MC-125 Ch. 01-11


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John was just polishing off a pizza he had picked up at Allesio's when the door unexpectedly rang. Curious, he closed the flat box and answered the summons. Samantha smiled at him and let herself in. With her was a stocky man with plain, nondescript features. Brown hair, wide brown eyes, and even lips stained with just the hint of a mustache.

"Hello, Ms. Summers. What an unexpected surprise," John greeted formally, unsure about the stranger she brought with him.

Samantha herself was cool and collected as always. She smiled briefly at him and stepped inside, stranger in tow. John seated them in his living room and sat down, his curiosity in overdrive. The stranger produced a small attaché case and placed it on the coffee table.

"John, this is the bodyguard we discussed last week, Harold Jensen. I just thought I'd let you meet him before he started shadowing you."

"How thoughtful," John grimaced. They only talked about a bodyguard in passing over dinner and John didn't exactly agree to it. He really didn't mind the thought all that much and it did make sense. However, Samantha went over his head on this and it irritated him just a bit. Quickly, John wiped his hand on his pants and shook Harold's rough hand. He had a firm grip. John looked him straight in the eyes and was surprised by the friendly look in them. He had been expecting someone with steely gaze or a hard expression from someone that was supposed to be guarding his life.

Harold's face cracked into a roguish grin. "Pleased to meet you."

John was unbalanced by the friendly attitude as he let the man's hand go and mumbled a hasty reply.

Harold blinked and looked over at Samantha. "You sure he's as smart as you say he is?"

"Mr. Jensen..."

"Just checking."

Samantha sighed in exasperation. "I really do wonder what Sarah sees in you sometimes."

"What, don't tell me my charm has absolutely no effect on you."

John quirked an eyebrow. "I take it you two know each other outside of your professions?"

"Unfortunately," Samantha answered. "Harold is a friend of mine's fiancé."

Harold only shrugged.

"Samantha, could I talk to you for a second?" He gestured towards the bedroom and she followed. He closed the door securely behind them. "Are you sure about him?"

"Yes, I know. He doesn't look all that reliable but trust me he is. He's a former Army Ranger and has too many tours to list under his belt, most of which are probably a little classified. I do know that he's done several undercover extractions of CIA agents overseas. He's been with Sarah since high school but thought it best not to leave behind a widow so he never proposed until he left the military. Now he's a freelance bodyguard for some of the most prestigious men in the world whenever they pass through on business. He just likes acting the goofball; people tend to underestimate him because of that. He's also costing Pharmtech an arm and a leg so you're just going to have to get used to him."

"And when exactly did you plan on telling me all this?" John fumed. "I would have thought that you'd have a bit more tact than to drop him in my lap with at least some modicum of a warning. Oh, and thanks for checking to see how I felt about all this, too."

Hurt, Samantha lashed out, her eyes cold and face rigid. "First off, this is the warning. I could have just had him tail you without your knowing. And second, I am protecting a company asset. Enough said." Her words stung more than she meant them to but it was too late to take them back now. She watched as John's own eyes hardened into icy flints.

"Is that what I am to you?" he bit off. "A company asset. A business venture. Very well, then." John reached behind Samantha and flung open the door. "Then I take it that your reason for being here is concluded. You've made your introduction. Thank you for your kindness in letting me know that you've purchased me a shadow." He roughly grabbed her by her arm and practically threw Samantha out his door. "Good evening, Ms. Summers," he said brusquely before slamming the door.

John took several calming breaths before finally turning around only to find an uncomfortable looking bodyguard standing in his living room. John stormed back into his room and shut the door behind him.

* * *

John woke up the following morning refreshed. That was, until he remembered his fight with Samantha the previous night. Then he felt miserable. He went through his morning ablutions and began fixing himself a cup of coffee when the door rang. He answered it, wondering who it could be so early in the morning.

Harold greeted him with a bag of donuts and his own coffee in a Styrofoam cup. "Morning," he chirped brightly.

John only grunted and let him in. He shuffled about in the kitchen and produced a grapefruit from the fridge. "What are you doing here?"

Harold sat opposite him produced a golden pastry slathered in chocolate. "Well, I thought I'd explain how I work and what to expect. This will probably be the last time you'll see me. Oh I'll be around, you can be sure of that. I'll just be so much of a shadow you won't be able to tell me apart from your own. Actually, I'm living right next door to you. I've hooked up surveillance gear up so I know pretty much what's going on for a half-mile radius around this entire structure, not to mention the cameras I've got hooked up in this building. I have a team of people that will be keeping an eye on you at work and on your commute to and from. I'm sure Samantha's already told you about my combat experience so I'll just skip that part. No need to be confusing certain details, right?"

Despite his mood, John couldn't help but like the guy. "Right," he smirked. "So I can just go about my business as if you weren't really here?"

"Pretty much."

"You do know about Samantha and me, don't you?"

Harold gave a very good innocent expression as he blinked. "Not 'til now." John didn't buy it.

"Right," he answered sarcastically.

John sighed. "Well, I'm off to work." That said, he rose and went out the door, leaving it for his guard to lock up. Moments later Harold jogged up beside him.

"Hey, I'm your security not your doorman."

"I thought you would be scarce after our conversation."

Harold firmly grasped his arm. "Look, buddy. I'm trying to get our relationship started on a good foot here. If you and Samantha have an argument that's between you two. Leave me out of this. I'm doing this more as a personal favor to her than anything else. I'm paid to guard you. I'm a professional but making me dislike you isn't going to help either of us."

They stared at each other for a long moment, measuring the others resolve. Finally, John conceded. "You're right and I'm sorry. You don't have anything to do with this. But Samantha has me seriously irked. She went right over my head on this and she's isn't the most tactful person sometimes."

Harold frowned. "Yeah, well, she hasn't always been this way. She used to be a lot more innocent back in the day. I guess life's hardened her some."

"That's right. You knew her when she was in college."

Harold nodded as they continued walking to the garage. "Yeah, she was a completely different person then, though."

"I'm not going to ask, though."

"Ask what?"

"What happened to her," John clarified. "That's for her to decide when I'm ready for that."

Harold slapped him on the back. "You and I are going to get along just fine."

* * *

John sat back in his chair, a tower of boxes stacked neatly beside him. The announcement went out that he was heading a new division deep within Pharmtech. Of course, people were murmuring that his new position had something to do with him dating the boss. John sighed. That was unavoidable, he supposed. Thing was, he wasn't sure what his relationship with Samantha was at the moment after last night.

Just then, there was a gentle knock at the door.

"Door's open."

As he had expected, Samantha entered the room. And, of course, there was very little in the way of a look of apology even remotely gracing her features. She strode into the room with her usual calm mien and closed the door behind her. He understood her power games but they were beginning to wear on him just a bit.

"What do you want?" he said first, taking the initiative. If she wanted to be difficult then so could he.

Samantha just stood in his doorway silently. John pretended to ignore her and worked on a molecular model displayed on his computer monitor. He knew that there would be some kinks in their relationship when it came to work but he didn't expect things to escalate this quickly. For a split moment John thought of saying something but decided against it. He put the ball in her court and wanted to know just how she planned on playing. Despite John's own cool appearances he was quite nervous. Samantha did mean a lot to him and the way he blew up at her the other night wasn't exactly the image of tact for his part. Still, what was done was done.

"I have a favor to request of you," she began, her voice crisp and firm. Inwardly, John flinched. "A sudden business meeting came up and I don't have anyone to watch over Brianna. I'd appreciate it if you could look after her tonight."

John looked up at her, his expression neutral. He wasn't sure what to make of her appeal but decided to take a chance. "Very well," John answered tersely as he stood up. He finally looked at her and noticed how distraught she really was. The differences were subtle but noticeable if one knew what to look for. Her makeup was put on a little more heavily, a camouflage for the slight bags under her eyes and pale skin. There were a couple of small crows feet tugging at the corners of her eyes and the usual intensity that Samantha just projected in her voice was missing in her eyes. Her posture was tired, drawn despite the sharp black business dress she had on. "On one condition," John continued as he stepped nearer, his movements and features not belying the fact that he was as tired and upset as she was. Quickly, his hand snapped out, encircled her small waist and pulled her into his arms before plunging his lips into hers. He felt her body tense beneath his arms, her hands protesting against his chest weakly. But soon she leaned limply against him and melted into the embrace, her own mouth eagerly drinking in his. They slowly separated and each had a warm, glazed look in their eyes. "My condition is that you go out with me later this week."

Samantha looked at him, startled, and nodded. "John about last night..."

"We both acted in ways we shouldn't have. I've mentioned it before, you're a proud woman and I'm also used to taking the lead. I think we're going to just have to learn to compromise a little," he cut in. John mentally nodded to himself. In one move he had turned their whole situation around. He didn't use his abilities, though; he just trusted to luck and the growing faith that he felt between them.

"You know, you being right all the time is really starting to get on my nerves," she growled playfully. "And...I'm sorry about last night. I should have been a bit more thoughtful about what I said. I guess I'm just used to bossing people around."

"Apology accepted," John smiled. "But I think you go out of your way to be bossy, not unintentionally." John waved off her glower. "Just hear me out. I know Jeff hurt you. I know you're afraid of an 'us'. Truth be told, so am I. There's a part in each of us that wants to fight what's happening every step of the way."

Samantha thought about his words. "Then I suppose we'll have to shut those parts up, won't we?"

John grinned at her. "You read my mind."

"Reading minds is your department," the vibrant redhead quipped, helping a smile on John's face.

John leaned in and kissed her again. He felt her lips throbbing on his as he sucked on them gingerly. She moaned into his arms and John found himself pinned to his desk. Samantha reached for the buttons on his shirt but he calmly warded her off. "No, not like this. You're something special and...and I want our first time to be something special too."

"I already told you to quite being right." Samantha's green eyes flashed hungrily.

John only smiled at her and kissed her again. "How much time before your meeting?"

"It starts in an hour," she replied simply.

"Well, I simply can't let you leave quite yet with that much time to spend." He turned them around and sat Samantha on the edge of his desk. Since he already had everything packed there was no need to sweep it aside. John tore his gloves off and touched her face igniting blindingly hot passion at his fingertips. They both gasped at the simple touch and took a moment to recover from the initial shock. Their lips sought one another with renewed fervor until they were panting into one another with animalistic need. John reached down and stroked Samantha's smooth stockings. His hand slid up until he reached the edge and finally contacted the warm flesh of her inner thigh. Samantha shuddered at the sensation.

John continued and snaked both hands up her skirt and hooked her silk panties under his thumbs and teasingly drew them down before tossing them over his shoulder. He wasn't surprised by the degree of wetness that greeted him and John traced his finger over the thin film. Samantha bucked under his touch and an unexpected whimper tumbled over her lips.

John smiled at himself and kissed her again before crouching before her. He had been wanting to do this for a very long time. When he slid down he had his first look at the delicate petals glistening invitingly at him. He grinned and touched his lips experimentally to her firm left thigh. John considered himself more of 'leg man' and Samantha offered everything he could have hoped for in that department. Her toned thighs separated more at his kiss and John couldn't wait to have them clasping his ears. John took a strong whiff at her tangy scent and darted his tongue out, tasting her skin. He heard Samantha's breath catch and John continued. His hands did not relent and continued to lightly caress her now slightly ruddy petals. He concentrated on only giving her pleasure with the touch of his skin and attempted to generate a throbbing pulse of pleasure on just the outside of her inviting lips as he continued kissing her wetly.

John teased her for several minutes until he succeeded in forcing Samantha to ask for him to go further. He loved the dominant side of her and that made it more enjoyable if he could get her to ask or even beg for what she wanted from him. However, he wasn't going to use his abilities to generate a false desire. He only used it to create sensations that simply weren't possible with hands and tongue alone.

Samantha was a quivering mass by the time John reached his goal and when his lips finally graced her outer labia Samantha shuddered instantly. He decided that he'd had enough with the buildup; it was time to follow through. His tongue snaked out and plunged into her dripping center causing all sorts of delightful gasps and whimpers from his lover. He dove in repeatedly and flailed his tongue within, eagerly slurping up her dew. When John finally zeroed in on her clit her legs clamped hard on his ears. John was shocked by the amount of raw lust that flooded through his mind at the touch of her thighs to the sides of his face; the force of her desire would have knocked him off his feet if he were standing. It was so intense between her legs, as he determinedly lashed her bud with his tongue, that it almost hurt. John envisioned being buffeted by a vast storm until he too succumbed to the sheer strength of the tempest roaring about him. He was awash in her every sensation, and it felt magnificent. Wave built after wave until finally giant wall of sheer orgasmic strength that seemed to reach up to the very heavens towered over John and crashed into him. He rode her sensations and felt a surge in his own crotch, sending his own fount of energy with the storm.

When the wave receded Samantha's legs loosened limply and John collapsed onto the floor, expended. It took several minutes for him to regain consciousness and when he did the cloying scent of sex permeated the room. John gathered his arms under him and crawled to where Samantha lay lifelessly on his table, her legs splayed open across the edge. John found Samantha's panties nearby and stuffed them in his pocket. He needed to clean her up but there was nothing in the office that he could use. He stripped his dress shirt and the cotton tank top he wore underneath. He used the tank top and a bottle of water to wipe off Samantha. John took his time and marveled at how peaceful she looked, how beautiful. He smiled warmly and brushed aside a stray lock of red hair. Samantha slowly roused and cracked open her eyes.


John's smile widened as he kissed her damp brow. He looked up at the clock. "We've still got half an hour to get you cleaned up for that meeting of yours. I must say you look much better than when you first came into my office."

Samantha slowly sat up and stretched languidly. "I feel much better, thank you very much."

John noticed how much more relaxed she was, and cheerful. Her usual edge seemed to have lessened, her eyes softer and kinder. It was a remarkable transformation. John supposed all she needed was a proper orgasm to help work out the tension in her life. "You can thank me properly, later." He dabbed at his lover's neck and face.

Slowly, the all too familiar serious expression crept back into her features. "John, I..."

"I know," he interrupted. "But we can talk about all that later. Besides you've got that meeting to attend to and I have another adorable redhead to take out to dinner. I think she'll like Allesio's as well."

Samantha smirked at him. "Trying to take the lead already, Mr. Arrons?"

John leaned in for a brief kiss. "Wouldn't dream of it, just pointing out what we both know needs to be done," he replied as he opened a window to air out the room. "Do you have anything fresh to change into back at your office?"

"Of course," Samantha replied. "My position does have its perks. Could I have some water?" John handed her a bottle from the unplugged mini-fridge and sat beside her on the desk. "Having to try to keep quiet during the best orgasm of your life can be a bit draining."

John looked abashed as he massaged a crick in his neck. "I didn't even think about that."

"Next time, please do," Samantha commented after she took a sip of water. "I nearly bit a hole in my arm trying." She slumped beside him and leaned on his shoulder. "You really are something else, you know that?"

John gestured that they get going. He escorted Samantha to her office and kissed her quickly before he left. Things were beginning to look up.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No ending

Great story but like most on here it has no ending just leaves you hanging

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Fabulous story! I hate to think how much research went in to it. Can hardly wait to read the rest. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A top shelf tale LordRaven!

I agree with the previous comments by other readers. Herein you've shown rare talent and claimed a unique and welcome niche in the MC genre (perhaps as evidenced by your choice of making this a Romance category story).

A hearty "Well done" to you and I look forward to savoring your other writings.

Here's wishing you the best of all things and my five star thank you for MC-125.

Senrab13Senrab13over 13 years ago
Helluva story

Truly unique and wonderfully told.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Surprisingly good read

Not bad, i was really surprised as most of the Mind COntrol stories i came across were generally quite non consensual and certainly did not have any element of romance in them. Keep up the good work, it makes for a pretty good read

knightofheartsknightofheartsabout 16 years ago
Keep Writing

Well written, character and plot driven stories that also have great sex... magnificent. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
i loved it

I just loved the way that you built up the story. It was really incredible,in fact it was the best mind controll/romantic story that has ever been written on this web page. Please continue with these types of stories.

Satisfied reader

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