Mindworm: Feeding

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If you listened once, what's the harm in another?
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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This is a sequel to the first audio script that I wrote. I'd recommend reading that one before this one, since I play around with and expand on a lot of the concepts introduced there. As with the first one, this script is freely available to anyone who would like to record it. In short, the concept is an audibly transmitted brain worm that subjects the listener to orgasm denial. I had a lot of fun growing the ideas, so I hope you like it. The voice actress Twisted Elegance has recorded a version of this for anyone who would like to hear it performed.


Hello my lovely. Welcome back.

Are you here for another one of our little... playtimes? Oh I'm so glad to have you here again.

Of course, I knew you would be back. It's what I wanted, and that means it's what you wanted.

But don't worry about that, you're here for what I can offer you that no one else can.

So please, relax.

Let your worries fade away.

Lay your cares down.

Leave your inhibitions somewhere far, far away. You won't be needing them.

We're going to have some fun, you and I. I hope you're excited, I know I am, because this time you know what is going to happen. Or... at least you think you do. It might be a bit different than you're expecting, but don't worry it will be fun. So why don't I tell you a little about how this is going to go.

First, there's a very important thing you need to do for me. It's where we have to start or nothing else is going to work how you want it to.

You need to let me back inside that silly little head of yours. It's where I need to be to make this exactly what you want it to be. You can start by letting your guard down, and once I'm in we can have all kinds of fun causing a mess again.

There's no point in fighting it. No point in resisting. You already know what I can do, and I already know that you want me to.

Oh how you want me to.

You want me to step into that skull of yours. You want me to start pulling on the threads of your consciousness. You want me to start poking at the wires of your mind. Pushing buttons on you brain. You're desperate to have me inside your mind again, I can tell. You want it even though you know you shouldn't. Even though you know you know that trusting me is a bad idea. Even though you know you shouldn't give me such unrestricted access to your fragile little psyche.

But you're going to anyway. You can't resist. You can't bear to keep me out. You just can't stand not having me inside you.

Do you think I mean that in an abstract way? Perhaps I do, or perhaps I'm telling you that you literally cannot resist. Does that sound crazy sweetie? I mean, surely you could resist me if you wanted to. Surely I don't have that much control over you yet.


I'll leave you to figure that one out on your own. That's not why we're here right now. You're here because you want to be, and we both know it. So come now my lovely, let me in.

Just open yourself up to me.



Now breath.

And let go.

Let go of control.

Let go of thought.

Let go of yourself.

Give me the keys to that pretty head of yours, and I promise that, once I'm inside I will




And I will do so very thoroughly before we are done. Doesn't that sound nice? I hope so, because I'm going to scramble those brains of yours and leave you the desperate, drooling fuck puppet I want you to be.


I mean that you want to be.

But of course, there isn't really a difference.

And besides, once I'm done, I swear I'll zip that head of yours right back up so you can go on pretending you're just a regular person. You can keep on acting like you aren't someone who just let a powerful woman turn their brain to mush for her own enjoyment.

Do be careful though, mushy minds have such a bad habit of leaking out through the places you would least expect them to.

Like between your legs.

Do you notice anything mushy down there yet my lovely? Well don't worry, it's probably fine. We've hardly even gotten started yet.


That's not quite true, is it?

Because we have done this before, haven't we?

That's right, this isn't the first time you're hearing my words. It's not the first time you've let me in. You even let me leave something behind the last time I was here.

You didn't forget, did you?

Did you?

It was something smooth. Something slimy. Something wriggling. You let me put it inside your head. You even helped me.

The Worm.

Don't worry if it slipped your mind sweetie. That's part of what it does. In fact, it's very good at slipping around inside your mind. Gobbling up a thought here and there. Making you feel a bit fuzzy whenever it's hungry. But your memories are only a snack for my sweet mindworm.

Do you remember what it really eats? Do you remember what part of you it feasts on?


It eats your orgasms sweetie.

Isn't that the hottest fucking thing you've ever heard?

I'm so excited to see how you've been doing ever since you let me stick a worm into your brain. Are you frustrated my dear? Are you horny? I sure hope so. I wonder if you've been able to orgasm at all since you let the worm in.

Maybe you have. Maybe you've been able to trick it. Maybe you snuck a quick quivering cum in when you thought it was distracted. My worm is fast though, I bet it still got a bite or two in. Maybe not enough to stop you, but I bet it was enough to leave you less satisfied than you wanted.

Did you know that every bite makes it stronger? Every bit you feed it makes the worm bigger, and faster, and hungrier. If you have managed to cum, I bet each one has been a little less than the last, and every one of them less than you really wanted.

And it's just going to keep getting worse. Worse and worse and worse until... well you can probably guess. If you've been able to cum at all then you're one of the lucky ones.

But maybe you aren't one of the lucky ones. Maybe you've been listening this whole time just wishing that could be you. Wishing you could have a weak, unsatisfying orgasm because at least that would be something. Maybe you're one of the ones with a big, hungry worm in your head that devours every one of your orgasms before you can even feel the touch of them against your mind.

Is that you sweetie? My lovely, desperate listener, have you found yourself with a little bit of a... problem?

Do you spend hours and hours on the edge, hands between your legs, touching yourself, rubbing so fruitlessly yet always feeling like you're just about there.

Oh fuck, you know how that does it for me sweetie.

Do you know that I've cum while thinking about it? I've touched myself imagining your desperation, your frustration. I've masturbated to the thought of your confused, muddled, lust drunk mind as it tries so hard to remember why this is happening, what you did to yourself, what brought this awful curse upon you.

Your need is exquisite, sweetie. Your need for release, your need for a reprieve from the unending torment of unfulfilled desire.

Did you ever wonder why I made the worms like this? Why they steal your orgasms and leave you the hot, confused, silly little mess that you are?

It's because pleasure is the true key to a person's soul. If I control your pleasure, if I control the source of the one thing you desire more than anything else, then I control you as surely as if I held your strings in my hand, puppet.

Deny that if you want, but we both know that you would trade your soul to me in a heartbeat if I told you it would let you cum again. And by the time we're done, I won't even need to offer you that much. When you're ready, you'll let me rip your soul out and fuck it in front of you just for the promise that I'll consider letting you cum one more time before I lock your orgasms away forever.

Sweetie, when you gave your orgasms to me, you gave me everything.

Did you realize how much I was taking? I hope not, I always love the look on their faces when they realize what they've done. Because remember sweetie, you wanted this. You helped me do this. Isn't that just... glorious.

But maybe you're not there yet hmm? I hope I didn't scare you too bad my lovely listener. Just remember, we're only having a bit of fun here. None of this is real. You're the one who's actually in control.

Aren't you?

That's right sweetie, that's right. You wouldn't actually do something like that. You wouldn't really give your soul to me.

Just tell yourself that.

Tell yourself that so we can keep going.

Tell yourself you're in control.

Do it. Right now. And believe it.

Because it's what I want you to believe.

You aren't going to give me your soul.

You gave me your orgasms.

You gave me your mind.

But no, you won't give me any more than that. You're stopping there. You're in control.

Do you believe it?


Whether it's true or not doesn't matter, it only matters that you believe it. That means we can go back to having some fun together, and I have something very fun for us to do.

You remember what I said about the mindworm? How it gets bigger and stronger every time it feeds on one of your orgasms. Well, we're going to feed it. At least, I'm going to show you how to feed it, and then you're going to keep feeding it for me.

Doesn't that sound fun?

It is why you came after all. I made it nice and clear in the title, and this time you knew what it meant. Feeding will make it bigger and stronger, and that will make it even harder for you to have one of those sweet little orgasms you miss so much.

And as a bonus, feeding the worm lets me even deeper into your mind.

I'm sure you're already touching yourself, so please keep going. I want you to find that edge for me sweetie. The hard one. The one that makes you feel like you just might almost go over, then I want you to stop. Hold yourself there, if you can. Keep yourself on that edge, but whatever you do




That's very important, sweetie, so I'll repeat it.




These orgasms aren't for you anymore. Every time you edge yourself like this, you're feeding orgasms to the worm. And if you're one of the lucky ones, if you're someone who is still able to have an orgasm before the worm can eat it all away, then I want you to know something special. Every one of these edges is going to be one of the last few orgasms you could have had. Every one of them is going to bring you closer to the time when you won't be able to cum at all anymore.

Now, are you ready to keep going?


Let's make this more fun. I want you to go find some porn to look at. Bonus points if you're already doing that, but whether you're already looking at porn or not, I want you to go find something specific. It doesn't matter if it's a video, or pictures, or something from your favorite artist. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, gender is irrelevant now. The one thing that matters is this: it must show someone having an orgasm.

I want you to stare at them. I want you to really appreciate what it is they must be feeling. Look at their face, imagine how good it must feel for them to make a face like that.

Now go to the edge. Stay there.




Watch their body. Watch those shaking spasms, look at how they lose control of themselves right as they tip over that threshold and fall into their trembling bliss.

Go to the edge. Stay there.




Listen to them, or imagine the sounds they must be making. Those grunting, animalistic sounds that come out as their orgasm shuts down their higher brain functions.

Go to the edge. Stay there.




Try to remember everything that an orgasm is. Try to remember the full experience of being able to let yourself loose and burst with the mind bending pleasure it offers.

Wouldn't it feel wonderful? Wouldn't it feel amazing? I know how much you want it. Does it feel like something you can still have?

Here's what I want you to do.

Go to the edge. Stay there.




Are you still with me sweetie? Is there anything still working up in that dumb, mushed up little head of yours? If so, then you're not done yet. I want you to keep repeating the steps I just showed you until the only coherent thoughts you can form anymore are as follows:

Go to the edge. Stay there.




Now, while you're working on ruining what's left of your mind for me, I want to let you in on a little secret. I think this one is really going to surprise you.

Did you ever wonder where my mindworms come from? I told you I made them, and that's true, but do you want to know how? Afterall, they seem pretty unique don't they? You haven't seen anything like this anywhere else, so how did I do it?

Well that's the secret, and to be honest it's really quite simple. You see, I have a worm of my own.

That's right. I put a worm in my own head.

Are you surprised? I thought you might be. I can feel your confusion already. Afterall, I talk about cumming all the time, don't I, so how can I have a worm in my head? Well sweetie, my worm isn't like yours. There's as big a difference between them as there is between you and I right now. The difference is, my worm is Queen.

Does it make sense now? I bet it would have if I hadn't just spent so much time fucking up your ability to think straight, so for your benefit I'll spell it out. A Queen demands obedience. Every mindworm out there, and there are getting to be so many now, comes from my worm, she's their Queen. That means that every worm out there obeys my worm, and my worm obeys me.

That's the deal we worked out.

I help her spread her children among the willing brains of all my lovely listeners, and in return I get control. Control of your orgasms, control of your mind, control of everything.

And maybe one or two other perks as well.

I told you that the mindworm eats your orgasms. That's only half true, but don't get your hopes up. They do get consumed, so you're certainly not getting them back. But most of what they eat doesn't go to them, it comes to their Queen. She stores them. She stockpiles all those sacrificed orgasms, and then she uses them to make more worms. It's truly a beautiful process.

The thing is, she actually has more than she needs. By now she has a virtual ocean of unspent orgasms simply sitting there, waiting to be used.

That's my other perk. I get to use them. Whenever I want. However many I want. I have literally stolen your orgasms for myself. I can drink myself silly on them, taking one after another after another after another until I'm completely satisfied. You can't even imagine what that feels like.

So keep touching yourself sweetie. Keep feeding the worm, keep giving up your pleasure to it, because even if you manage to have a small, weak orgasm, know that everything you're wishing you had, all the satisfaction you've given up, it's all mine.

Sometimes, I don't even use the orgasms. Sometimes I take them and just let them burn away to nothing. Just because I'm bored. I like to imagine you can feel it when I do that. I like to think it makes your denial even worse somehow. Like because it was never used at all it means I've ruined the very idea of your orgasm.

Am I right? Does knowing that I've permanently destroyed something you could have used to get relief, make you feel even more pent up?

Good, now deny yourself again. Edge yourself for me. Let the images of the orgasms you could have had burn themselves into your mind.

You're my panting, sweating, desperate, denied mess now, sweetie.

I hope you're having fun.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

this was a very enjoyable experience for me—but after reading i attempted to cum and found i couldn’t! i am very susceptible to hypnosis and i fear this may have worked too well

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