Michelle's Cruise Ch. 01


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He was slipping so deep inside her, I knew a lot deeper than I could, rubbing against her g-spot with every deep plunge inside her. Ahhh, my hips started bucking with that vision in my head and I couldn't get rid of it, didn't want to get rid of it! My wife was humping back toward him urging him on, telling him how damned good it felt, that she was about to come. My cock was so slippery in my hand. I didn't want to come, but I knew I couldn't stop it then no matter what; Michelle started screaming and her body convulsed with spasms from her orgasm with him deep inside her. The fragrance from her silk nightie filled my soul. My cock exploded, and I felt my hot cum fill my hand. Then Brett stiffened and came deep inside Michelle's pussy, Ahhhh, I heard noises coming from deep inside me when I groaned, and I couldn't stop hearing Michelle's moans and that wailing sound she makes when she comes with Brett's cock inside her. Then it was over. My hand was gooey and hot with my cum.

I got up, stripped the bed, and put on clean sheets and a blanket. When I went back to bed, the bite of insecurity hit me. I'd satisfied my carnal instincts somewhat, but my insides were twisted into knots with a hopeless sense of insecurity and jealousy. I thought again, "How the hell do I compete with someone like that?" Would Michelle realize how far beneath her she'd married and how much better she could do, with the very man who was undoubtedly making love with her at that instant!

When I got up late the next morning, after very little sleep, my phone was blinking, trying to tell me there was a text waiting to be read. It was from Diana, "Date with Shaun last night. Thank you. Phil would approve."

I smiled in approval. I was happy for her and hoped it'd work out between them. She was a girl who deserved whatever happiness in life she could find. It did, however, shut off an avenue for me if my worst fears came true.

I'm not going to try and describe the angst I felt the next week for fear that it might get boring to read about. All I'll say is that it was a damn hard and long week! That last note from Michelle had left a huge, nagging doubt in my mind, an incredible longing for her, and, of course, the fear that the next time I saw her, she'd be permanently with another man. Agreeing to not having any avenue to contact my wife wasn't worth any amount of money!

I skipped square dancing on Friday night, I'd tolerated waiting all week, and after I got home from work, there wasn't any way I could wait a second longer to see what she had in store for me that week. Hell, it might even be the damn "Dear John" letter I'd been afraid of the first week. It almost seemed like she really was communicating with me from the cruise.

I found the third envelope in Michelle's lingerie drawer. This time, again, I was almost afraid to open it for fear what it might contain. I did, though, I obviously couldn't resist. It read, "My dearest Robert, I hope you enjoyed spending a week visualizing Brett making love with your wife over and over again. I'm guessing not as much as I enjoyed it all week. I know I'll be wondering how often you and Diana are sleeping together. If you want to move in with her until I get home (or something else), it's okay with me."

"For your little scavenger hunt this week, since we hardly ever watch a DVD, I'm trusting you likely haven't since I left. I want you to go turn the player on and press play. I've already adjusted the sound system, but you need to turn it on as well. I want you to have good, loud stereo sound. Watch and enjoy! Love, Michelle."

What the hell is that all about I wonder. What'd she do, rent me a porno or something? I guess she would've had to have bought it because it's been so long. It seemed like an eternity ago that I took her to the airport.

Michelle had obviously planned this all out well ahead of time because the remote for both the DVD player and sound system were sitting on top the DVD player where I could find them. Normally, on the rare occasion we watch something, we spend half an hour hunting for the elusive remotes.

I picked up the remotes, sat down in my recliner, turned them both on and hit "play". It took about five seconds for my jaw to drop open and exclaim, "Oh My God!" This was the video she'd told me about a month earlier. I'd completely forgotten about it. It was a porno all right, starring my wife and that shy kid, Jeremy! It was no wonder she'd wanted the volume turned up. I heard over and over again, "Harder, Jeremy harder!" He was yanking her head back and slamming his cock into her pussy. I tried to hold off, but my own cock was raging and I finally couldn't stop it any longer. I came, and came, and came! It was my first orgasm since the week before and watching my wife being fucked so thoroughly, it was a gigantic one. Michelle sure as hell hadn't exactly told me everything about that night!

Michelle was definitely the star of the show too. Whoever took it had shown Jeremy's cock sliding in and out of Michelle's pussy, but zoomed in on her face and that's what was filling our sixty-five-inch TV when her orgasm hit her. Technically, I was amazed at the quality you could get on a phone! It's a damn good thing we live in a house, rather than an apartment complex with the screams she made. There were four other naked people in the room as well. The video occasionally showed three of them, two girls and one guy, moving around watching my wife being fucked from behind. I could only assume the one taking the video was the other guy, probably naked too. I'd loved to have known what all had happened before the fuck-session. It seemed impossible for me to believe that this was the same kid we'd met in Ellensburg only a few weeks before this video had been made. It shut off after Jeremy collapsed on top of her.

I don't have any idea how to explain how I was feeling then. Other than my pictures and the new ones from two weeks earlier, this was the only time I'd seen my wife in nearly three weeks. Then to see her like this? It was just too much. I didn't even know how to react. I was trying to process in my mind what I'd seen when the video started again. Apparently, it had been recorded on the DVD repeatedly. I sat and watched the whole thing through again, then a third time before it actually ended. By then, my cock was hard all over again, like that first orgasm hadn't even happened.

Michelle said she didn't know it was being videoed. After watching it, I could understand why. She'd been solely pre-occupied with being fucked the whole time. Dammit, though, as turned on as they both were when it started, I wish they'd have had a video from the "before", during the strip poker game itself.

At that point, I suspected what the fourth envelope might lead me to somewhere in the house. I thought about going looking. If I found what I was looking for without it, would that be fair? I decided that no, I needed the diversion of the game to survive another week alone.

It was then that I really appreciated what Michelle had done for me. She'd undoubtedly thought I'd be spending days and nights with Diana while she was gone, but she also knew how much I'd miss her. She thought of this little game as a diversion to make it seem more like she was there with me. If only she'd known that there was no Diana, that this game was all I had to keep myself sane, she'd appreciate all the more what she'd done for me.

I was pretty sure that the fucking in the video was only a preview of her normal, every-day experience with Brett. The way she'd described him, it was probably several times a day, and she was enjoying him every bit as much as she had in that video. I only hoped she wasn't falling hopelessly in love with him. Not knowing that was literally killing me emotionally, and there were still two long weeks to go!

The following week, I started watching the reality TV show, "Naked and Afraid". The despair the participants feel when it starts getting closer to the end of the twenty-one days in the wilderness was a lot like mine. One big difference is that they know there's someone coming to pick them up if they make it through the entire time. They can also call it off if they have to. I didn't have anyone to call and say, "I've had enough, take me out of here." I was trapped in the hell I'd created for myself. I didn't know what was going to be left of my life afterward and had no possibility of knowing until it was truly over. Would it be without my life partner, Michelle? This was turning out to be an experience that I hadn't even imagined!

I thanked Michelle every day for the game she'd devised. It was exactly the diversion I needed to make it through another week, a stroke of pure genius! I realized that if I hadn't been a pervert and gone pawing around in her lingerie drawer, I'd never have discovered it. By the following Friday, I couldn't wait. I couldn't go to the square dance and finish the game later. This would be the last envelope. The following Friday after that, I expected Michelle to be home...at least I sure as hell hoped so!

I found the envelope at the bottom of the drawer, hidden inside that last silk negligee. Each of those was a reminder how badly I needed my wife home to be wearing them with me. I couldn't even imagine how good it was going to be to have her wearing one of those and be able to embrace her, to kiss her and make love with her! I was doing everything I could to put the possibility that that might never happen out of my mind!

I opened that last envelope. It read, "Sweetheart, we're getting closer. I wish I had some idea how I'm going to be feeling by the time you read this, or even if you've found and read them. It was easy enough for me to write about Diana in the beginning, but by now, I'm worried you'll have fallen so in love with her that you might not have room for me. In a way, I'd like to back out of our deal with Brett, but it's too late now." It's obvious that she was feeling a little like I am now, even before she left. These weren't put here a few days ago, they were here when she left. The note went on, "For your last hunt before I come home, check my printer. Love, Michelle." Her printer! Why the hell wouldn't I have thought to look at her printer? She has one and I have another one in my own room.

I took off for her room. There it was sitting there like it was just printed a few minutes ago. It had been there the last month in plain sight and I hadn't even thought to look in the most obvious place! What would I have done if I had found it, though? I needed this last diversion. I picked it up in shaking hands and sat down at her desk to read. It was a huge stack of papers, probably thirty or forty single-spaced pages. The first page was short, "Honey, this is everything that happened that night, except one tiny omission I made that I'll have to tell you about when I get home."

I lay that sheet aside and started reading. I read for the next forty-five minutes, all about the party; Michelle, Jeremy and two other couples playing strip poker together; about how horny she got; how she felt being undressed and the fun she had undressing other guys. I assumed she'd probably just have interacted with Jeremy, but I was wrong. Man, was I wrong! She hadn't had sex with another guy, but that was about the only thing she hadn't done.

When I finished reading, I was stone hard. I started reading at the beginning again. When I got to the point where Michelle gave Kirk the blow-job and he came in her throat, I took my own hand, spreading my pre-cum on my cock and made myself come.

My last envelope was on July 15th. The following week, I was a nervous wreck expecting to hear from Michelle every day. I really hoped to hear something from Diana to find out how things were going with Shaun before Michelle got home as well. By the time the next Friday came and went with no word, I was turning into a complete nervous wreck! I'd expected her home by then and still nothing! I was getting more and more scared that I'd lost her and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I still had no idea how to contact her.

I finally did get up the courage to call and ask Diana if she was seeing Shaun. I was glad I had, she sounded happy and told me, "I'm falling in love with him, he's so wonderful!" She told me, "Thank you," over and over again. I was so glad, and it took my mind off my own problems for a little while.

Every day, nearly every hour that passed without hearing from Michelle, was tearing a dagger through my heart. Tuesday evening, July 26th, when I got home from work there was an e-mail waiting for me. I couldn't believe it when I saw an e-mail from Brett. The subject line read simply, "Michelle". I sat looking at it, tears almost coming to my eyes. God, how I missed her! It had been the longest month of my life. Michelle had been gone for thirty-seven days now and I hadn't had a single word of contact from her since she checked into the hotel in Miami. I'd been nearly going out of my mind waiting to hear from her. She was already four days past the original thirty-three days total she was supposed to be gone. Now, instead of a phone call from her, I had an e-mail from her lover.

I was afraid to open it. I remembered so well what Kristen had told me, that Brett wanted my wife and was going to have her. Is that what this e-mail said? That she'd decided to stay with him? Maybe even divorce me and marry him? I'd never been so scared in my life looking at that e-mail. Was she afraid to call me, so Brett was just e-mailing me her farewell? No, I was certain Michelle wouldn't do that.

I sat at my desk looking at it, afraid to click on it, my hand shaking. Then I realized what it probably said. He'd be giving me exactly what I'd been waiting for; her flight number and time when she'd be home. Who was I trying to convince? I knew that wasn't what it said. My finger finally clicked on the message and I read it. "Michelle has agreed to stay another two weeks. Thank you for your patience and understanding."

What the hell was the man talking about, patience and understanding? I was about out of my mind! I sat, trying to calm myself down and think. He said two more weeks, not that she wasn't coming home. But where are they? What are they doing, other than the obvious; making love on a daily basis? I didn't have any way to contact her or find out anything. I knew that if I responded to his e-mail asking, he wouldn't reply back.

Then I had an idea. The woman I'd called asking about him when this all started a couple months ago. She'd know. I did a quick search of Michelle's e-mails and found the one where he gave us those references. Kristen Stone, I'll call her! I quickly dialed her number and got a recorded message, "Stone Enterprises, thank you for calling. Our business hours are eight A.M, to five P.M. Please leave a message." Crap, another sleepless night!

I needed to talk to someone, but who? I didn't want to burden Diana or Ginger with my problems, and I sure as heck couldn't talk to Jim or Joan, our square dance friends. They didn't know anything about our extended love life. I was right, no sleep that night, but morning finally did come. At five A.M, I tried calling Kristen again. This time their receptionist answered the phone and I asked for Kristen. "Hi, this is Kristen, may I help you?"

This time I'd been thinking about what to say to her. I'd had all night to think about it. "Hi, this is Robert from Kennewick, Washington. I talked to you a couple months ago about a young lady by the name of Amber."

"Ahh yes, I remember. How can I help you?"

"She's been with Brett for over a month now and I'm wondering if you've heard from him?"

"Actually, I have. He got home a couple days ago. He called me to let me know he's home and tell me that he's madly in love with her." Then she went on, "You're her husband, aren't you?"

I was having a little trouble thinking straight, even after thinking about this call all night. He's in love with her and she's staying with him another two weeks. "Yes, sorry about not telling you that before, but I was a little embarrassed. Now, I'm worried."

"You have every reason to be worried. He told me she hasn't agreed to stay with him yet, but he's certain she will. That's what the extra time is for."

I had no idea what to say or do. I sat for what seemed like forever without saying a thing. I was nearly in tears with frustration and fear. I finally asked her, "She doesn't have her phone. Is there any way I can get ahold of her?"

"Let me see what I can do. I'll call you back in a little bit."

I gave her my phone number and told her thank you. I called my office and left a message that I had an emergency come up and would be in a little late. Then I sat watching my cell phone, willing it to ring. At least I was doing something, and it sounded like I had a friend willing to help. An eternity later, actually an hour and fifteen minutes later, it rang.

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

1 Star

TediousShadow and BobNBoobi Means Cuck

26thNCuck Disapproved

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
What an idiot!

Even if he does trust her, how can he be without her for a month without going crazy. He kind of deserves to lose her if that is what happens. robertl has done a great job filling the story with angst and tension. *****

OnethirdOnethirdover 6 years ago
Hell plus two weeks

All the torture, and then he gets told he has to wait two more weeks? That is a real dagger in the heart. The fact that Bret convinced Michelle to not contact him is telling- she would know how awful he'd be feeling. I do think the scavenger hunts were a very nice touch by the wife- she's not as self-centered as some commenters say. Still, this is a cliff hanger- I confess that I woke up early this morning to read on, because I kept thinking about the possibilities. One was his receiving divorce papers without seeing her. I'd have him put them in a paper shredder and send them back. I know that completely ignoring divorce papers doesn't stop the process, but it is the thought that counts! Now, onward to see what happens... eventually Michelle will find out that he set up Diane with Shaun and he wasn't being taken care of. Guilt trip time?

Tb0918Tb0918over 7 years ago
One more round for the road

Once again Robert has captured and intensified the emotional dynamics at play.

I've read several speculations from earlier comments as to where this story may go.

So many thoughts and options, but what we do know is there will be at least one more round for the road. Make it a double Robert. I for one am still thirsty.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowover 7 years ago

I'm hoping for #2 :)

Although I'd also like Michelle to continue 'working'.

I can just imagine the "man count" rising and rising of men she has 'serviced' while all along husband is celibate. With the frequent sojourns to Brett, weekends, occasions, vacations, being on call to Brett at his whim.

I've emailed Rob many times though, and this isn't really his 'thing'. And, in the end, I would always say to an author to write "your" story, the one flowing thru your veins.

Of course, me, sadistic bastard that I am, would have Michelle swear an oath to sex her husband on their wedding anniversary. Cement the event with extravagant preparations, incessant sexy reminders and teases. And then like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.....

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 7 years ago
Thoughts on Chapter One . . .

. . . and earlier in the story. Unintended, Tedium and Serrand have questioned whether Robert's wife is being Michelle or Amber while with Brett. Brett originally contacted Amber through her hooker web site. As negotiations came to a head Amber as well as Brett showed out their legal background with the contract for services and Amber pointedly crossed out Amber and inserted her legal name, Michelle. Whatever style Brett decided on for use during the cruise he did so with an eye to separating Michelle from Robert so she could become in some fashion Mrs Brett.

On further notion of separation, Brett paid additional funds to Michelle in advance of the cruise to enforce a two month 'temporary' marital separation in any physical or emotional sense between Michelle and Robert. That fact seems to pave the way to a simple 'sure, sounds great to me' response when Brett pops the lets keep this vacation going for another couple of weeks question.

Michelle is obviously fully aware of Robert's need to set her free with a lover 'no strings attached' to get the reassurance of love he needs when she returns home. Staying an extra couple of weeks would not raise an I am jeopardizing my marriage flag when she agrees to two more wees of luxury living well beyond her normal means. Brett has already spent close to a quarter million on a month of her hooker time to have Michelle on a permanent basis (75k direct, the cruise another 50 to 75k, ring-clothes-fun-fashion a like amount); that sort of glitter and extravagance with a no cost but time outlay has to be enticing to a middle class housewife playing at being prostitute..

RobertL has 'killed off' storywise all of the outside partners for both Robert and Michelle. Jacqui is gone. Robert foisted Diana off on Shaun doing away with his last outside girlfriend while taking Michelle's squeeze of the market too. That leads me to think there are several paths that the whole story can take from here out. 1) Michelle decides she wants luxury more than love with Robert and doesn't return ending the saga; 2) Michelle returns to Robert but keeps husband celibate while she maintains an ongoing affair with Brett; or 3) RobertL introduces a whole new set of outside partner characters and the story becomes a DQSlike epic. No guess on my part.

LindaAnnKLindaAnnKover 7 years ago
OMG cliffhangar

I kept looking for the next page!

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowover 7 years ago
more comments!

unintended consequences: very good points

Is it Michelle or Amber?

A lot of the commenters are totally missing the eroticism (waving hand over my head).

Is teasing, physically and emotionally sexy? Erotic?

Think of a "strip tease". The hot sexy girl is dancing as provocatively as possible. And realistically, the 'watcher' knows she is 'out of reach'. This ADDS to the eroticism immeasurably. Maybe she blows a kiss, feigning emotional closeness, this is more tease added on tease.

If you don't enjoy cuckold fantasy, nothing I can write will sway you.

Honestly, even if I could 'change you' into the fold ( impossible IMO), I wouldn't put in the effort.

Just a quick guide for 'outsiders' to maybe understand and not be so ignorant.

Jealousy, as most would consider it, is like grabbing a live wire to a cuckold enthusiast. Now there is great variation in the genre. elements vary. feminizing husband, forced bi, watching right next to bed, swapping (all not for me) humiliation, emotional angst, teasing {to the Nth degree!}, male chastity (all for me). There are probably 20 other variables that stories might touch on and readers enjoy to a greater or lesser extent. So the comment "just another cuck story" is "just another ignorant comment".

Rob, you are skilled writer (I am still obsessed if Michelle is wearing Brett's ring right now, this instant. Jesus I think about it at work!)

last bit, yes. I have to admit I would be crest fallen if they break up.

However, I think back upon the plot of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". the bittersweet life long love. The greater the endurance of love, that is what is engraved upon the immortal Earth and Sky.

I would not be against even a lengthier separation / move in with Brett. So long as replete with INHUMAN levels of teasing teasing teasing!

The greater the pushing back of reunion, the stronger their souls will entwine.

Serrand62Serrand62over 7 years ago
Some tensions

What I always liked about the whole "Robert and Michelle-saga" so far, was to read about a couple that is engaged in this kind of lifestyle, but still loving eachother deeply. That Michelle always comes back to Robert in the end.

It would really upset and make kind of sad, if Michelle would leave Robert for this Brett guy, even if it would only part time.

I can only hope the author doesn't go this road.

UnintendedConsequencesUnintendedConsequencesover 7 years ago
Re: ChuckEPoo

If you spend any time in strip clubs, and I did in my wild & crazy days, you'll see this one played out more than once. A guy goes into the club and becomes obsessed with one of the dancers. Lightening strikes and they start up a relationship, maybe even get married. Then he starts pressuring her to stop dancing. Believe it or not, some dancers dance because they enjoy dancing naked or semi naked in front of a room full of strange men. His new significant other does not want to quit something she loves doing and the fireworks begin.

Question is, if he can't handle being hooked up with or married to a stripper, why did he pick one up in the first place? And once he gets into a relationship with someone, why does he turn around and start trying to change who she is?

We can kinda assume Brett is not just well off but really wealthy. The uber rich play by a completely different set of rules than us normal folks. Perhaps you guys and girls could cough up the cash to take an escort on a cruise like Brett's doing. This whole little event has to be setting him back at least $100k. Perhaps he's gone off the rails completely, but if not he knows damn well he can't replace his wife with essentially an up scale hooker and not pay the price of scorn from his associates, peers and rivals. Nor would he be able to keep her career as an escort secret. Imagine for a moment if the New York Times actually could prove that Melania Trump was a prostitute as one of their reporters tweeted. Do you think for a moment Trump would be POTUS today?

UnintendedConsequencesUnintendedConsequencesover 7 years ago
A somewhat different perspective

I'm reading the Robert/Michelle dynamic a bit differently. Having seen something similar to their relationship IRL (not me, thank God!), I see Michelle as as much a victim of her own runaway libido as Robert is to his addiction to risking their marriage. The clue I'm looking for here is, is Brett with Amber or Michelle? Amber is the fictitious stripper/escort identity she created. Michelle is Robert's hotwife. She broke role with Jeremy, insisting before she left him that he call her Michelle. So, is she with Brett as the high dollar escort with a client, and she leaves for hubby when the date's over? Or is she with him as Robert's adventurous hotwife Michelle, at which point all bets are off much like they were with Mike and Shaun.

Keep in mind that Michelle is no bimbo. She was a well paid legal assistant of some sort before she decided to become a stripper. She's well aware of what she's putting Robert through, she's doing it on purpose, not by accident, or just to torture him, but because torture is what her husband needs from her. Look at the effort she put into the whole "scavenger hunt" game before she left. There was no disrespectful cuckold put down in any of it. She did what she could to heighten the angst she knows Robert needs.

maninconnmaninconnover 7 years ago


patilliepatillieover 7 years ago
Much better chapter than the last few

in that it elicits strong emotions in the reader. Robert is an idiot, and that is well documented. Everything that happens is due to his fetish, and the wife loves him enough, understands him enough, to give him the delicious angst he so craves. I agree that from hubs POV Michelle seems heartless, but she knows her spouse, better than he knows himself. What I find surprising in real life is that these women dont always lose respect for their husbandds. Most do, but not all, some understand their power, enjoy the economic and social benefits the husband provides, and just work the husband.

But to the writer, this was a big improvement over the chapters dealign iwth the virgin college kid and her prostitution.

ChuckEPooChuckEPooover 7 years ago
Great chapter


Well written but I have the feeling he's gonna lose her. The only thing he has going for him is that she loves the sexual freedom her hubby gives. Her suitor seems possessive and would reign her in. Great writing and excellent build up. In reality there are consequences to play married sex games. Solid 5 buddy.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowover 7 years ago
ok, can all you commenters please do a self check?

This story is a fantasy.

It is laced with strongly cuckold themes.

If one enjoys cuckold fantasy, this story is an absolute bonanza.

If one does not, well you do know there are like 100 thousand stories on this site, right?

If you don't like anchovies, you probably never will. Do you ever see people wandering around a restaurant acting stupid towards those with anchovies? Get a grip.

Personally, I was so drawn into the protagonist, it was almost as if I was seeing out his eyes. This chapter was erotic from start to finish. Certain characters acted as they did to push the plot forwards, although does this even need saying?

I am so in to this saga that mind is literally buzzing with one question, bouncing around my mind as I lay on my pillow.

Now that the "honeymoon" cruise is over.....is Michelle still wearing Brett's "ring"?

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