Medical Transformation

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Karl undergoes a procedure that changes him mind and body.
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"This way please, Karl. Take a seat. I'm afraid lost memory and spontaneous blackouts are cause for concern. It's important that you remember who you are."

He'd been found on the curb outside, docile and bemused. A man in his early 30s, strapping and masculine and presenting here at Monochrome with acute amnesia. It was clear he remembered precious little of his own identity, and only the sheaf of documents he'd arrived with gave any indication that the team could help him.

"Can you recall anything about your arrival, Karl? You say you were dropped off in a blacked out vehicle? Have you read any of the documentation you were carrying?"

"I haven't, no. I saw the logo and thought I was supposed to deliver them here."

"Well you're half right. You're certainly in the right place. I'm Dr. Bates, one of the physicians here. You're quite the intriguing case, Karl.Your cognitive and motor functions are fine but this loss of memory is concerning. I want to run every test we can, Karl. I'm pleased to have been assigned to you, you're in good hands."

Karl's bemusement began to melt into a calm expression. The doctor passed his documents to an attractive receptionist with a conspiratorial look, before turning back to her patient. "This way please."

He stepped into the dimly lit medical room, a sense of unease settling over him and the sterile surroundings. The room's walls were lined with shelves displaying medical equipment, casting eerie shadows. He hesitated, his eyes narrowing as he spotted an ominous-looking chair positioned at the centre of the room.

Nervously, Karl took a seat, his heart racing. He felt the doctor's authority weighing on him as she began speaking in a calm, soothing tone, though her words were laced with a hint of concern. As she spoke, Karl's gaze flickered between her and the room's unsettling ambiance. He could feel a knot forming in his stomach as the doctor delved deeper into the intricacies of memory and cognition. The flickering fluorescent lights overhead seemed to heighten the tension in the room, casting eerie glows on the doctor's face. Despite the doctor's attractiveness and her attempt to reassure him, Karl's unease persisted. He clenched his hands on the armrests of the chair, his mind racing with thoughts of what might be wrong with his own memory. The room's silence, broken only by the doctor's voice, felt like a surreal nightmare.

"Thank you Karl, please make yourself comfortable. I'll begin the procedure shortly, but first we ought to review your paperwork." The doctor, a doe-eyed brunette, smiled reassuringly, though Karl couldn't exactly reciprocate. Moving around the room briskly in surely-non-regulation 4 inch pump heels, bright red to match her lipstick. She left an aura in her wake; warm, scented with orange blossom and with a hint of mischief. Karl barely noticed as she circled him, though his eyes never left her figure.

She wore a medical tunic, but it either belonged to a girl even more petite than her, or else had been mistakenly ordered from a fancy dress company. She spilled out of it at every opportunity, making laughable attempts at modesty with black thigh-highs. The name tag, skewed around the curvature of her left breast read 'Dr. Lucy Bates, Monochrome Medical.'

"If you don't mind I'm going to begin by reading back the information you signed in with. Do you remember this at all? I really hope your short term memory hasn't been affected.

Name: Karl Kyle

Age: Approx. 28-32

Occupation: Car Mechanic, possibly? Note: good with his hands.

Emergency Contact: Wife, name unknown.

Physical Description: American Caucasian Male, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes. Tall, lean masculine build, in good shape and otherwise healthy.

Examination: Patient presents with acute memory loss following a sustained period of unconsciousness. Patient does not recall his recent past, nor how he arrived, only that he was attending to the requests of his wife when the amnesiac episode took place. His wife, hereafter his 'sponsor,' has been contacted to confirm Karl's identity and to provide guidance for his new one."

Karl listened to the nurse's sing-song purr as she repeated back to him the only confirmable life story he knew. He continued to stare at her long after she stopped reading aloud, distracted as he was by her cleavage and the trim of a lacy red bra teasing him from within a very low collar.

He may not have had a good memory but he recognized a sexy person when he saw one. Waiting patiently for her to finish he voiced something that had been bothering him."This room seems familiar, have I been here before?" The scents of medical devices and a sterile environment flash thoughts through his mind. Thoughts of being tied down, struggling. Is it possible that this was not what it seemed?

Upon hearing this though, Lucy's eyes flashed and she halted, a look of delight passing over her pretty features before professionalism asserted itself again. "Mr. Kyle, please stay calm. I'm afraid I need to keep you in for observation." The nurse laid a dainty hand on Karl's pecs and eased him back into the chair. Her hand lingered a little too long, her nails raking him lightly as she removed it.

"I'm afraid the neural damage to your brain may be more significant than we thought. I'd like to run a full check of your nervous system and reflexes and check for any adverse effects on your motor abilities and musculature. I'll take some samples and send them off to the lab for proper testing and we'll see if your body chemistry can tell us what's going on. Following that I intend to try a series of tests and psychological treatments to determine how much of your memory is lost to you, and hopefully return it. We have state of the art equipment here and expert practitioners; once we figure out who you're supposed to be you'll be that way forever. I promise."

She smiled reassuringly, and even blew him a little kiss. "Please remove all your clothing. Right here, in front of me if you don't mind. No need to be shy, I've seen it all before." Did she lick her lips? "Besides, there's one final measurement I need to take that I'm particularly interested in..."

"Remove my clothing?!" He responded, trying to play it casual. Of course it's not strange for a doctor to ask such a thing, he thinks, but his cock was growing, nudging its way towards hardness. It was as embarrassing as it was difficult to hide.

In lieu of any modesty screen he turned to the wall and removed his clothes, trying desperately to think unsexy thoughts; fishing. Politics. Overpriced parking. It helped, but to his shame he was still partially fluffed. Here foes nothing.He turned and presented himself to the doctor, and as soon as he saw her again his cock began to pulse a little. At a sizable 9" it wasn't subtle. It waggles at half mast and he was left to just smile sheepishly. "So what's that measurement you need, Doc?"

A little gasp betrayed her. Fighting to remain professional she wiggled and squirmed on the spot, rubbing her smooth thighs together in a bid to hide a trickle of excitement. "Um... oh goodness.. yes, that's the one. Thank you, Karl." A sigh escaped her shimmering lips as she scribbled down his most intimate measurement: '8+ Inches. Shame. A huge loss.'

"Thank you Karl," she murmured, "Firstly I'd like to test your reactions to various stimuli. Please relax on the chair and I'll be back momentarily with some equipment." She stepped outside for a moment and Karl heard the door lock behind her. Did his ears deceive him or did she just moan faintly too? He allowed himself a broad smile, smugly satisfied at yet another woman's flustered reaction to his package.

A few moments passed, then a few more. Karl lay nude and hard in a room surrounded by all manner of medical equipment. A cabinet of suspiciously unmarked medicine canisters stood guard over him. Opticians' charts and female anatomy posters adorned the walls. On a nearby counter a rack of sample capsules and accompanying notes are arranged neatly. How strange, he thought; why would there be so many sperm samples taken from people with female names?

His eyes were straining to see past the glowing spotlight he was laying in, in the centre of the room like some sort of main attraction. Overhead a large operating lamp loomed over him like a UFO, bringing to mind silly urban legends of abduction and probing. He chuckled to himself, barely registering a flicker of apprehension. With nothing left to hide he even gave himself a few cursory strokes to ensure his one-woman audience enjoyed a peak performance.

With a clatter door swung open, the nurse re-entered pushing a small trolley's worth of medical equipment. Surgical gloves and needles, electrical diodes, wires and some sort of reader. Earplugs too, for some reason, and goggles, but it was all dominated by a large vat-like tub, the only clue to its contents being the labelled acronym: MOCO.

The nurses' eye's immediately darted to Karl's erection and her mouth fell open unbidden. She seemed flushed, had she been up to something whilst she was away? Her blushes and heavy breathing suggest that she may have been 'up to' the second knuckle, at least...

"What's in the box doc?" He asked with authentic curiosity. "Ah yes, the MOCO," she replied, clearing her throat and straightening her short skirt. "This is a treatment developed here at the facility, it's a truly advanced bit of chemistry. We have some real geniuses working here."

Prying back the lid she revealed an oozing, shiny black void. The liquid swirled hypnotically, but the snap of surgical gloves brought Karl's attention back. "It stands for Monochrome Onyx Chrysalis Ointment. It has quite a few uses but today I'll be using it as a conductor. I'll wire you up to some nodes and take a few readings; you should find it more comfortable than similar procedures, and it's a great moisturiser too!"

Lucy had already wheeled over the cart and begun applying a generous amount of the black ooze to Karl's feet. She massaged his arches and heels as she did so, with a sensitivity and expertise of a trained masseuse. God she's good with her hands, he thought, the medical jargon he ought to have listened to sailing in one ear and out the other.

"I guess a few tests won't be so bad, as long as I get to hang out with you?" he flirts. The ooze is a bit concerning but he trusts that it's needed for the fancy technology to work. The nurse almost purred as she laid her hands upon him, kneading his muscles and slathering the lotion onto his skin, working it into every pore. The shock of the cool salve quickly dissipated as it warmed from his body heat, and his arousal grew with the aura of hers. "Please relax and enjoy, Karl. It's completely safe, I assure you. It's been tested thoroughly, but not on animals..." but in a low murmur continued "well, maybe a Sex-Kitten."

As the MOCO set it solidified into a perfect black sheen. Despite being a paste mere moments ago it now looked sleek and smooth, completely blemish-less, in fact. The reflections of the light above glinted in the arc of his thighs. Karl's leg muscles felt rejuvenated and warm as the ointment began to take effect. It was pleasant, pleasurable even, like a painless deep tissue massage.

"I hope this is a treatment that is possible outside this facility, it feels amazing" he remarked. He'd never seen anything like it. As it dried it looked solid and rubbery.

With fingertips trailing she grazed her nails up along his hips and torso, and up to his shoulders, lingering playfully around his bobbing cock en route. Even through the surgical gloves it was a ferociously sexy sensation. She was close now, close enough for him to reach out and grasp, were he not spellbound. "You're a lucky boy, Karl," she giggled, "this is a treatment uniquely available here at the Monochrome clinic. It's a very versatile cream; you won't believe what it can do! Many patients book in immediately for extra sessions, it feels like some of them never leave!"

The nurse now instructed Karl to lift himself from the table to slip her fingertips around his shoulder blades, rubbing the MOCO into his neck and muscles. It felt amazing, she knew just where to touch to excite him and just where to press to ease his tension. The black substance seeped into his skin, changing from cold to warm, matte to gloss. Karl felt it surround and enclose him like a second shiny skin. It feels right.

Dr. Bates now took his nearest hand in hers, massaging yet more black ooze into his wrist. Karl lay relaxed and prone, allowing himself to be manipulated. At one point she turned and bent over to retrieve something on a lower shelf of the trolley, and her ass brushed against his relaxed fingertips. And it was her actual ass, too; her tunic had hitched up as she bent over to reveal a truly luscious butt, framed with a lasciviously red lace thong. There's no way this was an accident; this girl wants dick. His dick. And any doubt at all was completely dispelled by the shameless damp spot on her panties betraying her lust for him.

As the goo gently settled onto his skin Karl could feel a strange warmth spreading. It was as if his skin was being nurtured by the substance, creating a bizarre sense of connection. The wetness and viscosity subsided as the goo started to dry, leaving a thin, elastic layer clinging to his skin. As time passed, the tingly sensation intensified, making him acutely aware of his skin, and yet almost unsure where he ended and the coating began.

The goo resolved to a matte finish, the once-shiny surface now transformed into a sleek, velvety texture. Karl found himself intrigued; what was this even for? "So am I passing the test so far?"

Better judgement aside he reached to paw at her exposed skin, and found his arm stuck to the table. He tried to move his leg only to find a similar suction. He started to worry, "am I supposed to be tied down like this?!"

"Ah-ah-ah!" She responded, wagging a finger at him teasingly. "Maybe later, if you're a good boy..." She moved on before he was able to fully comprehend her words. "You need to leave it to set for just a moment. Once it adheres to living surfaces and rejects artificial ones, so you should have no trouble standing up in about five minutes' time. I'll need to do your back too."

Now she stood behind him, leaning over his face to rub yet more shiny black ooze into his pecs. Her breasts hung mere centimetres above his face, even brushing his nose as she massaged his chest with vigour and obvious delight. Her scent, her warmth, her tits... it was all becoming too much...

The substance now covered about half of Karl's body and was beginning to behave oddly. Anyone watching would be alarmed, but Karl's attention was somewhat occupied elsewhere, and besides, it felt super amazing... The MOCO began to spread outwards across his skin, seeking more of itself to merge with, forming a homogeneous skintight layer of glistening darkness. "OK Karl, could you stand up for me? We'll need to measure readings along your spine too."

"Wow this stuff is incredible. Does it come off easily?" He stood compliantly, secretly hoping the feeling will continue across his body. Dr. Bates, already on tiptoe via her scandalous heels, now laid her cool hands across Karl's back, caressing the contours of his muscles and breathing softly along his spine. Soon her hands were wandering near - no - across his buttocks, and then suddenly she was squeezing him like a piece of meat, digging in her nails and purring into his ear. "Ouch" he yelps.

She stepped away from him, the ghost of her grip still haunting him. Within the unfamiliar binds of the glistening void he found himself slow and apprehensive. What's going on? How will this help him regain his memory?

By way of an answer, the doctor returned from the trolley with a handful of adhesive receptor pads, bright pink and about two inches squared, with electrical wires leading back to a small machine on the cart. "I'm going to place these on parts of your body where your electrical signals and pulse are strongest, or areas that retain a lot of tension. The MOCO will ensure accurate readings by giving us wider, interconnected test areas and cleaner data. I'll then run a few cognitive and physical tests and take some readings. We'll see exactly how much of your memory is damaged, and hopefully discover how to repair it."

She deftly attached pads to Karl's pecs, biceps, inner wrists, inner thighs, buttocks, neck sternum, ankles and the back of his knees. She indicated he should return to the chair and as he did so she flicked a switch on the machine. Even as it warmed up Karl felt the tingle of electricity across his body, amplified through this shiny black extra skin. Small arcs of lightning even jumped between the few neighbouring receptors with a sensation that felt... pleasant, pleasurable even.

"OK, we're off to a good start. Please try to relax whilst I run a few immediate tests." In under a minute she'd checked his pulse, heart rate and reflexes, shone a light in his eyes and examined inside his ears and mouth. She was an utmost professional, with the exception of being a little overzealous with the tongue depressor. Karl gagged.

Now he lay back on the table, entirely subsumed in a dark shiny film, buzzing with electricity. Only his head and raging, dripping erection remained uncovered. Lucy's eyes drank in the scene before a cursory glance at the readout; "I'm getting a lot of high stress signals, is everything ok?"

His body was alight with stimulation, moaning and wiggling but feeling more restricted with every struggle. Erotic pulses arced across his body, his cock bulging to an ungodly degree. He struggled not to grasp at it, "I think this is too much! Lucy, can we take it more slowly?"

He fought against his bonds, lurching around, desperate to escape and to touch himself, but the MOCO seems to have made him weaker. "I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid I can't allow you to interfere with the procedure once it's begun. Did you read the paperwork? You've already agreed that I can keep you restrained if I must."

Lucy reached between Karl's legs, her fingers seemingly heading towards his balls... lower, even... Instead, she presses a concealed button below the table and with a sinister hiss and alarming speed ankle and wrist restraints emerge around his limbs, fastening him securely to the table. The chair even bends too, separating his legs, bending his knees and tilting him backward slightly, exposing his business end to the world, or certainly to the doctor.

"What the hell?!" The bounds clamped down and Karl struggled, in a full panic now, railing against his confines. "HELP! SOMEONE, ANYONE"

"Please stay calm, sir. Everything is under our control."

"What are you doing?!" She ignored him. "I'll be taking some neurological readings using the same method. Again, you've already agreed to this, but as you're experiencing distress we have procedures to make you more comfortable. In fact I think you'll find it rather relaxing."

She opened a small black case now, stamped with a Monochrome logo. First to be presented to Karl was a flexible and very lightweight VR headset. She placed it flush around his eyes and deftly fastened it behind his head. Plunged into darkness he began to fret fitfully, but almost immediately the dark, visor-like front lit up, blushing a cheery pink. He found his writhing, frenzied mind nevertheless beckoned forwards, into a rotating spiral.

"This is a Monochrome Corporation Mindless- sorry, Mindfulness Meditation Sequence. Please breathe deeply and relax. Everything is fine. You are where you're supposed to be." Her dainty hands dipped back into the case, retrieving a set of pink in-ear headphones. She knelt down next to Karl's ear to whispered into it, her warm words giving him goosebumps as they danced across his skin. "There's an audio element too. It's far more effective than whale song or singing bowls, in fact many who hear it achieve enlightenment, of a sort. Additionally, these earphones will stop any of the black stuff entering your ear canal." The earphones entered smoothly and rested comfortably within. He can still hear Doctor Lucy murmur and giggle, though her voice was muffled and far away, through a mist of ringing chimes and binaural tones that have begun to resound all around him, even within him. After a minute, an hour, a week even, another voice becomes audible, sultry and sensuous, everywhere and nowhere, and maybe even... familiar?