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"Isn't it great to see Marc again, Lizzy?" Mel asked her bored looking sister as she pulled away from me.

Elizabeth looked at me from behind the black lenses of her designer shades. She lazily lifted her glasses up to give me a closer inspection.

She said, "Hey, there."

Despite the apparent indifference of her welcome, I noticed she took a second to give me a once over before putting her shades back into place.

"Do you want to swim?" Mel asked me excitedly.

She didn't give me a chance to reply, but dove headfirst into the water. I dove into the pool after her. The water was cool enough that my nuts shrank up into my sac, but the cool wetness felt good. We both surfaced around the same time, splashing up out of the water. Melanie was playful and her tits had a tendency to bob up and down in the water. A fact which I did not fail to notice and which, I think, Melanie did not fail to notice me noticing.

I floated over to the edge of the pool close to Elizabeth and put my arms over the edge to rest. Melanie came near me, dangerously close, and I could see Elizabeth give her a quick discerning look. We all made small talk for a while. Mostly it was Melanie gushing with questions that I struggled to keep up with answers for. She was audibly blonde and her lips moved at a mind boggling pace. I found myself only answering some of her questions, and nodding for the rest of the time when it seemed appropriate, managing to feign interest. Considering the various directions in which she took the conversation, I assumed she was more interested in hearing herself talk than in hearing what I had to say anyway. And I was more interested in looking at her than I was in responding, so it seemed a fair trade. We managed to cover everything from my military training to the trials and tribulations of our families over the passing years. There were plenty of opportunities to reminisce and plenty of memories to laugh over.

Melanie had a fun spunkiness that went well with her personality, and her amply built body. Big pouty lips and tits that just kept on going. Over on the chair, her sister Elizabeth occasionally chimed into the conversation, but generally gave off an aura of indifference to our presence. For all that it wasn't much different from the way she'd treated us as kids. Elizabeth looked good though. She'd been a bit of a teenage crush for me. She'd been more inclined to hang out with my older brother Peter while they ignored the rest of us. She lay back against the chair to take advantage of the warm solar rays. They beat against her chest and smooth stomach. Her breasts, while not as large as her younger sister's, were beautifully proportioned and rose up high and proud. Her nipples were hard and pointed through the fabric. From time to time she would cross or uncross her legs and I'd be able to catch a glimpse of the way her pussy lips pressed against the fabric of her suit.

I had to be careful not to forget myself lest I found myself, between the two of these beautiful creatures, springing wood right there in the pool.

We did a few more laps, splashing each other and enjoying the water. But finally I could sense that it was getting about that time and I wanted the chance for a shower before dinner. I got out of the pool, feeling the fabric of my suit sticking to my body. No doubt my package was plainly visible to all those who wanted to see.

"Well, Marc," said Melanie joining me on the land, "It's great that you could make it. We're really gonna have some fun over the next couple days."

Before I knew what she was doing, she had given me a big hug and planted a big kiss right on my lips, rather a little longer than was necessary too I might add. She pulled away with a giggle and dashed into the house.

Elizabeth got up and took off her shades. As she walked by me to go into the house, she paused, looked straight at my cock, and said, "Very nice, Marc". I looked down and realized that, despite my best efforts, I had a hammer going in my trunks that could have driven nails into concrete.

She walked away leaving me momentarily embarrassed and looking for a towel.

* * *

I'd made it to the shower without further incident, well wrapped in my towel. I attributed my lapse in control earlier at the pool to an unavoidable absence from women due to my recent officer's training course. Whatever the case a shower was required and the warm, soapy water felt good running along my aching muscles. I let the chlorine of the pool wash down the drain as I relaxed from the stress and strain of the day and my recent travel. I was still wet and damp when I turned off the shower and stepped out onto the bath mat to reach for a towel.

Just then the bathroom door opened. Oops, guess I forgot to lock it.

A young man walked in; who I assumed was Jeremy, remembering the scrawny little kid I'd last seen so long ago. From the looks of things, he had not been expecting to find a bare ass naked man in the bathroom.

It was obviously an awkward situation.

"Uh," he said, momentarily stunned, "Sorry for barging in, I was looking for some deodorant."

Despite everything, and his best efforts to look me in the eye, I caught him checking out my exposed package at least three times. What a little faggot! I was very used to taking showers with a bunch of naked Marines by this point, so I didn't pay any mind to the state of my undress. In fact, I was somewhat enjoying his discomfort and, rather than wrapping the towel around my waist, I gave him my hand instead, leaving the towel hanging in the other one.

"Hi," I said, "I'm Marc."

There was a pregnant pause while he shook my hand.

"And you are?" I asked him when I realized he was just going to stand there stupidly.


"It's been a long time," I said.

"Definitely," he replied nodding.

By now he'd managed at least to raise his gaze further up the rest of my muscled body, all the while attempting to stay trained on my eyes. I started to dry myself, allowing the towel to partially hide my dignity, waiting for him to make a move instead.

"Right," he said stupidly, after another second, "Let me just get out of your way."

"No rush," I said, "Take your time."

Jeremy moved like I was a snake, coiled and ready to bite. He grabbed the deodorant off the shelf and hurriedly went back out through the door. Damn, what was is with this family? Each one was more entertaining than the next.

* * *

Dinner was a semi-formal affair in the Campbell household, particularly in light of having a special guest in the house. When I'd had a chance to get myself together, and put on a blazer, I found the whole family waiting for me downstairs.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, ma'am," I said to Mrs. Campbell as I joined them in living room.

"Not to worry, Marc," she told me indulgently, then by way of introduction she continued, "You've seen the girls already. And you remember Jeremy and Jenna, of course. They were both away when you arrived earlier."

Jeremy and I shook hands like the episode upstairs in the bathroom had not happened earlier. This time he was on a firmer footing with his family around him and I found his grip firm and reassuring. Like his father and me, he'd donned a blazer for dinner, although all of us wore our shirts open at the neck without a tie. I reflected that Jeremy was a handsome young man who filled out his blazer with the wiry build of a high school student, albeit one who was no stranger to sports and working out.

Jenna on the other hand was as lovely as her older sisters, but had a freshness and innocence still clinging about her, very willowy and graceful with only a hint of Melanie's buxomness. She wore a long summery gown that hugged her graceful curves. She would no doubt look very graceful on my arm at the cotillion. We exchanged a pleasant embrace, with a kiss on the cheek that bespoke our Southern hospitality.

We made our way to the dining room and I assisted Jenna with her chair as she sat down and then took my place next to her. Elizabeth was on the other side of me and Jeremy and Melanie were facing us on the other side. Mr. Campbell naturally sat at the head of the table and Mrs. Campbell sat opposite him. The Campbells were many things but poor was certainly not one of them. There were two women in uniforms serving us, including the cook that I'd run into earlier, and they brought out our food on silver platters. The china it was served on looked like it might have been Mrs. Campbell's finest looking china. And very expensive.

I was clearly a guest of great honor. Certainly more than I deserved.

"I just want to say how happy I am that you could come all this way to escort me at the cotillion Marc," said Jenna.

"No problem," I replied, a creamy soup having been set in front of me, "I'm happy to do it."

"I'm sure Marc doesn't mind getting away from life in the Marines," her father said.

"No, sir," I said, smiling shyly, "And the food's much better."

That got a chuckle from my audience. I figured it would be better to maintain as charming a disposition as possible. And we'd all started on our first course by this point.

"May I ask, though, why you requested me for an escort? Surely you would have no trouble finding a willing cadet around."

This question had been partly directed at Mr. Campbell, whom I knew to be well connected, and who I also knew had been educated at the Citadel.

Jenna looked like she'd been about to reply when her father said, "Well, you know how it is Marc. And we wanted to make sure that our youngest girl had only the very best. With yourself being an officer and such an old family friend."

Then after a pause, he added as an afterthought, "And you'll be able to keep an eye on Jenna with that Roberts boy. He's going to be her civilian escort."

"Daddy!" said Jenna, embarrassed and irritated, "Dave is not my boyfriend."

"I completely understand, sir," I said knowingly, trying to forestall what appeared to be an old argument I could see brewing in Jenna's eyes. I knew what her father was getting at or, at the very least, concerned about.

Mr. Campbell looked like he was about to say something else critical of David Roberts, but his wife prevented him by asking me, "Do you have a girlfriend Marc?"

"No, ma'am," I said, "Unfortunately I haven't had too much time lately with officer's training and receiving my commission."

"Your mother will want to get you settled down now that Peter has gotten married. Having a good woman by your side will do wonders for a man."

"Yes, ma'am," I said.

My empty bowl of soup was taken away as the next course of steak and vegetables was brought out.

"Do you play tennis Marc?" asked Mr. Campbell.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. You and Jeremy can play a few games down at the club in the morning and relax before the rehearsal tomorrow afternoon."

"I'd like that very much, sir," I said, "Maybe someone can show me some of the sites around town?"

"Yes, of course," said Mrs. Campbell breaking in, "Lizzy and Melanie can take you out tomorrow night."

"Yeah," said Elizabeth, next to me, in a drawl as thick as molasses, "We can find all kinds of suitably diverting entertainments."

Elizabeth's comment was not lost on me. But I was taken in by Melanie nodding enthusiastically in agreement form across the table. I managed to smile through it all, sensing a certain amount of tension in the room.

The conversation meandered onto a number of topics as we finished the main course and went on to dessert. Mostly related to how my family was doing, my father's health, and my older brother's new wife. After dinner most of the family adjourned to the living room. Jenna had a date with self same David Roberts and went off to change. Lizzy and Jeremy seemed to be similarly engaged with other activities and excused themselves as well. So it appeared to now be my lot to have that little man to man word with Mr. Campbell.

He ushered me into a wood paneled den that was so stereotypically masculine as to be laughable.

"Scotch, Marc?" he asked and I nodded my assent while saying, "That'd be great, sir."

"I don't trust a man who doesn't drink," he said.

Not knowing if this was meant as a joke I just nodded and kept my mouth shut.

"Cigar?" he asked.

"That'd be great," I said, taking the one proffered.

"Good man," he said fondly, watching me expertly prepare the cigar, lighting it and take a long puff.

We sat down to enjoy the fine aroma, cigar in one hand, drink in the other. The scotch was of a very good quality and its smooth, smoky flavor filed my mouth as its warmth filled my stomach. I leaned back in my leather chair in the same manner as my host and meditated with him in silence on the masculine pursuits of savoring good scotch and an excellent cigar.

Finally Mr. Campbell broke the silence by saying, "Jeremy's still too young to appreciate the finer things in life," he said, motioning to his drink as he said this, "And sometimes I get a little lonely in this house for a buddy to talk to while he's off at school or out with friends. I'm surrounded by women, Marc."

"Well, sir," I said, "I usually have the opposite problem."

"Call me Greg, Marc," he told me, laughing, "You must get to bang a hell of a lot of pussy wearing that uniform though."

"I have no trouble getting laid, Greg," I said pointedly, by way of showing him that I was every bit his equal now that he'd given me permission to use his first name, "But you've got to find it to get it, if you know what I'm saying."

He nodded, after a moment, I decided to test the waters and ventured saying, "But in fact I just started seeing a girl not that long ago."

"Oh?" he said, "Your mother didn't mention anything to Chrissy."

"Well my mother doesn't know yet. I only started seeing this chick after I woke up in her bed this morning."

Mr. Campbell smiled broadly. But it was a very predatory look that he had in his eyes.

"I have to say, Marc, I miss the days of chasing pussy. Sometimes when I see a pretty girl walk by, I think it's such a waste of an opportunity. But I'm lucky. I've got a fine, good looking woman to come home to. A lot of men my age can't say that."

"You're a very lucky man," I said, agreeing with him and honestly meaning it, "I hope I'm as lucky as you are to have a woman like Mrs. Campbell when I've been settled and married for as long as you have."

"So," he continued nodding at my last comment, "As I said at dinner, it's good that you're here to keep an eye on Jenna. She's a good girl, but I don't like this ne'er-do-well that she's going out with. His family is very well connected, in oil you know. But you know his type. Cocky little bastard. I don't want him banging my daughter. You being a Marine and four years his senior should keep him in line."

"Right," I said, "Happy to do you the favor."

"Good man," he said again, pausing before continuing, "I've escorted a few girls to cotillion myself in my day. You have to be a gentleman. I know you are and I know you'll protect her honor."

We talked about a lot of things after that, sports and guns mostly, although he never again alluded to his daughter or her virginity. I didn't know what kind of girl she was like, but she seemed very sweet. Although I knew from personal experience that those kinds of girls were usually the ones most likely to party hard when you scratched the surface.

To give Mr. Campbell some credit, he was easy to talk to and, despite our age difference, pretty good company actually. But when the clock struck midnight, I knew it was time to go to bed. I'd had a long day, but hadn't had a lot of sleep the night before thanks to that amazing girl who'd been balanced on my balls half the night and for most of this morning. And what with this unexpected trip, I was looking forward to a good night's rest.

* * *

I'd been asleep from the time my head hit the pillow. But at some point in the dark night I was aware of a tugging sensation in my boxers and a certain wet feeling down around my cock. I recognized that I had a nighttime boner and there was an incredibly erotic sensation running up and down its length.

I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the darkened surroundings.

A tiny fraction of moonlight shone in through the window illuminating my bare chest. The covers had been pulled aside and someone had pulled my cock and balls through the unbuttoned fly of my boxer shorts. Looking in that direction I couldn't actually see my cock, but instead saw a bobbing head, full of golden hair that was spread out all around my waist. Whoever it was they were attacking me with a serious determination. I reached my hand down to stroke that beautiful tawny hair, letting some of the silky strands run through my fingers.

At my touch Melanie disengaged herself from my cock and looked at me, smiling.

"I was hoping you'd wake up," she said.

"I'm not dreaming?" I asked, still a little groggy with sleep.

"Maybe you are," she said.

"Well, if I am, I hope I never wake up."

She leaned back to lick my cock from the underside of my balls all the way up my nearly ten inch shaft to the top of my engorged tip. Then she stroked me a couple times with her hand as she crawled up the length of my body, licking each brick of my abs, and sucking on my nipples as she made her way forward. When she finally got to my face she gave me a long series of kisses, closed mouth at first, but she quickly grew bolder and graduated to mingling her tongue with mine, as we explored the confines of each other's mouths. I reached behind her head, holding it gently, so that I could french the ever loving shit out of that gorgeous mouth of hers. A woman like this has to be kissed firmly, hard and often.

Below, she let her damp pussy rub against my steel rod, slowly humping me, grinding her soft flesh against my harder flesh.

I reached up and started rolling her nipples, pulling on them, kissing down her neck. Her tits were so beautiful, I leaned down and started kissing and licking her nipples, first the right and then the left. As my head moved closer, I started sucking on one of her tits, trying to suck the whole thing into my mouth, while playing with the other. Her nipple hardened under my touch, and my gentle cupping began to get harder, squeezing her tit in my hand. I was pinching and massaging and pulling. Melanie started gyrating her hips harder against me now, her ass grinding into my crotch, my cock getting harder with each circular movement. My left hand traveled down to her thigh, and I slowly ran it up to her crotch. I moved my hand over her box, rubbing a little harder. I could feel the heat radiating from her cunt.

I continued to squeeze Melanie's tits, alternating from one to the other, pulling them away from her body and pinching and rolling her rock hard nipples in between my fingers. She pressed her body into mine, her skin feeling so hot against me it burned. I kissed her shoulder, working my way around it, finally coming to rest on her mouth, our tongues intertwined, my hands working harder and harder.

My cock stood at full attention between Melanie's legs. She moved forward, and instead of it being sandwiched between my abs and her pussy, it now sprang up behind her, sticking out and up in front of me, pressing up against her ass. Melanie's hands immediately went to it, and she started rubbing me, her moans getting louder.

"Oh, it's so big," she murmured, "So hard."

She changed positions and, increasing the pace, frantically rubbed my cock against her cunt. I slowed her down and moved my hands down her back with my mouth licking and sucking every inch of her skin.

"Oh...stop teasing me," I begged her, "Please!"

"Let me do all the work baby," she cooed in my ear.

Melanie feeling my pain finally spread her lips for me to enter at last. She pointed my dick at her hole, and I slid in, as she went down my pole, inch by burning inch. Then, once situated, she started rising up and down on my dick. Slowly at first, moving up and down, Melanie increased the pace and was soon bouncing up and down at a frantic pace.