Mistress Dana's Downfall


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"Show me no mercy, fuck me in all my holes and drench me in cum. I want to be covered in cum like the filthy degraded cunt that I am. "

The Judge stepped behind Dana and hooked his finger into the ring attached to her silver collar. With a contemptuous tug her jerked her head to look at him and sneered into her face.

"Well my dear, it appears you have found your true position in life. Begging for my cock in your ass, eh? Well I'll be more than happy to oblige."

Dana supposed she had done that indirectly but it brought her no comfort as she felt her soft ass cheeks parted and him ram his stiff member between then, then burrow to her tight asshole before plunging into where the butt plug had been seconds earlier. She gave a grunt as he penetrated her and her mouth opened and to her surprise Mistress Sarah appeared and shoved the butt plug into Dana's mouth and used a belt to tie it tightly in place in Dana stretched mouth. It was gross, seconds before this wide plastic plug had been holding back the liquid contents of her ass and now she was sucking on it while she was ass fucked!

The Judge was a creepy, slimy bastard and Dana hated that he was now sexually dominating her like this but as his dick drove in and out of her ass his fingers reached down and probed at her cunt and she was still dripping wet.

"I knew you would fucking love it slut!"

He hissed in his vile voice. As the Judge continue to pound away at Dana's ass Mistress Sarah came back and teased removing the butt plug from Dana's mouth. She removed the tie around it so that Dana could try to spit it up but Mistress Sarah kept it just in place before it exited. Then when she did finally allow it to tumble from Dana's mouth Mistress Sarah neatly jammed a metal contraption into Dana's mouth that spread her lips in a wide O shape and held them like that. Mistress Sarah tied it behind Dana's head to keep it in place and Dana was now effectively gagged with her mouth wide open.

"That should be a perfect target bitch. Judge? You nearly done, you can be first to try out this hole tonight."

"Be right there, I'm nearly ready."

The voice track continued on repetitively.

"Drench me in cum. Drench me in cum. Drench me in cum."

When the judge finally plucked his straining member from Dana's ass Mistress Sarah neatly grabbed her by her hair and by her collar and dragged her off the bench and down so she knelt submissively facing her audience. Her view was immediately blocked by the body of the judge and she looked at his dick as he gave it some final strokes and then it exploded firing streams of cum straight at her! He had no interest in finding just her gaping mouth and she was hit in the eye, the nose, her hair and her mouth as he jerked himself empty. As he squeezed himself dry he hissed.

"You've needed that for some time you arrogant cunt, I hope you learn where your true position is from now on."

Disgusted with herself as she did so, Dana nodded, cum dripping from her features as she did.

"Right you all heard this pitiful bitches please she wants to be drenched in cum so anyone that wants to help her get up here now!"

As a line of males formed around Dana's kneeling form and presented dicks they were quickly stroking, Mistress Sarah moved behind her and slipped a vibrator into her soaking pussy at a low setting and removed the clamps from her pussy, it would never be enough to bring her climax but would keep her aroused throughout this whole humiliating period.

The large screens were filled with close ups of Dana's face. Showing her mouth stretched wide, the cum laying on her features and the dicks in such close proximity to her. There were three around her now, all whacking off for all they were worth, all near cumming over her and still Dana's own words echoed through the room.

"Drench me in cum. Drench me in cum. Drench me in cum."

First one guy came, then the second and then the third all in quick succession, all three spraying their messy load all over Dan's face. The were quickly replaced by three more men and there were more after that, though Dana could no longer see them, her vision blurred by the cum all over her eyes. Her mouth was getting more now and she could taste different loads of cum in her throat as they slid down into her belly. She thought back to times, as a Mistress, she had dominated other women and made them call themselves just a cum bucket or a cum dump and realised that that was all she was now. All thanks to Mistress Sarah. And despite all that she would have given anything to reach between her legs and get herself off - anything!

It was a long and tiring process, more than thirty men took their shot and it took well over half an hour before the last of them was done. The face on the big screens now was barely recognisable was Dana so obliterated was it with cum. And as much as coated Dana's face she had swallowed down probably double that. Her eyes were gummed shut, her nostrils coated and her mouth still was stretched wide open when the last man withdrew. The last man perhaps but not the last person as Mistress Lucy was waiting for the end and strode up and hooked up her skirt and goaded Dana as she masturbated herself furiously over her hated rival.

"Just one more load for you bitch, let's get my juices over you too, shall we?"

Dana heard the voice and could imagine the scene and groaned inwardly that the Asian bitch was able to do this with her but knew that she had no choice. Soon enough Lucy squirted all over Dana's face, her hot juices splattering her and dribbling into her open mouth.

"Actually though slave, Mistress Lucy is wrong, you have more to take."

Mistress Sarah announced this and at a click of her fingers another soundbite reverberated throughout the room.

"Piss on me. Piss on me. Piss on me."

The young red head had her pussy exposed and leaned back to take careful aim at Dana's wide open mouth and just a few moments later a golden waterfall burst forth and landed perfectly within the metal circle that kept Dana's mouth open. She soon filled up and found herself swallowing down the piss mixed with the remainder of the cum. Dana burned with humiliation, she was degraded and debased but worse than all that was the absolute realisation that throughout all this treatment she had been thoroughly aroused. As she reluctantly swallowed mouthful after mouthful of another woman's piss she would still have given anything to touch and play with herself.

Sarah finally stopped pissing on her slave and accepted a round of appreciative applause from the audience before addressing them.

"We've all made quite the mess of Dana tonight, haven't we? Perhaps we should clean her up some? Would you like that slave?"

Dana found herself nodding hopefully, the cum was drying on her face now and felt horrible. But if she had known what was going to be used to wash her face off perhaps she would have balked. Mistress Sarah picked up the plastic basin that held the results of Dana's enema and held it over Dana's head. Dana was completely unaware. Sarah held it for a few moments, making sure Dana's mouth was a facing the right way and then she tipped the basin to one side and stepped back as the filthy water cascaded down all over Dana's head and shoulders. Dana jumped in surprise and it was a few moments before it dawned on her what water had been used, she wanted to try to spit some out but of course, had no chance.

Mistress Sarah stepped back and allowed Dana to wallow for a few moments as the dirty water dripped down her defeated, slumped body. She then stepped up and removed the ring from Dana's mouth and allowed her to spit up what she could before taking a hose from the ground and instructing a man to turn it on. She proceeded to hose Dan off completely until the saturated former Mistress knelt clean in her cat suit again. From that position Dana never saw the woman approaching her from behind and was only aware of her once she felt hands in her wet hair, rubbing and applying something.

"What's this? What's going on?"

Dana tried to struggle but the truth was she was tired and her arms were so bound that she could do little but wriggle ineffectually. Soon she gave that up and allowed the woman to continue with whatever it was she was doing. Mistress Sarah watched until she was sure any fight had left the beaten Mistress.

"Well Dana I think I've proved you are not a true dominant haven't I?"

Dana had no thoughts now of standing up to the young Mistress or defying her in any way.

"Yes Mistress, you have."

"In fact you are a complete submissive, aren't you? A slave. My personal slave to be precise, are you not?"

Dana did not even remember Sarah's vow from earlier that if Dana did not admit this she would have the chance to turn the tables the next night. Everyone else did though and gasped as Dana said clearly.

"Yes Mistress Sarah, I am your personal slave."

"You want to cum don't you slave?"

"Yes Mistress Sarah I want to cum badly. Please may I cum. Please!"

Her voice was desperate and pleading like a hungry little child. This could not be the voice of the woman who had entered this room, an experienced dominant that had taken hundreds of men and women in hand.

"Ok then while Louise finishes off your hair you may beg me to let you cum by telling me what a filthy piece of shit whore you are, Tell everyone how fucking pathetic and weak you are and how you want me to treat you as my new slave. Tell them all Dana, let your true feelings out and then I will let you cum like you have never cum before!"

Dana coughed and cleared her throat (but the vile taste remained), she blocked out what ever was happening to her perfect, dark hair and tried to compose herself, she couldn't believe she was about to say all this but somehow the words came far too easily to her as she addressed the room.

"Please Mistress Sarah may I cum? Please Mistress allow me this one small pleasure, I will be your fuck slut, your pain slut and your piss slut, I will do your bidding completely and submit entirely to your command. I am your personal sex slave to do with as you wish and I will serve you with my mind, body and soul. Please Mistress Sarah, be merciful and allow me this one release."

Sarah smirked at this music to her ears.

"And I have broken you completely Dana? You admit you are no longer Mistress Dana, that Mistress Dana was but a mere false projection by you hiding your true nature?"

"Yes Mistress Sarah, you are a true dominant, I was just pretending. You have broken me, tamed me, shown me my true role in life - serving my Mistress."

"I wonder if I truly believe you whore, yet you have said all that and in front of all these witnesses and it has been recorded for my personal enjoyment. We shall see how seriously you meant it all later. But for now, I consent, yes you may make yourself cum."

Dana looked at the younger woman puzzled.

"But Mistress, how can I? Can you assist me? Or release me? Please Mistress."

"Certainly not whore. I allow you the release of climax and nothing more, you have five minutes get yourself off, I'm sure if you are desperate enough you will find a way."

Dana looked like she was ready to burst into tears and she knelt there a few moments willing Mistress Sarah to change her mind but to no obvious avail. The vibrator was still working away at Dana's pussy and she was desperate for release. With her arms locked in position behind her back she had little option but glancing at the bench she had so recently been bent over she had an idea. An embarrassing, degrading, humiliating idea, but an idea to be sure. Shrugging off the hairdresser, with barely a thought as to what she was doing up there, Dana shuffled on her knees to the nearest corner leg of the bench. It was metallic and hard and although it took some effort Dana managed to get her legs from under her and spread them either side of the leg. She shuffled forward as far as she could until the leg pressed hard into her pussy and then Dana began to hump the bench leg with all the effort she could.

The audience gasped and laughed as Dana urgently thrust her body in and out against the metal, driving the dildo into her with as much vigour as she could achieve with her arms helpless. It looked totally embarrassing and even more so when it was being beamed onto the big screens but Dana didn't care she just wanted to cum! She was frantic and managed to convince herself that Sarah would order her to stop before she reached climax (based mainly on the fact that this is what Mistress Dana would have done) so she humped on the metal leg for all she was worth and was very quickly rewarded with that blissful release. She didn't even consider the humiliation of behaving like that, she just gave a huge, relieved sigh and lay back on her arms and sprayed her hot juices all over the floor as her pent up excitement came to a messy conclusion. After she just lay on the floor panting and gasping as Mistress Sarah stood over her.

"Feel better slut? Aren't I a kind Mistress? Good, then I shall expect complete obedience from now on. Louise, get in here and take this bitch away and finish off what you started."

There followed a half hour where some of the audience left, most spoke and laughed and caught up and others discussed upcoming events at the Club. Mistress Sarah meanwhile waited patiently for the return of her newest slave in the sure expectation that her instructions on how she was to be presented would have been carried out to the letter.

Dana's return to the room was quite the spectacle. With the voice track now repeating over and over Dana saying.

"I am your personal sex slave to do with as you wish and I will serve you with my mind, body and soul."

Dana emerged a vision in baby girl pink. She was tottering out in impossibly high bright pink heels. Her long legs were encased in gaudy pink stockings and she was clad in matching frilly pink bra and panties. Not that many people took that in at first glance. This was because they were occupied staring at the transformation in Dana's hair. Where before it had been a thick and luscious raven colour now it was a pale pink!

Dana teetered over to stand before Mistress Sarah who subtly touched her shoulders and moved Dana down onto her knees.

"Some things to remember slave. You do not stand in my presence again unless I expressly allow it. Two, you are only allowed to wear pink from now on, if I catch you wearing any other colour you will be punished, lastly your name is now Barbie Girl. While you serve me everyone will refer to you as that and you will only respond to that name. Dana or Mistress Dana no longer exist to you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress Sarah."

"And what is your new name whore?"

"I am Barbie Girl Mistress."

"Yes you are."

And that was the breaking of Mistress Dana.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I love this story but definitely think it needs chapter about now slutt Dana serving her new mistress

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Some points...

I don't understand some things, why did Dana agree? Or because she was attracted to the redhead or because the redhead was supposed to be tortured?

The redhead was going to dom a sub that didn't show (did the redhead plan it that way) and got Dana to say some words that the redhead edited on a computer?

How did she get Donn into the bondage? Why can't Dana just tell them to release her... she isn't a sub so didn't they all basically sexually assault and rape her?

And did the redhead plan to do this to Dana from the beginning? If so why? What is the reason for her targeting Dana? In your other stories Lucy had long standing rivalries with both Elizabeth and the Japanese Domme... But what was going on between these two?

Did Dana want to dom the redhead in private? Did she want to break her publicly like this? Or did she just have lesbian feelings for a young sexy ginger?

Also, how old is Dana supposed to be? I was picturing a woman in her tale 20's... but the redhead's insults of her make me think late 30's to mid 40's?

What's stopping Dana from bringing in a gun and tank of gasoline to kill all these people?

I thought Lucy was now a whore... does this take place before the one where she covered-up a client dying?


Is this connected to "Breaking Mistress Dana" by Latex_Rose?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

At how BAD this is. You're kidding right? This has to be one of the worst stories ever written on this site. I think you were trying to be serious. It's so ridiculous it left me laughing.

Tiffanyisaslut6969Tiffanyisaslut6969over 12 years ago
I want more!

You are amazing. this is a great story. I see it was a continuation of breaking Mistress dana started by another another but they abandoned the story. This is a great conclusion to that scene that was started. i hope we see more of dana and her continued tortures, humiliation and movement down the path of a degraded fuck slave. I hope more of her past is used to humiliate her and she is bound, humiliated and degraded more. AWESOME

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great Story

I loved this story. MMMM love how she was fully degraded like that. I often fantasize about being degraded publicly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
One of your best

In my opinion this is one of your best short stories. The training from a mistress to a slave flowed very well. The sex, bondage and humiliation where highly erotic. All in all a very good sex story.

BarbaraBarbaraalmost 13 years ago
Agreeing with previous comment, to prove a pain slut slave's loyalty, a true 'Mistress' would have utilised the French Whip, to inflict ultimate genital pain on either sex, with no lasting physical damage to her recently aquired property!,

All slaves should be kept stark naked, with no hint of pubic growth! Electronic 'Clit Clips' can be remotely controlled, to ensure EX-Mistress Dana becomes a more docile docile yet obedient cunilinguist to her 'Mistress'? EG: With sufficient time on her hands, Dana should be given a pair of tweezers to ensure a hairless vulva, should she tire of 'Anal' sex? Now broken in spirit, Dana should be hand-shaven top to toe!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Waste Of The Reader's Time

Sex? No. Erotic? No. Violence? Yes.

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