Miranda's Distraction: A Reunion

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Kasumi Drags Miranda Lawson Back To Omega.
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"Couldn't you have given me something a little less revealing?" Miranda huffed, stretching the skirt of the neon-pink mini-dress as far down as it would go, frustrated when the pencil-thin spikes of her matching heels kept getting stuck between the gaps in the floor. "And not garishly pink?"

"It was the only thing I could find that was suited for your measurements on such short notice," Kasumi hopped out of the skycar she had discreetly rented via one of the many false accounts she possessed. "Besides, pink looks good on you."

"I look like a streetwalker," Miranda frowned, spotting her reflection in the crust-covered glass running along the landing platform, wondering how she had allowed Kasumi to talk her into taking part in her sordid scheme.

"No offense, but that is sort of the point, Miranda, we want to look the part. A pair of glamorous club-goers who made one too many wrong turns down increasingly dark alleys," Kasumi grabbed her purse and locked the skycar, turning on the spot to give Miranda a full view of her own ensemble. "So, how do I look?"

Miranda glanced up and down at Kasumi, admiring the admittedly exquisite sight. Just for the occasion, Kasumi decided against wearing anything that would obscure her head, making a rare public appearance without anything disguising her face, though there were incredibly few individuals alive who would have been able to recognise her. Immaculate raven hair cascaded across her neck and shoulders, a light application of make-up was all that was needed to highlight the facial features that few were privileged to see.

Her bespoke infiltration suit was replaced with a black dress just as revealing as Miranda's, contrasted by a puffy gold bolero jacket running across her shoulders and arms. Glossy gold synthetic latex boots travelled up to her exposed thighs, with heels that raised her profile just high enough to push her past six feet. On anyone else, the outfit would have easily appeared trashy, but Kasumi gave it a certain level of class.

"I hate the idea of enabling you, but you look great," Miranda admitted, regretting it immediately when a vindicated squeal came from Kasumi.

"Ooh, keep speaking like that and I might feel the need to start paying you a late night visit from time to time," Kasumi purred, emboldened by Miranda's exasperated eye roll.

"Don't push your luck, I still have half a mind to turn back now and back out of this scheme of yours before it's too late," Miranda warned, unwilling to pay any attention to the excited voice deep in her mind.

"God, you'd think that Aria would do more to keep this dump in better shape," Miranda stood back and summoned up a modest amount of biotic energy, directing it at the set of heavily corroded doors marking the exit of the dry dock. Sweeping her arms out, she threw the doors open, earning a few glares from those on the other side of them. "It's basic maintenance."

"C'mon, it's part of the charm," Kasumi pouted, her eyes lit up when they glanced up at the massive column nestled at the center of the never-ending promenade. "If you want something classy, you head to London or hit one of the clubs on Illium. Omega is the place to be when you want to lose all your inhibitions, what you see is what you get."

"Which is just a polite way of stating that it's a dump," Miranda countered, gazing at Afterlife with more revulsion than admiration, able to feel the thrumming electronic music within pounding in her chest. "At least I'm unlikely to get caught in a random gang shooting at Flux."

"Exactly, that's what makes Omega so much more interesting than any other place in the galaxy. One minute, you're sat at a bar enjoying a nice glass of Drossix Blue. The next, you're taking cover behind that very same bar, exchanging fire with a group of masked gang members," Kasumi breathed wistfully, leaving Miranda certain that the master thief was speaking from experience rather than conjuring up a theoretical scenario. "Or you've missed out on all the fun because you've spent the evening becoming better acquainted with a charming Turian."

"I think I'd rather find a nice, quiet corner so I can peacefully enjoy my drink," Miranda said, hearing the snort the Japanese woman couldn't hold back. "What?"

"You talk like a prude, but you and I both know you're the furthest thing from it. How else do you explain your bodysuit?" Kasumi asked.

"What about it? My uniform is crafted for the specific purpose of providing both protection and manoeuvrability during firefights and-"

"Thigh-high boots and a white catsuit that sticks to every curve so well that it may as well be painted on?" Kasumi gave Miranda a cheeky grin, unconcerned by the indignation her interjection earned. "You don't need to lie to me, Miranda. If I happened to be the literal definition of the perfect human woman, I'd take every opportunity I could find to flaunt it. Be honest, don't you get some kind of thrill from knowing that almost every set of eyes follows you your back is turned?"

"I do not... " Miranda prepared to launch into a tirade, but knew it was pointless to do so to Kasumi of all people. Not meaning to, Miranda's lips quirked and quickly formed a playful smirk. "Okay, fine. Maybe I do enjoy some of the attention I get. Just as long as they're smart enough to only look, touching the merchandise will earn them a few broken bones."

"Atta girl," Kasumi winked, pointing away from the club and towards the unwelcoming corridors in the distance. "That's where we're headed."

"I still don't understand why you want to do this," Miranda followed the direction of Kasumi's finger, finding a door covered in graffiti, barely lit by the flickering light above it. "The Vorcha are one of the most simple-minded creatures this galaxy has ever made the mistake of spawning. You could gather a whole group of them and you wouldn't find a single original thought between them."

"Well, it's a good thing that I'm not looking for a conversation then," Kasumi rubbed her hands along her stomach, her excitement mounted as her plan started to come together. "I want something deep inside me, and it isn't their words of wisdom."

"Women go missing all the time when they veer off the beaten path on Omega, most are snatched and sold off into the sex trade," Miranda watched Kasumi set off, shaking her head when she tottered after her. "I've seen the dossiers, I've lost count of the number of humans that have ended up in the brothels on Khar'Shan because they made the mistake of getting too plastered or letting their guard down around the wrong people."

"Brothels on Khar'Shan? I've heard about those, they treat the workers like little more than sex slaves, subjecting them to nights and days of unending sexual exploitation, using them in every way imaginable," Kasumi shivered, searching the promenade. "I wonder if there are any Batarian slavers around here that I can 'accidentally' bump into."

"I'm being serious, Kasumi, Omega is one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy," Miranda admonished the thief, glaring angrily at the street preacher when they both became the subjects of his hateful diatribe. "One wrong move and we'll be leaving this hell hole stripped and collared, never to be seen again."

"You don't have worry, Miranda. The slaving gangs are currently somewhere in the Terminus System, chasing after a transporter carrying some of Europe's finest ballerinas," Kasumi smirked back at Miranda, using her omni-tool to override the lock on the door. "But something tells me that they'll be terribly disappointed when they find out they've been chasing a cheap drone with one of my beacons taped to the side of it."

"You devious thing," Miranda laughed, always the first to admire Kasumi's cunning nature. Looking up, Miranda noticed the CCTV cameras following their progression through the dank hall. "Are you sure it's a good idea to be out in the open with your face exposed? I thought you were deadly serious about keeping your identity secret."

"I am, it's just nice to be able to walk around and have men eye-fucking me from afar," Kasumi opened up a holographic layout of Omega's sprawling back alleys, setting a waypoint for her intended destination. With their route locked in, Kasumi opened her purse and pulled out a jar of foundation, one that didn't appear to be a typical piece of make-up. "And I have this for added security."

"What is it?" Miranda took the jar and squinted at it, turning it to locate any labels.

"Luminescent Scrambler. That's what I call it at least," Kasumi smiled at one of the cameras and gave it a playful wave. "It looks like plain foundation when you see it on the wearer's face in person, but it contains particles that throws off the receptors of digital cameras. They can see my body, but my face is just a bright, blank ball of nothingness."

"You really do think of everything," an impressed Miranda whistled.

"That's why the Illusive Man pays me the big bucks. Amateurs rely on store bought equipment, all my stuff is custom made by yours truly," Kasumi stopped when they reached a 'T' junction, taking a right when her navigation system indicated for her to do so. "Burglary is an art, and I like to consider myself the Picasso of my field."

"I'd call you an egomaniac if it wasn't for the fact that you have the talent to back up that statement," Miranda stared distastefully at the poor state of the area Kasumi had led her to. Not an inch of the walls was left untouched by crude graffiti and copious amounts of rust caused by the leaking pipelines from the floors above, sacks of garbage was left to rot along the edges of the floor, creating a miasma that was almost unbearable for Miranda. "Are you really intent on doing this?"

"You got to have all the fun with those Vorcha back at the vault, and I missed out," Kasumi replied, continuing to deactivate the security systems of the dilapidated region of the old station.

"That wasn't so much fun as it was a pragmatic means of keeping us alive," Miranda said, irked by Kasumi's snickering. "It's a miracle that they were actually stupid enough to buy such a transparent lie."

"That was an awfully convincing performance for someone who's just trying to be pragmatic," Kasumi countered, noticing Miranda's displeased look. "Okay, answer me this. If those Varren decided that they wanted more than fellatio and a couple of handjobs, would you have stopped them? Or would you have stripped off that bodysuit and let them go wild?"

"That's not the point- "

"You wanted them to go further, and I would have felt the same if I was in your position. That's precisely why you agreed to do this with me," Kasumi smiled when they took one last turn and came upon a closed door that was covered in phrases written in the Vorcha language, scratched into the surface of the metal. "This is the place. You can still head back, but I'm going in there and not coming out until I can barely walk. So, are you coming?"

"You'd better keep this to yourself!" Miranda warned, adrenaline pumped through her veins when Kasumi hacked the terminal and let the door snap open.

"My lips are sealed," Kasumi swept her fingers across her full lips, sweeping into the room with an air of seduction encapsulating her. "Good evening, boys. Is anyone here interested in having a bit of fun with us?"

Miranda joined Kasumi and glanced around at the trio of all too familiar Vorcha occupying the apartment that had been following the release of the plague that swept through the residential district. The walls of the apartment were daubed with Blood Pack iconography, red paint was splashed around until every surface fit the theme. Weapons crates and food canisters were scattered amongst the valuable items the gang had scrounged and stolen during the aftermath of the unleashing of the deadly plague. It was a hideout, a hovel, and Miranda knew it had become a safe house for the visibly jittery trio.

"Hu-mans!" Kikken screeched, lunging away from the Quasar machine he'd been trying to break into to retrieve the credits within, picking up and pointing his assault rifle at the pair. "What doing here?"

"Assassins!" another panicked and tripped over a low coffee table.

"You die now!" a third scrambled around in search of the first weapon he could get his claws on, which just happened to be a fragmentation grenade.

"Easy there, boys," Kasumi held her hands up, twisting her body around, encouraging Miranda to imitate her. "Does it look like we have any space to carry weapons?"

"You!" Kikken pointed at Miranda, jabbing the barrel of his gun towards her, tempted to squeeze the trigger. "What you doing here? You were at the vault before the break in!"

"I know, and I heard about the heist. I felt awful when I found out that you were blamed for something that wasn't your fault," Miranda forced out as much honesty as she could muster, conveniently leaving out her and Kasumi's role in the theft. "I told my friend here what had happened, and she suggested that we should find you."

"What for?" Kikken demanded, lowering his gun in favour of closely inspecting the devastatingly beautiful humans.

"We figured that this must be a terribly stressful situation for you three, to be hunted down like Varren by your fellow mercenaries," Kasumi took a cautious step forth, showing no concern when the rifle pointed her way. "We thought that you may need some cheering up."

"How we know you not lying?" Kikken queried, still keeping a firm grip of his rifle, even as Kasumi strutted towards him and fell to her knees on the matted carpet.

"Why don't you take that cock out of its holster and let me prove it?" Kasumi licked her lips, stroking her throat with her index finger. "If you thought my friend here was talented, then allow me to show you what I can do."

Kikken didn't move, keeping his distance out of concern that the pair were attempting to lure him into a trap, expecting the Blood Pack to burst in and gun the trio down. But when nothing happened, Kikken started to creep up to the kneeling human with cautious steps, but not before slapping the grenade out of his nervous comrade's hand before he did something stupid. Kikken undid his leather harness and pulled his cock free, emboldened by the aroused flash that appeared in Kasumi's eyes.

"Alright. Pretty human will prove that she isn't lying," Kikken rushed towards Kasumi and stopped dead in his tracks, waving his member just inches from her open lips. "Let's see if you are as good as your friend."

"Try me," Kasumi teased.

The thief was unsurprised when the Vorcha threw his hips without warning and jammed his cock into her orifice, relaxing her throat to accommodate him when Kikken showed no signs of holding back. But his attempts to overwhelm her futile, as proven by the eager flash in her eyes when Kikken glanced down, urging him to do as he pleased. Suddenly, a set of claws grasped the back of her head, holding her in place, allowing the Vorcha to barge his way into the depths of her throat.

"Aah, hu-man speaks the truth," Kikken visibly relaxed, trusting that he wasn't about to be ripped apart by one of his former comrades. Enjoying the sensation of Kasumi's hot, wet gullet, Kikken started to pump his member in and out gradually. "Just as much of a slut as her friend!"

"That would be an understatement," Miranda amended, admiring Kasumi's resolve as the Vorcha built up his momentum in an attempt to break her. Raising her blue eyes, she noticed Kikken's companions watching the scene with equal fascination, before turning their attention over to her. "Looks like I have some competition."

"And it sounds like someone suddenly doesn't regret coming here," Kasumi added playfully, greedily plunging back along the barbed manhood, bobbing her head with enough force to shake off Kikken's hands, dutifully slurping his member with all the lust-driven energy she had.

As Kasumi worked Kikken's fleshy pole, from the corner of her eye she was able to see his companions rushing by to join Miranda, both hastily tearing the leather clothing from their bony bodies. Kasumi didn't miss a step, caressing every inch that Kikken drove deep into her throat, flicking her tongue out to touch the Vorcha's swaying testicles. Unsurprisingly, she soon found Miranda in a similar situation, keenly observing as the perfect human woman was coaxed onto her knees, making no attempt whatsoever to prevent the duo from taking turns with her dexterous mouth.

"Hu-man female almost as talented as an Asari," Kikken gibbered, his fiery eyes widened when Kasumi responded by flexing her tongue around the head of his manhood, subjecting it to a level of pleasure that almost brought Kikken to his knees.

"Almost as talented?" Kasumi ejected Kikken's manhood, tilting her head, seeing the look of agony on his face when she brought the throat-massage to an abrupt end. "Does that mean you'd like me to stop?"

"Stop?" Kikken panicked, concerned that his statement may have brought a premature end to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. "No! Just as talented! Hu-man just as talented as Asari."

"Good boy," Kasumi licked her lips and dove back in, sucking down Kikken's cock in one go, moving her head with shocking speed.

With Kikken distracted by her well-trained orifice, Kasumi again turned her eyes in the direction of the prideful Cerberus operative, awed by the sight of Miranda hungrily fellating the duo, switching between them like a woman possessed. It didn't take long for Miranda's immaculate raven hair to become a knotted mess, with trails of saliva smearing the layer of make-up that had taken close to two hours to prepare, sending trails of mascara running down her aristocratic cheeks. Kasumi was swept up by a sense competitiveness, refusing to be outdone after being the one to propose the encounter in the first place.

"Guuih!" Kikken yelped, realising that Kasumi was pushing him towards a climax he didn't yet want, not before he could really put the human through her paces. Using all the willpower he had, Kikken pushed the Japanese woman away and removed his cock from her warm throat, roughly snatching her arm to pull her to her feet and drag her over to a dusty leather seat. "Won't cum yet! Not until I've felt your pussy!"

"Then by all means," Kasumi pushed Kikken off his feet and back into the seat, spinning in her heel so she faced away from him, hiking up her short skirt to expose her uncovered sex. "Have at it."

Kikken threw his arms out and grabbed Kasumi by her stomach, harshly tugging her off her feet and straight onto his lap. When she landed, she found Kikken's member sticking out from between her thighs, oozing sticky pre-cum from its small slit. She was tempted to use her thighs to bring the Vorcha to completion, but Kikken refused to take anything less than her womanhood. Showing his strength in spite of his boney form, Kikken slid his hands beneath her thighs and raised Kasumi into the air, dropping her directly onto his cock, planting his full length in her tunnel in a split second.

"Fuck me!" Kasumi hissed, feeling the Vorcha's member squeezing against her cervix, writhing in his lap as she relaxed her walls. "I know they say Vorcha aren't the most patient bunch, but this is ridiculous."

"Less talking, more fucking!" Kikken demanded, sparing no thought whatsoever for Kasumi as he launched his hips upwards, clamping down on her thighs to prevent her from being thrown off his lap.

"Hmmm, those are fighting words," Kasumi giggled, dropping down with equal ferocity, struggling to get any friction with her feet on the ground thanks to her daring heels as they aimlessly scraped the tiled floor. "Faster, I promise I can take whatever you've got."

Kasumi rode Kikken with abandon, digging her nails into the leather armrests, gasping as she rose and fell with incredible speed. Lifting her head, a shiver ran down her spine when she spotted Miranda in the midst of a devastating threesome. Having assumed a doggy-style position, one Vorcha had pulled her skirt around her waist and immediately launched his slick cock into her hole, with the other viciously pumping in and out of her throat, filling the living room with a wet smacking sound.