Mindy's Gift

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Step daughter makes he step dad feel young again.
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Mindy walked along Piercing Street in the direction of her Stepfather's beach shop. She'd called him earlier that morning to wish him a happy birthday but she had an ulterior motive for doing so as well. She needed a job so he told her to come by around noon and he would put her to work.

She liked Rick but she never looked at him as a father figure. Her real father was dead and she wouldn't allow anyone else to take his place. No matter how nice they were.

She pushed her way into the front door of the Little Tiki Dreams beach shop to find Rick sitting behind the counter toying with his cellphone. He was most likely watching porn knowing him. The man enjoyed his porn.

"Hello Rick." she said.

Rick was suddenly startled and he dropped the cellphone on the business side of the counter. The phone landed at Mindy's feet, with the screen facing up. Mindy blushed at the video that was playing. It was a video of a young woman around her age jerking some old guy off.

She bent down and picked the phone up and actually looked at the video just in time to see the old man blow his load. Her blue eyes went wide. "Oh my goodness!" She giggled and handed it back to her now red faced stepfather.

She's seen guys cum before, heck she's even made guys cum. "He certainly blew his load." Mindy chortled.

Rick swallowed hard, "And what would you know about that?"

Heck she's given out hand jobs before and she always marvels at the creamy life giving substance as it flits from the tip of a penis. She also enjoyed the feel of it on her fingertip and the taste of it in her mouth.

"Mindy!" Rick snapped.

She was quickly pulled back to the present moment, "Yes?"

"Never mind the question, darling." he said quickly turning the video off and shoving the phone into the pocket of his tacky looking Hawaiian shirt. Then he took his ear pods out and stuffed them into his shirt with the phone. "I trust you want say anything about this to your mother."

Mindy sighed and shook her head, her mother wasn't stupid she was well aware of his porn addiction. Most all middle aged men viewed pornography in some way shape or form, and her 55 year old stepfather wasn't the exception to the rule. And goodness knows he has the excuse since her mother stayed gone all the time. "You know I want say anything, Rick." she smiled still feeling a bit flustered by the video.

"Are you okay, Mindy?" Rick asked.

She fanned herself, "Yes I'm fine, it's just a little warm in here is all."

"I can turn down the heat, if you like?" Rick suggested.

Mindy brushed back her long blond hair and nodded.

Rick quickly turned around and adjusted the thermostat, "I normally keep the heat a little higher, because of my old bones." He laughed.

"You're not old, Rick, stop saying that."

"Well Jill says I'm getting old."

"What does my mom know?"

"You already have the Job Mindy, you don't have to butter me up." he winked.

Mindy blushed and looked away. Her stepfather wasn't that old he was still middle aged and he was handsome too with his long salt and pepper hair that he always keeps tied off in a ponytail. He was rocking the old dude surfer look. And more than one of her girlfriends has commented on his doughy brown eyes.

"I thought you would have stayed home since it was your birthday." Mindy said.

He shook his head, "If I don't open the store no one will, it's not like I have employees."

"Well you do now, Rick."

"Yes and about that; I'm sorry you're having to get a job, Mindy. I could have just given you the money to buy a car but Jill said that you needed to earn the money yourself."

She huffed and folded her arms. "I guess she just wants me to follow in her stilettos."

"Hey don't be like that, your mother is a CEO for one of the largest cosmetics corporation in the U.S., she's done well for herself, darling."

Darling? Mindy liked it when he called her darling. It's what he calls her mother, when she's around that is...which is not very often. Maybe that's why poor Rick has to watch porn to get off.

"Yes but at what cost, Rick. No sir I'd rather be the normal house wife, myself."

"With maybe a house in the suburbs, right?" Rick winked.

"Yes and I would wait, hand and foot on my husband too. That's all I want in life."

Rick chortled, "So how many kids would you have?"

"I want five kids." she giggled.

"Wow!" Rick busted out laughing, "That's a lot of..." he stopped and looked down.

"Your right that's a lot of sex but He would enjoy it." She knew what Rick was about to say before he stopped.

Rick blushed beet red, "Yes and that would be part of a normal relationship." he said rolling his eyes.

"Has Mom called you to wish you a happy birthday yet?"

Rick shook his head, "Nope. Only you have wished me a happy birthday, darling."

That's sad, Mindy thought.

Rick bent down behind the counter to pick something up and the sex video turned on in his pocket and this time it was accompanied by the sound of two people really getting it on. Rick clambered for the phone to turn it off.

"No I want to see what they're doing!" Mindy giggled and snatched the phone from his hand.


Mindy stopped her giggling and stared down in fascination at a couple getting it on. And the man had a big..."

"Give me that back." Rick said snatching the phone back.

"It's Okay Rick, I'm nineteen. I'm not a little girl anymore!"

"Yeah but you're my step daughter."

Mindy smirked and folded her arms, "What are you going to do? Are you gonna tell my mom?" Mindy smarted.

"No I'm not!"

"I want to watch it, Rick. Is that so bad?"

Rick looked at her dumbfound. "Most women don't enjoy watching porn, Mindy."

"So what I'm not like other women, Rick. I enjoy sex and...apparently I like watching it too."

Rick shook his head, "Yeah but..."

Mindy put a finger to her lips, "Shhh. Mom doesn't have to know that we like porn, Rick. It'll just be our little secret."

Rick looked at her, "You want to watch porn with me, Mindy?"

Mindy shrugged, "Sure I do. I mean you can control yourself, Right?"


"Never mind. Do you want to watch it with me or not?"

Rick studied her for a moment, "Yes if you're serious?"

"I am Rick.

Rick scratched his head, "This is nuts. Mindy."

"I don't want to have sex with you, I just want to watch some porn with you."

Rick laughed, "I don't want have sex with you either darling."

"So it's a date then." she winked.

"I guess it is a date then." Rick agreed and they both laughed.

"So let's talk about this job, Mindy."

Rick worked her butt off. She cleaned and swept the back storage room and then dusted and restocked the shelves on the sales floor. And by the time her four hours were up, she was absolutely exhausted.

"Can I go home now?" Mindy asked Rick who was now busy taking his monthly inventory.

He looked up, "What did you say?"

"Can I go home?"

"Yes Mindy you can go. I have a few more hours here and I'll be heading that way too." With that said he glanced back down at his reports.

"Don't be too long Rick. Remember our date."

Rick looked up, "Sure thing, darling." he looked back down.

"Would you like for me to dress up?"

"Yeah wear whatever." he said waving his hand without looking up this time.

Mindy frowned. Rick seemed excited about watching porn with her earlier. But now he didn't seem all that excited. Maybe that's how older men acted she didn't know because she's never dated an older guy before. Or maybe she hurt his feelings when she told him that sex was off the table. But then sex had to be off the table, this was her mom's husband...her stepfather. "Okay then, I'll see you at home."

She waited for Rick to respond but he didn't he just kept typing away on his computer.

Mindy smiled and shrugged and walked out the door.

Rick watched Mindy from the front window as she crossed the street. What in the fuck was he doing? This was his stepdaughter his wife's fucking daughter of all people. He should have turned her down when she asked him to watch porn with her. But she stared at him begging him with those deep blue eyes of hers. He'd never had a woman offer to watch porn with him before. He'd wanted to ask Jill but she was such a damn prude when it came to sex. Shit they barely made love once a month because she was so busy with her fucking career. Hell he wasn't even sure he loved Jill anymore.

Now Mindy on the other hand reminded Rick of how Jill used to be. Before she became queen bitch of the hot shot corporate world. She had been spunky and so full of love, that she'd let him fuck her in any hole he wanted just to please him. Now the only sex he gets now a days was with his fucking hand.

He was wrong for letting Jill start working again. He was fine supporting her and Mindy both off of what he brought in with this little shop. But Jill had wanted a career. He shook his head.

It was like Mindy had been reading his mind when she talked about what she wanted out of her future. A suburban home, being a house wife and waiting on her man, hand and foot. Jill had promised him that very thing. She had promised him children too. Heck Mindy wanted five kids. He laughed when he thought about that one. The girl was naive about what a pregnancy can do to a woman's body. That and he couldn't imagine her sexy petite little body pushing out five kids. But Mindy wanted it and what his step daughter wants she gets. Damn if he could only be young again he'd find him a girl like Mindy and give her what she wanted...dick and semen! He chided himself for thinking such a thing. Chiding himself still didn't stop the feeling he was getting between his legs. Shit he needed some relief. He closed his laptop and walked to the storage room unfastening his belt as he did.

Mindy smiled to herself as she stepped into her mother's walk in closet. She wanted to pick out something nice to wear for her and her stepfather's date tonight. Well not really a date per say. She giggled to herself maybe it wouldn't be so bad to call it a date I mean she hasn't been out on a date in months, well ever since Charlie left for college.

She and Charlie were supposed to enroll into the same college together but she wasn't smart enough to pass the entrance exam. Then came the break up email which left her devastated to say the least. It had flat out broke her heart and guess whose shoulder she cried on...it was Rick's. He'd been there for her not her mother. In fact he'd fixed her, her favorite blueberry pancakes. He was a good man. A better man than her mother deserved that's for sure.

She tapped her lips with her index finger studying all the pretty things in her mother's closet. Nice and expensive things too but the majority of it were women's fancy office clothes. And the shoes were mostly flats. But she was able to find a cute little black Midi dress. It was sleeveless and opened in the back. She recalled seeing her mother wearing it during a New Years Eve party she hosted a few years back. Her mother had looked so beautiful in it. Maybe she would look just as beautiful?

Mindy smiled and took down a pair of glossy black Jimmy Choo stilettos from the shoe caddy. They were gorgeous and she already knew she could wear them because she and her mother were the same size. Well other than breasts sizes that is. Mindy's 38 d cups were quite a bit bigger than her mother's 38 C cups. In fact she's often caught Rick staring at her tits before. She giggled and blushed at the thought.

She pulled the dress on and strapped on the heels and looked at herself in the dressing mirror. She looked just like her mother, but a younger version. She walked over to her mother's dresser and opened the top drawer where she kept all of her unmentionables and chose a pair of black lacy panties and she pulled them on. She would have to wear one of her own bras but she didn't have anything in black, so she decided to go without one. She hoped her popping pink nipples wouldn't show too much.

She carefully made her way downstairs because she was still getting used to walking in four inch heels. She checked the pot roast that she had in the oven to find it was almost done. Pot roast was one of Rick's favorite meals. She was sure it would be ready by the time he got home. Maybe cooking dinner was going a bit overboard but her step father deserved it considering he was always the one cooking in the house. Every man needs to be pampered on their birthday and it was obvious that her mother certainly wasn't going to do it. No Mindy was the lady of the house and she needed to start acting like it.

She walked into the dining room and sat out two place sets of her mother's vintage pearl white China. The stuff has been sitting in the china cabinet for as long as she could remember and it's never been used.

Mindy's cellphone rang, it was her mother's number. She answered, "Hi mom."

"Hello sweetie. How are things at home?"

"Just fine. So when are you coming home?"

"Mindy I will be home next week honey. I promise. So how is Rick?"

"He's fine too." She thought about asking her mother did she call and wish Rick a happy birthday but she didn't. She should know to call him. "Rick hired me to work in his shop. So don't worry about having to buy me a car, mom"

"I wasn't worried a bit. I already decided that you were going to buy the car yourself. I mean Mindy I'm not trying to be mean to you, sweetie. But you have to put in the effort if you want good things in life."

Mindy rolled her eyes, "I know, mom."

"You have to take things in life as well. If you see it and you want it then you take it! And you take it by earning it."

Mindy rolled her eyes again, she's heard the brain washing lecture way too many times.

"Just take me for example I have earned my success, sweetie."

"Okay mom, I get it."

"Well good. I love you, Mindy and I should be home next Saturday."

Mindy started humming the tune of; "Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin.

"Stop that Mindy, this instant!" her mom snapped.

"Why should I? Are you feeling guilty, mommy?"

There was silence on her mom's end but then she thought she heard some whisper "Hang up baby." It was a man's voice.

"Stop it, Robert." she heard her mother whisper back followed by a little giggle.

"I gotta go mom." with that she ended the call. Her dear mother was cheating on her stepfather and most likely it was with that soy boy secretary of hers. Robert Deny. Mindy's met the nerdy looking guy on a few occasions. He was way younger than Rick and she knew her mom certainly liked the younger guys. The bitch!

The front door suddenly opened and Rick stepped in. He saw her and the way she was dressed and his mouth dropped. "Holy shit! You did dress up, didn't you?" he smiled.

"I told you I would."

"But why dress up?"

"It's your birthday, Rick." she took his hand and guided him into the dining room.

"I know its my birthday, but you didn't have..."

"Oh hush Rick." she said cutting him off. She walked over and took his hand and led him into the dining room. "I have another surprise for you too."

"Wow! Is that your mom's fancy china?"

"It certainly is and it's part of your birthday dinner." She pulled the chair out for him. "Now sit down. I've fixed a pot roast for you. It's my first time fixing a pot roast so I had to use my mom's recipe to get started. But I changed it up just a little and added my own variation." she said looking just a little nervous.

Rick smiled and sat down, "I'm sure it's going to be wonderful, Mindy."

She smiled and picked up his plate and hurried into the kitchen and scooped a good portion on roast onto his plate along with all the fixings. Then she brought it back and placed it in front of him. Rick took a bite and rolled his eyes and gave a satisfying moan.

Mindy looked at him with anticipation.

"Oh my god this is sooo good, Mindy!"

Mindy smiled at his praise and picked up her plate and went to the kitchen. But she fixed herself a smaller portion. Then she went back to the dinning room and sat down in her mother's spot at the end of the table.

It didn't take long for Rick to devour his portion.

"Would you like another plate, Rick? I mean we have plenty of it left over." Mindy asked.

He leaned back in his chair and patted his stomach, "Oh no darling, I can't eat another bite. It was delicious!"

"Is it better than mom's?"

He gave her an honest look, "I can't honestly remember when your mother last cooked a pot roast for me. But to answer your question, yes your pot roast is much better."

Mindy smiled at that.

Rick watched her finish her meal and she found that she liked the way he looked at her. He's never looked at her in this fashion before. But then she's never dressed up just for him before either.

Mindy got up and picked up her dish and his dish as well and as she turned to walk back into the kitchen she thought she felt his hand graze her bottom. No she had to have imagined that. She put the dishes in the sink and walked back. Rick smiled at her, "Thank you, Mindy."

"For what?" she asked.

"Well for making me feel so special."

"You should feel special, Rick it's your birthday for goodness sake." Mindy smiled and turned to the cigar box that sat on the china cabinet. She took a cigar from it along with the lighter and she walked over and put it in his mouth and then lit it for him. He drew in a good bit of the acrid smoke and blew it into the air. "We're breaking your mother's rules here. I'm not supposed to smoke these things in the house."

Mindy scoffed, "Mom's not here is she. And since I'm the lady of this house in her absence, you can smoke til your heart is content, Rick."

He pointed the cigar at her, "Lady of the house? Really."

"Yes I am." she said putting her hands on her hips. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Rick smiled up at her and shook his head, "Not in the least, darling."

Mindy giggled.

"Just be aware of what goes along with that title, girl."

"I'm not a girl anymore."

"I can see that." he winked and blew a smoke ring into the air.

Mindy giggled and thrust her hand into the middle of the ring which drew a laugh from Rick.

"So are you still wanting to watch porn?"

"Yes I told you I did, Rick."

He rolled his eyes and stood up, "Okay then." and offered his arm.

"Just you remember what I said." she said pointing a finger of warning at him.

"I shall be on my best behavior, darling."

She took his arm, "Well in that case led on."

"I keep my collection of videos in the basement."

"Do you mean in your mysterious man cave?"

"Yes in my man cave."

Mindy giggled as she allowed him to lead her down the hall to his sanctuary. The man cave had been her mother's sewing room at one time. But Rick kicked all of her things out of it, with her permission mind you, and made it his space. Mindy felt nervous yet excited as she watched him unlock the door because she's never ventured into the room since he always kept it locked. Not even her own mother had the key to it.

Rick opened the door and let Mindy go in first. The man cave as he likes to call it is sparsely furnished with one of the biggest flat screen TV's money can buy. Then there is the big comfy looking black leather couch. Two end tables and a large coffee table. On the walls were posters of naked women, most likely porn stars. The room had an odd smell to it, was it old cum and hand lotion maybe. It wasn't an over powering scent and it actually smelled nice. This was Rick's inner sanctum so who was she to judge?

Rick led her over to the couch and she sat down while he busied himself with the DVD player.

"So what are you into Rick? I mean with videos that is." she asked and fought to not laugh at the plumber's crack that he was now displaying to her. He likes to wear old loose shorts around his shop. She wondered if he wore underwear with darn things because she wasn't seeing any at the moment.
