Me and Cera: A Big Surprise

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Allison & Cera become friends. But Cera has a secret.
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This story is a complete work of fiction. All characters in this story are of 18 years of age. All pictures in this story are owned by me. Its set in the fictional suburb of River-hill. This time its the story of a young high school girl named Allison who befriends the new girl Cera who has moved in with he family next door and also goes to her high school. They become great friends. But Cera has a "secret". I hope that you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am writing this story from the point of view of Allison.


I'm Allison. I am 18 years old and a senior at high school. While I have a small pert body, my breasts have grown quite a bit. Not that they are large or anything, but I like them. I have blonde hair, which I usually style in one way or another. I like to consider myself a nice friendly person. I believe in the kindness of people and always try to be nice to everyone.

Yup. That's me.

I happen to be a good student at school and have been getting straight A's. I hope to go to Yale one day so that I can become a lawyer. Its been a dream of mine for a while now. Especially since that's what my dad does. I have seen him fight the good fight and he has made a very successful living at it. Its his inspiration that drives me to go ahead and do the same. My mom's pretty supportive of it too. But she had hoped that I would go into the field of medicine just like she did. She's a pediatrician and runs her own clinic.

Life is pretty much good.

But do you ever get that feeling that there are things that happen to you that change your life forever? I know I do. This is the story of me meeting Cera. An 18 year old who just moved in next door to us and joined my high school. She and her family had moved in a few weeks ago and our families had quickly become acquainted. Her parents Micheal & Ada Parker were a nice handsome couple. Her dad was a big time stock broker and her mother works as a chef.

I still remember that day when they moved in. Me and my family went out over to their house to meet them and get acquainted.

"Hello we are the Walkers. We live right next door and though we should come introduce ourselves." said my dad.

"Hi, I am Ada. Nice to meet you. I swear I was just thinking of coming over to your house the other day to say hello, but the unpacking was a bit rough. We just got settled in." said Ada.

Just then her husband a nice handsome man in his early 40's walked up.

"Hey. I am Michael." he said.

"Hi. I am Mark. This is my wife Jennifer." said my dad.

They all shook hands.

"Oh, why don't you guys come in and we can have some lemonade and get to know each other." said Ada.

"Ok. That sounds nice." said my mom.

We all walked through the front door. Now this house was not as big as ours but it was a very nice house. The adults were all talking to each other as we all walked in and then I saw her. A young girl walking down the stairs in a sweat shirt, Capri-jeans and sneakers.


She was gorgeous, I thought. My heat fluttered. I don't know what was happening. But the instant I laid eyes on her, I knew I was attracted. I don't know why, I liked boys. But there was something about her. She had inherited some of her Asian features from her mother Ada who was from Japan. She had the most beautiful pair of eyes and long silky black hair. She had a nice body frame but her breasts were not huge. Her hips were a little out but not a lot.

"Oh uh, this is our daughter. Cera." said Michael.

"Hello." she said with a sweet voice.

"These are the Walkers and our neighbors." said Michael.

"It's nice to meet you." she said.

"This is our daughter Allison." said my mom.

"Hey." she said.

But I just stood there. Staring.

"Ummm. Are you ok?" asked Cera.

I remember finally waking up like I was in a dream state.

"Uh. Oh sorry. Yeah. I am all right." I said with a stupid weird face.

Cera giggled.

"Cera. Why don't you and Allison go upstairs and show her your room and we'll all be here downstairs." said Ada.

"Yeah. That's cool. If Allison is fine with it." said Cera as she turned her gaze to me. I think I was going into a trance once again.

"Uh. Oh yeah. That's cool." I said.

We headed upstairs to her room. It was almost as spacious as my room. She had a single bed to a corner of the room. She had a pretty nice television right next to the bed. I also noticed that Cera had a lot of posters of different Japanese anime all over her room.

"Wow. That is a lot of posters." I said.

"Yeah. I am kind of a geek for Japanese Anime." she said.

I turned around and saw a big rack full of dvds stacked up. I walked over and checked it out.

"You seem to have a very big collection." I said.

"Yeah. I just love that stuff so I collect whatever I can." she said.

"Well I am not a fan of this stuff. But I do like to watch a lot of movies." I said.

"Ok." said Cera.

"So, how are you liking it so far over here?" I asked her.

"It's alright. It's not the same, but I know I'll get used to it." said Cera.

"Well it may seem boring around here, but its a nice place. I like it. People think there's not a lot to do around here. But there's plenty. There's a lot of good places to go eat, to shop and stuff." I said.

"Ok. Nice." she said.

"Maybe, I can take you sometime." I said not trying to seem too forward.

"Yeah. I'd like that." she said.

She flashed me a smile. A smile that made me tingle. I smiled back.

From that day on we were the best of friends. We went to school together. We sat next to each other in class. We studied together (well....most of the time anyways). And we hung out together. A LOT!

My attraction towards Cera wasn't helping me at all. I caught myself staring at her from time to time. Sometimes she would notice and sometimes she wouldn't. She hadn't said anything so far, so I thought I was ok. My problem was that I was really conflicted. I have dated boys but things were never serious. I hadn't had sex yet. Yes, I am a virgin. I just didn't understand how I could be attracted to a girl. Maybe it was just my hormones. I don't know. I couldn't talk to anyone about this. My parents are very open minded people, but I just didn't know how to talk about something like this.

Plus it didn't help that Cera was so just so wonderful. She was thoughtful and she was really really nice. Plus she was just so gorgeous. Guys at school would line up to date her. Me on the other hand, I would get asked out but I just started to reject all the boys. Well mostly because all the good ones were taken. And that made it even more difficult because I constantly would keep thinking about Cera.


I came back to earth as I heard a locker door closing.

"Allison!" said Cera.

"Huh?" I said.

"Where are you lost?" she asked.

"Sorry. I was just thinking something." I said trying to avert my gaze from here.

"You seem to be really distracted lately." said Cera.

"I am fine. I am just tensed about the test Mr. Karpov is going to have us do today." I lied.

"Hahaha. Babe, we study together. And you're better prepared than me. You know everything, so why are you worried?" she asked.

"I don't know. I guess its just nerves." I said.

She gave me a funny look. I didn't know what to make of it. It was as if she didn't believe me.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I said.

"I don't know. Lately you seem distracted and a little disconnected. You only want to study. We haven't hung out like we used to. Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" she asked.

"I'm sure." I lied again.

"Ok. Let's just go take the test. Then we're off anyway. I still want to talk." she said.


We headed into Mr. Karpov's class. The test started, but I struggled. Struggled to get the answers. It was awful. The whole time I was thinking about what Cera said. She wanted to talk. About what? I kept racking my brain about what it could be. I just didn't understand.

I did the best I could with the test. I just hoped that Mr. Karpov would be kind enough to give me a good grade. Cera caught up to me as I was walking out. She caught me at the exit.

"Hey, where are you going so fast." she said.

"I was just going to wait outside." I said.

"How was the test?" she asked.

"It was ok." I said. "I just hope I get a good grade. Karpov can be a hard ass sometimes when it comes to grading."

"I wont argue with that!" she said laughing.

We walked in the parking lot towards Cera's car. Her parents had bought her a car 2 weeks ago when she got her license. She unlocked the car and we got in.

I heard the engine roar and we were headed back home.

"So, Lloyd was asking about you. Again." she said.

"What?" I said.

"This is the third time he's asked about you. Why don't you go out with him?" she asked.

This was always a topic. Boys. And why I wasn't dating anyone. If only I could tell her why I didn't want to date anyone.

"He's alright and all, but...... I don't want to date him. He's too needy. That's exactly why Melissa dumped him in the first place." I said.

"Ok...Melissa dropped him because she started dating Jared." said Cera.

"Seriously? Jock Jared. The big muscly guy on the football team?" I asked.

"Yeah. Rumor has it he popped her cherry and she did not want to go back to Lloyd after that."

"Oh. So is that why you want me to date him?" I asked.

"No. It's just that he seems like a nice guy. And you guys would look cute together." she said.

"No. I am really not interested." I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Come on sweetie. I just want to see you happy." she said.

"I am happy." I said.

"Well, it would help to go out with someone once in a while." she said.

"We go out. We hang out." I said.

"I mean with a boy silly." she said.

"All this talk. And what about you?" I asked haughtily.

"What about me?" she said.

"Why aren't you dating?" I asked.

She became silent.

"I just don't like anyone." she said.

"That's not it." I said.

"Well it is. Most guys just want one thing. They all line up in front of me and ask me out. But the few dates I've been on, they just want to get laid from the get go. And that's not happening." she said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"My reason's are my own." she said.

Looks like I wasn't the only one holding something back. She wasn't telling me something and it was obvious.

"Why not?" I asked again.

"I don't want to talk about it." she said.

"Come on we can...." I said but she cut me off.

"Just leave it alone Allison." she said.

I can see that I had frustrated her. I better not poke the bear I thought to myself. Especially when I am keeping my feelings about her inside of me. They could always erupt out in the worst possible way ever.

We drove in peace the rest of the way. As soon as she parked, Cera didn't even say goodbye. Instead she just walked home and didn't look back.


I must have really pissed her off. But I don't understand why.

The next day we were silent all the way to school once again. The entire day went by without me and Cera talking even for a minute. It was highly unusual. I must have said something that obviously struck a nerve but I don't understand what. The day went by and it was brutal. We sat next to each other in class and even had lunch together but there wasn't a word out of her at all.

Finally, the day had ended. I walked towards the parking lot and saw that Cera was already waiting there. She unlocked the car and we got in.

Silence. It was killing me. I just wanted to talk to her. But she wasn't going to be the first one to break the silence.

"Ok. Can you just stop the car." I said.

"What? We aren't home yet." she said.

"Just stop." I said.

She stopped the car.

"What's wrong? Why are you giving me the cold shoulder." I asked.

"It's nothing." she said.

"I obviously said something that upset you. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's ok." she said.

"Come on we can talk. Was it about you dating?" I said.

She was silent.

"Is it?" I asked.

"Allison, there's things about my life that you don't know. Things that are complicated. And it has had bad outcomes when it has come to relationships for me." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I cant talk about it." she said.

She seemed a little down. It was as if there was this weight on her shoulders and she couldn't let go.

I leaned forward towards her and took her face in my arms. And then I did the unthinkable. I kissed her. She seemed a little surprised at first but I could feel her kissing me back. I broke the kiss.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." I said and I put my arms up on my head and I leaned my head down.

"Allison." said Cera.

I couldn't stay quiet. I mean what was I supposed to say. I mean I wanted to say it but it was getting harder to breathe every second that I waited for the words to come out of my mouth.

"Allison." she said and she put her hand on my shoulder.

"I........I like you Cera."

There. It was finally out in the open. And I would never be able to take it back.

"You like me?" she asked a little surprised.

"Yes. I like you. A lot!" I said.

"Since ...when....?" she asked.

"For a while now." I said.


It was killing me. The look in her eyes. I just wanted to kill myself. I leaned towards the door to try to get out. She figured out I was trying to run away and locked the door and grabbed my hand. She pulled me towards her and we kissed once again.

This time I was in for the shock.

"What was that for." I asked.

"I don't know." she said and smiled.

She leaned in again and we sat there in the car as we continued to kiss.


That day was a turning point for us. Whenever we were alone, bet it her place or mine or her car or wherever the hell it was that we could be alone and when no one was watching, we would always kiss. She was such a great kisser. Every time we kissed my body would melt. My stomach would flip. And I knew I was always getting wet!

She really knew her way around. We had spent many evenings out in the back seat of her car making out. Hell I would touch her breasts and she would moan. She would play with my boobs and I would go over the edge.

Tonight of all nights at River-hill bay, she pulled my panties aside and started to rub my clit. I felt these weird sensations riding through my body. Each time she would touch my clit and rub it it would send a jolt of electricity down my spine. I could sense that she was just as hot as me. I put my hand on her thigh and started to move in closer towards her crotch. But she sensed my hand moving up and then gently put her hand on mine and moved it away. I didn't think much of it and let her do what she wanted. She put one had around me and squeezed my tit while the other lay on my pussy as she played with me. She would kiss me every once in a while while she would squeeze my bosom and play with my cunt. And then finally I felt this huge rush surge through me. My orgasm hit me hard as Cera continued to fondle me. A few minutes later she stopped as my orgasm slowly died down. I was breathing hard and fast and I looked up at her. She was smiling back at me. I smiled back at her.

"Wow. That was so fucking good!" I said.

"I know." she said and she kissed me.

We sat there in the backseat and continued to kiss as she snaked her tongue down my throat and still continued to grab my breast. I saw an opportunity and put my hands on her thigh. She was wearing a pair of Capri pants and I could feel the rough denim. I began to slowly move my hands up her thigh and she sensed it again and put her hand on my hand and slid it away.

I broke the kiss and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. I......Can we not do that." she said.

""What? I just want to make you feel good sweetie. Just like you did to me." I said.

"I don't know. Maybe next time." she said.

I was curious as to why she was behaving so strange.

"Ok. Next time I guess." I said.

"We sat there as we kissed for a while longer and then we saw the time. It was getting late and way past our curfew time. We decided it was best to get back. We held hands the entire way back as we giggled at what had just transpired.

"Not only was this the first time someone else gave me an orgasm, but it was the first time I had done something like that in public. Ok, well not PUBLIC public. We were all alone but you get the gist of it.

We reached back home and I quickly gave her a last big kiss good night and then opened the door and walked home.

I opened the front door and walked in. I felt fantastic.

"Well look at you all happy and excited." I heard dad say.

"Oh my god. You scared me dad." I said.

"Sorry. But you look so happy. Seems like you and Cera had a nice time hanging out tonight." he said.

"Yes." I smiled.

I mean I was ecstatic. I had a crush on her. I told her and she reciprocated. We were like those wild teenagers you saw on the movies making out everywhere they could.

Except for one thing. When I had touched Cera tonight she had not once but twice moved my hand away.

"Hey why so glum now?" asked dad.

"Nothing." I said and moved towards my room.

The thought had once again entered my mind. She obviously didn't want me to touch her. She made me feel good and I wanted to do the same, but she didn't want it. Why? I felt a little hurt. That thought kept me up almost the entire night. It really really bothered me.

The next day I thought I would try talking to her, but something would happen just about the time when I was about to talk to Cera about it. Like Melissa coming over and sitting with us at lunch. Or when Josh Rockwell asked if Cera and I could drop him home on the way. Just like this 2 weeks past and the topic never came up. But it wasn't lost. I wanted to talk to her about it. Because in those 2 weeks, I had at least 6 more orgasms whereas Cera wouldn't even let me unbutton her jeans. She would go nude from the belly up but would never let me touch her nether region.

It was really starting to bug me. It was just 2 weeks before summer break now. We were all alone at her place and were studying in the lounge downstairs. I decided today it was going to happen. One way or another. Either she would let me touch her or we were going to have a long talk which was definitely going to be very unpleasant.

She was staring into her text book with a pencil in her hand and trying to work out a math problem. I slid my had under the table onto her hand and started to rub it. She noticed and looked up at me and smiled slyly. I leaned in and kissed her.

"You look so cute when you're trying to work so hard." I said.

"Stop it. We have to get this over with." she said.

"Come on. We have the place to ourselves." I said naughtily and kissed her again.

I placed my hand on her thigh once again and she instantly knew what I was about to do. Just as she felt my move just an inch, she jumped out of her skin and stood up straight.