Milly Houston Pt. 01


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"She got this big one on her own merits Harry; apparently what you call shafting has electrified her."

"Well several of us around here wouldn't have minded a piece of Milly."

"Er Harry..."

"Oh god, she's in the car with you and your phone is on speaker, isn't it?"

"You're correct on all counts Harry. Bye."

Milly in the backseat was convulsing in laughter.

"You're married aren't you boss."

"Technically yes Jerry, but before Milly came into my life yesterday Julia had already taken steps to divorce me on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. That leaves me free to date anyone I wish Jerry and my choice is Milly. Spread that around will you; it will explain why Milly appears to be my pet. Of course that she is."

It was almost 1:00 before Milly and Sharon wearily walked out on to the pavement, job done. Matt would stay on right through to press roll when he'd rest easy, grabbing a couple of copies, knowing the job was really done.

The heading would be, 'City Faces Chaos' which would be the truth.

Sharon said, "Since we are going to be working together hand-in-hand why don't we got to Ritchie's Bar for a drink. We've scarcely spoken day after day. I don't know why.

"Because you're quiet and I'm in awe of you."

"Well to tell you what Milly, I was jealous of your looks and the way the guys hang around you. But lo, suddenly after a year Cinderella has burst forth. It's rather amazing really. What happened?"

"Let's have that drink and I'll explain. I still have a huge way to go but someone has pulled my trigger."


"Ah yes. Now why is it I'm not surprised that's not even a guess."


Twenty-three days after receiving her final warning to improve substantial or else Milly found her mind at the crossroads. She began asking herself those incisive questions she'd been taught over the last few weeks. She asked what was she doing on such a small newspaper with one day little more than a plod into the next day.

"I really don't know.

Milly Houston, was that an adequate answer?

"No it wasn't. I'm bored and feel I should move on.

That's better. Well Milly Houston, what about Matt?

"You mean Mr Plod?"

Milly, what an awful thing to say.

"Yes it is. Am I becoming over-confident as well as bored?"

I'll not answer that. Bye you ungrateful bitch.


It was Saturday and Matt had left for a newspaper publisher's executive meeting that would finish sometime Monday. Milly went on to the Internet looking for job vacancies. None of the newspaper positions appealed but she found something that interested her. An elderly retired adventuress living in Colorado required assistance with writing her memoirs. It was a live-in position, generous salary and involved no other duties. Milly hit the email response, filled out the application form that popped-up and emailed it off, wondering if she'd hear back.

Three hours later a young woman called.

"Hi, I'm Katherine Cameron. You applied a few hours ago to assist my grandmother with her memoirs. We discussed it over lunch and you are the most interesting respondent we have received out of the thirty that appear to be okay."

"How long have you had the advertisement posted?"

"Four weeks."

"That's an excellent response I would have thought."

"Except I sense most of them are more interested in free accommodation than grinding through Gran's diaries and listening to her monologues and dealing with what she has written."

"Oh diaries. I'm now more than interest. Are the monologues coherent?"

"Goodness yes. Although Gran is eighty-four she hasn't lost a marble. Look, any chance of you driving to Provo City Airport tomorrow? I have made inquiries and can charter a flight from Montrose to arrive late morning, say 11:30. We could talk over a leisurely lunch at the airport and I fly out at say 2:00?"

"Yes, that would be fine."

"Good, I'll email confirmation as soon as I have booked. The weather looks good. Oh, bring background confirmation, references – anything to help you win the job."

"Right. Goodbye Katherine."

The two women met at the airport and hugged in a friendly manner after Milly had called, "I'm Milly."

Katherine was twenty-six, a nurse and appeared to be a lovely person. She said her parents were touring Europe and her Gran has been fretting, wanting to get her book published so Katherine became proactive.

"I noted you had trained to be a nurse and soon after taking up your first hospital job you resigned and went touring Europe. What happened?"

"The worst possible thing. I commenced an affair with this young doctor. As soon as he graduated he wanted to go cycling through Europe so I went with him. In Denmark he dumped me for another woman so that was me busted. I was sitting outside a café when a guy on a bike with packed saddlebags and a backpack rode by slowly and winked at me. I winked at him. Thirty seconds later he was at my side, asking if he could join me. I said yes, and said I was about to try to sell my bike and told him what had happened so the German lad, who was only eighteen, said why not tour with him. So we were together for two months before I received the call home because my grandmother was dying."

"Oh god, Gran is going to love listening to you. She left home and began 10 years of wandering in 1946 and only stopped when heavily pregnant with mom."

They chatted unrestrained as they ate and finally Katherine said, "Here's the deal. You come and stay and live and work with Gran in her wing in my parent's house on trial for a month for $4000. That rate will be extended until the job's done. We estimate it will take eight months but you spent two years attempting to write a best selling novel before entering journalism school so what do you think?"

"It's difficult to say. It depends whether Gran allows me to get on with my work. I was thinking of a two hour session talking to her each morning, Monday to Saturday with Sunday off."

Katherine said, "That's exactly what Gran suggested."

"Oh good. And then if there weren't two many distractions I would research, prepare and write for the rest of the day and into the night for a while with some breaks. If I kept that momentum I'd reckon four months but that could be wildly out. I'll know better when I see the diaries and find if I can read them easily."

"I can."

"Oh good. So my food and accommodation is provide, free?"


"Well, I would be throwing away a good start to a new career to do this but it interests me."

"Gran said I could go to $1500 a week. After hearing what your intended workload is likely to be I think that is fair."

"In that case I accept. I can definitely come to you in one month from tomorrow but chances are it could be within a week. It would depend on the generosity of my editor."

"Are with her or him?"

"It's definitely a him and yes, since three weeks ago."

"God, you and your men. My boyfriend Shane and I have been together since we were fifteen. We marry in four months' time."

"Oh, how lovely. Will I see much of you?"

"Everyday I would expect. I only work days so cook for Gran in the evenings and often eat with her instead of my parents."

"So you don't live with your boyfriend?"

"Oh definitely not. Shane's parents are very strict but we"

"Sexually active?"

"Yes, oh what a lovely way of putting it."

The two women felt close so they kissed when it was time for Katherine to go and find her pilot, as it was almost 2:00. "Gran will really like you. I'm thrilled about the person I've found within you. I think you are the kind of person who will bring Gran's book alive."

Milly didn't have the heart to ask was a publisher lined up. It there wasn't and the adventures of Gran were mundane, no amount of good writing would prevent the venture from becoming a lost cause. However there was a glimmer of hope – Katherine seemed to be in awe of her Gran. It was how she spoke about her Gran rather than what she's actually said about her.

Suddenly Milly went running after Katherine. "Oh I forgot to ask something very important."

"That's fine. What is it?"

Milly asked the attractive blonde, "Are they any photographs."

"Yes, right from day one. Hundreds of them. Gran was in love with the camera and was aware of her great beauty. Oh yes, and she retains that classical look. Her mother was a famous stage actress in her prime and we have photos of her. Gran and her husband inherited her father's big coffee and rubber plantations that were sold when granddad and Gran came to America and established a hugely successful coffee importing and distribution business."

Milly said, "From that I gather your mother has a rather fetching name."

"Gloria Isobel Cameron."

"Oh god, the celebrated female photographer known for her work in publicizing the plight of traumatized refugees in the years immediately after the end of the Second World War. We studied her at college."

"Oh, Gran will be flattered you'd heard of her. Yes, that was one of her host of adventures as she calls them. I must run. Bye Milly."

Milly arrived back at Dialabo to find the vehicle dealer who'd sold the Eos still open and had Grant give her the price he'd buy the vehicle back. As soon as the weary Matt arrived home and sat down with her for coffee – for once refusing alcohol – Milly began her goodbye dear Matt speech but he was on to her like a shot.

"You ungrateful bitch...after all that I have done for you."

"Oh does that hurt you?" said the ungrateful bitch.

He glared at her. "Yes your lack of loyalty does hurt me but what really hurts is your potential that we won't be able to exploit. I pulled the trigger, you benefited and as soon as you know you are improving significantly you want to walk out."

"Loyalty? How many women did you have while away at the golf-business meeting-partying weekend Matt?"

He didn't answer, preferring instead to look at the floor and shuffle his feet. And sweat.

Matt wiped his forehead. "When do you want to leave?"

"I guess I am obliged to work out my month's notice. I would like to leave earlier."

Matt growled, "Well how about this. You don't return to the office and you evacuate from my house as quickly as you wish. You may keep the car."

Milly said that was rather ruthless of him but she found it acceptable. She opened her handbag and pushed a check across to him with a statement. "My grandmother had left me money and I've drawn down on that fund to pay half the cost I estimated those clothes cost you and you have there Grant's written amount he'd buy the Eos back. I love my car and admired you for giving it to me although knowing you wished to deny your departing wife the money. That check covers Grant's valuation less the money I put in from the sale of my car and my estimate of half the value of those clothes. Rather than ripping it up I want you to have the money back. Find a way to cash the check and keep that amount away from claims on it by your ex-wife's attorney. It is clearly dated after the commencement of the legal separation but it's your call."

Matt placed the check in the inside of his jacket. Looking surly he said, "I suppose you think that makes us even?"

"No, of course not. You took me in when my new career was faltering and pushed me until my mind accepted what I must do. I'll always remain grateful for you doing that; you performed a magnificent role."

Matt actually smiled and said he appreciated that, and looked as if he did.

"I suppose you want me to sleep in the guest room?"

"No Matt, I want you sleeping with me. You are overly tired now but in the morning I'll have your motor up and running. I know this is rather impertinent, considering what I am doing to you, but I would like you to take tomorrow off work and you just hangout with me do what we want to do as our last hurrah."

Matt started at her and asked when would she leave and was told on Tuesday morning after breakfast. He grinned and said that idea of hanging out with her for the last hurrah rather appealed.

"There was only one woman, Shona. I've had an affair with her at every convention we've been at together. Her husband has left her because of her persistent adultery so perhaps we two bad eggs should get together."

"Or look at the alternative and return to the beginning and take someone lovely and sweet as your wife."

"Are you thinking Sharon?"


Matt rubbed his jaw as he usually did when in deep thought.

* * *

After a sad final breakfast together with Milly all emotional and Matt stolid, closing down on her emotionally, they kissed beside the car and then Milly drove down the driveway, bawling, the tears marring driving visibility. She didn't look back but tooted the horn as she turned on to the street. She headed southeast into New Mexico where she'd not visited before and spent a full week touring and felt replenished when heading north into southern Colorado to her new home. She'd called Katherine the previous evening to say she was on her way. Gran insisted on speaking to Milly and they had a long talk. Regaining the phone Katherine asked Milly to wait while she went to another room.

"There's been a big row. Mom phoned from Vienna and Gran told her we'd hired you and mom went through the roof, saying how could Gran rely on my picking the best available writer with the best expertise. Gran said because her granddaughter had brains and was able to make decisions much faster and more decisively than her mother and a huge row erupted. They were screaming at one another."

Katherine began crying saying she hoped this would not have repercussions for Milly. Her mother had asked had a contract been signed and Gran had swore and said why would two honorable women want a contract.

Milly laughed and urged Katherine to regain her humor.

"Why? How can you be so calm? This is so terrible for you."

"It isn't. I'm to work for Gran, not your mother and if your mother can't understand that perhaps a few slaps will put her right."


"Only joking, I think. But please calm down. Can't you see this isn't about you and me at all?"

"It isn't?"

"No, it's a clash of personalities. You mom is probably going through a bored patch which Gran and I know only two well it happens and you feel like cutting loose to liven things up. You mom simply cut loose on her mom, using you and me as fodder."

"Oh, I see. And you really believe that?"

"Absolutely," Milly said, hoping that was correct.

Milly recalled Katherine saying she worked from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm so time her arrival for 4:30, giving Katherine time to be with her Gran and prepare dinner. The house was huge, with a deep ravine on one side and spectacular views of mountains and what appeared to be a national park crammed with trees.

Katherine dressed in cowboy boots, jeans and just a shirt although it was cool and a soft bra judging by the movement as she ran was waving and whooping. It was such a lovely welcome.

"Oh it's so nice to see you again."

"You too Katherine. You're looking great. I was taken aback by the location. Most unexpected."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you disappointed?"

"No, quite the reverse, I'm absolutely delighted. In my mind I thought you would live in the outer area of a city when you said it was a really big house."

"Dad and mom built the house and farm the surrounding 187,000 thousand acres that includes a couple of mountain peaks and a lake and many wood lots although the cattle graze amid them. We also have two rivers so it's a pretty cool place if you like the wilds."

"Oooh, are there wild men in the wilds?"

Katherine giggled and turned deep pink when Milly said, "It won't insult me if you call me a slut when I say things like that Katherine."

"Come," Katherine said. "I'll take you to Gran. She's not walking much at the moment as she has an ulcerated leg and that is not uncommon among women of her age. Her doctor says she is suffering deep venous reflux and is keeping it under control and effecting probably improvement with high compression bandaging."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that."

"Thank you but please don't mention the leg problem to Gran as it would embarrass her."

"Thank you for that advice. God this must be like living in heaven."

"At first yes, and then it will become so-so although changes in the weather – and they can occur with huge rapidity here – add extra interest."

"Hello my dear," Gran said, "I have been looking forward to your arrival."

Milly took the businesslike approach. "Tell me your first impression – come on now, the truth. This is important to our ongoing relationship."

"You are pretty, a breath of sweet air and I think you are in love with yourself and that is good. Without question I like you and feel I could love you if our companionship develops. I'd say that is a promising first impression, wouldn't you?"

"Very much so," Milly said, kissing the offered cheek and catching Gran by surprise by going for the other cheek to kiss the European way.

"Oh I say. No one has kissed me like that in years."

"Well then, it is my pleasure. Perhaps your daughter will be into that when she arrives home."

"That bitch."

"Oh come on. Has there been a tiff? A worldly woman like you must know not to allow the little things to count and mount up?"

Gran smiled. "You have wisdom my dear."

"Well it's obviously you have too much time to brood. We must keep you busy and get you out and about, in a wheel chair if necessary."

"Well see about that. God you are bossy."

Milly repeated what she said earlier. "A worldly woman like you must know not to allow the little things to count and mount up?"

Gran laughed and Katherine came forward and placed her arm around her grandmother affectionately. "I told you she was a darling."

Milly smiled and said she didn't mind exaggeration if that was endemic in the family. What she needed was minds to be ticking over creatively.

"Katherine constantly refers to you as Gran and I've unwittingly become accustomed to referring to you as Gran when speaking to Katherine. Would you allow me to call you Gran to your face?"


"Katherine says it like an endearment and I think that's very sweet. No way am I going to call you Mrs Cameron and if I call you Gloria not even your daughter will know whom I'm talking about until she gets used to it."

"You've earned by permission to call me Gran."

"Thank you. Now where are the aperitif's for we three?"

Gran said stoutly, "I don't drink before wine with dinner."

"And why not?"

"Because I...Oh dear, I really don't now why."

Milly smiled and said, perhaps a dry sherry. Do we have dry sherry in the house Katherine? "

"I'm afraid not."

"What about Campari or Pernod?"


"Then you must have champagne?"

"Yes, heaps of it, el cheapo up to the best French."

"El cheapo will be fine."

"I'm hearing words like sherry and Pernod I haven't heard for years. Katherine said you had traveled – biking and drinking excessively I suppose."

"And sex I have to say. Sorry to bring that up Gran but it's the truth, plus of course I did visit the odd museum and art gallery."

"And picnic of course."

"Usually that was a prelude to that other thing Gran."

"What did you think I did at nights when on my never-ending travels and sometimes during the day as well – darn stockings?"

The three of them laughed almost helplessly. Katherine looked at her Gran with huge eyes and noticing that Gran turned and winked at Milly.

At the opportune moment Milly pulled out her new writer's log and noted something Gran had just said, "My never-ending Travels'. That could be the book title, or a variation on those words.

* * *

Apart from breaks Milly spent much of the next day reading a partly finished hand-written manuscript, running to almost 400 pages.