Matt and the Cougars Ch. 01

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How it all began for Matt.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 05/22/2024
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All characters involved in sexual activities are 18 or older. Comments I have received on the Carrvale Cougar Club series included suggestions that I write from the other cougars' viewpoints. I think that might be a bit much for me so instead I'm writing from Liz's son Matt's viewpoint as he visits each of the cougars. This is how it started for him.

* * * * *

I wasn't usually in the house when Mom came home from a night out with the other four football moms, the only single parents who'd attended almost all, if not all, of our high school football matches, but the evening had been a bit of a wash-out, and Kevin Gilroy was sneezing all the time, so we'd packed up early and I was actually at home when Mom came in.

"Hi, honey," she said as she closed the door after letting herself into the house. "I thought you'd be out tonight."

I hugged her and kissed her cheek, my usual greeting if she'd been out for the evening. "I was out, earlier, but Kevin seems to have picked up a cold and was sneezing all the time, so we broke up early. Do you want a coffee, or a cocoa or something?"

"Thanks, sweetheart, but no. I think I'll have a whiskey." Mom always keeps a bottle of bourbon in the house, usually Jim Beam, and occasionally treats herself to a single malt, usually Scottish, her current selection being a 15-year-old Dalwhinnie, and a 10-year-old Laphroaig. She poured herself a Dalwhinnie, then turned to me.

"Honey, there's something we need to talk about, and it's serious, although it could turn out very pleasant for you. I know you're legally under age but would you like a whiskey?"

Surprised, but pleased, I nodded. "Please, Mom. I'll have a Jim Beam. You pour it, I'll fetch some water." And I was back in moments with a little jug Mom kept for exactly this purpose, water for adding to whiskey. I added a generous slosh to the glass Mom handed me and she added a small amount to her own glass. She went over to the couch and sat down, took a sip of her Dalwhinnie and set the glass down on the coffee table. I took my usual armchair, putting my glass on the occasional table beside the chair, then turned to Mom, who proceeded to blow my mind.

"Matt, honey, does the idea of sex with a woman of my age appeal to you or repel you? Honest answer, please, because it's important," she said, and I gaped at her, shocked.

"Yes, you!" was my immediate first thought, but I didn't say that out loud. I thought about it for a moment, but the idea definitely appealed to me. "It would depend on who it was, Mom, but in general the idea appeals. I reckon an older woman could teach me a lot about sex."

There was a notepad and pencil on the coffee table. Mom kept the notepad there for impromptu shopping lists and the like. She picked it up, passing it and the pencil to me. "Write me a list, please, of the older women living locally who you'd like to find in your bed. Widows and divorcees only, please. Let's not think about ruining someone's marriage."

"Are you serious, Mom?"

"Absolutely. Come on, honey, write me a little list, please."

"Okay, Mom, give me a minute or two to think." And think I did. Who, among the neighboring widows and divorcees, would I like to find in my bed? Well, Jane Wiest for one, my friend Tony's mom. And Molly Binns, definitely, even if only to see her impressive rack unfettered. Who else? Eloise Juarez, definitely. Hmm. Candace Winter and Ellen Trainor, they were both lookers, Candace only in her early thirties. Nobody else came to mind, but I took a chance and wrote 'most of all you, Mom' at the bottom of my list, and passed the notepad back to Mom.

"There you are, Mom, my list of the older women I'd like to find in my bed, ready for sex." And I sat back, waiting for the explosion, which didn't come, although Mom looked a little startled when she read my list. After a moment or two, she looked across at me and smiled.

"I don't think the last name on your list is going to be in your bed any time soon, but I won't completely rule out the possibility," she said.

"You mean, there's a chance?"

"A very slim one, but yes, there's a chance. Now, these other names on your list. I can see why you'd add Candace, after all she's only in her early thirties but her children are too young, and Ellen Trainor is out because she's childless. I think you have a very good chance of getting into bed with Jane, Molly and Eloise, and also Mary Weston."

"I'd forgotten Mary," I said, "or I'd have included her. Mom, tell me, please, what is this all about? Am I going to get the chance to fuck one of these women, or not?"

"Possibly all of them, not just one, but it depends on what their sons say," she said, grinning at the surprise on my face. "At the moment, or soon, Molly, Mary, Jane and Eloise will be asking their sons pretty much the same questions I've just asked you, except that the other boys' lists will include my name."

"Are you telling me that Peter Weston, say, will get the chance to fuck you, but I won't?"

"Sorry, honey, but yes."

"What's this all about, Mom?"

"We were chatting tonight and out of the blue Jane Wiest asked when was the last time one of us got laid. It was mostly a matter of years but one of us -- I won't say who -- said last week, then admitted it had been one of her son's friends. Well that got us talking and we came to the conclusion that we should ask our boys if they were interested in having sex with us older women. If they were, and I think it's a strong possibility, we should set up a rota that would give us all regular sex."

"I think it's a fucking certainty, Mom, excuse my French. Tony Wiest and I were talking about which of the women we know we'd like to fuck only last week and he said if he ever got a chance at you he'd be there like a shot. Have to admit, Jane Wiest is a tasty number, too, but you're still my first choice." I paused for a moment, then took a deep breath. "If I'm going to let these guys fuck my mom, I think I should be allowed to fuck you first. No-one but us need ever know."

Mom stared at me for a long, long moment, obviously thinking hard, then her face brightened and she said, "Matt, honey, have you got any condoms?"

"Yeah, Mom, two, I think. Why do you ask?" I said, but suddenly I was hoping.

"How long have you fantasized about fucking me?"

"Since I first found out what erections are for," I said, laughing.

"How often do you masturbate, and we both know you do, don't we? There are some things you can't hide from the woman who does your laundry."

"Pretty much every day, Mom. Sometimes twice a day."

"And when you do, how often are you thinking about fucking me?"

"Almost every time, Mom. Aunt Lucy occasionally, but usually you." Aunt Lucy is Mom's younger sister, just as good looking as Mom..

"Time I confessed, I think," said Mom.

"Confess, Mom? About what?"

"Masturbation. I masturbate, too. Not every night, but quite often, and when I do I'm imagining that it's you who is fucking me. Have done for about a year now, since I almost caught you jacking off one night and saw the size of your cock."

"Oh, wow."

"Wow is right, honey. I was impressed." She studied me for a long moment, then spoke, a little hesitant. "Matt, honey, if I let you fuck me you must promise me that you won't ever tell anybody."

"I promise, Mom. I will never tell anyone, except with your express permission."

"Amendment noted. Except with my express permission."

"Absolutely, Mom. I promise."

"Okay, honey. It's almost ten, so finish your whiskey and we'll go to bed together and you can fuck me. Now I've finally admitted to myself that I want to fuck you, suddenly I'm eager."

"No more than me, Mom," I said, draining my glass. I held my hand out. "Finish your drink, Mom, and I'll wash your glass. Um, whose bed are we using?"

"Mine, it's bigger than yours." She gestured. "Brush your teeth, and come into my bedroom naked, with an erection. Yes, I'm kinky," she said, with a laugh. "This time, you can undress me before we fuck. Don't forget the condoms. Tomorrow, after work, I'll go to the clinic and get myself back on the pill. I'll get a new diaphragm as well."

"You mean this isn't a one time thing. It will happen again?" Please, gods, let her say yes!

"Honey, now I've finally admitted to myself that I want my son to fuck me, I'm going to want your cock in my pussy quite often. Mind you, if the Carrvale Cougar Club gets going, you'll be in someone else's bed at least once a week, and someone other than you will be in mine."

"The Carrvale Cougar Club, eh? Who are the members?" Yeah, whose bed do I get to be in?

"So far, me, Molly, Mary, Jane and Eloise. Whether there will be other members in the future I don't know, but we five for starters."

"You know something, Mom. I think my cock and I are going to enjoy ourselves." A lot!

"I hope so, honey, I certainly hope so."

"The five of you are all very attractive older women, Mom. I think the other guys are going to say yes. I can see problems, though. Mark Binns and Juan Juarez have both got steady girlfriends."

"Good point, son, but there may be a way round that problem, especially if the sex rendezvous night is midweek." She shrugged. "Time will tell. But for now, let's go to bed."

"Best invitation I've heard for ages," I said, laughing.

We went upstairs together, then separated, Mom into her room, me into mine. I undressed quickly, brushed my teeth and gave my prick a quick wash. Already half erect, a few strokes of John Thomas, imagining sliding it into Mom's pussy, and it was rigid, ready. I went along to Mom's room and tapped on the door.

"Come on in, son," she said and I opened the door and stepped inside, stopping in surprise as Mom raised her phone, ready to take a photo.

"Mom! What are you doing?"

"Getting myself a reminder," she said, quickly taking my photo. "Profile shot, please. Let's get John Thomas his moment in the limelight. That's it," she said as, bemused, I did a quarter turn so that I was side on to her, my erection proud and firm before me. "Don't worry, son, no-one but you and me will see these pictures. You can take a couple of me once I'm naked."

"Oh, yes, please!" Yes, yes, yes!

"First, though, you undress me," she said, laying her phone on the bed, "but I want to be kissed before we start, kissed as a lover, not a mother." She held out her arms and I moved eagerly into her embrace as she raised her lips to mine. The kiss was long, hot, our tongues dueling in the arena of our mouths, definitely not the sort of kiss a son should be sharing with his mother, which is probably why I was enjoying it so much. Eventually we broke it and she looked up into my eyes.

"Okay, baby. Undress me." A task which I relished, and which I think Mom enjoyed too. First, I unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it back off her shoulders. She let it slide down her arms, caught it before it fell to the floor and tossed it onto her bedroom chair. Her skirt was next, unbuttoned, unzipped and discarded in about five seconds. That left her in just bra and panties, because she wasn't wearing stockings or pantyhose in the summer heat. I reached towards her.

"My bra is front-fastening, sweetheart," she murmured, and my hands changed direction. It only took me a moment to loosen the catch and I mentally thanked the girls who'd let me remove their bras. I gently pulled the bra open and pushed it back off her shoulders and she let it slide down her arms, catching it with one finger and tossing it to join her blouse on the chair. There was probably an awed look on my face as I studied her.

"Sheesh, Mom, your tits are fucking awesome."

"Thank you, son," she said, with a happy smile. "Now my panties, baby."

The work of moments, and then Mom was naked for the first time ever in front of her son. She held her arms out and gave me a twirl. "Well, how do I look?"

"Absolutely fucking gorgeous, Mom, absolutely gorgeous. Pass me your phone, please, or should I fetch my camera?"

"Get your camera, and bring your tripod and the remote release. If we're going to have pictures, let's get some good ones."

"Okay, Mom, back in a moment," I said, and grinned. "And this time I'll fetch the condoms as well, eh?"

She laughed. "Yes, son, you do that."

I was back in less than a minute, with my camera, tripod and remote release. Mom had bought me a Nikon D5600 DSLR for my 18th birthday, and I'd taken to it like a duck to water, producing some excellent images. I hadn't shot any nudes yet, but that omission was going to be rectified 'real soon now'.

"Here, Mom," I said, and passed her two little foil packets. The condoms. She laid them on her bedside cabinet, ready. I held up the camera. "Ready to model, Mom?"

"I guess so," she said. "How do you want me? And that simple question started a blitz of photographs. I must have taken fifteen or twenty mostly innocent nude shots of her before I paused.

"Mom? How about a pussy shot?" And I held my breath, waiting for the explosion, but Mom only shook her head, 'no'.

"Not yet, son. Wait until after we've fucked. That will make for a better shot. But I think it's time for us to do something else now. Set your camera and tripod up so that it covers as much of the bed as possible. We might as well see how ridiculous we look while we're fucking."

Oh, yes! Those shots I definitely wanted to see. "Good point, Mom." I quickly set the camera and tripod up, bending to check the viewfinder then adjusting the angle slightly. "That should do it," I said, and laid the remote release on the bedside cabinet. I turned to her. "Ready for me to fuck you, Mom."

"Almost, son. Matt, how excited are you?"

"Very much, Mom, Can't you tell?" I said, gesturing at my erection, hot and hard and ready.

"Yes, I guess I can. Matt, if I let you put that lovely erection in my pussy, how long do you think you would last before you came?"

"Ah! Not nearly long enough to satisfy you, Mom. So what do we do?"

"Ever been blown, son?"

"Just the once, Mom, you wouldn't know her." I studied her. "Are you going to blow me, Mom?" Please, please, please let it be yes.

"That's what I was thinking. Either that or jack you off, but I have the feeling you'd rather be blown, right?"

"Absolutely, Mom."

"Okay, then, what we'll do is this. First, I'll blow you until you come, then you can eat me until I come, by which time you'll probably be hard again. Then you fuck me. Okay?"

"Very. How do you want me, Mom?"

"Sit up against the headboard so I can get between your legs and get at John Thomas, then we'll begin. Have to admit, I'm looking forward to this, and to you eating me. Ever eaten pussy before, baby?"

"Yeah, a couple of times. Same girl that blew me."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, I did. Interesting flavor you ladies have."

"I guess we do. I know I enjoyed tasting your Aunt Lucy when we experimented in our teens, but I haven't tasted any woman except myself for quite a while now."

"You're being very frank, Mom."

"I should act coy around the guy who is going to put his prick in my pussy in the near future? I don't think so, do you?"

"I guess not. Okay, Mom, I'm ready."

There was a glisten of pre-cum on the tip of my penis. Mom leaned in and licked it off, then let her tongue swirl around the head of my cock, before dipping her head and letting my cock slip into her mouth. She began to bob her head, lips a tight 'O' around my cock, letting her saliva ease her motion, and I groaned softly.

"Gods, Mom, that feels fucking marvelous!"

She let me slip from her mouth, her fingers taking over the stimulation for a moment. "Thanks, honey. I try," she said, then took me back into her mouth, letting her tongue swirl over me as her head moved.

"You succeed," I murmured, and leaned forward a little so that I could cup her tits as she blew me. She moaned softly, low, and I gave her tits a quick squeeze, enjoying their weight and yielding softness in my hands. Mom began to move a little faster and I gave another soft moan.

"Getting close, Mom. Finish me with your hand if you want."

She managed to shake her head 'no' and carried on. I was almost there, alm - - Fuck! I was coming, and my jizz was blasting into Mom's mouth and I could feel her swallowing frantically as I did. It wasn't long before the tumult ended and my breathing slowed to something like normal. Mom licked around the head of my cock, cleaning away the last few dribbles of cum, then swallowed before letting me slip from her mouth with a faint 'pop'. She looked up at me and grinned.

"Enjoy that, honey? Because I did."

"Gods, yes, Mom. It was wonderful. Much better than my last blowjob."

"Delighted to be of service, honey. Relax for a little while, and then you can eat me, before we fuck." She chuckled.

"What's so funny, Mom?"

"Something I just remembered Molly Binns telling me, that she had always enjoyed oral sex, both giving and receiving. Something for you to remember if our little Cougar Club takes off and it's your turn to fuck Molly." She chuckled again. "Our conversations always seem to include something about sex when the five of us get together."

I laughed. "I'd like to be a fly on the wall."

"Fuck! We were going to take photographs!"

I reached to the bed beside me and picked the remote release up so that Mom could see it. Somehow I'd retained the presence of mind to use it as Mom blew me. "Took six or seven, Mom. When I eat you out, I'll give you the remote and you can take a few."

"Oh, good. I look forward to seeing them later." She grinned at me. "Ready for some pussy munching, honey?"

"Yes, ma'am. Assume the position, please." Laughing, she complied, getting herself comfortable against the headboard then, taking a deep breath, she spread her legs to let her son see her pussy for the first time. I studied her for a long moment, then looked up at her and smiled. "Beautiful," I said.

Mom laughed. "Hardly, but if you think so then I'm happy. Not sure why I kept it shaved, but your Dad always preferred me this way."

"I like it, too, Mom, and if the Cougar Club plan takes off, the other guys will go ape to see a shaved pussy on their lover for the night."

"I'm not sure if any of the others are shaved, but I can find out, if you like?"

"No need, Mom. If the club takes off I'll find out for myself soon enough. Now, though, are you ready?"

"I've been ready since I first suggested it, son. Come and eat your Mom's pussy and make her squeal."

"You're a squealer?"

"More of a screamer if the orgasm hits me that way."

"Soon find out, Mom. Okay, here goes," I said, lowering my head towards her mons, pausing to take a deep breath as I closed in. Mom laughed and I looked up at her, curious. She smiled.

"Your Dad always did that, took a good deep sniff of my pussy. He said it made his erection firmer."

"Dad was right," I said and, extending my tongue, took a long swipe up Mom's slit, from her ass to her clitoris. She moaned softly and I licked at her labia, letting my tongue make love to her, sliding it through her juices, licking the cleft between pussy and thigh, then back to her labia, biting with my lips, nibbling softly, trying to excite, but careful not to hurt. She was almost panting now, her fingers tightening in my hair as I let my mouth roam over the intimacies of her, sucking on her clit, nibbling her labia, laving her slit with my tongue. She was gasping now, a soft moaning, wordless, excited and I flattened my tongue and ran it the length of her slit, from anus to clit, then took her clit between my teeth and let her feel them.

She came. Oh, man, she came. A strangled half-scream and her thighs tightened on my ears, her fingers clenched in my hair as the moment took her, her pussy pulsing, grasping at the penis that wasn't there. Gradually she quieted, and I flicked my tongue over her clit again, triggering a fresh spasm. And again, until she pushed me away with a murmured, "No more, sweetheart, please, I can't take it."