Menace of the Red Planet Ch. 06


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Each moment saw his action grow faster, more passionate as he felt more in need of orgasm until his cock was shooting in and out of her cunt with wild motion. He felt her fingers exciting her clit as he fucked her with wild abandon and he felt her orgasms through her expanding and contracting cunt muscles. Then he felt the familiar sensation he was seeking as his cock shot cum through his flesh and into hers. As he came he cried out loud with the pleasure he felt continuing to thrust until he could shoot no more cum.

Softening his cock slipped from her tight cunt and they lay beside each other in the narrow cot they had lay on allowing the golden feelings and memories of the love-making to wash through their bodies.

Knowing that the time for the battle was soon approaching they rose and quickly dressed to join Hawk and the others near the lifters. The men looked up at the two of them as they joined Hawk, Bran, Ronnie, Moran and Lorena. Settling swiftly they realised that they were hearing the plan of the battle ahead and they listened carefully as Hawk explained what every-one had to do.

"We are fortunate that some of the men here remember the layout of the facility so well, they say that there are iron gates that block the tunnel from the mines to the warehouse. I am told that they are ill-made and that they will easily be torn from their hinges when the first lifter strikes them. Bran has added a substantial amount of sexium based explosive that will make sure of that," Hawk stopped and then continued," I am not happy that the driver in the car even with iron plates around him added for armour will probably die."

Lorena spoke softly," The man is already dying from the sexium poisoning Hawk. He knows that and wishes to die with honour defeating the Murit and their Emperor."

"Even so it goes against the grain to sacrifice my men," they smiled as they realised that Hawk had taken on the responsibility of leading them.

"Once the gates are open I will try to seize the observatory itself with a hundred men, according to the Prof there the Big Banana Toza and Chan Li will be there. Bran will seize the transport park and the communications hut so we can stop reinforcements being called, he will have two hundred men," Hawk took a deep breath looked at Ronnie and then continued," Toots here will free the slaves in the pens with Lorena and fifty men. All the time Duke Moran must hold off a legion of the Imperial guard from killing us all with only the weapons we have here and what we created and only twelve hundred men against a fully equipped Guard Legion of ten thousand insects and men."

Silence stretched time as the others considered the chances of success and thought them very slim. Suddenly Hawk laughed and quipped," What should we expect since were heroes and when has a hero ever had it easy. Well as my Pa would say you play with the cards you are dealt," then again the man became somber and he continued," When we leave fifty men will stay behind to destroy as much of the mine that they can. Again I am told they are volunteers and that they are dying but I don't like it!"

As he said this he thumped his fist into his hand savagely.

"We ride in ten minutes people, so get ready and mount up," as the other's turned to leave Hawk suddenly called to them," This night our battle cry will be Death to Toza!!"

Saying that he punched his fist into the air and reached for the electro-sword near his hand. Turning away and walking to the lifter that would take him he spoke quietly with a man here and there giving hope and firing enthusiasm. Before he was to join Bran he stopped at the group of men who sat on the floor near the lifters and talked softly to them. Each had the jaundiced look of sexium poisoning. As he did so they laughed and smiled and then with obvious discomfort stood and started walking from the hanger. Had they looked back they would have seen a brief flash of sadness on Hawk's face as he watched the men depart. Then with a shrug he walked to the lifter.

"We are fortunate he is here," Moran muttered to Ronnie who looked at him quizzically.

"He is our champion and a natural leader of men, our men will fight all the more for him."

Before she could ask what he meant Hawk stood up in his lifter and signalled a man near the iron gates. Suddenly a metallic clank echoed from the rock walls as the chains that opened the doors tightened and drew the black iron rectangles apart. As they did so the first of the fans were started producing a high pitch whir that rose in intensity to a shrieking roar that was made it impossible for anyone to speak.

Finally the doors ceased opening and the first lifter rose on its cushion of air and began to slowly move to the dark mouth that would lead to battle. Lights shone into the darkness and the lifter gained speed as it slipped through the doorway. Quickly it was followed by Hawk's lifter and then the other lifters followed in the pattern Moran had decided. Dimly behind them they heard the the dull crump of explosions as the men left behind tried to destroy the mines.


Chan Li watched the hand of the clock moved inexorably onwards, each tick seemed to echo in his mind and he smiled as he thought of the coming doom of the T'lanta scum in the pens and then the Earth scum on their planet. Two and a half hours had passed and glancing at the televid screens he could make out the squirming bodies as the orgies of passion spread through the pens like the disease that it was, he shuddered at the thought of touching another so intimately.

Behind him he heard the rasping breath of Toza as he fucked woman after woman and then discarded them without further thought, the Eunuchs were beginning to worry as they ran out of new women to give to the insatiable man. He was insatiable this night, insatiable and cruel as he would take each woman, forcing open their cunts and thrusting his weapon deep in them until he came, no matter how prepared the woman would whimper as the man pawed at their breasts and slap their faces as he thrust into the open cunt.

"My Lord Earth has cleared the horizon," another Inquisitor whispered to Chan Li fearful at being to near the rampaging emperor.

Chan Li suppressed a smile and looked at the clock. Less than four more hours to go before the Earth was in the optimal firing position. Yes they could fire now and it could damage severely the place that damned Earthman came from didn't he call it the USA but he wanted to do more, to destroy his planet and race so that they could become slaves to the Murit. A quick glance at the dials and gauges confirmed that the power was building satisfactorily in the crystal chamber, over fifty percent now and it was rising as the enhanced radiation was being syphoned from the slave pens. Another glance convinced Chan Li that the Emperor was not interested in hearing of any of the preparations. Their was a shrill shriek and ripping of clothes as another woman was taken by Toza the Terrifying.

"Open the dome," Chan Li ordered.

Quickly a hum began to throb through the building and looking up the Inquisitor saw the dull bronze of the dome open a crack and then slowly into a vacant space through which he saw the black sky and the stars in the heavens, there low on the horizon he saw the bright blue dot that would be the Earth. Turning back to the flickering dials he felt a sense of contentment and that his plans would soon come to fruition.

Then the building rocked on its foundations and a roar filled the air from the outside. Vivid green light filled the horizon and he dimly remembered that a sexium explosion would create such a light.

Deafened Chan Li heard Toza roaring orders behind him. A man screamed to be told what was happening and Chan Li realised that it was Toza himself who was screaming. Officers rushed around without any plans and thought, the guards were rushing to the main door to the observatory to create a wall of weapons about the angry emperor. Valets tried to clothe the whirling man with armour, someone had given him an electro-sword that he used to cut a running man in half causing blood to coat the slippery floor.

A glance at the grainy televid screens confused Chan Li. Looking at the screens covering the warehouses and stores were flickering with shadows and exploding sexium, the inquisitor thought he saw lifters emerging from the shadows and flames as one after another the cameras stopped working. Then he turned away from the screen and realising that there was a threat to his plan Chan Li screamed out a single order.

"Prepare to fire the device!!!"

Outside the dome chaos reigned as guards and humans ran hither and thither as they sought organisation amidst the lurid yellow and lime flames of burning sexium. In the shadows men were organising their cohorts as they ran from the lifters that screamed to a stop, sometimes spilling the men as they were overturned by the sharp breaking. In the roar and fury of the explosions and flames there were screams of pain and a chant that was rising in intensity and power as the men in the shadows found their place in the battle line that was being created beneath the observatory.

"Death to Toza! Death to Toza!!"

The chant seemed to echo into the darkness as they waited for the legion to come to them.

Hawk had barely been given time for thought after the start of the action, the explosion from the first lifter had ripped the heavy iron doors from their hinges when it had struck the mass of metal. The flying metal from both lifter and doors had scythed down all the guards inside the sexium tanks and had blasted open the light doors leading to the compound behind the storehouse. Flames burst through the tanks and lit the battlefield with garish green and yellow light. The air was filled with ear shattering explosions and fountains of burning sexium as one tank after another exploded.

Their way swept clear by the metal and flames of the exploding lifter and unhinged doors Hawk and his men crouched behind the thick iron walls of the lifter as it was steered through the tank farm and then into the open compound. As it appeared guards organising their ranks looked at the metal juggernaut that approached without comprehension even as it swept into their uneven ranks and crushed them under the iron bars and sweeps that had been welded to their frames. None survived the crushing weight that swept them aside and left them a bloody pulp.

Travelling only a little slower after racing through the flesh barrier the jury-rigged rams burst aside the razor-wire gates that divided the compound from the road that led to the observatory and sped towards the dome.

As the guards on the towers and their Murit officers realised they were being assaulted they tried with increasing frustration to turn the heat cannon around to face into the compound interior only to discover that they could only face outwards into the empty wastes . Guards and their officers spilled from the barracks as they sought to find the enemy that was in their midst. As they watched the lifters moving towards the dome they missed the other lifters appearing from out of the shadows caused by the fiercely burning fires and occasional explosions.

Some sped behind the first lifters whilst others rushed towards other targets. The armoured prows struck gates and towers the heavy construction of the boats saving the passengers who waited to leap from the screeching machines, as they struck the legs of the towers and sent them crashing into the earth. Sometimes shrapnel from the shattering gates and falling towers fell into the box injuring the waiting T'lanta cruelly, yet though some were injured the lifters caused chaos and damage to the Murit and their insect soldiers.

Towers continued to crash and burst into flame as the heat cannon's ammunition began to cook and explode, guards were bowled over and sent flying as the lifters slowed turned and then stopped using them as buffers made of flesh and blood.

With the ceasing of movement the men in the containers spilled on to the ground. Deafened from the shrieking engines and shattering explosions they stood in a daze until Hawk or another of their leaders signalled for them to follow and form their ranks. Some staggered but then followed clutching their weapons though some others exchanged their makeshift clubs for the swords and other weaponry that the guards, crushed to a pulp, had no use for. As Hawk's dazed men climbed the slope upwards to the dome Bran organised his men to seize the communications centre and transport park.

A mere minute after they were organised Moran began to organise the majority of men into a fighting line to hold off the legion that was organising near them. He did not notice or consider Ronnie and the Professor's group leave towards the slave pens. Then Moran watching his men moved into their lines turned with a sharp movement and with only half of his strength he began to move his line towards the legion forming in the shadows.

Dazed, deafened and half-blinded until they gained their night vision the men obeyed the command and began their chant as they marched towards their waiting enemy.

"Death to Toza! Death to Toza! Death to Toza!!!"

The chant was screamed by a thousand voices more as the other lifters spilt their cargo and they joined the battle line. As the guards rushed towards Moran and his battle-force Hawk and Bran moved with their purpose towards their targets. Bran was able to reach his first and took the unorganised guards completely by surprise, the electro-swords flashed in bright blue sparks and made a slight hiss as it sheared through the chiton armour. Pushing aside the gates they rushed into the buildings and rapidly killed the men and insects that cowered inside.

The battleground lit by burning sexium as the battle-lines came together with a sickening crunch. Moran's men lashed out with desperate force at their enemy and with the knowledge that they had only a hideous death to look forward to if they did not win this battle. The Insects were swept from their path with remorseless defiance and desperation.

Where possible the men grabbed the weapons of those they had slain with their cudgels and home-made weapons. Every now and again a sexium grenade would open a hole in the black ranks opposite them and they would rush into it killing and slaying until the ground underfoot was green with insect blood and guts. Firmly mixed in this mixture was human entrails and blood as the rebels fell also to the electro-spears of the ant-like guards. Behind the Insects lay the human cohorts who waited clutching their weapons and waited for the order to attack.

As the Duke ground his way forward against the cohorts of Toza's legions Ronnie and her company made their way to the slave pens. When they approached both Ronnie and Lorena felt the strong pull of the sexium radiation being fed into the huts of the slaves. Slowly and quietly they moved towards the gates and the towers guarding them. Fortunately the human guards watched the battle barely five hundred feet from their position and did not see their doom moving to them in the shadows.

So they did not see as Suzann climbed clad only in a loin cloth led the way to the guard tower above the gate to the slave pens. It was with surprise that the man suddenly saw the short magnificently breasted woman appear over the works that circled the tower and it was with even greater surprise that he felt her blade slip into his heart. Toola also bare-chested had joined her in the tower and had dealt with the other guard. With confidence they took control of the heat cannon and lined it up with the other tower. Since they had been built to face in it was only by brute strength that the gun was brought to bear on their target.

There was a reassuring crump as the shell struck the other tower followed by the sudden explosion and flames as the tower was sent crashing to the ground. As it did so Ronnie, the Professor and Lorena rushed through the gates, a bare handful of guards rushed to stop them but met with cold steel and their deaths. Before the survivors could rush onto the huts Lorena with some men killed the fleeing men and hurried over to the others only to whisper hurriedly to the Professor.

"We feel that there is a strong sexium source here and that could be very bad for us."

With that information the Professor looked around until he noted the wires that linked the locked huts. Following the wires to their source he made out small metal clad hut rushing towards it he found the door. Fumbling at the latch he finally opened it and reaching into the darkness found the instrument panel he wanted. Slowly his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness and he was finally able to find the rubber handled circuit breaker. Throwing the switch he heard the dying moan as the sexium energy flow was stopped. Then taking a wooden bar he smashed the glass transformers near him electric sparks shot through the air and he left satisfied that the device would be impossible to restart.

Running back to the others and he signalled that it was okay to open the doors to the slave pens. Seeing his signal the others took up jimmy irons and crowbars which they used to smash open the locks on the doors and began to pull out the tightly packed men and women who had been trapped there. Dazed many still were sexually aroused and wanted to deal with their needs, some quickly returned to their senses, others were left to recover in their times. Even so within minutes Ronnie and Suzann were organising over two hundred people to free the other huts.

"We must do something to help the others," Suzann hissed as she twitched her head towards the fighting, her eyes spitting venom.

"What can we do?" Lorena asked patiently to the bare breasted woman.

"Organise the women, they seem less affected by the sexium and give them weapons and attack those damned ants and their Murit owners," Ronnie remarked.

The other two women stared at her as though she had grown a second head. Then Suzann's mouth split with a feral grin.

"Women do not fight that is not our custom," Lorena said bluntly.

"Then you need to, on my world there were a race of women warriors called Amazons who were the equal if not better of any man. Also we don't have enough men to make this a victory," Ronnie spoke quickly and looked at the thin line that Moran had formed.

"I am with you Ron-nay," Suzann cried and ran over to the women and began to hurriedly organise them into a fighting company.

From what Ronnie could see they were very happy to become Amazon warriors. Knowing that Lorena was unhappy with the break in ancient tradition she asked that the woman organise the others into a hospital for the casualties that were being inflicted on their forces by the Murit. Lorena happy with the task turned away and sped to find some people to help her. With the others busy it was only the Professor who saw a hulking shadow detach itself from the nearest hut knock Ronnie unconscious and flee towards the Dome near them. Realising that he had no time to call to the others he followed Guan Di and his hostage.

Further away there was less noise as many of the blazes died out and shadows grew between the buildings. Moran's men suddenly burst into open ground the last of the insect guards dead or fleeing. The tired men looked forward and felt despair.

Before them was the rest of the legion of guards over seven thousand of the insect and human soldiers drawn up in their silent battalions. Desperately Moran called his men to again form a battle-line and they waited as the general behind the Murit troops signalled for the attack to begin. In one movement the Murit soldiers charged towards the vastly out-numbered rebels.


Hawk desperately climbed the scree slope that led to the observatory hoping that the guards above did not see them, his breath rasped as he moved closer to his target but he feared that he would not reach it in time. From the open roof he could see the yellow-green glow of the machine being readied to fire. Behind him he heard the others of his company making their way along the path that he had blazed. All too often he heard them slip and slide back.