Meeting the Master Ch. 03


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Huh? Did I just get a job offer from my archenemy? Of all the crazy shit I had experienced that weekend this took the cake. Steve Mitchel: Slave owner and super-pimp. Mom would be SO proud...

"I will heed your advice and give it serious thought."

"Be sure to do that Steve. And let us get together in the near future and have a business talk."


"Excellent. And thanks for not shooting me. That was a brand new six hundred dollar shirt you know," he said jokingly.

I wondered if he truly realised how close he had gotten to get a caliber 45 piercing added to his expensive outfit.

But that was then, and now it was time to blow the joint. So I grabbed my suitcase and headed for the door. Ruth had just finished saying her goodbyes to the last of her friends and came over to me.

"I'll just get my coat Steve. Wait for me in the car, ok?"

I stopped her with a hand on her arm.


"Because it's too cold to go out without a coat of course."

"But where are you planning on going Ruthie?"

She starred at me curiously.

"Well, home of course you silly boy. You just bought my contract so I do not belong here anymore. You are my Master now."

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding Ruthie, but I did not buy your contract."

"What?" she exclaimed. "I just saw Master hand it to you."

"That was Motoko's contract. Not yours."

In the next moment two things happened almost simultaneously: Ruth sank unconscious to the floor and an elfin Japanese girl with long black hair came charging out of the crowd and slammed into my chest where she proceeded bawl uncontrollably.



When Ruth regained consciousness she was on the dais in M's office with a chilled rag on her forehead. I was holding her hand.

She looked up at me.

"Why?" she asked in a weak voice.

"Why not?" I replied.

She swallowed and sighed.

"Do you really hate me that much Steve?"

"No I don't hate you Ruthie. Not at all. I realise that you are what you are and never intended to hurt me. But I cannot trust you ever again. You have lied to me ever since we met. You lied at our wedding. You lied when our kids were born. You basically betrayed me every time you opened your mouth. You used us all as your personal playthings. To you the kids and I were nothing but props in your little game of playing house, far removed from your real life as M's call girl. You live according to a different set of standards that goes against everything I believe in."

Her jaw moved as if she was stifling a sob. Obviously I had hit a nerve.

"But Motoko is like me Steve. She has also given herself to Master and is assigned clients regularly. She has even had sex with Archie a few times. Whatever I may be, she is too."

"Motoko has never lied to me Ruthie. She is what she is, but she is at least honest about everything she does. I have only known her for a weekend, but I trust her completely. Maybe it's a cultural thing or maybe it's because she is relatively new in the business, but in many ways she is the most open and honest person I have ever met. She is nothing like you."

"Please understand that I HAD to do what I did Steve. I was under orders to serve whenever Master called..." she began.

"Nobody held a gun to your head Ruthie. You were not being physically forced or threatened on your life to remain under M's thumb. Ok, I realise now that this is a life-code you live by like a religion of sorts, but trust me -- I would have been equally angry if you had betrayed me out of loyalty to God, Allah or Krishna. Your husband and kids should always be your first priority."

"Religious people have it easy Steve. Apart from my spiritual pledge I owe Master for everything I am or have, - education, finances, house and job. He was even the one who decided that my place in our house would be as a hostess. It was never my decision. So why do I get the feeling that you blame me for everything instead of him?"

"Because my dear beloved wife, I didn't marry him. I married you. HE didn't stand next to me at the altar vowing before God to love me, honour me, cherish me, respect me and to forsake all others for as long as we shall live. YOU did. He didn't promise me loyalty and fidelity. YOU did. The only right thing for you to do would have been telling M to go suck it because you wanted to put your family first. But at the very least you should have had the decency to tell me the truth about what you did and have let me make my own decision as to whether or not I would accept being a part of it."

"But could you have handled the truth, if I had told you?"

"That we will never know, because you never gave me A FRIGGIN CHOICE!"

She sighed rubbed her eyes.

"I really screwed up, didn't I? I'm so sorry Steve. More than you will ever know. And I swear it was just sex. A job I did. Nothing like the deep love and affection you and I had. Even if you don't believe anything else, please believe that."

"Bullshit Ruthie. Even if we discount the physical sex, will you deny that you have been engaged in an ongoing emotional affair with Ape... ehh... Archie during our entire marriage? Will you deny that you have cuddled and spent numerous nights together and shared intimate knowledge that nobody outside your marriage should be involved in?"

"I guess I never saw it that way. Archie is just a dear friend."

"Dream on Ruthie. I have been around the block a few times too. I know how this shit works. You and he are closer than the two of us ever were. And why the hell not? He got to spend time with the real Ruth, while I had to settle for playing the part of Ken in your little sick Barbie fantasy."

Ruth took a deep breath and licked her lips nervously. I could tell she was getting ready to address something worrisome.

"What about our family then? Our home? Our kids? Oh please please don't take my kids from me Steve. I will beg if you want me to. I will do anything. But please don't do that."

"You really don't know me at all, do you Ruthie? Keeping the kids from you never even occurred to me. You can se the kids anytime you like for as long as you like, and you are welcome to stay in the guest room when you come visiting. Just let Motoko know in advance that you will be stopping by and she will have it ready for you. In return I expect you to let me have the house in the divorce of course..."

"DIVORCE?" she shrieked.

"Yes. I intend to file as soon as the courts open tomorrow. Face it Ruthie. We are done. There is no point in staying married."

She looked stricken.

"Sorry for the outburst Steve. I probably should have seen that coming a mile away, but actually hearing it from your lips is still hard. And on top of that, you are moving a young girl half my age into the very home we used to share. That hurts."

I shook my head and sighed loudly.

"And once again your selfish streak shows itself Ruthie."

"What? What do you mean, selfish?"

"Do you remember when we talked last Friday night? You had something up your ass I believe..."

"I remember," she injected with the hint of a smile.

"You told me how you were feeling your age and it was getting harder to maintain your looks. You implied that you had begun to reach the limit of your career as a call girl and longed to let it all go and retire."

She nodded.

"How DARE you?"

"What do you mean Steve? What did I do?"

"Think about it you dumb self-centered cunt! You have spent twenty years keeping in shape and working hard on your appearance so that little fat hairy fuck Archie, and God knows how many others bozos, could get their precious wieners dipped in an attractive girl. But as soon as you are getting to a point where you might have to settle for only having sex with ME, you no longer deem it necessary to keep it up. So while Archie deserved your best efforts, I would be left with an ageing ex prostitute who had let herself go and had her wildest days behind her. Days of which many were spent with another man behind my back instead of with me! Like buying a new car and somebody steals it and drives it until it is old and dented, at which time you get it back."

Ruth's eyes were wide with horror over my angry outburst. I continued.

"But I say, NO friggin way! You may have fucked a lifetime worth of cock by now and feel like taking it slower, but I'm not anywhere NEAR ready to pack it up. If anything, this weekend has made that very clear to me. So I am resetting the clock and starting over with a fresh young woman, who has no plans of slowing down or retiring. But as opposed to the last one of this age I hooked up with, this one is actually mine and ONLY mine. After being used by you in your little sociopathic scheme for twenty years I friggin DESERVE that."

Ruth was openly crying now.

"Like I said, we are irrevocably done Ruthie. There is NO way back for us. In fact we were doomed even before we got married, because our entire relationship was built on lies and deceit. Except for the kids, none of what we ever had was real. It was all smoke and mirrors."

I got up to leave.

"Bye Ruthie. I wish you the best. Sign the papers when you get them."

There was no answer apart from a few sobs.


Motoko stood outside M's office and latched on to my arm as soon as I passed through the door. M was waiting by the car.

"Don't worry Steve. We will take good care of her. She will be alright."

"Frankly I don't really give a shit. But if I may make a suggestion M, maybe you should attempt to have her hook up with Ape-man on a more permanent basis."

"Ape-man? Who the hell is Ape-man?" M asked curiously.

"Congressman Archibald Smith," Motoko added helpfully.

"Archie Smith? APE-MAN?"

And next we knew M was roaring with laughter. Guess he had seen the little fucker naked too.

He soon composed himself and cleared his throat.

"You know Steve, that's not a bad idea. Pretty fucking brilliant actually. Ruth is getting long in the tooth and may not have too many years left as a hostess. But a gig as trophy wife for a powerful politician would be right up her alley. I like the way you think."

"Glad to be of help. Do I get a discount on the contract then?"

"Nah, I don't like you THAT much Steve."

"Well, we should probably get on our way before I get tempted to take Kathleen off your hands too."

"Then allow me to bid you goodbye and thank you for your visit... Master," he said solemnly and bowed his head to me.

"Goodbye to you as well Master, and thanks for your hospitality," I replied, realising that I had just used his title. Shit! It was definitely time for me to get away from here before I got infected with the crazy-bug!

As I gunned the engine and set off in the direction of the highway, I suddenly recalled something I needed to ask Motoko.

"Hey Motoko, is your last name Masters?"

"It is, master. I was born Fujiko, but was ordered to change it when I joined the ranks of my previous master."

"Well, you will have to change it again, I'm afraid."

"As you wish master. What would you have me named?"

"Motoko Mitchel of course."

She was silent for a few minutes. Then she turned her head and looked at me with a teasing smile.

"Master? Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Certainly not!" I snapped.

Motoko's face drooped visibly and she looked away.

"I am your master. I don't ask - I am ORDERING," I added with a grin.

"Yes master," she replied eagerly and was all smiles again.

"But now get my cock out. We have a long drive ahead of us and you might as well use the time to practice driving stick."

Oh yes. Meeting the Master certainly proved interesting, but I had a strong feeling that BEING the Master was gonna be friggin awesome!

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

For some reason I don't understand I liked this. Normally I pass on stories in this vein.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

@anon - regarding his new wife. She wasn't strictly speaking a "whore". She was more of a robot, programmed to function as a whore. At the extreme end of BDSM and cults, that is a sad possibility. She didn't choose to be a whore because she loved sex or because she wanted money, because of some character flaw or bad decision making (aside from joining a cult, but I suspect she was groomed). She was ordered to do it.


Important point is, that she is already welded to this mentality, so she literally is THE most loyal person the main character can ever find. She already likes him, and now he's officially her Master. There's literally zero chances of her cheating on him, or harming him. People claim "I'm yours" as a statement which isn't literally true, in Motoko's case it's about as true as it can be.


The difference between the two women is that Motoko has not betrayed anyone. Yes, in theory, if that dude ordered her to marry someone and betray them, I am not prepared to bet she wouldn't. BUT, she hasn't; and from the author's descriptions, my impression is may be she would not. Therefore, main character has no mental/emotional baggage of that betrayal with her, even in the worst case scenario of her having capacity to be that much of a shithead like the ex was.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

Wow, what a way to redeem what was an absolutely awful story in the first 2 chapters. 4 stars for this chapter.


Ironically, despite being all "team BTB", I totally agree with your main character and disagree with earlier commenters. The "master" guy didn't lie to him and cheat on him. He's a piece of trash, but he's a supporting character in the big lie that his so-called "wife" perpetrated. And the bitch got what she deserved - not only no husband, but also replaced with a better model and to know the man she (at least according to lies she herself believs) "loves" hates her and despises her and doesn't think they had any love.


Having said that, I DID take 1 star off, for the idiotic "Oh I didn't kill him because those girls depended on him" line of thinking. That was as dumb as possible as far as reasons. "I don't want to go to jail", I can fully buy as a reason. He has zero obligations to those bitches, who would cheerfully murder him on the "master's" orders.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I puked!

OOAAOOAA11 months ago

I was really expecting much more of you after reading some of your stories...

...totally disappointing...

I would have expected much more rage, furious and violence agains everyone there..., public humilliations and destroyed public careers, totally bunkruptcies, much more BTB and since second one...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


someoneothersomeoneotherabout 1 year ago

How can this be explained to the children and rest of family? Wife is gone, and a young hussy come to live in the family home. Ruth deserved a far worse fate for 20 years of treason.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

no way

should have shot M and the goon squad, left the whore there and got a divorce. Or staying "legal" just left her there and get the divorce for fraud.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a fucking disappointment. Trading one whore for another whore. As if knowing that she was a whore from the beginning makes it okay. I hate writers who peddle this bullshit. Of course, it fucking matters how many cocks have been in a woman. Not just from the perspective of viewing a woman with too many lovers as soiled, but also from the standpoints of mental health, bad judgment and decision making, overall health, etc.

And then he completely lets the fuckers who orchestrated his married life off. He does absolutely shit. What a disappointing character and story. Even the fucking wife doesn't pay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Quite a few of the comments on this story are thoughtful, logically concerned and interesting. I’ve read them all and certainly enjoyed them. My basic problem with virtually all of them is that the concept of cultism is either ignored or not understood. Not so StrangeLife who absolutely gets it.

I am no expert on cults but I have read quite a lot about them, and the religiosity of feelings involved in them. The essence of cults has nothing to do with reason, ethics or logical thought. They are based in belief. Cults, like all religions, are about emotional feelings that are designed to address a fearful, painful and unacceptable reality. (Like, for instance, death…showing us how insignificant we are, and that we are no more than a piece of sand on a massive beach. That we are essentially meaningless. Religion solves this! We have, according to religion, eternal life. Problem [fear of death] gone…) Cults, to the suffering, “solve” the extremely bad, overwhelming personal feelings they have. The “Master” [or god] simply says; “you just do as I say, and I will remove all your [emotional] problems and responsibilities. They will become mine, and you will become free of pain and fear. (Hmmmm…You will have nothing, [except what I give you,] and you will be happy!” Sound familiar? Like the Great Reset?…Eh?)

Therefore, the decisions we non cultists would choose, like those discussed in these comments, based on said reason, logic, or our sense of morals and ethics, for them, do not, and can not exist. Ruth, Monique, Katherine, Motoko and the rest, can ONLY act as they do, because of their deep seated, untouchable belief. Their thoughts, as brilliant as these women are, (college degrees and all,) CAN NOT broach the godlike belief system they hold in their feelings. IOW, thought stops at belief! The author, StrangeLife, understands this extremely well, and makes that very clear all throughout his story. Virtually every confrontation shows this.

There is simply no discussing or arguing with a religious belief of any kind, that will make any difference in its outcome. And that includes the people who believe in a cult. (Ruth never changed.) Check out the Jim Jones cult, [] or the so called religion of Scientology. (Read the two books exposing the Scientology scam called “A Piece of Blue Sky” and “The Road to Xenu.” They are free on the internet.) The absolute devotion to these scams is unbelievable to us non believers, who live by thought, reason, logic etc.

Lastly, this story also exposes the problem of authoritarianism we suffer from. There will always be controlling asshole “leaders” like “M,” (and even Steve, if he accepts the role of Motoko’s Master, as it appears he does.) Just look at our current neoliberal politics! I am sure, virtually all of us have had discussions with believers, and we left feeling confused by their arguments and decisions, (much as Steve was, in his initial discussions with Ruth in Chapter 01.)

I expect that virtually ALL these so called “Masters,” (be they personal, religious, cultist, or political…I call them political magicians,) understand exactly what they are doing. “M” is quite open about his agenda and “business” when talking to Steve. ALL their actions are selfishly driven, no matter how “giving” or philanthropical they may appear. They do what they do on purpose, and not out of ignorance or decision error. In my view, these so called “Masters” need to be separated from society, and the hurting submissives taken care of, with love and acceptance.

This story, including the humor, IMNSHO, is well done, and one that really explores the largely unreported or even cared about, story of authoritarianism, cults and belief. It is something we should think about.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It gets a well earned 5 stars from me. Thanks, StrangeLife, for your writing efforts, and this wonderful story.


tangledweedtangledweedover 1 year ago

This is one of the best resolutions of a cheating wife story on this whole site. It doesn't have to be all fire ants, baseball bats and nut punches when you have this kind of finesse. A truly masterful conclusion, you could say.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is beyond anything I’d except, even for a story. I couldn’t imagine excepting such BS

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

I’m glad Ruth got hers, she never really comprehended it was all on her everything was just an excuse to cheat. Another chapter would’ve been good.

I would never had let Ruth see the kids, that would’ve been my never ending revenge for her crimes.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ridiculously funny, between ‘orsii’ and comparing a slave contract to paying for an iPhone, this author showed a turn of phrase that HDK would be proud of

5* of course

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