus itself, Hackett was now devoting an entire team to tracking down their headquarters. But with a large galaxy, it was almost the proverbial needle in a haystack.

"Your intentions now, Shepard?" Hackett asked.

"A little R&R, sir. We've just experienced two losses. Deeply personal to many of us. Some will need a little time to reflect and deal with it. Once we're ready to go, I'll get in touch for the next assignment."

"Seventy-two hours?"

"Yes, sir. My other ships are currently patrolling elsewhere, dealing with minor issues where they crop up."

"Very well. Seventy-hours and hopefully I'll have news to report. Stay safe, Shepard."

I saluted. "You too, sir."

He disappeared and I sighed, leaning forward against the control panel, feeling the entire weight of the galaxy on my shoulders for a moment. The losses. The lack of sleep. The exhaustion. Cerberus. The Reapers. The constant bad news. I'll admit, while it wasn't getting to me, it was starting to wear my patience a little thin.

But at least I had my girls. That made me smile, and I think I just about managed a somewhat mournful whistle as I walked my way back to the apartment.

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