Matt's Vacation Revelation


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"Of course," said Donna, almost fully recovered, laying her head on Nicole's breast, directly where Matt's had been. "This was a tall drink of water after a very long drought."

"You could look at it that way," Matt began. "Or you can see it the way I do. You finally let us have you after all these years."

"Oh, stop it Matty." She was blushing.

Matt picked up a towel, wiped himself off, and handed it to his mother, who handed it to Nicole when she was done. Then he picked up his beer and drained it. The three of them were sitting close. Matt put his arm around his mother's shoulders and touched Nicole, who reached up and held his hand, putting her other hand around Donna's waist. Donna had a hand on the leg on each side of her. They were a contented group.

"So what happens now," asked Nicole, something that was on all their minds.

"Well, we damn sure can't let your father find out," Donna chuckled. "He'd eat us for lunch."

"Fuck him," grated Matt. Nicole and Donna's eyes met, each with a worried look. "After I get through with him, he won't have a leg to stand on."

"Let's go to bed," said Donna, hoping to ease the sudden tension.

It worked. The three of them spent the night in the king-size bed in the master bedroom. Matt was in the middle.


Nicole woke up with a start. Besides the momentary confusion of waking up in a strange place, yesterday's events left her with a feeling of complete disbelief. What a day! She looked over at the graceful beauty of her mother's face, but her eyes were immediately drawn down to her delicately exposed breast. Her mom's tits were so pretty. She knew she'd inherited a pretty nice rack herself, but her nipples were too light. She liked the way Donna's nipples were darker pink, almost brown, and the way they stayed hard all the time like her own. Resisting the temptation to touch it, she decided to go look for Matt, wondering if he had been the one to uncover it. Probably. She smelled bacon, so he must be in the kitchen. After going to her room to brush her teeth and put on some clothes, she went to the kitchen.

Matt did a double take when Nicole walked in. This being the first time he could openly look at her without fear of reprimand, he took it all in with pleasure, including her enchanting smile. She was still without a bra in a tight, practically see through yellow tank top, and her blue shorts were those short cotton ones that really highlight the legs and ass. They were probably left over from her days as a cheerleader and she still wore them well. Unaware that she'd taken the time to dress in something she knew he'd like, he simply enjoyed the luxury of looking her all up. She seemed to like it too.

"Good morning, Baby," he said, moving toward her. She did likewise.

"I love it when you call me that," she cooed as they embraced, kissing for a few minutes, silently, yet tender. Though very titillating, their kissing wasn't a preamble to sex. It was all love. "Why are you all dressed up?"

"I have to go home for a few days," he replied. He wasn't looking forward to this conversation, but he had no choice. He couldn't just leave without telling them.

"What? Why?" she asked, her face changing from flirt to hurt in an instant.

"Because I'm gonna put a stop to this bullshit. I won't stand by and watch him screw Mom over. I have a plan. It's not all planned out, but I have enough to start. And I may have to make some up as I go."

"Will you be back before he gets here?" She was crying.

"Probably not, but I won't take too long," he replied. "I promise."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" she asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," he joked. She didn't smile. "There's something I want you to do. You don't have to, but it would sure help."

"What?" She was apprehensive.

Matt was still holding her when they saw the ferry approaching the dock. After detailing as much of the plan as he could, he desperately wished for more time together. But it had to be now. He felt like a unmitigated prick for what he had asked her to do, and she put up a pretty good fight, but (on her own) she realized that her part of the plan would not only work, but also help dramatically. But she still didn't want to do it.

"What about us?" she asked meekly.

"What do you mean?"

"When this is all over," she began, dabbing her eyes with another tissue, "can we be together?"

"You mean sex?" he asked with a smile.

Her look told him that she was all business this morning. Heart pounding, he realized what she was really asking. How many girls had he let go? How many times had he fallen in love with a girl, only to realize there was something missing? He didn't realize until just now what the problem had been. Had always been. It wasn't their fault, they just weren't Nicole. He was surprised by the sudden lump in his throat.

"Yes," he said, pulling her closer to him. "When this is done, I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy. If you'll let me."

This time, their kisses were passionate. They vigorously made out in the final few seconds before his imminent departure. Nicole held on to him tightly, trying desperately to keep him there forever. She was in love. And she knew he was too. She didn't want it to end.

"I have to go, Baby," he said, pulling away and grabbing his bag. "I made breakfast for you and Mom and put it on the tray. Why don't you take her breakfast in bed? Then you can tell her I left, but don't tell her what I'm doing."

"Okay," she replied. "Can I have sex with her while you're gone?"

"Well yeah," he replied. "Why are you asking me?"

"Because I won't if it's going to make you mad. I want to be faithful to you."

"Go ahead, Baby," he chuckled. "But I get details. And you know where the camera is; why not make me a movie?"

"You're so bad!" she giggled, hitting him on the arm, then wrapping her arms around him. "I love you."

"I love you more!" he replied. With a final kiss, he left.


There was a definite change in the atmosphere when he returned three days later. He went straight upstairs and saw out the window that they were all by the pool. His mother was reading a book while Nicole was swimming. Jack was watching Nicole like a vulture waiting for some creature to finally die. That son of a bitch! The look on both women's faces showed strain and unhappiness. If he had any guilty feelings about what he was about to reveal, they were gone now. His heart went out to his mother when he saw her look at Jack with disgust, then over at Nicole with worry. He changed into his swimsuit.

It took him a while to get everything ready, but not too long thanks to the high speed dubbing feature on his recorder. By the time he was done, he was glad he'd spent the extra money, and furious at what he'd found. This would definitely be a day his father would never forget. Matt was ready. Dropping off his new video into the DVD player, he went outside.

"Matt!" cried Nicole, making her way to the side of the pool. He jumped in and met her halfway.

"Hi, Baby," he said, grabbing her around the waist as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

There was no pretense, no holding back. Before he left, they had exchanged vows, so to speak, and neither were willing to hide it. They'd been suppressed for too long. As they lovingly made out, Nicole was grinding her crotch into his with a passionate fervor, each oblivious to Donna's worry and Jack's comical shock and disbelief. Nicole was the first to realize they were being watched and tried to pull away, but Matt held on tight, changing her mind. Jack finally stepped in.

"Hey!" yelled Jack. Matt turned himself and Nicole to face him, putting his arm around her waist, pulling her close. "What the hell are you two doing?"

"We haven't seen each other in three days," Matt replied, purposefully misunderstanding. "I missed her." He kissed her again.

"No, I mean what the fuck are you doing kissing your sister like that?" replied Jack. His face was reddening, his anger obvious.

"Are you mad about me kissing her, or because it's consensual?" asked Matt. "I didn't force her to do anything, as you can see."

"Matt," Nicole began. He stopped her with a slight squeeze.

"Why don't you and Mom go in and make those cocktails you made the other day, Baby." He kissed her again. "Jack and I will be there in a minute."

Jack stood stock-still as he watched the two ladies hurry into the house. He wondered what Matt meant by 'consensual.' Surely he didn't...

"What the fuck are you up to, boy?" asked Jack, speaking conversationally, yet still seething.

"We're going to go in, have a few drinks, and talk about the recent changes I've made to this family," Matt replied. "I would advise you to cooperate."

"You're the one who'd better cooperate," Jack replied. "Unless you want to be thrown out on your ass. Maybe pay your own way through college?" There. That should put things into perspective. He was still in charge.

"Mom won't kick me out," Matt said, getting out of the pool. "And she already promised to pay for both of us to go to college. It'll be cheaper since Nicole and I will be living together, and, as you may have noticed, we'll only need a one bedroom house."

"The hell you say," Jack replied, still speaking softly. "Your mother doesn't have any money. Your future depends on me, and you're about to throw it all away."

"Just wait," he replied, leading the way into the house. "Everything will be made clear. Come on." He didn't wait for Jack.

When he entered the house, he could hear Donna and Nicole talking. Both were beside themselves in fear and worry. He winked at them as he got a beer out of the fridge. Then he mouthed 'I love you' to each of them. Jack appeared.

"What's your poison, Jack," asked Matt. "You want a beer or one of those girly drinks?" Jack walked past him and got his own beer. Matt laughed. "Let's all get settled and watch this movie."

Leading Nicole into the living room, Matt noticed Jack and Donna sitting on opposite ends of the couch. He walked over to the oversized recliner and sat down, pulling Nicole onto his lap, allowing her to squeeze in beside him. He felt her stiffen and could feel his mother's worried eyes on him.

"I told you to trust me," he said to Nicole, then to everyone, "ready to watch this movie?" He chuckled when no one answered, then pushed play. "The first part is sort of a highlight reel," he said.

"Matty, turn it off," said a flustered Donna, when she saw herself on the screen. She immediately realized when the film was shot.

"No, leave it on," said Jack. "This one may be grounds for divorce."

"Well, this one isn't," Matt began. "Neither is the next one, for that matter, but the last one? I can't wait for the last one!"

The four watched silently as three of them relived the exciting threesome they had experienced on the first night. He had picked and chosen which parts to put on the video and skipped around. When the scene ended, the video went to black, then picked up just after Nicole had brought her mother breakfast in bed.

"You three are screwed," grated Jack, standing up. Matt pushed pause. "I'm calling the ferry and I want all of you out of here now!" His voice escalated to a scream as he finished.

"Sit down, asshole," Matt said softly.

"What you little punk?" Jack bowed up and faced him.

"Sit down before I stomp your guts out," he replied calmly. "There's more to watch, then I'm going to make you cry. Don't add insult to injury by getting your ass whipped too."

"I'd like to see you try," laughed Jack. But he sat down.

Matt pushed play. As soon as she set the breakfast tray on the floor, Nicole stripped off her clothes. Donna, on the other hand, pulled the covers back, waiting for Nicole to join her in the bed. What followed was the sweetest lovemaking session Matt had ever seen. It was without the urgency that he was accustomed to, but more of a gentle, mutual caress that was loving as well as tender. Even as they finished each other off in a satisfying 69, Matt noted that there was a big difference between porn and reality. Donna and Nicole weren't performing for a camera, but making sure to please each other. It was the most excitingly erotic thing Matt had ever witnessed.

"You didn't tell me there was a camera in there, too," whispered Nicole.

"That's what makes it so great," he replied, pulling her closer. They kissed again.

"Matt, that's enough," said Donna. She was crying as Jack looked at her with sneer filled with triumph.

"It's ok, Mom," he replied. "This next one will set you free." Jack's sneer changed to worry and back again.

The next scene showed Nicole laying in bed. She woke immediately woke up when Jack entered the room and made his way toward her. Pulling the covers over her chest, she sat up and began to talk to him. It soon became obvious that Jack wanted something that Nicole was unwilling to give. It didn't work. He was more than persistent and managed to remove both the covers and Nicole's top. Then she told him to stop.

"She told me she had a rape fantasy!" cried Jack, who felt all eyes on him. "We were role playing."

"Daddy, I changed my mind," said the Nicole on the screen, trying unsuccessfully to cover up. "Please stop."

"I know, Kitten," he replied.

"Dad, seriously," she replied. "I'm not playing. I don't want to do this."

He hit her. When she fell back on the bed, he pounced. As his body covered hers, he berated her for being a prick tease and that he should show her what happened to little sluts who want to tease. Though short lived, the scene intensified in it's brutality and ended with a sobbing Nicole and a still jeering Jack. Even after he finished, he was still chiding her.

"You're screwed, dude," laughed Matt, looking at Jack. "Hey, don't do that."

It was too late. As quick as an out of shape turtle, Jack made his way to the DVD player and opened it. Meanwhile, the other three, torn between disbelief and hilarity, watched as he stumbled across the room. Both Nicole and Donna looked at Matt, who was still laughing, but his expression looked a little chagrined.

"Wait!" said Matt, still unmoving. Jack snapped the DVD in half with a grin of triumph. "Now why would you do that? That was your copy and if you're going to be that way, I'm not making you another one."

Jack went after him. As quick as a flash, Matt met him in the middle and brought his knee into his crotch, sternum, then face. Jack dropped to the floor, still dazed. Matt looked at Donna. "Look Ma," he laughed, "no hands!" He then helped Jack into the recliner as Nicole moved to her mother. They held each other.

"Now, I really hope you get stupid again and try something else," Matt began. "But I would advise you to sit still and quietly listen."

"This doesn't change anything," grunted Jack. "I can't be prosecuted for anything that happens on this island. And I still have all the money. You lose, Matt."

"You really are that stupid aren't you," Matt laughed. "You can't prove that it happened on this island, it's not yours. And you never had any money either. It all belonged to Mr. Richards. But the thing is, he died." He suppressed a laugh when Jack quickly looked at him. "And his will clearly left everything to Mom. Now that he's dead, Mom owns the company, this island, and the $148 million in several different accounts. Actually, I hope you don't mind, Mom, but I put it all into one account to simplify things, and, as soon as you and Nicole sign the card, all three of us can draw out of the account."

"Bullshit," grated Jack. "That's illegal!"

"Of course it is, but with no next of kin, who's going to press charges? Are you willing to go to prison for both rape and tax evasion? We have a death certificate, a will and testament, and a grave. It's going to be a tough stretch to prove any wrongdoing, and with a rape charge, on your own daughter no less, you're screwed. I'd leave it alone if I was in your shoes. Two copies of this DVD went to Mom's lawyer when I sent it back on the ferry. Well, just the last scene anyway, and he's going to make several copies as well as sending one immediately stateside to put in my safe deposit box."

"Mr. Richards already has a will," laughed Jack. "And I'm the only one who knows where it is."

"Wrong again. It was in your safe deposit box, but after I got the key out of the safe in the house, it was destroyed. So were any ties you had to Dave Richards, including the bogus life insurance policy. You have no legal leg to stand on, and are now penniless. You are now at Mom's mercy. I'm pretty sure she's still going to give you a divorce, but she might let you keep your job, even though your résumé is a little lackluster."

Jack's fury was scary for the women, who were still cowed by him, but Matt took it all in stride. He was having fun actually. He walked over and sat between Donna and Nicole, putting a hand on each leg. They, in turn, each rested a head on his shoulder.

"Let's recap," said Matt. "The money is gone, the company and all real estate belongs to Mom, and you face a pretty harsh rape slash tax evasion charge if you try any bullshit. Did I leave anything out?"

"Yes," said Donna. "Call the ferry and get off my property. I'll let you keep the house and the job, but if you ever come near me or my kids again, I'll have you put away forever."

"Way to go, Mom!" laughed Matt. "You got your balls back!"

The three of them stood on the porch and watched the ferry leave. Matt had given him a handful of cash to get back with. While he was gone, Matt had moved all of their belongings into a high-end storage facility anyway, leaving Jack with a mostly empty house and a broken heart. The attorney who had punched him out in the airport and helped Matt pull all of this off was back home, preparing to present Jack with divorce papers. Jack was also allowed to keep the savings account they had built up from his VP income. He wasn't completely broke, but he would struggle. The ferry slowly moved out of sight.

"Well now what?" asked Matt, his arms around both of them.

"Let's get drunk," said Donna.

"Let's fuck!" said Nicole.

Donna pulled the string to untie Nicole's top. "Let's do both," she cooed.

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HoltarenHoltarenalmost 6 years ago
I love it.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall". Sweet. More, please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Went from a 4 to a 1 in a few paragraphs. Rape is a downer, plot device or not. Too bad, was enjoying the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
This shit have been written by a sick lesbo bitch !!

Oh well, I glues there is a place in Lit for degenerate psychos !

All of 1* !!

teddybearclubteddybearclubover 10 years ago
You just had to do it

You just had to bring the asshole dad back into it. I usually give good reviews, but I just can't bring myself to it this time. The sex was good but Jeez WTF?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Wonderful story.

This story is great & I look forward to reading more stories like this from you.

cacowboy48cacowboy48about 15 years ago
Awesome story

This was such an awesome and very hot story with the best ending. You did a great job.

marklionmarklionabout 15 years ago
Great Story!!!

That was a great story that you wrote about the family and how Matt was able to turn the tables on his lying, cheating father and help his mother out. It would be nice to see another chapter about how his mother and sister change after these events.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

One of the best, keep this story going it has so much potential and plenty of scope. Looking forward to lots more from Donna and Nicole.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 15 years ago
Good story,I really liked it

Well writen and fast moving, a good solid story line and well defined characters.The plus is the good ending. Thanks........Rich

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Great story idea!!

There may have been a minimal amount of spelling or grammar errors but if so it's so nice to read such a well written original story plot that I was not distracted at all.

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