Matt's Compelling Cock Ch. 01

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Rival takes wife with his big cock.
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Matt's Compelling Cock, Chapter 1


This is a cuckolding story with domination at its heart with a nice touch of bisexuality. If those themes are not for you, please read another story. You are welcome to comment, I do greatly appreciate real feedback, but if you are part of the usual cuckolding hate patrol, I will just delete your stupid comments and save you from making your absurdity public. You idiots really just embarrass yourself. It is quite pathetic.

For the many people who will enjoy this fantasy story, I hope it brings you pleasure, and you will stop back to read chapter 2.


"Oh baby, take his cock. Isn't it amazing!" My wife was encouraging me to be an enthusiastic ass slave for her lover and my biggest rival and frenemy. Matt was pounding me hard and given the size of his cock, it was not a pain-free experience. But damn, if it didn't also feel really good. My cock and balls are tied off in an uncomfortable way but are still reacting to the pounding I am receiving by pushing against their restraints with enthusiasm. Matt has been going strong for over 10 minutes and at this point I am fully submissive and devoted to his cock because it is glorious taking it up my ass.

"Just like your wife, I own you know. You are forever my bitch!" Matt roared as he finally discharged his load in my ass. And he was right. His cock owned my wife, and now he owned me. His dominance was strong, and combined with a cock few men can compare to, he has taken both Jillian and I and made us his cock slaves. The amazing part, besides the depth of submission we both have given to Matt, was this entire transformation came about because of one off-handed comment.

Just yesterday, while Jillian and I hosted our annual pool party, Matt and I were sitting on the stairs to my pool engaging in one of our unnecessarily harsh verbal sparring wars. The word pissing match would come to mind. Although perhaps that is a bad term when a pool is involved. In addition to trying to one-up each other, Matt was being vulgar and commenting about the woman at the party. When he got to my wife, who is absolutely hot, he said exactly that. I replied immediately, "yes she is, and she is all mine!" And then I laughed triumphantly.

Bad move on my part. See Matt and I have known each other since high school, and a key characteristic of our "friendship" has been the intense competition between us. Fifteen years later we still compete as salespeople for the same real estate firm. And that competition is not always friendly. Based on what just occurred, he has now crowned himself champion and I am guessing he will keep that title as long as he wants it.

As I said, my wife is hot. She is about 5'6" and 120 pounds. She has great tits and a top notch ass. But what gets most men enamored is her smile and her alluring eyes. Thus, between her body and her allure, Jillian is quite the catch for a man like me. In fact, to an outside observer, I am a mismatch with Jillian. And that observer would be right. I am average physically; not ugly, not handsome. I am 5'11 and 175 pounds, which makes me considerably smaller than Matt who is 6'3" and a chiseled 210 pounds. My averageness follows me into the bedroom as my dick is average and my sexual skills are also average. I am always up for some fun, but I do recognize that Jillian didn't always get the same fun as I did. Quite often I had to finish her with my tongue or her vibrator.

When I made that comment, it was mostly alcohol and sexual frustration speaking. My wife was looking seriously hot in her bikini and I needed to get laid, even if once again I was going to be the primary beneficiary of that. I had been away on a business trip for two weeks and I really wanted to be in the sack with my wife not entertaining guests. I was supposed to be home 4 days ago, but the trip got extended and thus our annual pool party was in between me and my "welcome home" fuck. It was a fun party, and with how drunk I was getting, it was going to be likely that that fuck would have to be postponed anyways.

I made the comment and Matt got upset. While we were rivals, he usually was the winner. The big exception: Jillian. I won that battle, or at least I thought I did, and it never sat well with Matt. Matt is not only a competitive guy, a big guy, and a smart guy, he is also much bolder and assertive than I am. And tonight, he decided that was the advantage he would use. Well, that and his huge cock. So, after I made the comment, he looked at me and declared: "I guess we will just have to see. I think I will just have to be the one fucking your hot wife tonight."

I started to laugh, and then I stopped. There was seriousness to what he said.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I replied with definite attitude in my tone.

"I think I am going to offer my superior manhood to Jillian and make her my slut. It is time both of you understand that I dominate, and you submit. In fact, by midnight tonight I will have fucked her, and done it right in front of you."

I quipped back, "You and what army!"

And in a move that had legendary written all over it, he pulled his bathing trunks aside and said, "this army of one."

His cock is huge, easily eclipsing mine. He held it out and showed it off. I was speechless from his boldness and the fact that his cock was the largest, most commanding cock I had ever seen.

"Your idiot wife might have a smoking hot body, but she proved she has rocks for brains when she picked you. It was a battle I never should have lost and tonight I will reclaim what should have been mine."

Now my sarcastic side rose to the surface, although so did the blood in my dick. "Yes, one look and she will swoon and become yours. Dude, you have been watching too much porn!"

"Actually, that is exactly what will happen. Woman are lying to you when they say size doesn't matter. And given I have seen Jillian drooling over my package before, this will be over quickly."

I really thought this was a joke and just him taking our bravado too far. And thus, in a very ill-fated response, I said, "I tell you what, be my guest. Try to bed her. I will sit back and watch you get shut down and I will then enjoy a great fuck at 12:01 tonight."

"I will take you up on that deal. Fist bump?"

Since high school the way we set a competition in motion was the fist-bump. It was no trivial matter between us. Each year, when we finished the year 1-2 in sales (most often Matt 1, me 2, but I got him a couple of the years) we would start the new selling year with the fist bump. It was a small gesture that carried weight between us, and we just bumped over his attempt to fuck my wife.

I laughed and said, "the clock is ticking, you best go get your humiliation in motion."

As he pulled his cock from my ass and slapped me hard, I thought back to that comment and how much the tables had turned compared to my original claim. I was the one humiliated, although in all honesty, I was humiliated with a "shit that was a good fuck" grin on my face. I had never considered how good it might be to be the recipient of a good fuck, but now that I had experienced it, I knew I would crave more.

I lost the competition that evening, in fact he fucked my wife the first time at 11:07pm. He had done her the second time by midnight, and at least three more times by late morning. And now, 24 hours later, he has just finished separating me from any semblance of manhood. I am his bitch, and my wife his slut, and the reality is we both seem happy about it.

After my clock ticking comment, Matt put his cock away, and told me, "you stay on the sidelines, and I get a chance to take my shot. That is our deal, so when I start winning, you will want to renege, but there will be no turning back. Understood."

With a bit less confidence, and a definite swelling in my trunks, I replied, "take your best shot Casanova."

"OK, you can lay down over on the lounge and act like you're asleep. You will have a ring-side seat and given how much you have drank, the other guests will buy it."

"That sounds good, I can take a nice nap while Jillian shuts you down, and then I will have restored strength for my welcome home fuck she still owes me."

We walked together and I laid down, a few moments later, he said to no one in particular, "well I guess our host's travel schedule has caught up to him. He is out."

I wasn't, but I did have to admire his execution. I laid with my head to the side and thru my mostly shut eyes, I could see my lovely wife off in the corner of our yard cleaning up what was our side bar for the event. She was alone, but not for long.

Matt smiled and without hesitation, bee-lined it for my somewhat drunk wife. As he arrived at the target of his conquest, I had my first indication that I had made a very bad bet. He walked right up to Jillian and grabbed her and bent her over and kissed her. Then he stood her up, smiled at her and said, "your hubby challenged me to make you mine tonight. So, he is going to sit over there and pretend he is asleep and watch as I seduce you. I figured I would just be upfront with you."

Damn, that was bold and well played. Jillian looked at me laying alone, pretending I was asleep, looked back at Matt, and said, "interesting." And then she leaned up and kissed Matt back. She broke the kiss, looked at him and said, "good luck."

This initial exchange brought one reality back to life for me; Jillian has always had a bit of a thing for Matt. I mostly ignored and tried to deny it, but over the years they have flirted heavily, and she hasn't been shy of mentioning to me that she found him alluring. I believe her term one time after they had a heavy flirting interaction in the very pool I now laid next to, was that Matt was compelling. I thought to myself that such an adjective was not a point in my favor tonight.

Jillian said, "all this seduction and such, it will have to wait, we still have guests departing and even if you have confined my hubby to his chez lounge, I will be a gracious host and see our guests off."

Matt didn't back away at all. "Of course, shall I accompany you and help out? We are in no rush. The night is young and there is still more than enough time to help you experience real pleasure before the strike of midnight."

"So, there is a time limit on this game of yours, eh. At midnight, will I turn into a pumpkin?" Jillian laughed at her own clever retort.

"By midnight you will be my willing slut begging me to pleasure you a second time."

"So, no pumpkin. I was just checking." Jillian smiled at Matt, and said, "well then if we are going to meet your strict timeline, I guess you better help me see the guests off."

Matt offered his arm, and said, "lead the way."

And interestingly, that is what they did. Nothing sexual, although it was unsettling to see them work the crowd like a real couple, Matt filling in for me. The "he faded after a long business trip and we don't want to wake him" became their excuse as they saw each of our guests off. It wasn't that unusual for Matt to be the last to leave as most everyone saw us as social friends first and rivals second. They had that seriously backwards, but it gave Matt cover to be the last to leave.

They were quite good together and it made me jealous, but also aroused. I was finding myself in a steady state of arousal as this whole crazy bet started to play out fully.

As they saw the last guest off, Matt lead Jillian up to me, and he said, "change of plans buddy, we are going to all jump in the hot tub, I know it turns your wife on, it will be fun the have you watch."

I rose slowly trying to hide the bulge in my swimming trunks. I followed them to our hot tub and luckily they didn't look back. As we arrived, Matt helped Jillian in, and then sat right next to her, and put his arm around her. She looked small, yet fit well in his grasp. I sat across from them.

Matt waited a moment and then said, "I just have a few questions for you my dear."

Jillian looked at him like he was odd, but she said, "whatever." and adopted a facial expression that said go ahead and ask.

"let's start with the first one, does hubby over there satisfy you sexually?" Wow, he was not pulling any punches.

"He is a wonderful husband and great in the sack!" My wife said while winking at me.

"OK, I agree that he is a good husband, at least on the surface, but is he really rocking your world in the bedroom. Is he making your toes curl and your body shake?"

"I have no complaints. We make love often and it is wonderful."

"I am sure you do, but I was asking if he fucked you like the hot slut you crave to be?"

"I am thinking you are missing the objective of your game with my husband. I thought you were trying to get me in bed, and just as a point of reference, calling me a slut isn't helping your case."

Matt smiled, looked down to where her perfect tits were just above the waterline and said, "funny, your body seems to be making a different claim."

My wife blushed and sunk down into the water to hide her clearly hard nipples.

Matt laughed, "It is ok my horny slut, you and I aren't going to make tender love. No, I am going to fuck you into submission and you and those hard nipples of yours are going to love it."

Jillian got mad, started to get up, lost her balance a bit, and in the process of righting herself, her hand ended up in Matt's crotch and made contact with his very large member. She gasped.

"Feel slightly different than what you normally touch, my hot little slut?"

Jillian had already pulled her hand away and said, "I just lost my balance."

And then, in what was the beginning of our end, Matt grabbed her hand, pulled it back down to his almost fully hard cock and said, "don't worry, it will catch you every time."

The line was so cheesy, but the move was brilliant. My wife's hand felt his growing cock and suddenly her expression changed. She didn't immediately pull her hand back, and her breathing got very ragged.

"It is big." She announced from her trance like state. Her hand felt the blood flow fully into Matt's superior cock and once again we were back to the word compelling. She just held her hand on his swimsuit where his cock was making its grand entrance.

"It gets bigger, especially if someone hot like you rubs it just right."

Jillian looked over at me with a look that combined panic and lust.

"Don't look at your husband for advice, he agreed to let nature run its course and he is just going to sit there. It is just you and I, and the lustful thoughts swirling in your slutty little brain. You know you have always wondered, so here is your big chance. Why don't you bring it to full staff and enjoy how it feels?"

Jillian looked conflicted and scared, but her hand stayed right where it was. Matt's cock twitched and it made her jump and pull her hand back. Matt calmly grasped her hand and brought it back to the same spot. He then removed his hand. She left her hand in place.

"Go ahead Jillian, you know you want to. In fact, at this point you need to. You need to know how big it gets and how good it feels."

Jillian started to squeeze it. It responded by twitching again, but this time her reaction was to smile and touch it more fully. There was still a bathing suit layer between her hand and its prize, but the reality was we all knew that was only a temporary impediment to her exploration and Matt's satisfaction.

While she was rubbing Matt's cock getting it fully hard and excited, her efforts were having the same effect on me. Under the water I was almost painfully hard. I was doing all I could not to reach under the water and start to stroke myself.

"That's it. You know it feels good. It is bigger and stronger than your husband's little boy dick and you know you need a really good fuck. But it is too bad the cock you want is hidden under my bathing suit. If you ask nicely, I will let it come out and play. It loves to play with beautiful woman like you."

He was being so cheesy, but his voice was commanding and his cock intoxicating. Jillian rubbed it through the suit and then looked up at him and nodded and made an "please" face.

"You need to ask me nicely. I need to hear you say it, so does your husband. Tell me you want to touch my cock directly my little slut."

Jillian bit her lower lip, looked up at him and said, "Can I touch it?"

He looked at her the way a parent looks at a child that has forgotten her manners.

"Please, may I touch it. I need to touch it." She added the second part without prompting. It was clear that her desire was not just something he was manufacturing. My wife had a real and burning desire to experience Matt's cock. I already knew I was going to lose the bet.

"Let's make it a trade. Slowly and seductively take off your bikini top, I too want to experience something desirable. Then, you can help me out of my swim trunks and get your prize."

Jillian didn't look at me for approval. She reached up and untied her suit and let it drop into the swirling waters. Her near perfect tits were now on display for Matt. He reached out and molested each breast and pinched her hard nipples.

"These are going to become mine to play with anytime I want. And speaking of playing, why don't you take your time and pull off my suit. My cock wants to come out and play with its new slut."

Matt had my wife in such a lustful trance that she didn't object to being called a slut once again. She just smiled and immediately started to pull his trunks down. She bent down and pulled them down and his cock sprang from its confines. Jillian let out a shriek as it made its appearance.

She helped him completely out of his trunks and was now at a level where she was eye to eye with his cock.

"Worship my cock you horny slut. Get it ready to give you the best fuck of your life."

Jillian should have been put off by his assumptions and vulgar language, but at this point she was fully engulfed by her lust for his cock. Slowly she reached out and put her hand around it. Her hand barely was able to go all the way around. Without realizing it she said, "so big, so beautiful" as she started to stroke it.

Matt just looked over at me and smiled as my wife started to pleasure him. She started to use two hands and really got into experiencing his cock. Matt seemed to be in no rush. For a full five minutes he just let my wife get to know his cock. I honestly think, based on her moans and obvious enthusiasm, that Jillian was getting as much, if not more, pleasure out of the experience versus Matt.

"You like my cock, don't you slut?!" He commanded her to answer.

"It is so strong. And big. I love it." Jillian answered with eagerness.

"Bigger and better than your husband's?" Matt asked as he looked down at her.

She looked up at him with the most lustful look and said, "Absolutely. Your cock is perfect!"

"Yes, it is, and it will be even more perfect when it is driving you to repeated orgasms. But first, why don't you kiss it, and lick it, and make it feel good in your mouth."

"God, YES!" Was all either of us heard as she immediately took Matt into her petite yet hungry mouth. And without any prompting from Matt, my beautiful wife went porn star on his cock. She was sliding her lips up and down it and sucking it like it was the most important thing she had ever done. She used her hands to stroke his shaft and fondle his balls.

"Think how good my cock is going to feel when it is stretching out your pussy bringing you to places your cuck of a husband has never taken you to. I am going ruin your married pussy and make you my willing slut. So, suck hard Jillian and show us what a slut you are. If you really work it, I just might reward you with a mouth and face full of my cum."