Melinoe Ch. 11-15


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Max had decided on a small quiet nearby system from the choices Agatha had offered. Astrid sat at navigation and plotted the course. Double checked by Agatha with a nod.

Ambassador Crinx had given them a farewell message and hinted to having opened a communicae with T-Fed diplomatic corps through Trankaran channels.

The Deirdre slipped into hyper-warp and in less than eleven minutes slipped out again... The small system had no real planets just two rough rings of asteroid belts orbiting a brown dwarf. The star had an alpha-numeric designation on Trankaran charts. Staverka called it Ixooli and was mined out several centuries ago.

Vika altered course. After a few hours she found a large chunk of rock to ease up to.

The theory was that transmitting from next to a large cosmic object would confound pinpoint targeting, so it was accepted practice. Since Deirdre could not be under stealth while using the hyper-link, any additional cover was appreciated.

Max checked the time. Near 1800 Terran standard...

It had been over a week since she reported in with Goat, and a lot had happened. Joon lay her hand on Max's knee. Her grass-green eyes showed her worry.

"It'll be okay." Max murmured softly. "But I do need to report in."

Joon nodded.

Max looked at Agatha. "Bring up the hyper-link and prepare to upload. I'm going to chat with Command Sergeant Major Boggs."

Agatha replied. "Yes Captain. Hyper-Link engaged, Aye."

Max saw the connection. It was crisp and fast. Twenty times cleaner than the public connection on Staverka.

Max calmed her anxiety, and she logged in as Ms. Muffit and entered Dark Corners.

Her avatar appeared in the same place she had last logged off. The never changing table she sat at and the operations status boards that lined one wall.

Max got up and went to the boards. Ms_Muffit wasn't cleared to access them, so Max could only guess as to their content. But she could see they were all active.

"Ag's, what's our upload status?" Max asked. Glancing at Agatha who was standing next to Astrid at navigation.

She made a few taps and answered. "We are ready to transmit our Intel upload to TFNI data control at your command, Captain."

Max nodded, looking back at the status boards in Dark Corners. "Transmit."

Agatha tapped twice...

"Fifteen hours, fifty-nine minutes fifty-two seconds 'til completion, Captain."

Max saw one of the blank boards light up... and knew exactly what information it conveyed.

"Well done, Ag's..."

BG_Gruff: Anders...

Max turned Ms_Muffit around to see Bogg's Avatar.

Ms_Muffit: Boggs.

BG_Gruff: Mission status?

Ms_Muffit: Free and Clear. Uploading session take.

BG_Gruff: Good. That last upload was massive. How much do you have this time?

Ms_Muffit: Approx. 16 hours.

BG_Gruff: WTF, Anders...

Ms_Muffit: You can yell at me after the upload. You'll have plenty of reasons.

BG_Gruff: What did you do?

Ms_Muffit: It's in the Intel. Cover intact.

BG_Gruff: Am I going to catch hell?

Ms_Muffit: Negative.

BG_Gruff: Do you need anything?

Ms_Muffit: Negative... How is Olympus?

BG_Gruff: Been better...

Ms_Muffit: Stay safe.

BG_Gruff: Working on it.

BG_Gruff has logged out.

Max pursed her lips in thought... She turned Ms_Muffit around and looked at the boards again, wishing she had access to them. Max logged Ms_Muffit out of Dark Corners and thought about what happened on Olympus.

Joon leaned her head on Max. "That felt kind of rough."

"Yea..." Max turned to look at Joon.

"We'll be here a while. I'm sure I'll be chatting with Ira again."

Joon looked up at Max. "Hungry?"

Max smiled. "I could eat."

Agatha looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

Max and Joon walked together off the bridge to get a bite only to see Vika and Astrid were setting out plates and silverware. Max and Joon walked into the galley as the table was finished being set and three Agatha were in the kitchen and started bringing out dinner.

"Yngsi ubi Mgesh" Agatha named the greens and fungus based Slarmian Stew, along with Toad in the Hole, Garlic Hummus, and fresh Pita Bread."

Max blinked at the Stew...

Joon immediately dished herself a bowl. "I had this the other day, it's delicious, and perfectly safe."

Agatha nodded. "Yes, that dish has none of the alkaloids sometimes found in Slarmian cooking."

Max gave it a taste, and her eyebrows raised, "That's pretty good... spinach like with mushrooms."

"I got that particular recipe from Teffa. It's her mother's recipe." Agatha smiled.

Everyone tucked in. Conversations revolved around the upload. The music holo-vid and Max's elevation. Astrid was on her third plate when Agatha winked at her. Agatha noticed Vika tear into the last Pita bread. "Let me get some more bread."

She glanced at Joon who nodded.

She went into the kitchen and refilled the large basket. Then everything went dark... completely black....

Max jumped, "Status?"

Max's eyes sensed a glow from the kitchen. Then it slowly grew. She could see the outline of the three hands of Agatha, she noticed the illumination was growing brighter.

Max could feel Joon next to her...

The glow was revealed... It was a birthday cake... With two lit candles. One was in the shape of the numeral two... The other the numeral nine...

Max felt Joon's mouth next to her ear, and she whispered. "Happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you."

Max's family sang the traditional tune that somehow transcended centuries. Max smiled, closed her eyes, and blew out the candles... The lights came back up in perfect timing that could only have been Agatha.

Agatha put slices on plates and Max took a bite... It was carrot and zucchini cake with cream cheese icing... her favorite. Max beamed a smile. "Thank you, everyone."

Astrid bit her lip, then glanced at Joon.

Joon smiled at Astrid then shifted her focus to Max. "Sweetheart?"

Max looked at Joon. "Yes, my love?"

"If you're able to accommodate her, Astrid needs more." Joon smirked.

Max blinked... "More what?"

Astrid's cheeks were crimson.

Joon raised her eyebrow.

"Oh..." Max said. "I would hate to end this party early."

Joon giggled. "It doesn't need to end." She nodded to Astrid.

Astrid eased out of her chair and under the galley table as Joon undid Max's trousers. Max pulled them down, and off. Astrid pulled down the boy shorts style panties. So, Max took those off too.

Max sat back down and welcomed Astrid between her legs.

Joon slowly fed Max birthday cake while Astrid enveloped Max with her mouth. Vika watched the scene. Agatha sat next to her. Beautiful cat-like eyes half lidded. Vika glanced at Agatha. "You really like it when we have sex." It wasn't a question.

"Oh, yes..." Agatha sighed happily. "It is such an amazing flavor; I am thoroughly addicted to it."

Vika smiled. "I am glad. You deserve happiness."

Agatha beamed a smile and gave Vika a smooch. Vika and Agatha had some birthday cake as Max laid a gentle hand on the platinum-blonde head bobbing slowly in her lap. It didn't take very long for Max to climax. She panted staring at the platinum blonde.

Astrid swallowed deeply. Her lavender eyes looking up at Max.

Agatha and Vika cleared most of the galley table as Astrid reclaimed her seat. Still licking her lips. Max blinked... She glanced at Astrid. "I feel like I am missing something."

Astrid blushed again... "I was told the more of your cum I swallow, the easier it will be for Agatha to shape me."

"Oh, right!" Max nodded. "That makes sense... I'll try to give you some more before we sleep."

Astrid beamed a smile. "Thank you, Max. I really appreciate that."

Max and Joon exchanged smiles. Max, still sitting bottomless in her chair, ate the last of her birthday cake, sucking the last dollops of cream cheese icing from her fingers.

"I'm going to practice on my harp-guitar. There is a song I want to try on it." Joon smiled.

Vika sat down next to Max looking at Joon. Astrid glanced at Vika as Vika shifted her focus to Astrid. Astrid licked her lips and smiled as they both giggled.

"Taller huh?" Vika smiled. Resting her freckled chin in her palm.

Astrid nodded slowly... "And athletic."

Vika smirked. "I'm going to make you work out with me then."

Astrid blinked, then nodded. "Okay..."

Joon got up and smooched Max then walked out of the galley. A few minutes later soft chords were echoing through the corridor.

Vika turned to Max. "Can I search for my old information on the holo-net?"

Max blinked. "Of course you can. As long as the hyper-link is up."

Agatha laid her hand on Vika's shoulder. "Would you like some assistance?"

"That is very appreciated." Vika nodded. "I only have a vague idea what I am looking for."

Vika and Agatha got up and went to the quarter deck to utilize the com-hub. Astrid switched seats to sit next to Max. Her thin body gracefully posed in the chair. Max raised an eyebrow.

"Max, tell me about being tall..." Astrid crooned.

Max smirked. "You can reach the top shelf, without using a step."

They both giggled.


Joon's talented fingers did an intricate dance across the inlaid fret board. The soft and precise actions eliciting a haunting melody. Joon found it... At least she thought so... She would know for sure when they got to Dau.

The information on Dau was spotty. They had tourism, beautiful beach side resorts in perpetual twilight with some of the best interstellar dining outside of Terran cuisine. The Dauzakai boasted a huge tech base. The entire population was literate and computer savvy and, unlike most of the Minor Empires, did not have any issues with CyberTech.

On Dau, CyberTech was embraced... The Dauzakai had a very high regeneration rate, and their physiology was adaptive to implants of surprising variety.

Joon recalled the section of her medical cache detailing the Dauzakai. Nowhere, that she could find, was the male of the species mentioned. But Zuri had said to Max "Pray you never meet a male of my species. They are not... sociable."

Joon had no idea what defined sociable to Dauzakai, but it sure sounded like a warning. Ambassador Zess had not mentioned anything. But she wasn't the kind who would. Joon would have to delve a little deeper into those mysteries when they got to Dau.

Her earbud crackled. "Joon, would you come up to the com-hub please?"

Joon blinked. She put her beautiful harp-guitar into its case. Safely stowing it away before she walked out of the CQ.


Astrid giggled. Max's joke was self-deprecating but was quite funny considering her exposed state and the dangling member she owned. Max confessed it wasn't really as bad as she had initially feared. In school, boys had always been wary of Max. Her height and athletic lifestyle seemed to encourage them to keep her at arm's length.

In the TFMC she was both appreciated and respected as she was able to hold her own. The few individuals she met who were her equal or even taller never even looked twice at her.

Astrid smiled. "I always enjoyed physical activity. But I didn't have the same body type as my mother. She called me delicate, and instead of encouraging me to get stronger, she pushed me to study." Astrid's wry smile held some pain.

Max nodded. "I hope Ag's can change that for you. I would love to take your martial arts training further."

Astrid's smile turned more genuine. "I would like that too."

"Good, thank you, for being who you are, not for what you look like." Max smiled.

Astrid bit her lower lip, her eyes getting misty.

Agatha walked over from the kitchen... "Vika... would like you both in the com-hub."

Max blinked. Astrid nodded. They both got up and walked out into the corridor. They walked to the com-hub. Vika was scrolling through dozens of holo-vids.

Max narrowed her eyes. There were tear stains on Vika's face. Two Hands of Agatha were kneeling on either side of Vika. They looked up when Max came in. Astrid caught snippets of the data attached to the holo-vids...

- Crime Family Prosecuted- -Felmutter Yavikovich Connection- -Authorities Arrest Corporate Leaders- -Yavikovich Vanishes- -Felmutter Crime Syndicate Fractured-

Vika stared at the old holo-vid she just stopped on... It was a small loop... A barrel-chested red-haired man in a stylish suite, a freckled blonde woman with a small freckled red-haired girl in her arms.

Joon walked into the com-hub and saw the holo-vid loop.

"Oh... Sweetheart." Joon muttered.

Vika's lower lip quivered. "I guess... I found it..."

Max wrapped her arms around Vika and whispered. "We are here. We will never leave you."

Vika turned in her seat and hugged Max. Max gathered Vika in her arms. Walking slowly out of the com-hub. The entire day crew cuddled together in the CQ, everyone snuggled with Vika. With the closeness of her wives and Agatha sending her loving emotions Vika settled down.

The conversations were soft with everyone so subdued. Vika sat up and looked at Max. "You should let Astrid suck you again..."

Max blinked. "Are you sure?"

Vika nodded. "It's important to her, so it's important to me."

To confirm her words Vika kissed Astrid and guided her in between Max's long legs. Vika kissed Max's slowly stiffening member, making it twitch. She smiled, enjoying the reaction.

Astrid leaned over and took Max into her mouth while watching Vika. Vika ran her short fingers through Astrid's hair and gently gripped it. Astrid smiled around Max's cock and nodded to Vika. Empowering the smaller woman who gripped Astrid's hair a little tighter then pushed the platinum-blondes head down on Max's cock. She then pulled it back away a moment later. Then repeated the action.

Max watched the interplay. Her eyes dilated with arousal.

Joon and Agatha cuddled together watching with fascination the gentle power play between Astrid and the tiny freckled red head. The event continued and as Vika increased the rate of strokes Astrid's mouth made on the throbbing cock caused Max to moan in response.

Vika was using Astrid, with her permission, to jack Max off... with Astrid's mouth.... It was delicious! The dynamics were nothing the family had explored until now, but Astrid's willingness to let Vika use her showed absolute trust and love. Vika, however, was completely enthralled... She was visibly shaking as a consequence.

Max gasped, and screwed her eyes shut.

Vika held Astrid's face on the pulsing cock and Astrid swallowed deeply several times. Vika waited there. Watching Max's face, and her telltale smile. She then pulled Astrid's head back fully off Max. And pulled Astrid into a kiss. Their tongues swirling as the sweetness was shared.

"That was tremendously hot." Joon said softly.

Max nodded in agreement as Astrid and Vika pulled back from the kiss, staring at each other.

"Thank you..." Vika started.

Astrid fumbled. "I loved that..."

They both smiled. Realizing it was mutually euphoric, they hugged each other.

Joon quickly moved to suck on Max's softening member to get the last remnants of sweet vanilla. Afterwards, Astrid and Vika spooned next to Max with an Agatha directly behind them. Joon cuddled in her usual spot under Max's left arm with an Agatha tucked directly behind her.

Then an Agatha crawled into the spot Astrid had vacated between Max's legs. Her long tongue cleaning the damp drool the 'forced' blowjob had aroused from Max's lady bits. The last fragments of conversation were loving, tender, and relaxing...

One by one they drifted into slumber where safe harbor lay for the dreams of Deirdre's crew.


Max opened her eyes... Soft wisps of delightful embrace clung to her consciousness. She could feel the breath of a still sleeping Joon against her breast. Two someones kissed her thighs... Then again... The perfect synchronicity strongly suggested it was Agatha.

Max enjoyed the way Agatha turned all of her selves into the expressions of a single mind in these situations. Agatha's two separate mouths worked in concert with Max's morning glory becoming the focus of Agatha's attention. Her subtle ministrations were so gentle yet paramount, completely captivating Max's attention.

Max's breathing was deepening. She could feel Joon stirring next to her. Joon kissed Max's breast, then shifted her focus to Agatha's two selves as she set about pleasing her senior wife.

Joon sat up and began kissing Max on her lips. "Good morning, my beautiful Dame." Max tried to answer but could only smile as Agatha redoubled her effort. Joon watched Agatha mesmerized. The twins working their mouths up and down Max's throbbing cock.

Max moaned... but it was different this time... it wasn't overwhelming her. She could feel herself on the edge, but Max knew she was in complete control, she could stay right there as long as she wanted, and just enjoy the feeling. Max did just that... and Agatha knew it, she worked the throbbing member over and over.

Moaning with pure pleasure, Max reveled in the incredible feeling, and Agatha seemed to feed on it. Agatha's two separate mouths working in tandem pleasured Max, who was now in a self-sustaining feedback loop. And they both loved it.

Agatha gasped, and stopped suddenly. Her two exotic beautiful faces staring at Max in shock.

"Contact Trace!" She exclaimed in stereo.

Max was surprised... but she had cognitive control.

"Code Black!" Max responded almost instinctively.

In less than three seconds the tiny warship stopped transmitting, retracted it's hyper-link generator and engaged it's sensor-baffle suite.

The PCCFX digital optical layer blended in with chameleon-like proficiency, copying the color and texture patterns of nearby asteroids.

Max panted. "Report."

Agatha immediately outlined the contact trace. "Single point source. Sensors read as a Terran built light cruiser configured ship.

"What are they doing?" Max inquired.

At this point the entire bed was awake and paying close attention.

"Nothing yet..." Agatha responded.

Max filled in everyone on what they knew...

"Active sensors detected... Light cruiser is starting a search pattern..." Agatha's voice was emotionless... But her eyes were pleading.

Vika turned to Max. Max looked at her. Vika's jaw was clenched. Then she said. "We are being hunted..."

Max Intel: Melinoe

Chapter 13 - Edge

Max peered at Agatha as two of her selves were still sharing an intimate space between Max's spread thighs.

"Okay..." Max began, "Try to get as much passive information as we can from that cruiser."

Agatha listened attentively.

"I don't know if they can even find us with active sensors." Max glanced at Astrid.

Astrid shifted to a more comfortable position, doing so revealed the physical changes to her body. Her previously thin frame was now pleasantly more athletic, her breasts more pronounced. She appeared unaware of the changes as of yet, concentrating on the issue at hand.

"There is a very small chance they will discover us with sensors, more probable is they will notice a discrepancy between the sensor read and a visual scan." Astrid clarified.

Max pursed her lips, "Will the paint job help with that part?"

Astrid smiled broadly, "Oh, yes, we now look like every rock around us, finding that discrepancy will be very hard to do."

Max raised her eyebrow, "Am I worrying unnecessarily?"

Astrid shrugged. "They must have felt there was a reason to come here, at this moment, and do a sensor sweep on a bunch of rocks..."

Joon interjected. "Agatha, can you back trace their origin based on heading?"

"They appear to have followed our exact course from Mu Cygni, and unless they were there to witness our departure, which we cannot rule out, that course was almost assuredly recorded by Staverka authorities." Agatha dutifully responded.
