Michelle's New Profession Ch. 05


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She took the contract from me and asked, "Are you certain? You know if we agree, we'll keep our word like he says. Can we sleep together that way, how he wants, for an entire month?"

We did it once before for three weeks, but not with all the conditions attached. I knew it'd be harder than the other time, probably by a factor of ten. But one month for fifty thousand dollars! I nodded affirmatively. Michelle signed her name under the first part. Then, she looked into my eyes for a moment, back to the contract, initialed the change in fee and signed part two. In the signature lines, she'd crossed out 'Amber' and used her full real name in order to make the document legally binding. After she signed it, she told me that a man wanting her that badly made her panties soaked, especially this guy! I reminded her that very shortly, she wouldn't be able to wear any panties to be soaked.

I still didn't want to tell Michelle what I knew was his ultimate plan for her. I wanted her to enjoy this trip without guarding against her emotions the entire time, and I trusted her. Besides that, I had to admit to myself that I got off on the danger, the threat he posed. But still, the idea that she could spend an entire month with this guy, in a romantic setting, flirting with him, seducing each other, making love with him, that she'd be totally his woman that he'd be trying to win over the full time, that the danger made it even hotter to me.

It was going to be like the biggest aphrodisiac in the history of human evolution! I'd come to realize that there was very little danger to our marriage from other men, even from Shaun. With that loss of danger, part of the thrill of her being with them had dissipated. Not so with Brett, the danger and the thrill would be back in full force, far more so than ever before. My insides were already twisting into knots with jealousy and arousal!

Michelle craved the kind of attention she'd receive on that cruise. She'd be sexy and the object of his and other men's lust. He'd fuck her; make slow, sexy love with her; pamper her; show her what his wealth can buy her; maybe even let her flirt and play with other men. She wanted new sex, unexpected and raw, with a new guy that I knew she'd fall for completely. Heck, she already had, in a single night! On this cruise, he'd be able to give her all of that and more. I knew that this would be another reminder to Michelle how far beneath her she'd actually married. The fact that she knew that and continued to come back to me was such an incredible on-going boost to my ego.

Would there ever come a time when I was ready to ask her to stop seeing other men? Maybe, when we're old and gray-haired, but certainly not in the foreseeable future.

Brett's email with the fully signed contract attached, was in Michelle's inbox Monday morning when we got out of bed. The man was obviously eager! His e-mail said that her flight to Miami would be June 19th. We checked the calendar and our last day to make love would be less than a week away, this coming Friday, May 20th.

When Michelle realized it was the last day, her face turned almost white. She looked up at me, and it was obvious something was seriously distressing her.

I had no idea what it might be until she finally spoke, so softly I could barely hear her, "I have a date that night."

I didn't think that would be such a problem, "Email him and tell him you had an emergency and have to cancel it."

She was nearly crying, "I can't. It's with Jeremy, his end of semester dorm dance. He's never gone to one before and he asked me to be his date that night."

Now I was starting to get a sick feeling in my stomach. I knew I desperately needed my wife that last night.

Michelle was crying, "Honey, please try to understand. I can't cancel it with Jeremy and he can't change the night."

I held her, feeling her tears on my cheeks. "Sweetheart, it's okay. We'll make up for it Thursday night. One more night won't make that much difference."

Michelle held me for a bit longer, wiping the tears from her cheeks before backing away and smiling up at me, "You're sure?"

Actually, I wasn't sure of anything, but what other choice did I have? I wasn't going to force her to break a date with Jeremy. If it had been anyone else I knew she would have without my even asking, but we both understood how Jeremy needed her that night and I wasn't going to selfishly spoil his first dance for one more night of love-making with my wife.

That night, Michelle and I spent a good share of the night making love. It was slow and sensual, the kind of love-making we used to do a lot, with lots of deep kissing and body caressing. By the time Michelle lay on her back with her legs spread apart and wrapped around me pulling me deeper inside her, we were both so incredibly turned on that it was simply fantastic. Even then we maintained our slow pace letting our passion build and kissed while we made love. When Michelle's body started convulsing and her pussy clamped down on me I couldn't hold my orgasm off any longer either. I held her lips in mine and we both climaxed together.

Afterward, we lay in each other's arms fully satisfied and happy until we went to sleep.

I still had to work for a living, but had a hard time doing anything but think about my wife all day. I couldn't imagine what it was going to be like living with her for a month and not being able to make love or even kiss her. 'Thank God,' I thought, 'that we still had the rest of the week at least.' I thought about making love with her every night until Friday but then thought that maybe it'd be more fun to wait until Thursday night and make our last intimate night together extra special.

Neither of us had ever been out of the country before, so didn't have any need for a passport. That day, Michelle checked and found she'd need one to visit the Caribbean Islands, so she started the process. She had a passport photo taken at Costco, then filled out and submitted all the paperwork, along with her citizenship documentation for an expedited passport at the post office. They were optimistic that the nearly five weeks would be adequate time to obtain it.

Tuesday night, after I got home from work, I asked Michelle what she was going to wear on her date with Jeremy. She said she'd been thinking about that. It was with a lot of young people, so she wanted to look a little younger.

"I think my Christmas dress would be good." She said.

Mmm, so did I. It's an Indian beadwork, turquoise leather dress that comes to about her mid-thigh. It's very form-flattering, sexy and does make her look younger. She'd only worn it a couple times since I gave it to her as a Christmas present. I'd also given her some turquoise earrings and necklace, along with matching moccasins and it looks spectacular on her! In the vernacular of a college group, she'd be hot as hell!

I looked at my beautiful wife and couldn't imagine how I was going to survive a month with her gone!

I told her she'd be beautiful and I was sure Jeremy would love it.

"I think I'll find some matching lingerie too." She told me. That's one thing she'd never gotten, turquoise underthings to wear with it.

I couldn't help but ask her, "Are you planning on Jeremy seeing your lingerie?"

She giggled a little bit, "No, it's a dance in a dormitory. I don't think there'll be much opportunity to do anything more than dance and kiss."

'Ah,' I thought, "But afterward?"

"Honey, you're going to be home on our last night. If you're home abstaining, I think I can do the same. I'll go back to my hotel alone."

I tried not to smirk. 'Fat chance of that happening,' I thought. This would be a good time to mention what I'd thought about earlier.

"Honey, speaking of abstaining, I want to wait until Thursday night to make our last time even more special."

"From now? Are you sure you want to do that?"

"It'll only be tonight and tomorrow. I can survive that long to make our last night better." At least I hoped I could survive, but I was sure the reward would be worth the wait. She reluctantly agreed.

Our plan was working fine. That night and Wednesday night we snuggled and kissed a lot but didn't go any further. We went out to a good dinner Wednesday before going to bed, looking forward to lots of making out. Both of us were looking forward to Thursday night when we'd spend the night making love. Unfortunately, that morning I woke up hearing strange noises in the bathroom. I checked and found Michelle throwing up into the toilet bowl. The poor girl was white as a ghost and puking her heart out.

I found a rag and dampened it with cold water to wipe her face, and checked her forehead to see if she felt like she had a fever, which she didn't. I got a bowl from the kitchen for her and when I was back in the bedroom she'd climbed back into bed. She said she felt a little better, but a short time later she was throwing up again.

I wanted to stay home with her, but she said she'd be fine alone, and convinced me to go to work. She said she'd call me if she needed me to come home. Unfortunately, I had a couple of pretty important meetings scheduled with architects on some upcoming projects, so really did need to go to work. I was in meetings most of the day but wanted to call and check on her during breaks. I didn't want to wake her if she was sleeping though.

I did manage to get out of the office and go home a couple of hours early. When I got home, Michelle was sleeping, so I didn't bother her. She woke up about seven and said she was feeling better but was really weak. She said her tummy was better, but still not good. I asked if she had any idea what hit her and she thought maybe it'd been something she ate the night before. We didn't think it was the stomach flu since she hadn't had any fever.

She went back to bed a couple hours later and thankfully managed to get quite a bit of sleep during the night. Unfortunately, our plan for a night of love-making had definitely been dashed. I suspected she'd likely have to call Jeremy on Friday and tell him that she'd been sick. Thankfully, she said she was feeling a lot better in the morning.

She called me about eleven and asked about meeting me for lunch. That would be the first she'd managed to eat since Wednesday night. We went to Shari's and Michelle managed to eat a good-sized salad. She said she thought she was over whatever it had been making her sick and still planned to go to Seattle for her date with Jeremy. It's about a three-hour drive, so she felt she had plenty of time to pack and make the trip. I tried to talk her out of it, but like before, she said she felt fine now and couldn't disappoint Jeremy.

I was dismayed because that meant we wouldn't have another chance to make love until she got home from her cruise with Brett. I thought about going home with her but didn't want our last time to be an afternoon quickie. We had a wonderful night on Monday and I'd almost rather that was our last time. My plan to abstain Tuesday and Wednesday nights had definitely backfired on us.

Michelle kissed me goodbye after lunch and said she'd call when she got to her hotel. She said she'd made a reservation at the Marriott about a mile from the University.

When Michelle came home from two weeks in Las Vegas with Shaun, I really hadn't intended on writing any more of our on-going life's story. But with all the new developments since then, I decided our on-going story needed to be written. After I got home that evening, I sat down and finally started writing again. Besides, I had that piece Michelle had written about her first night with Jeremy that I wanted to see published.

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Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostra8 months ago

The fallacy with these kinds of stories is that the writer has created main characters who both think in perfect harmony and synchronicity. The husband always absorbs conflict in the name of peace, but he's also caught between the jaw of jealousy and the jaw of self-loathing. The wife doesn't act like an active abuser, but her soft abuse is just as destructive. The former is like fire, and the latter is like deep-seated decay--both destroy utterly and surely. Every story in this body of work has the same characters and the same plot. The improbable and unrealistic bind holding this awfully codependent couple together is this deep, abiding, and respectful love that never changes and is unrealistically immune to both external forces and internal conflict. Although, in the real world, no relationship would survive this level of alienation and abuse. This couple does not evolve, change, or grow. What really interests me is the writer of this material. It's voluminous and of epic proportions. It has all the hallmarks of a life's work, but the character and story arcs are frozen, unchanging, and seemingly unfazed by time, circumstances, or human growth. It's so safe and unchanging, it's almost sterile. The mind behind almost slavish dedication to such a body of work is utterly fascinating.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
What? Is this guy brain dead?

One of the most important parts of making an hot wife or open marriage lifestyle is communication. Rob is reluctant to tell Michelle what he is feeling. She just happily goes off thinking that he is totally on board when he isn't. That's his fault. He is so afraid of disappointing her that he buries his feelings. That could cost him big time one day. Great writing. Great story. *****

tralan69ertralan69erover 4 years ago
cuck "suckers"

No one likes the story line, but they keep on reading, just so they can whine and whine. Good job robertl.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
In short

All the.long comments spell it out. I'll just say it sucks.

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
A little maths please

$75000/30 = $1500 in other words what she gets paid for an evening, say 6 hours? Even if you push it to 8 hours, she shouldn't be accepting less than 3 times the offer, $225000.

Now he wants her services for 30 days more, in that she's not even allowed to hold hands or kiss her husband (of course for most it would be a straight 'fuck off') so that should be AT LEAST another $225000.

Add to both these figures ordinarily between jobs she would be home with her partner, even just to shower and change, so a major bonus of say double that for no contact with him.

I know the ploy, and Robert spelt it out to readers, but not his wife. She's an adult, if you're so confident in her tell her of the conversation and that you'd still like her to go, image how she'd feel knowing you trust her THAT much.

As for the phone, do you not want me contacting friends and family? 1st act of an abuser, separate the target from support.

And him providing clothes, how much more is it going to take for her to open her eyes.

Surely as a former legal secretary she can see all this.

If they are both so desperate to end the marriage a divorce would be far quicker and safer for both, as it is 2 very destructive personalities are going to blow themselves apart and I don't think Brett would put up with her like she is.

Finally the Jeremy thing, errr either fuck off or we're having sex a couple of days after the deadline as he's trusting us.

OnethirdOnethirdover 6 years ago
Conspiring circumstances

The previous commenter said it in spades- things only get more extreme as you go on. In an improbable world, we'd have Michelle move to an island of virile men, made to be constantly orgasmic for a year, and then returned. Sure she'd have her head on straight then, right? Before this we seem to be sending some things- we never hear about Shaun anymore, or any strip club activites. Are they too passé now? This chapter had it in spades in terms of emotional build up and risk. The stomach ailment even makes things worse- poor Robert. He basically knows he's setting up for heartache, but he can't help himself. Michelle is going to be one scrambled girl by the end of the trip. What's Robert going to do waiting? He's already blown off his girl at Black Angus, so he'll need to scramble.

UnintendedConsequencesUnintendedConsequencesover 7 years ago
Train Wreck?

If Robert was a model husband and Michelle the model wife, there would be no story and of course nothing to comment about. But they're not. They're both deeply flawed people who are making some horrendous life choices. Apparently some Literotica readers are not familiar with addictive personalities and how their choices tend to be skewed by their addictions.

Addicted to what? There are no drugs mentioned in the story you might say. You're discounting all of the amazing chemicals that can be created right inside the human body and their potential to become an addiction. Combat veterans who muster out only to find they can't do without the adrenaline rush they experienced in a firefight who then join mercenary groups like Blackwater could perhaps explain it to you. Long distance runners are familiar with their bodies' stress response and refer to the results as "the runner's high". I could go on. But the most relevant to this story line is what happens inside the body prior to and during orgasm. Not only is your nervous system practically short circuiting, but your glandular systems are dumping all sorts of hormones, pheromones, and other chemicals into your blood, sweat, breath, and of course, semen and vaginal secretions. Science is only now looking into how these chemicals affect future sexual behavior, the bond between partners, and that funny thing we refer to as "love". It could be that "love" will boil down to another word for being addicted to one particular partner's pheromones.

Robert has repeatedly used the word "addiction" to describe his need to put Michelle and their marriage in harms way. And just like with many other drugs, the dosage over time to get the same results must be increased. Which is why he keeps pushing her closer to the abyss. No, he's not a good husband. Frankly he sucks at the job. But if Literotica was about wonderful husbands we wouldn't bother to come back.

Michelle seems to be clueless about why she needs to escalate from shared wife, to affairs with old boyfriends and new, to stripping, and now to professional escort. Yet Robert seems to be ignorant of what's happening on her side of the relationship or at least in denial about it. We don't have as much to go on to determine what she thinks because most of the story is told from Robert's POV. But have you noticed how he frequently tells her, "Honey, just swim as close to the waterfall as you can without going over."? How the hell is she supposed to know how close is too close? When is he going to give her any guidance on how to tell? When is she going to ask him for a few pointers? Have you also noticed that where once Robert shared her temporarily with his USCG buddy, he's now in line behind Shawn (She in one chapter she interrupts sex with Robert to drive to Shawn's place to give him a midnight surprise blowjob), and now he's also been bumped at least once by Jeremy, and will soon be behind Brett as well. How much more could Michelle's thought processes be screwed up than that? And what is causing her to go off the rails? If she was somehow born a slut wouldn't she have shown that behavior before being shared by her husband?

This story arc is, in my opinion, one of the most gripping ones I have read on Literotica. I am now reading through all of it for the second time to pick up the parts I may have missed on the first pass. Yes, it has some warts in execution. But the story of Robert and Michelle itself is a story with good bones. I would recommend that readers not focus so much on the small stuff but instead look deeper into the turmoil these two people are causing to themselves and the people around them.

Train wreck indeed!

Serrand62Serrand62over 7 years ago
Still like it

I'm reading this since the beginning and it's still one of my favourite stories. That the events which happened aren't realistic or too far fetched, as some here think, isn't that much of a problem for me personally. I want to get entertained from a story and that still provides this series for me.

So I hope there will many more chapters to come. You can say the only "request" I have for the author is that he please never break up Robert and Michelle, even with this Brett guy. Robert and Michelle separating would really be the end of the story for me.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowover 7 years ago

1) excellently and skillfully word smithed

2) wow. hit's all of my fantasies!

Mari55Mari55over 7 years ago
@wylie236: Thanks! Jeremy Dorm's Dance doesn't improve the formula

Thanks for the tip wylie236. I read the new story, "Jeremy Dorm's Dance", and it's not very good either. It's written in Michelle's POV and the way she addresses her husband is not really great. There are better "loving wives" stories out here.


She goes to see Jeremy but then takes part in Truth-or-Dare college orgy with his friends. She gets fucked and even filmed, which can be a future source of blackmail. More tellingly is her sharing the details of her marriage with this news unknowns and be more worried about the privacy of her boyfriend than her husband (she's reluctant to show them pictures of her current boyfriend but speaks at length about "her older Jeremy"). Later, when she's with Jeremy she even claims that her last fuck fittingly belongs to Jeremy instead of her husband and to end she decides not to tell him about all the details for fear of them having sex against the rules...What a truly loving wife! I've wanted to know her POV and it's stereotypical narcissistic and sociopathic "dominant" cuckoldress. Her husband is just another toy. I didn't like those stories and according to Literotica's rating that makes the the chapter-mini series as 2 stars, though I won't bother with reading and voting on it. What a shame. Could Robertl publish a giant chapter like the latest Matt "Monreau" (or whatever he's called) so can one skip to the final page and read how it ended? Because as far as the story goes I'm not keen in reading the middle chapters.

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