Mission Impossible


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"If she had gone with him to his room I had joined them in the elevator for, let us call it, a friendly chat with him. I didn't do much at the restaurant, only kindly asked him to take a hike, which he did without any objection."

"Are you really sure this man was a lover? You ought to know that mom is dealing with many people for doing her job."

"I know that and do not care. But according to my sources she says to have a much more personal relation to this man. Some people have chosen my side in this matter and are doing their best to help me. I'm very grateful."

"What did you do and where did you slept last night?"

"I didn't want any further arguing with your mom here at home and therefore I went to a bar in town for a few drinks before I slept in my office."

"I didn't know you have that office and why do you have an office in town?"

"Because your mom owns everything in this house, I have only my clothes here so she can threw me out within less than an hour if she get mad at me. Therefore I must have some place where I can keep working even if I'm thrown out from here, which I probably very well can be after what I did yesterday. Who knows what she can do to your old dad?"

"Do you really think she wants to throw you out from the home for what you did yesterday?"

"I guess so, but I don't regret anything. I do prefer to be kicked out rather than be a poor wimp.

"If that happens, I'm coming with you. But you have no real evidence about her cheating. You can't begin to hate her and runaway from the family before you know for sure?"

"Knowledge is one thing but getting evidence is a different thing. You know the old saying 'no smoke without fire'. However, I'm so fed up with this matter that I don't want to waste any more time for a meaningless investigation of the past. But nobody can blame me if I want to know what happens in the present time. No, I can't say I hate your mom. I still love her very much but I am very disappointed about her. Until recently she was the perfect wife, good mother, a clever beautiful woman with a warm sense of humor. Believe me, everybody envied me. But who envies a cheated fool?"

"I believe you dad. Mom has many advantages but you forgot to mention that she is rich."

"Yes, but in contrary to the gigolo who got her expensive gifts, I don't have any love for sale. We have never argued about money. We have not argued about much other things either. As I told you before, the whisky quarrel wasn't about the low price. The humilation had been much less if she had regarded me to be worth at least a little bit more than a the lousy half percent of the creep she obviously loves nowadays."

Then Jenny had a last question, "You told me that you still loves mom and therefore I'll beg her to go out with you for dinner tonight, talk to each other's and solve your problems. Dad promise to do your best to get us back to be a happy family again, do you?"

"I'll book a table for tonight and then it is up to her if she still wants to have something to do with me and want to go out with me. If she does, I promise to do my very best to keep the family together."

Then Jenny went to Anna-Lena's office, played the tape with my answers for her and asked if she could be as honest as I been in her replies to me. I'm sure that Anna-Lena understood that I was getting closer and closer to the truth and it was high time for her to skip her affair with Benny whatever it was or with somebody else if there was any whom I still didn't know about.

Jenny was back three hours later and played her tape for me. Anna-Lena promised to be honest and I expected that even her replies were intended direct for me. Jenny began with her questions. Jenny understood that I didn't have any further evidence about Anna-Lena's cheating, and she didn't want me to dump her mom. Therefore she avoided all such questions, which could given me any new clues or forced Anna-Lena to lie.

"Did you know that dad has an office in town in case you'll throw him out from the house?"

"No I didn't, He fears ghosts in the daylight, I love him of all my hart and why should I throw him out within an hour. Not even after what he did yesterday. He is my beloved husband and the father of my children and he can never be replaced. Would you accept any stranger in our home?"

"No, of course not. Do you still love him after what happened yesterday?"

"Yes I do, and I'm glad that he didn't do anything stupid in town. Everything was my own fault. I had two bottles in the kitchen cupboard but the other bottle was to grandpa who gave it as birthday present to one of his friends who is whisky collector. It isn't available here and therefore I asked a friend to buy it in London when he was there. He even gave me the other bottle, which he told me is his own favorite. Probably not so bad as your dad thought but I understand him and have already forgiven him. I have even forgiven him for misunderstanding the reason for my lunch with one of my business acquaintances and been very rude at him at a restaurant yesterday."

"Why do you have everything and dad have nothing. It is easy for you to throw him out but have you ever thought how easy it is for him to leave us. I love you mom but if dad and you are going separate ways because you are or have been unfaithful then I'm going with him."

"Dear Jenny, please understand that I will never be unfaithful to your dad. The simple reason why everything we have at home is on my account is that Grandpa bought us the house and sold it to me for a low price before he knew your dad as well he does today and you know where all our furniture comes from. I have always regarded everything as ours not as his or mine and have never thought about who owns what. It was you not he who called me rich on you tape. Your dad is not any poor man. He has been clever enough to buy the right stocks at the right time, which has increased very much in value. However, if we can clear out our other problems I don't have any objections about sharing everything with your dad, if it is OK with him. I promise to do that on Monday morning when the bank opens."

"What if dad thinks you want to buy him back and get humiliated?"

"We have never been separated and you dad's love can't be bought."

"What other problem?"

"The future of our family. If your dad can promise to stop accusing me for cheating, stop his searching for lovers in the kitchen cupboards and my drawers, using my friends and employees to spy on me then I can promise to love him of all my hart and share everything with him. Please believe me, I don't have any lovers, I don't need any lovers, I don't want any lovers, I want your dad and my children and us to be a happy family."

"Do you want to go out with dad for dinner this evening so you two can solve your problems once for all."

"I want to go out with your dad whenever and wherever he wants to go with me."

"Can you promise to do your best to be on good terms with dad again?"

"Of course"

"OK, I'll tell him the good news."

After she had played her tape Jenny asked me, "Dad, I don't know if mom have cheated you or not because it doesn't matter any longer. You can't find any evidence and she will never confess. One thing is for sure, she doesn't have any lover now and she will never have any one in the future because she loves you of all her hart. If she had some kind of affair, it must been very innocent and can never bee undone. You don't have anything to win by digging in the past. Please forgive her, look forward and let us be a happy family again, promise me that dad."

Jenny looked at me and I noted both hope and fear in her young eyes. Thou she was only fourteen; she had worked hard almost as an adult to save her family from the mess several of her friends had got into when their parents divorced. I felt sorry for her and promised, "I'll do my very best to be on good terms with your mom again."

I was a bit surprised about how easy Jenny had got Anna-Lena to say the she had already forgiven me everything I did yesterday. Maybe because she had only denied all knowledge about lovers in the present time and in the future but not denied or said a word about cheating in the past. That must mean that Jenny had been clever enough to avoid all questions helping me to find out any further information or not taped everything she had asked her mom.

I really intended to do my very best to make it up again with Anna-Lena. Moving out from her house and our happy family life for living alone in a silent lonely apartment didn't seem to be any tempest at all. Of course, if I had found Anna-Lena naked in Benny's hotel room or fucking somebody somewhere there had not been any hesitation at all about what to do. But now I had had only a few clues of different strength and therefore keeping the family together got the highest priority in my mind.

When Anna-Lena came home from her work I asked her for going out at the evening and she agreed. Then I went out to the garage and changed the tape in her car, took a drive in my car and listened to Anna-Lena speaking a voice message to a cell phone, "Dear Benny, today has been a real hell with my fourteen years old daughter trying to counsel between my husband and me for keeping our family together. Poor girl. My husband knows a lot and understands much more so whatever we have done or rather to say wanted to do in the future, there will never be any next time, it is not worth it. Far from that and I regret to say that I will always remember you as a real asshole because you persuaded me to give my husband that terrible worst available so-called whisky. Thank God, he is a real man so he crushed it against the kitchen wall. It was a disgusting dirty trick from you. Don't bother to reply, I don't read or listen to your messages or take your calls. Good Bye for ever from Anna-Lena." Now I could be sure that Benny was dumped. That meant a real quantum leap forward for me, indeed.

When Anna-Lena was ready for the restaurant, she was gorgeous in a short expensive black dress. I told her how great she was but she gave me a short smile and told me in angry voice, "Don't be silly enough to expect anything tonight."


"Don't take even that for granted."

At the restaurant we got a nice table and was eating the starter and the main course with a polite small talk about neutral subjects. First after we got in the sweets I told her, "I'm sorry for I thought Benny had got grandpa's great whisky"

She replied in chilly voice, "You ought to be, it's been terrible days for me. However, as I told you on the tape, I've already forgiven you all those stupid things you did yesterday so we don't need to waste any time on them now. It doesn't mean that everything is OK between the two of us, far from that."

"Terrible days for me too and I promise to do my best to get everything OK."

Then Anna -Lena looked straight in my eyes and said, "I think it is high time for us to clear up our matters once for all. Our marriage has come to a junction and it is up to you to choose which road you want to go from now on. A road of your own or the road together with me?"

"With you."

"If you want to go with me then you have to accept my conditions. Do you want to hear?"

"Yes, but please remember that I will never be a wimp and will never accept any kind of open marriage."

"No need to worry for something kinky as that. As I told you on the tape, I neither have nor need or want any lover. If you accept a few simple conditions you'll still have a faithful wife who loves you of all her hart. Want to hear them now?"


The waitress brought us coffee and Cognac and then Anna-Lena continued, "You have to trust me, be faithful to me and skip all intentions to runaway to some 'secret' office in town. Stop harassing me with rumors about lovers and boyfriends and stop searching for crap from the past. Stop using my friends, acquaintances and employees to spy on me. I want us to put all our assets in one basket, I mean everything we have and I want you agree to that. Then I want you to skip the new office you've rented in town."

"I can accept everything but I why do you want all our assets in one basket?"

"Because then nobody can throw you out from your home and you don't need any office in town. Behave at home and you don't need to run away. Did you tell me the truth on the tape about the last night? What did you do?"

"I parked the car at my office and went to Grand's bar for some drinks. Spent the whole evening there and thereafter slept in the office. Alone, I can't deny that I got an invitation for a nightcap and have not regretted I said no thanks to that kind invitation. I was hurt and humiliated as hell but didn't want to do any further stupid things before I got sober enough to think about what to do. That's the truth. Then Jenny rang me in the morning and got me to understand that I still love you and want to live with you and the children. Therefore when I heard you tell me on the tape that you wanted to get on good terms with me I promised Jenny and myself to leave all old crap behind me and put all my efforts on the future, hopefully together with you. I have accepted all your conditions but you have not told me yet if we are on good terms again. Before you say your yes or no I want to ask you a few questions and hope you'll tell me the truth. Don't be afraid, I don't want to humiliate you with any questions about the rumors."

"Yes go on."

"I'm so sure that I can bet 100 bottles of the best whisky that it was Benny who suggested to humiliate me with your damn Statesman. Who is this Benny and why and when did you give him that watch? Of course I don't need any 100 bottles but do you dare to bet six bottles?"

Anna-Lena thought that I must have to tell her the sources of my information if I wanted to win the bet so she accepted it and replied, "Yes I dare to take your bet and it is up to you to show me the evidence that the Statesman was Benny's suggestion. Benny is working as a trendsetter and therefore been a useful business connection both as a customer and as giving me information about what is coming to be in demand. I gave him the watch, which now is in drawer at my office, as a birthday gift and intended to give it to him at the hotel when you interrupted me. I went back to my office and sent the janitor to the hotel with it instead of giving it by myself. It is not as expensive as you think and I can hardly believe that he want it now after what you told him."

"What do you want me to do, catch that asshole, roll him in tar and feathers and have him carried to your office on a pole for a public confession? You can bet I'm able to do that. However, I don't need to show you any evidence at all because both you and I know that I'm right and that's enough for this bet. We can call it a test of your trustworthiness if you have the guts to tell me, 'you won the bet'. You don't need to say it tonight, please do it tomorrow when you give my six bottles. I've no intentions about cross examination you for further details about Benny's whisky or that damn asshole himself but a lie in this bet will be a heavy handicap for you. Do you understand?"

Anna-Lena gave me a sweet smile and said, "Yes, I understand and if you still want to join me on the road which leads to a happy marriage, my answer is 'yes, we are on good terms again'. Do you still want me?"

"I do."

In the taxi at home she, to my great surprise, gave me a real kiss and told me, "I'm proud of you for saving the old man's life instead of doing something stupid at the hotel and I love you so much for that. I'm sorry for been a damn bitch tonight but I was so mad for you renting the office behind my back. Please forgive me." The taxi-driver, a man with his roots somewhere in the Middle East gave me a collegial smile when he noted that even a Scandinavian man could get a woman to behave well. Anna -Lena noted that and gave me a warm smile.

Back home we heard a real crash when we opened the front door. Our kids had sat up a 'wake up trap' because they wanted to see if we had solved our problems. We could hear two sights of relief when both of us told them that we were back on good terms again.

Anna-Lena and I undressed each other's as soon we got into the bedroom. Now I noted what I taken for granted during many years. She was a pretty woman; still in her mid thirties she had a body as a Greek Goddess. I tried to tease her wet pussy with my right little finger but she had other plans. She had me to lye down on my back, sucked my cock stone hard and began riding me hard until she got her orgasm and thereafter she soft and tender gave me the best sex since our first year together. At six o'clock in the morning she blew me hard again and after an intensive fuck I fell in deep sleep. At ten thirty she came in with a breakfast try and a case with six bottles of rare single malt whisky. She looked me deep in my eyes and said, "You won the bet." A few minutes later we were involved in our third intensive intercourse since Friday evening. Thereafter she begged me to promise her that never say a word to anybody about my birthday present 'Statesman'. All married couples have their problems, I was happy we had succeeded to solve ours, at least for the time being. No need to humiliate her among our friends with neither a 'Statesman' nor a 'Benny´.

Anna-Lena's parents had invited us for dinner at Saturday. In the car to their place Jenny told us, "You are looking as happy newlyweds again, I'm as happy as you are."

Anna-Lena's parents had cooked a great dinner. After the meal, when we sat down in the living room for coffee grandpa began talking, "Mom and I want to talk about our plans for the future. As you know we have always dreamt about a trip around the world and as we are not getting younger we have decided it is high time to do it now when we still are in good shape. We will do it in our own pace and expect to be away for about three months. Therefore I want Anna-Lena to replace me as the Managing Director for the Company and Lars Pedersen will get her present job."

Then he put his index finger in my belly and said, "And you will be the new vice Chairman of the board, replace me as Chairman when I'm away and if things are going well we'll change jobs when I'm back. Jenny is appointed as trainee and will be allowed to attend to all board meetings and report to me. What do you say?"

"I must ask my family"

Our son shouted, "Do it dad."

Jenny, who knew what it meant looked at her mom and said,"OK." The she asked grandpa; "Can dad get mom fired if she does something stupid?"

Grandpa got a bit surprised when he replied, "Yes, but he can't do that alone. There must be a majority among members of the board for such decision, which is possible only if she has done something very stupid and caused a severe damage to the business. Your dad can never get her fired for their private quarrels if they ever will have any."

Then everybody looked at Anna-Lena who knew that a yes from her made me to her boss but she could not have objections against her parents in this matter why even she said, "I don't have any objections."

Then grandpa gave all four of us 10% each of the shares in his company and thereafter proudly showed us what Jenny taught him to do with a laptop. Mail with pictures to and from all over the world. Read newspapers from home when he was abroad and use Excel, which has been his favorite-program since he understood how useful it really is.

I had got a real challenge in a 'Mission Impossible' and though I had not succeed to reach the main goal, catch Anna-Lena cheating if she ever did it or perhaps I jumped in to the affair just in right time to stop it before anything really nasty happened. If I had told my friends about what I did, I'm sure that most of them had agreed that I did right and got the best possible solution but without any doubt one or two of them had accused me for being a wimp who didn't choose a worse confrontation at once or stayed cool until I had got my evidence. I don't think I can complain because I have achieved several advantages. I got rid of Benny, saved my marriage, got new sparks to our sex life, got an important position at Anna-Lena's business and even got some money when 'we put our assets in one basket'. Of course, the Chairman job in a family owned business was not difficult, only ten meetings a year when the board usually says yes to the Managing Director's suggestions. Nobody has noted that our new-shared economy makes any difference neither for me nor for the family; everything is as much ours as when it was in Anna-Lena's private accounts.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Блядь в котегорической форме требует доверия.мудак меняет самоуважение на деньги.поражаюсь той разницей европейского менталитета и людей ценящих собственное я

HighBrowHighBrow15 days ago

A very interesting cheater story which is resolved amicably without recrimination because of love and family at stake. In some ways it is very unsatisfying, since she obviously got away with something. On the other hand, their marriage was strengthened all round and the family is safe…, for now.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Did a woman write the 2nd half. Total straight garbage

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The bitch still cheated!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Like reading a game of ping-pong.

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