Missing Pieces Pt. 01

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Could Beth be the missing piece in Ricks life?
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 05/12/2024
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All characters engaged in sex acts are eighteen or older. The dog DOESN'T DIE.

"Hey, I think I have your dog. Cody?" The dog was right behind me on the tiled kitchen floor. A husky mix, maybe? He was gray and brown and thick furred. Also friendly as hell.

"Oh my God, really?" It was a girl's voice on the other end.

"This was the number on his collar. And his name."

"Oh, thank you thank you." Her voice cut out for a moment. "When can I come over to get him?"

"I'm not busy. You can head on over."

In that moment, I had no idea who I was bringing into my life and the series of events that it would precipitate. When I opened the door, there she was. She was a few inches shorter than me and thin and she had her long brown hair in a single braid. She had on an overall denim dress with a t-shirt underneath. Her eyes were already red and glistening with tears. She was thick lipped, freckled, and hazel eyed. Even in this emotional state her face was pretty.

When she saw Cody behind me, she dashed to him as if I weren't there. "Cody," her voice trembled and then she was shaking with sobs. The dog looked just as relieved and whined and showered her with licks. She muttered to the dog as she hugged him.

Though I was glad she had her dog back, it was awkward as hell. I wasn't used to kids, though I guess she wasn't quite a kid. But just young people in general. Back on the rig, there hadn't been many young people. I was one of the younger roughnecks on board. "Yeah, I saw him out in the field. I gave him some ham and he gobbled it up. Poor guy." I shuffled my feet, "I'm Rick, by the way."

She looked back at me, tears running down her face. I had to look away. I don't do crying. "Thank you Rick, I was so scared." She sniffled and gulped, "I'm Beth. Can I... can I give you a hug?"

Something felt off about this and I was about to say no when she crashed into me. Her arms tightened around my chest and her small breasts pressed into me. She started sobbing again and I gave her a stiff-armed pat on the back. It had been a long time since I had been with a woman, so no one could blame me for getting a little hard. I continued patting her back and trying to keep her away from my rapidly stiffening dick.

After a few moments she got a hold of herself and pulled away. She smiled, showing a crooked front tooth. She had dimples when she smiled and I noticed her wide and slightly upturned nose. "We took him out to the field on Sunday to run around. He loves it out there, even with the heat. He saw a jackrabbit and just took off like a bullet." She wiped her eyes. "It's been three days, we thought something had got him or he had run out into the highway. Thank you. Again. You don't know how much this means to me."

"I've had dogs, I think I have some idea."

She turned back to the dog and embraced him again. The dog panted and licked the side of her face. "Naughty dog. You scared the heck out of us. Why do you do things like that? Ugh." Looking back up at me, she said, "Sorry, this must be really awkward. If there's anything we can do for you, just say the word. He's my baby," she kissed the dog. "Even if he's naughty."

"No trouble. It was nice having him here. He's so friendly." I reached down and scratched the dog behind the ears. Cody panted and licked my hand. Animals I can handle, people not so much.

"I should bring him back. When mom gets home she's going to be so happy!" She clasped her hands in front of her. "We're three houses down across the street. The light blue one. My mom's name is Judith. Have you met her?" I shook my head.

For a moment we stood there and stared at each other. Her chest heaved, but she was calming down. I was trying to calm down too, but my hardon had other plans. I didn't want her to go, I couldn't remember the last time someone knocked on my door not trying to sell me something. "Have you had lunch?" I tried to tell myself that I just wanted to chat and wasn't horny for a girl half my age.

A look of confusion crossed her face. "No, why?"

"I was just about to. Let me fix you a sandwich, I could use some company anyway."

Beth agreed to come in, her dog in tow. I had two guests now, but both were pleasant enough. She sat down at the kitchen table, cooing and fussing over Cody the whole time. "You just moved in, right?" I asked.

"It's been a few weeks, but yeah. I'm from Minnesota."

"I could tell by your accent."

"I don't have an accent. What do you mean?"

"I can just tell. I worked with a guy on the rig who was from Wisconsin. He sounded like you." She folded her arms, but I could tell she wasn't actually mad. "You want a beer or something?" I asked.

"I can't, I'm only twenty." She gave a sheepish grin.

"I won't tell," I teased. But she still refused the beer. "Coffee, then?" I ended up rummaging for sugar in my cabinet for a cup of coffee. She put so much milk in that the coffee was nearly white. "You could just have a glass of milk, you know."

"You offered coffee." She shrugged, "Mom always tells me it's an acquired taste." I poured a cup for myself, black how I liked it.

"I've lived in Auburn all my life, though I'm only here part of the year now. I've been off the rig for a month." I put ham and cheese on bread and sliced it.

"Rig?" She sipped her coffee and tried to hide a grimace.

"Yeah I worked on an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana. Gulf of Mexico. It pays well enough that I can take part of the year off." I brought the sandwiches to the table. "I guess you're home from college?"

"No," she shrugged, "Just working. I'm a waitress at Mabel's in town." I know the place. Not quite gourmet cuisine, but they had decent enough burgers. I made a mental note to look for Beth next time. She looked around the house. The kitchen was situated next to the living room, which opened to the bathroom and bedroom. You could see just about everything except the front door from the kitchen table. I had lived alone for a few years now, and I eventually downscaled to a nice little house just outside of town. It had been cleaner than it was now, much cleaner. I could tell she was unimpressed, but trying not to show it.

She looked towards the living room and her eyes widened. "You have a Nintendo?" She asked, eyeing the little game machine resting on top of my VCR.

I chuckled, "Oh yeah. Things get pretty boring on the rig I and decided to give it a chance. The guys laughed at me at first, but they came around."

"Wow. I didn't think you would have a Nintendo. Not a guy like you-"

"An old guy like me? I'm not even forty yet." I was thirty-nine, but who's counting?

"No, no, that's not what I meant, Rick. Sorry. I didn't mean it, honest." She blushed easily with her fair skin.

I laughed, "Beth, it's ok. I'm just teasing you." We sat down at my small kitchen table and ate in quiet for a few minutes. She passed a couple of morsels to Cody. "You know, if you feed him like that he's always gonna beg."

"I know, but look at him!" The dog stared at her, doing his best to make his eyes look pitiful. I handed him a potato chip, which he snatched out of my hand. "He always begs."

"And always gets table scraps?" I asked.

She nodded. When we were done, she got up. I could see her looking toward the living room. "You want to play, don't you?" I said.

"No, I couldn't Rick. I don't want to impose. You've done so much already."

But she was soon sitting on my bean bag chair playing Zelda. The living room was small to match the rest of my house. The bedroom door was open and the mess of piled clean and dirty clothes was visible. My decor was about fifteen years out of date. It was a good thing the Nintendo was all she noticed. I had shelves piled with books, another habit I picked up on the rig. "Have you played the second quest yet? It's totally different," she said.

"I got the game when it came out. What do you think?"

"My friend Laura has one. I'm not allo- I mean I don't have one." For the next hour or so the game held her attention. I absently read the paper and sipped coffee while she played.

"There's always a few empty ones," Sally said as she unbent the bobby pin and brought a screwdriver out of her pocket. We were both unsteady from the bottle of rum she had smuggled in. They locked the dormitories that weren't in use. I didn't know how she knew this one was empty or even if she knew, but here we were anyway. The hallways had bland white walls dotted with mandatory safety posters and metal doors painted gray, each with a number. The fluorescent lights flickered just enough to be annoying.

She inserted the pin into the lock along with a screwdriver. Her big tits jiggled as she pushed and pulled. For the first time I noticed a ring on her finger.

I laughed. We were breaking half a dozen rules, I looked down at her bent over the lock. Sally had just come here from Texas. She flirted with all the guys, which pissed some of them off. Plenty of us here took the work very seriously. I usually did too, but after a few drinks...

She was in her civilian clothes, a gray tank top that her voluptuous tits strained against, jean shorts, and that was it. Her bottle blonde hair fell into her face. She looked back at me. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Rick."

"We shouldn't be doing this," I slurred.

"When's the last time you got laid?" she asked. I just shook my head. "Thought so. You have to live a little." She struggled with the bobby pin in the door's lock and it broke in half. "Shit."

"You're too loaded," I chuckled.

She stood up and whirled to face me. She was pretty, in a way. About my age, plump but not fat. Most of the fat went to her tits anyway. Her large, erect nipples poked through the thin fabric of her top. She had lips that easily smiled and cold blue eyes. I was eager to see what those lips could do. "I've been picking locks since I was fifteen. I've been drunker than this, doing it plenty of times too. Do you want to fuck or not?"

I was at a loss for words, but I nodded. "Good," she said, "Cause I sure as hell do." She reached down and grabbed my cock. "Damn you're packing, aren't you? I need to know how big that beast is before I put it inside me."

"I don't know."

"Bullshit. Guy like you? You've measured your cock."

"Nine and a half."

She whistled. "Dang..." She felt around. "He's ready to go too. I never seen a guy so jumpy about getting laid."

We were already this far, and she was right. It had been a long time for me. It was a sausage party on oil rigs. One of them I was on didn't have any women. On this one, there were two others besides Sally. They didn't have to worry much about sex here. "There's a million little alcoves around here. We don't even need a room if we're quiet," I said.

She looked down the hall. There was a staircase with a space underneath it. We approached and saw that it wasn't crammed full of supplies. In fact, there was plenty of room. Sally stripped her top off. Her massive tits swung in front of her, bigger than they looked in her tank top. She had just enough of a belly to show and it was striped with stretch marks. "Like what you see?"

I did. Definitely. I moved forward and took one of her tits in my hand. The flesh squished through my fingers and she moaned in pleasure as I pinched her nipple. "I've been wanting to get my hands on these since I saw you come aboard." I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips tasted like booze and cigarettes.

She abruptly turned her head away and pushed my face. "Uh-uh! No kissing."

"What? Why?"

She held up her hand. "I'm a married woman. And even though my husband is a cheating scumbag, I'm not looking for another. I ain't looking for romance, neither." She grabbed my cock again, this time it was fully erect and straining against my pants. "I just want this."

She pulled my pants down with such force I thought she would rip them. My cock bobbed up like a buoy at sea. "As you can see, it wants you too, Baby." My nerves had quieted enough that I was fully into this now. She wrapped her fingers around my already wet cock and circled my engorged head with her finger.

I squeezed her massive tits again. They were soft like pillows and she moaned at my touch. "Bend over, I'm gonna fuck you from behind. If you don't want a kiss, I don't need to see your face."

"Yes sir! Looks like there's another big drill out here. You want to see if you can get some oil out of me?" She bent over and yanked her pants off. Her ass was big and round, just like her tits. I grabbed the two cheeks and spread them.

"How many times have you used that line?" I slapped her ass.

She yelped. The crack of the strike on her ass echoed through the hallway. I was still sober enough to be aware and care about getting caught. She cackled. "Lost count. But I know you want to drill this pussy, big boy. Can't remember the last time I had one in me that big. Now fuck me good, but be gentle."

"Oh I'll fuck you," I pressed my cock against her sopping wet lips. "But I won't be gentle." With that I thrust my cock all the way in.

"Fuck! Shit! I told you to be gentle." But her ragged, gasping breath gave her away. She definitely was enjoying this.

"And I said I wouldn't." I started to pound her, hard and fast. "You come in here and think guys will fuck you just because you're the only one horny enough to let them?" Now my breath was getting fast, and her fat ass jiggled with my thrusts.

She choked out a reply. "Always... works..." But her moans and cries drowned out her words.

I seized both her arms and pulled back, using them as leverage. "There's always one dumb bastard who will fuck you, isn't there?" I thrusted hard, and she responded with an animal growl.

"Dumb bastard... you..." But that was the last she could talk.

I wanted to say more, but I was so overtaken by lust and pleasure that all I could do was match her, growl for growl. My hips started to make wet slapping sounds against her. Keeping one of her arms in my hand, I reached down and squeezed one of her dangling, bouncing tits.

My climax was approaching and I started to lose control, my thrusts becoming mad and desperate. I wanted to ask her if she was ready for me to cum inside her, but all that came out was "Rrrrreeeeddddd..." My cock caught fire and I started to shoot. With each thump of my orgasm I thrusted and filled her with my cum.

Now that my balls were empty, I felt my passion fading. I disengaged my rapidly softening cock from her. My cum dripped down her legs. She turned to look at me, still bent over. I gave her ass a slap. It jiggled with the blow. Like a fool, I asked, "Did you cum?"

"You don't cum every time," she answered. "Still enjoyed that nine inch cock."

I wanted to remind her that it was nine and a half inches, but it seemed petty and desperate to do so. "You got smokes, right?" I asked.

We put our sweaty clothes back on and sat there under the stairs next to each other. You weren't allowed to smoke except in specially dedicated places, but I didn't feel the need to point that out either. There wasn't much for us to talk about, so we just smoked in quiet, hoping we wouldn't be caught.

I had had better, absolutely. But I also hadn't had any in a long time. Any food is delicious to a starving man. It was better than playing Mega Man anyway.

Sally was gone a couple of weeks later when that particular rotation ended. I never saw her again.

The man staring back at me wore a hideous, striped, long-lapeled shirt that hadn't been in style since the Bee Gees. It looked like something they would wear too. The unfortunate thing was I didn't really have much else. No matter how I turned, I looked like a dork. I tried some of my better looking clothes and none of them seemed right. At least the shirt still fit. That was a miracle by itself. Had it really been that long since I had dressed nice?

Never had I really considered myself good looking. My eyebrows were too thick, my eyes too close together. I had a prominent scar on my upper lip from when my brother and I first got pocket knives and we were "swordfighting." But I still tried my best. Keeping in shape counted for a lot.

I hadn't been able to get Beth out of my mind. She seemed like a sweet girl, and it was nice to have some company of any kind. Never mind that I got hard when she hugged me and I had thought about her while jerking off the night before. Jesus. I felt like a creep.

But I must have made some kind of good impression, because a few days later she called to invite me over to dinner. Her mom wanted to show her appreciation that I had "rescued" their dog. I had just been out in the field and gave him a piece of my sandwich. A nice dog like that would follow anyone who fed him.

After she left, I was thinking that I might see Beth here and there in the neighborhood, but we would go our separate ways. I was thrilled to be able to see her again. It was still light out and quite warm. Though she was only three doors down, it was a bit of a walk, since houses were so far apart out here. I was sweating by the time I got to the door.

Cody erupted with barks when I rang the doorbell and his nails clicked across the floor. A woman's voice fussed at him and approached the door. The door opened. "You must be Rick. Beth can't stop talking about you." Beth was right behind the woman. She was staring at the floor but tried to glance up at me when she thought I wasn't looking. She wore a yellow floral pattern dress that looked like it was made for an old lady, but still quite flattering in a modest, demure way.

"And you must be Judith," I shook her hand. She was shorter than me, with short salt and pepper hair. A pair of large lensed glasses sat on her nose. Her face was smiling and confident. Seeing it was me, Cody approached and I could see he tried his best not to jump up. I stroked his head. "I'm glad I found this guy. He's a good dog."

"Oh he is, we all love him. Especially Beth." She gestured, "But come on in. The pork tenderloin should be ready soon."

I stepped inside. The decor was cozy, if a little bland. The scent of the cooking pork filled the house. "Hi, Rick," Beth waved at me. She gave me a hug, not quite as tight as last time, but I still could only awkwardly pat her on the back. Her hair was in the same braid as before. She still looked beautiful and my face heated thinking of what I did the night before.

"I wondered if I was going to be seeing any more of you. You have a really nice house." Judith had left to tend to the food, leaving us alone. As I walked down the hallway I looked around. There was a big portrait of Beth and Judith and an elderly woman. Grandma, maybe? It looked professionally done. Beth looked a few years younger in it and wore a dress with a doily around the neck. There was also a cross and framed cross stitches of Bible verses. It made me a little uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong. I went to church with my mom and dad quite a bit growing up, and I still believed in God. Kind of. But my experiences with people who flaunted it like this were mostly negative. I kept an open mind for Beth's sake.

The living room was dominated by a big wood-frame TV. I sat down on the floral patterned couch next to Beth. There was a glass top coffee table and two bookcases filled with leather bound books. A little nicer than my place, but still cozy. It had been just like this when I went over to Rita's house twenty five years earlier. She was my first girlfriend and I remember sitting in a nice but uncomfortable suit and trying to make a good impression.

I gulped. My goal here was to not look like a pervert. Beth's face was red. "Mom's a good cook. She told me I could have you over."

"Is your dad going to join us?"