Matt and Lauren Pt. 01


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"Noooo ..." she recoiled in horror, "oh Matt, you must believe me, I had no idea!"

"That's alright love, I'm sure that's your fantasy pretty much taken care of for now!"

"Absolutely ... oh Matt, I can't believe it. How can you bear to be with me. I'm such a slut!" But she was smiling as she said it. And I was grinning back at her.

The Seduction

"Hi babe, it's me." It was mid afternoon and I had rung Lauren at work, not something I did unless it was really important. Her firm didn't like their employees receiving or making personal phone calls.

"Hi sweetheart, what do you want? I can't talk for long, you know that!"

"Yeah I know. It's just to let you know that I'll be home a bit later tonight. I've got a viewing at the Sanderson property."

"Ooo, goody," Lauren responded. She knew it was an expensive property and one, that if I sold it, would earn me a sizeable amount of commission. "So what time do you think you'll get back?"

"I don't know. Probably around six thirty, no later than seven."

"Okay, I'll see you when you get home. Love you." And with that she was gone.

The rest of the afternoon flew by. I was in a really good mood as one of my trickier sales had finally completed, which was going to boost next month's pay by a considerable amount and I had also listed two new properties, both at the top end of the market. And now I had the opportunity to sell the Sanderson place. Things couldn't be any better. Not bad for a lad who hates his job!

I was getting ready to leave the office when my mobile phone rang. It was my mother.

"Sorry mum, can't talk, got to dash, I'm late for an appointment."

"Oh sorry dear," she replied, "I'll not keep you long. Your dad's just told me that Uncle Len phoned earlier. You know, Father Goose. He wanted your address. Said he had something for Lauren. He didn't say what and your dad didn't ask. Okay, I'll let you go. Love you. We'll talk later. Oh by the way, you know where we live so would it hurt you to drop in and see us sometime? Anyway ... bye." And with that she hung up. I stood with my mouth hanging open and for some reason my heart was jack-hammering away inside my chest.

After the other night's episode I was pretty sure I knew what Uncle Len had for Lauren. I sprinted to the car park and was soon on my way home, tyres squealing and car engine over revving as I hammered through the gears. But as I drove an eerie calm descended over me.

As my heavy breathing became more normal I took stock of the situation. It was obvious Lauren had a fantasy concerning old men and judging by the way she reacted the night of the third wedding maybe deep down she wanted to fulfil her fantasy. And if so, who was I to deny her? And did a part of me want to see it happen?

I pulled over to the side of the road and parked up. I rang my clients and cancelled their viewing of the Sanderson house. I gave them a plausible reason, was very apologetic as I did so and rearranged the viewing for later in the week. That sorted I returned to my drive home.

When I arrived, I parked up around the corner and back tracked to our house. I eased myself past Uncle Len's car, which was parked in the driveway and crept unseen into the rear garden. We rent a three bedroomed semi detached house and although we are paying well over the odds it's worth it because it's got a fairly big back garden with a super decked area with sliding patio doors that open out onto it from the kitchen/dining room. Perfect for lazing about on warm summer nights. Like tonight.

I cautiously made my way to the patio doors, which were wide open. There was a perfect spot nearby where I was completely hidden from view but where I could see everything inside perfectly.

I figured Lauren had been home for about twenty minutes. She was still dressed in her work clothes,which consisted of a white blouse and a navy blue knee length skirt. It was standard company issue for her firm of solicitors. Every female member of staff wore the same uniform. And though it was fairly drab and unflattering there was no disguising the fact that even in that skirt Lauren's ass was simply stupendous. I'm not sure how the male staff at the office coped with seeing that ass five days a week.

As I stood and observed I realised that Lauren was slightly agitated. She was pacing to and fro whilst Uncle Len was sitting on a dining table chair talking to her. On the dining table was a carrier bag, which he kept pushing towards her before dragging it slowly back.

I eased myself nearer so I could hear what they were saying. Uncle Len was speaking.

"Look, it's just a dress. I didn't mean to offend you and I didn't mean to imply that you can't afford to buy your own clothes. I'm sorry but I saw it and thought of you."

Lauren's reply was very quiet and I had to strain to hear clearly what she was saying. "I'm sorry that I over reacted but I barely know you and it seems so inappropriate. It's very generous of you but it's too much. I know what make it is and I know it was very expensive. So thank you very much but I can't accept it."

"I appreciate I overstepped the mark but you might as well keep it. I bought it out of town and I'm not going back there anytime soon." He paused for just the right amount of time.

"But if you don't want it I suppose I'll just donate it to a charity shop." As he finished speaking he surreptitiously slid the bag closer to Lauren.

I could tell by her body language that she was wavering. She badly wanted that dress whatever it was. The designer label had only enhanced her desire.

She tentatively reached out a hand. "I suppose it wouldn't do any harm to at least look at it," she said. She opened up the bag and gasped. I've no idea what make it was but Lauren was immediately impressed. "Oh my god," she enthused as she pulled it out of the bag, "it's gorgeous!"

I turned my attention back to Uncle Len. I could see the look of triumph written all over his ugly old face. "Why don't you go and try it on lass," he said.

"Do you think I should?" Lauren gasped in delight. She wasn't thinking straight. She was clearly completely smitten with the dress.

"Sure, why not," Uncle Len replied with a self satisfied smirk.

Lauren dashed out of the room and even from where I was stood outside I could hear her thudding footsteps as she ran up the stairs.

Uncle Len looked at the door to the hallway and for a moment I thought he was going to get up and follow her. But he surprised me. The next thing he did was unzip his trousers and pull out his cock.

My mouth dropped open and it was all I could do not to cry out. My god it was fucking huge! And what made it worse was that it looked exactly the same as the one from the porn clip. The one where the man looked about to expire on the spot as his nurse jacked him off.

I looked again to make sure. Yes, there was no disputing it. It had the same translucent white skin flecked with bright red veins, which were visibly pulsing with blood. He ran his hand up and down his shaft and it just seemed to get even bigger. And while he masturbated himself he smiled a self righteous smile.

He must have heard Lauren coming back downstairs because suddenly he was frantically trying to stuff the monster back inside his pants. He only just managed it in time as the door swung open.

And there she stood. My gorgeous girlfriend. Her hair was shining as if she'd brushed it recently and I swear she'd even redone her makeup. But the dress ... well that was something else! It moulded itself to her body, showing her flat stomach, her thin waist and her average size breasts. But god, was it short. She had an amazing amount of her tanned, bare thighs on display.

Fuck she looked fantastic and I wanted to scream out loud to let her know how good she looked. Uncle Len on the other hand seemed very detached and unfazed by it all.

"Very nice Lauren," he said in a flat tone of voice.

Very nice - are you blind? She looks fucking hot!

"Can you just turn for me so I can see how it looks from the back."

Lauren looked nervous but I realised it was a nervous excitement not a nervous concern. She slowly turned and I noticed she wasn't wearing any shoes. So it seemed did Uncle Len.

"Have you not got any shoes to go with it Lauren?" he asked.

"Erm ... yes I think so," she replied somewhat timidly.

"Well go put them on," he commanded.

She was out the kitchen and up the stairs in a flash. She seemed awfully willing to please all of a sudden. I began to wonder just how expensive this dress was!

She came back down clutching a pair of stiletto court shoes in her hand. Holding onto the kitchen worktop for support she slipped them on her feet. As soon as I saw them I knew they were her 5" heels.

"Very nice," Uncle Len rasped as she slowly turned around. I knew how he felt. With the added height of those heels her already fantastic bum looked even better and her legs looked pretty good too. My cock was getting hard and I could feel it pushing against my trousers. I also felt a little wet spot inside my briefs.

"Stop!" Uncle Len snapped the word out. It made me jump and Lauren stopped immediately.

Her ass truly was amazing. The dress stretched over, clung to and accentuated her delightful curves, showing and displaying both of her desirable ass cheeks to perfection. And it was short. So short it barely covered her twin globes of excellence although that could have been to do with the fact that her ass is so big and round there wasn't enough fabric in this dress for a girl built like her.

She looked anxiously over her shoulder at Uncle Len. "Is there something wrong?" she asked hesitantly.

"No, not at all," he replied, his voice finally cracking and wavering, "carry on."

She completed her turn and stopped. "Why don't you have a walk around the room and see how it feels to wear it," he rasped.

"Well if you're sure it will be alright," she replied meekly.

He nodded his head. "I'm sure it will be perfect," he said.

She began to move around the kitchen diner, carefully at first, as if she thought she might ruin the dress somehow, before she began to feel comfortable wearing it and therefore more confident. I could see the fabric stretching across her sumptuous ass as she walked and I loved the way it moved up and down against her shapely thighs with each and every step.

"How is it then Lauren?" Uncle Len asked as she walked past him for the umpteenth time.

"Ohhh ... it's absolutely perfect," she exhaled huskily.

"So ... do you want to keep it then?"

"Can I?" she asked with a note of fear in her voice.

"Of course you can. It's perfect for you," Uncle Len leered. "And I think we should have a drink to celebrate that fact."

I couldn't believe how quickly Lauren had been manipulated by Uncle Len as she moved over to the unit where my bottles of spirits are kept. "Whisky?" she asked. He nodded his affirmation. She handed him the glass but made no effort to fix one for herself.

"You're not joining me?" he asked. He moved swiftly over to the unit and poured her a large gin. The bastard remembered!

He handed her the glass of gin and then offered his glass up to hers to make a toast. They clinked them together as he said, "to new beginnings."

She took a drink whilst he knocked his back in one go and went to pour himself another. I noticed that his measure was considerably smaller than Lauren's. "Refill?" he said, shaking the bottle of gin in her general direction.

"I shouldn't really," she said as she offered him her glass. It was still half full.

"Can't get a measure in there unless you drink some," he said. Lauren lifted the glass to her lips and took a drink.

"Come on," Uncle Len said, "surely you can do better than that." Was he now daring her? If he was he'd stumbled onto her weakness by chance. She knocked it back. There's no doubt about it. The girl can drink when she's a mind to!

Encouraged by Uncle Len, Lauren continued to parade around the room, all the time sipping at her second large glass of gin. I have to say she looked good and her 5" heels only served to accentuate the shape of her bum and make it stick out even more, as if that were necessary. The wet spot in my briefs was now considerably bigger.

After sitting and watching her for a while Uncle Len made his move. As Lauren went past him, this time a lot closer, he lunged for her but she managed to evade his grasp.

"Hey, naughty," Lauren taunted him, laughing as she wiggled her bum at him. That was a bad sign. She was well under the influence of the gin now.

She moved away and he stood up and followed her. She was generally tidying up and putting things away and this proved to be ideal for Uncle Len because every time she stopped he moved alongside her and dropped a hand onto her backside and gave it a good going over. This was repeated several times and I could see that it was getting to her. Not in a ... I'm getting pissed off ... sort of way. It was more a heightening of her impending arousal as it's one of her hot erogenous zones. She just loves her ass being fondled and manipulated hard. As long as it's by the right person. And by that I mean me. But now it seemed by Uncle Len as well!

To start with she shrugged him off but it didn't stop him. He was wearing her down. His constant groping and fondling was having the desired effect plus the gin had helped lower her resistance a whole lot quicker. He then went to sit down and as she went by him again he grabbed her and drew her closer, his arms encircling her waist. This time she made no attempt to break free. Uncle Len looked at her.

"I spotted some lint on the dress and thought I'd better remove it. Don't want to ruin it now, do we?" he said.

"No we don't," Lauren pouted back at him in a little girl voice. Good god, was she that pissed already.

Uncle Len twirled her around until her ass was virtually in his face. He moved his hand up and slowly slid it onto her peachy firm globes.

He picked at the imaginary lint for a while before casting all pretence aside he began to fondle and grope her ass. His hands gripped both cheeks as he manipulated then from side to side, separating them and then pushing them back together. He squeezed and massaged her flesh, pulling and tugging at her with an increasing urgency until he was bodily moving her.

Lauren was slow to react at first and then I saw her legs begin to twitch. Uncle Len noticed it to, which just served to spur him on with renewed vigour.

She was shaking badly now, so much so that I thought she was going to topple off her high heels. Uncle Len must have realised that as well as he suddenly stood up. Taking hold of Lauren's hands he turned her around and put her hands down onto the table top. This caused her to bend over, an outcome that clearly delighted Uncle Len.

He knelt down and putting a hand on each leg, got her to widen her stance. My cock was throbbing fit to bust now. I really should be stopping this. But it was Lauren's call!

He licked up the back of her bare thigh from her knee to the hem of the little short dress. It was a lot of flesh to lick. I wasn't sure what the point was until I saw him do it again. Lauren shuddered and her legs opened a little wider. He repeated this action a few times whilst his hands returned to her ass cheeks where they resumed their full on groping.

It suddenly struck me that whilst all this had been going on I hadn't heard Lauren utter a single word. And then as if by magic ...

"You shouldn't be doing this," she groaned softly, "you need to stop."

As she finished speaking Uncle Len pulled her ass cheeks apart and shoved his face up into her crack.

"Oohhmmyygoddd ..." Lauren exhaled, "nooo ... pleeaasse ... nooo ..."

I can only imagine what he was doing to her, but judging by his head movements I'm sure he had forced his tongue up into that area around her pussy and ass. Whatever it was, Lauren seemed to be liking it as her low moans and whimpers proved.

He was working her over pretty good but then her legs began to shake and her hips began to sway as she fought against Uncle Len's insistent tongue. Suddenly her body went rigid except for one leg where for a few seconds only, her heel tapped a rapid staccato beat on the hardwood flooring. My god, he'd just made her cum!

Uncle Len was nonplussed. Ignoring her mini orgasm he carried on with what he was doing, causing Lauren to whimper even more. It was almost pitiful. I really should be ending this.

Uncle Len however had other ideas. He finally stood up and using his hand and then his shirt sleeve wiped away my girlfriend's juices from around his mouth. Unzipping his trousers he pushed them down to his knees and released his cock. I realised he wasn't wearing underwear.

Oh shit! He was going to do it. He was going to fuck my girlfriend. And she was going to let him. And judging by my inactivity, so was I. My god, I WAS a pervert!

He gave his cock a few strokes but he needn't have bothered. From where I was standing it looked absolutely huge and rock solid. And then he surprised me.

I had braced myself to watch what I thought would be Uncle Len ramming his monster cock up inside Lauren's tight little love hole but Instead he turned her around to face him and then pushed her down to her knees.

Her eyes went wide as she saw his cock for the first time. I'm sure her first reaction would have been to think of the similarities between his cock and the one of the old man in the porn clip. Whether it was or not it didn't stop her from instinctively but slowly extending her hand and closing it around his shaft. She began to move her hand up and down his long, thick hard on. The head was circumcised and the bell end was a deep shade of blue. Not pink, not red or even purple but blue.

"Look at me Lauren," Uncle Len commanded. Lauren immediately complied, staring up into his ugly face as she carried on jacking him off.

"Put it in your mouth," he hissed. I noticed he was clenching his butt cheeks together. She was obviously getting to him.

She hesitated for a while. "Put it in," he hissed again as he took control of his cock and smeared the bell end all over her luscious lips. He stabbed at her mouth before she finally conceded and her lips parted.

"Oh yeah," he groaned as he slid the bell end into her mouth. Just that seemed to stretch her mouth as she struggled to accommodate his girth. Her hand grabbed hold of his shaft as she sought to limit the depth of his penetration.

She pulled free, leaving a tendril of saliva connecting her mouth to the end of his cock.

"That's it Lauren, just like that. Do it again," Uncle Len urged as he flexed his hips forward to drive his cock back inside my girlfriend's mouth. She opened wider and took him inside, deeper this time, her hand still working relentlessly up and down his hard, thick shaft.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah," he intoned as his legs began to wobble. Lauren was really getting into this now, her hand a blur, her mouth and tongue slavering around the head of his cock, sucking and licking as she brought him closer to his eventual release.

I think she sensed he was about to cum. She tried to pull away as he began to twitch more violently but he grabbed hold of her hair and easily held her in place. Even from where I was stood I could see his cock pulsating as his sperm shot up the shaft to be expelled forcefully out into her mouth.

She gagged and finally pulled herself free as Uncle Len relaxed his grip. She turned and just like the girl in the porn clip projectile vomited his load out onto the floor. I heard it splatter as she hawked and coughed and spat out a huge amount of creamy white spunk. It was a mirror image of the porn clip and I wondered if Lauren had realised that as well.

Uncle Len sank back into his chair. He looked distinctly grey and I wondered for a brief moment if he was going to have a heart attack. Lauren on the other hand looked beside herself with guilt. I thought she was going to cry.