Me and Danny Ch. 03


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He was 24 at the time, so I had to lie about my age. I also misled him into thinking I was a student at the college instead of a recent high school graduate who had no idea what she wanted out of life.

I don't know why I lied to him. Looking back, it seems so insignificant. I was legally an adult, so I didn't have to lie about my age. And it didn't really matter to him if I went to that college or not. But I lied anyway. He was so put together, so on top of his shit. He knew what he wanted out of life, and how to get it. I, on the other hand, couldn't even decide which smoothie I wanted to drink.

I found myself within his orbit. I don't even remember how we got to talking, but we did. I just remember thinking that I didn't want him to stop. The sound of his voice, the way he smirked, the color of his eyes...

I was his. If he threw me down right there in the middle of the party and torn all my clothes off, I'd have opened my long legs for him.

Tina, the friend I came there with, was ready to go long before I was. She found me huddled in a corner, lost in his voice.

"I'm ready to go." she said to me with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping impatiently. I politely excused myself for a moment and pulled her to the side.

"What the fuck, Tina?" I said to her. Then, discretely pointing at Martin, I asked, "Do you see him?"

We got into a mini argument over it. She was adamant about leaving, not even willing to negotiate. I was persistent with my desire to stay. Eventually Martin's eaves dropping on us made his gentlemanly instincts kick in, and he simply butted in and offered to take both of us back to the room. I was disappointed (as well as pissed off at Tina), but the three of us left.

Tina calmed down a bit once we were inside of Martin's truck. She let him charm her into taking a detour to the local IHOP and getting some pancakes.

The three of us laughed, talked, and ate. Martin talked about the marines and living overseas. And we listened, both of us entranced by him. I could tell Tina liked him too. She was looking at him with her big doe eyes as he spoke.

When we got back to the room, Martin asked Tina if it was okay if he talked to me alone for a bit. She said yeah (a bit too reluctantly for my tastes) and went up, finally leaving me alone with Martin.

He drove us to some lookout point atop some cliff overlooking the city. Then, he turned off the engine.

The air was thick with sexual tension. It was so palpable I could practically feel it on my skin, raising the tiny hairs on my neck and arms. The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were doing a floor routine at the Olympics.

When he finally made his move and kissed me, I'd never felt anything like that before. I was swept up in his power.

Right there, in the driver seat of his truck, I rode his cock. The entire time I did, our faces were inches apart. We breathed the same air and gazed into each other's eyes as I impaled myself on his thick cock again and again. It was humid inside that truck, like sitting in a sauna. The windows fogged up to the point that we couldn't even see outside anymore.

"I'm gonna cum!" he warned me.

I didn't care about him cumming inside of me because he was wearing a condom, so his warning only made me speed up and bounce harder on his cock. I wanted him to bust his load. I wanted to see his face contorted with pleasure as he did.

"Cum inside of me!" I goaded him as the flesh of my cheeks rippled each time they slapped his thighs. He moaned into my mouth as I smothered him with a kiss. My hips never stopped. My ass never stopped. My pussy never stopped. I just continued sliding up and down on his pole, edging him closer and closer.

"Ugggh!" he grunted out when his ejaculation first hit. His mouth and his eyes were locked open in the sexiest "O face" I'd ever seen. His moan-grunt dragged out as I pounded myself through his orgasm. "Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhh!"

When he was done, I collapsed on top of him from pure exhaustion. I hadn't cum, but that was okay. Just watching him cum was enough to fuel me with masturbation fodder for months.

That glowing feeling of elation only lasted a few minutes. When I rose from him to return to the passenger seat, I noticed that my pussy was way too sloppy. My eyes met his, and that scared look told me that our fears were the same.

In his lap, his half erect cock looked naked and exposed. The condom that was supposed to be snuggly covering it was now wrapped around the base of his shaft like a headband.

And that was how Chris was conceived. In a truck.

I don't know what would've happened to me and Martin if I hadn't gotten pregnant. Would that night have remained an enjoyable one-night stand? Would we have still ended up married? Those are all unanswerable questions. What I do know is that when I called him crying a month later, he was supportive.

Of course, he had his skepticisms about the whole thing. His family too. Me falling pregnant on the first time was a bit "convenient". Getting baby trapped was far too common for military guys. But he was only a Corporal at that time, an E4. Yes, he was ambitious and all, but not high up enough to be considered a real target. And to be honest, he made way more money years later, when he got out of the military.

Anyways, he was supportive of me, but kept a cold distance. When Chris was born, I was 19 years old. Martin was out on deployment, so he couldn't be there. However, I emailed him the pictures of his new baby boy.

He was ecstatic, especially since it was obvious to anyone with a working set of eyes that this child was indeed his. We still did the DNA test to undeniably conclude his paternity, just for posterity's sake.

When Martin returned from his deployment, his aloof attitude towards me did a 180.

He introduced himself to my parents as the father of the child. He swore to my dad that he'd always take care of me, no matter what happened between us. And to my mom...well...he didn't have to do much for her. She loved him from the moment he showed up wearing that sexy dress uniform.

Chris and Martin bonded immediately. He was at my parent's house everyday he wasn't out training, or doing trials, or whatever the hell marines did when there was no war to fight. If he was here in the city, he was here at my house.

It could be argued that I loved Martin from the moment I saw him. I think so. He doesn't believe in things like love at first sight, so he thinks I'm full of shit when I say that. However, if I wasn't already in love with him, watching him with Chris would've won my heart 10 times over.

When Chris was one years old, Martin proposed to me. By the time were celebrating his second birthday, we were married. And now, 18 years later, we still are.



Later that day, Martin took me shopping. His instructions were to buy a nice dress for a night of wining, dining, and dancing. I felt giddy as I entered boutique after boutique, looking for the perfect dress. By the sounds of it, we were going somewhere fancy and expensive.

After a couple of hours, I found three dresses that I liked. I couldn't choose between them, so Martin bought all of them, as well as some sexy lingerie (a matching black lacy bra and thong set). After that, we went shopping for the matching shoes.

As I shopped, there were a few other panties that I fell upon. They made me smile. The reason was because they were the kind that kept disappearing from my laundry basket.

Compared to everything else I'd bought today, these were rather inexpensive. Still, I made sure to purchase these separate from the other stuff Martin bought for me, using my own money. Having my husband buy panties for me to wear for my nephew was a hypocrisy bridge I wasn't prepared to cross.

That night, the dress I chose to wear for him was the tight, sexy, black number that made his eyes bug out when I modeled it for him. The neckline plunged really low, right between my breasts. It was also backless, so there was no way I could wear a bra with it.

However, it was tight and clung to my body like second skin. This did two things for me. One, it was supportive for my C-cups, so "the girls" were staying in place. Two, it was snug around my waist, so it enhanced my curvy hourglass figure.

If that wasn't enough to make me look like a tasty cake, the heels were the final uppercut of a Tyson fight. My long legs went on for days, with my calves looking toned and sleek. It also did wonders for giving my ass a nice, perked up look.

Yeah, I got some stares when I strut my sexy ass into that fancy restaurant, looking like sex on a silver platter. Yeah, I saw the eyes that followed my perked-up ass as I walked past. Yeah, jaws all around dropped when I crossed my slender legs after my gentleman of a husband pulled my seat out for me.

And that was before he took me out to the floor and twirled me as we waltzed and did a sexy samba to the live music being provided. Sometime after our meal, Martin walked over to the musicians and discreetly talked to them, all of them nodding at whatever he was saying.

This is a good time to mention an anniversary present Martin and I got from my late father on our tenth year. He gifted us dancing lessons. He said that was the secret to his loving marriage to my mom. A couple that can dance together can survive anything. Me and Martin thought it was corny as hell, but it was my dad. So, we took those lessons.

And you know what? We loved it!

Very seldom did we have the opportunity to show off the fruits of those lessons. However, when Martin sauntered back over to our table wearing his mischievous grin, I knew what was on his mind. He very smoothly, very confidently extended his hand and said, "Let's show 'em what we're made of, Ronnie."

So, he pulled me out there, and we danced like there was no one else in the room. I let his hands roam over my backside as he held me close, trail down my open cleavage when he dipped me backwards so low that my tits jut straight up, and slide up my leg as I lifted it up to his side like the show pony I was.

You best believe there were some sucking-on-lemons faces from the dates of my many, drooling admirers after that little display.


Martin also noticed this. And you know what? He enjoyed it just as much as I did. He'd always enjoyed showing me off when the opportunity presented itself. Those stares reminded him that the hot piece of ass he married was still desirable, and that he managed to catch a rare creature that others would kill to have. When we were dancing, he made sure to smirk at those poor guys who were obviously wishing they were him.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm one of those women who enjoys being arm candy to my husband. Apologies, my fellow feminists.

I was rewarded by my husband's lascivious eyes all night. He let his gaze fall to my cleavage and linger for a bit as he whispered to me. His cologne filled my nose as we moved around the dance floor, him holding me close. When we went back to our table and sat down, I uncrossed and recrossed my legs purposely, knowing his attention would dart down hoping for a Sharon Stone reveal.

"Hey mister!" I teased at some point in the evening when he was paying way more attention to my tits than my lips. "My eyes are up here."

"I know." he said with that boyish smirk that always melts the panties clean off my ass.

The sexual tension had reached such a crescendo that when we finally made it back to the hotel, that rather expensive dress was rendered unwearable ever again. Martin was impatient; insatiable even. My thongs were ripped off in the car. I don't even know where they are anymore. Martin's fingers were playing around between my splayed open thighs as he drove. I had one heeled foot on the dashboard, my knee resting against the passenger door while he fingerbanged me. The smell of sex permeated the car as I moaned and whined.

In the elevator, I was on my knees while we ascended the 15 floors to our suite. That low dipping cleavage soon became full on exposed tits as I stretched the material unnaturally to pop them out for his viewing pleasure as I sucked his cock. We were alone, thank god, but at any moment on any floor, those doors could've opened and given someone an X-rated show.

Once inside the suite, it was full-on fucking. No lovemaking...FUCKING. I'm talking ragdoll tossing, hair-pulling, back slammed against the wall, fucking. He unrelentingly took me for hours, only taking small breaks to hydrate and catch his breath. We fucked on the balcony, on the floor, in the kitchen, against the wall, in the bathroom, and bent over the back of the couch.

Funny thing was, the only place he DIDN'T take me was the bed.

I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, like he was damn-near raping his poor, helpless wife. I was very much an active participant. I moaned. I screamed. I gagged. I whimpered. I even cried a little. By the time he finally blasted off inside of my worn-out pussy, I was truly and thoroughly WELL-FUCKED.

I laid in his arms that night in the afterglow of a tingling body. I was feeling sore in places I forgot existed. As my head rested on the soft tufts of silver and black hair on his toned chest, I listened to him breathing deeply. The rhythmic thumping of his heart lulled me, like a baby inside the womb.

Honestly, I needed what Martin had subjected me to tonight. It took my mind off Danny for a while. But in the quiet moments of night, I wondered what he was doing at that moment. Was he thinking of me? Sniffing my panties? Masturbating to the memory of our shared sexperiences?

Would he enjoy the panties I bought for him?

A wave of guilt washed over me. Here I was, after a wonderful day of shopping and a very pleasant night of getting wined, dined, and fucked, and I was still thinking lustfully about my nephew. What was it about him that drew me in? Why was he so much in my head?

I had no answer to that. Maybe I needed therapy. It sounded insane to me. This entire thing I had with Danny was crazy as hell.

Eventually, I fell asleep. Next to my husband. The one that I loved.


I was rather relieved that Martin didn't press me for anymore sex the next day. I don't think my body could've handled the punishment. Between the fucking I'd gotten Friday with Danny watching, and last night after me and Martin's date, my poor vagina couldn't handle any more punishment.

So, we packed our things and loaded the car up. Our little mini vacation was at an end. It was time to get back to reality. Both of us had to work tomorrow, and I had a ton of papers to grade before then.

We drove home holding hands the entire way.

Once back at home, I was surprised to find my son there. I was beginning to think he was a figment of my imagination.

After a hug hello, as well as some questions he dismissed about this elusive girlfriend that he never brings over. I went to my room to unpack. Martin had an important phone call to make, but at this point, he'd given me the attention I needed, so it wasn't even an irritation.

When I got to the "purchases" I made for Danny, I bit my bottom lip. I did a quick check to ensure Martin and Chris were sufficiently distracted before stealing away to find him. As usual, he was in his room sitting at his desk working on his video game.

"Hey." I said when I opened the door and let myself in.

A smile immediately spread across his face when he saw me. "Hey." He said in return, swiveling around in his chair to face me. "I was just thinking about you."

"Really? All good things, I hope."

He snickered at that. "What bad things could I possibly think about you?"

I shrugged and sat down on his bed, close to him. Holding up the plastic bag from the boutique, I said, "I bought you something."

His pleasantly surprised face was adorable. After I handed him the bag, he pulled out the panties I bought. He then looked at me and joked, "I'm not wearing these."

I gave him a playfully cynical look as I rolled my eyes. "No moron. Those are for me to wear for you. I noticed these are the kind you like, so I bought these specifically for you. This way, you don't have to go rummaging through my dirty clothes and risk getting caught. If you ever need any panties from me, you just come to me with one of these, and I'll wear them for a couple of hours and give them back to you. You can wash them with your things at your discretion. In fact..."

I stood and hiked the jean skirt I was wearing up and around my waist before finishing my thought with, "I'm wearing a pair right now. I'll give these to you later tonight."

His gaze was transfixed on my thighs and my cotton covered pussy. I pulled my skirt back down and sat on his bed again.

"Wow." He said disbelievingly, obviously touched by my gift. "Thanks. I can't believe you even thought about me when you were out with Uncle Martin."

I leaned over and gently touched his cheek, stroking it lovingly. "Of course, I thought about you. I'm always thinking about you, Danny."

He got a shy smile on his face at that. I leaned over and kissed him on his forehead before standing up and heading for the door.

"Aunt Ronnie?" he called out just as I reached his door.

I turned to find him right there. I gasped because I thought he was still at his computer. I didn't expect him to be right up on me.

I instinctively backed up but had nowhere to go because the door was at my back. I wound up leaning on it as Danny enclosed the space between us.

Without asking permission, he just lowered his head and found my lips. It was a bold move, and I submissively responded to it by yielding to his desires.

Like before, we made out. Martin and Chris were right downstairs, but at that moment, I didn't care. It was like a switch inside of me was flicked.

Danny's hands didn't squander this opportunity. In fact, I thought he had three of them. They were all over my ass, my tits, my back, my thighs. He'd even hiked my skirt up so he could get a feel of the gift I was going to give him later.

It wasn't until I felt him hook his thumbs into the waistband and start to pull them down that I broke the kiss and blurted out, "I need a glass of water!"

Like we agreed, he stopped full halt. An apologetic look came on his face as he said, "I'm sorry Aunt Ronnie. I...I got carried away."

I took a deep breath, mostly to slow down the pounding of my heart, and said, "It's okay, Danny. We're cool. It was just moving a bit too fast for me."

He nodded, still looking like a chastised kid. Before he could back away, I grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him into me. I then initiated another kiss, this one more tender than the last. I did this to reassure him that we were fine.

"You did nothing wrong." I said to him as I looked him in the eyes. "That's what the safe phrase is for though. When one of us needs to stop, we use it. It doesn't mean you did anything wrong. It's just so that things don't get out of hand. Okay?"

He nodded, looking a bit more relaxed. With that, I gave him another loving pat on the cheek before turning away from him and exiting his room.

Once on the other side of his door, I smiled to myself.

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zeuspmzeuspmalmost 3 years ago

even though this concept is fucked up on so many levels, it's still the hottests inc000 story I've read.

booty77loverbooty77loverabout 3 years ago

FUCK you are good at this thank you 100% HOT

csltcsltabout 3 years ago
A part of me was curious as to how far he would take it. I was also curious about how far I would let him take it.

Rut Row!!!

Auntie is headed for trouble...

Loving this author!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Outstanding writing, no way around it! There are several plot lines that make me squirm, but I get it, this is an incest story. Danny clearly has issues with the early loss of his parents and Aunt Ronnie isn't helping him by going down the path she's headed. I also can't stand she's cheating on a good father and husband. Your reference in this chapter was dead on (if this were a real story), she should see a therapist, and maybe Danny as well. Unlike some idiot readers, I'm in no way going to downgrade your perfect score because I cringe at the train wreck this will ultimately end in. On the contrary, you've sucked me in, aiming the implausible plausible, whether I like it or not. 5+*

BoytitsBoytitsover 3 years ago

Still liking it I would like to see Danny get a few licks in before the water comes out!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Can you put Aunt Ronnie into some beige pantyhose or thigh highs please?? I'd fuck her too.. wow

daylilygardenerdaylilygardenerover 3 years ago
Keep Them Coming

Another hot chapter in this series. Nice to get a deeper understanding about your hubby...if you need someone to distract you can have time with Danny...let me know...I would take Martin for an "around the world" trip. Assuming he would be interested in a GILF. Can't wait for the next chapter.

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