Misty and Cheryl Pt. 01

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Mistress and Charlotte do their part for science.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 04/12/2024
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Misty and Cheryl

Mistress and Charlotte do their part for science


Author's Note

Natasha and Charlotte are one of my favorite and longest running couples I've written here on this site. They've been getting up to all sorts of kinky fun since 2017, starting with Girl Friday. This time, it's in the name of science. And it's about butt stuff.

And its a bit of a cross-over story. Mistress and Charlotte take part in a study that's run by a graduate student in Sociology. Jessica (the sociologist) and her sexy, submissive girlfriend Maimoona are featured in my Miss Baxter's Girls series.

With two kinky couples and a series of questionnaires with probing inquiries into their sexual habits, there's bound to be some fun. And this is a series I will continue. Though the rest of the tales will probably land in Lesbian Sex.

As for the how the names Misty and Cheryl fit in, keep reading and it will soon make sense.

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All text copyright (c)2024 WaxPhilosophic

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Misty and Cheryl, Part 1


I stood looking in the full-length mirror and poked at my boobs. It'd been a while since I put on a bra, and though things were a little tight, I decided it wasn't necessarily a bad situation as I ran my finger over my flesh spilling out over the top. It's not like I had a lot going on up there, and particularly when compared to Mistress, but this was squeezing me in all the right places. I turned a quarter circle for the side view, cupped my boobs, and smiled. Now for the bottom half.

I pulled out the matching underpants. Pants was probably too strong of a word, I decided, as I pulled them from the drawer and held them up. Thong might be a better description. I let my eyes linger on the little triangle of fabric that tapered thinner and thinner the lower it went. I stepped back and lifted one leg. After pulling the diminutive garment up to my knee, I stepped into the other side.

Now I stood in front of the mirror and poked at my waist and my ass. Things were a little tight down there, too. I ran my hand down over the curve of my belly, and then switched to cupping my ass. But again, tight was not necessarily a bad thing, I decided, and wound up to give my ass a smack. I liked the way it jiggled in the mirror. And Mistress liked it too. That's what she always says, anyway.

I paused and let my eyes go unfocused for a second while I ran my hands over my chest, across my tummy, and down around behind to grab my ass. I pushed my hips back and pulled at my cheeks. I imagined Mistress was back there, telling me what she wanted to "do with that ass." I shuddered briefly before straightening up again. I looked back at the mirror again and used the back of my hand to wipe the little bit of drool I spied in the corner of my mouth.

"Concentrate, Charlotte," I mumbled to myself.

After a final twirl in front of the mirror, I marched over to the bedside table, picked up my phone, and headed for the door.

* * *


After seeing Charlotte framed in the doorway, I quickly turned my gaze from my monitor and spent a moment looking her over from head to toe. She looked good. And she was dressed, which was odd. If you could call what she was wearing, dressed. A skimpy little bra and thong combo that did little to cover anything and seemed to be mostly there to push her boobs up and out.

Charlotte was mouthing something.

I stuck my finger up in the air and did a quick check of my laptop to make sure the camera was off and the microphone was muted. "Charlotte?" I said.

"Are you in a meeting?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

Charlotte put one foot in front of the other and breezed in, past my desk, and past me. I turned around to look at her. "You look nice, baby," I said. "Where are you off to?"

"Nowhere yet, Mistress," she said. Charlotte tapped her finger to her phone and turned to set it down in front of me, all while she squatted down by the bookshelf off to the side.

"Anything I can help with?"

Charlotte shook her head. "Not yet."

I had a lovely view from the back and let my eyes wander downward as Charlotte dropped to her knees and began pawing around on the second to the bottom shelf.

"Oh, Charlotte," I sighed. "What I'd like to do with that ass."

"I was hoping you'd say that, Mistress." Charlotte reached around behind with her right hand and laid a swat across her skin hard enough to leave a faint hand-shaped outline in pink.

"I'll check my calendar, baby. I might be able to--"

"Not yet, Mistress." Charlotte rose to standing again. She brought a fair-sized wooden box with her and turned to set it on the desk.

"Not yet?" I asked. I moved my eyes to the box as Charlotte opened the lid. Some years ago, we had dubbed it the toy box. Inside, Charlotte was digging through the various plugs, cuffs, vibrators, and other instruments of pleasurable torment.

She was currently focused on the trio of conical plugs in electric blue silicone. After looking them over while chewing at her lip, Charlotte pulled out the medium one and a bottle of lube.

She handed both items to me and I put them on the desk. "Did you read the thing?" she asked.

"The thing?"

"On my phone," she said, as she laid herself over my desk with her ass pushed up and stared at me over her shoulder.

"Oh Charlotte," I sighed. "How am I supposed to read anything with your lovely body on display like that? Do you have any idea what I want to do to that ass right now?"

"Yes, Mistress." She pulled at the thin strip of fabric running between her cheeks and moved it to the side. "Can you help me get the plug in?"

"Charlotte," I said, leaning forward in my chair. I pulled at her cheeks and studied the tight ring of pink staring at me. I moved my gaze to the plug sitting on my desk, standing upright on its handle. "You sure you want that one?"

"You think I should go bigger?"

"Actually..." I looked at her ass again. "I was thinking maybe the smaller one."

Still bent over my desk, Charlotte shrugged. "I don't want to forget its back there," she said.

I looked at the silicone invader perched on my desk. Oh, she won't forget, alright. "Charlotte?"

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Lube, please?"

Charlotte's body jiggled pleasantly as she reached for the bottle.



"Hold that thought. Grab your cheeks for me," I said. "I want to loosen you up a little bit."

"Yes, Mistress."

Charlotte spread her ass with both hands gripping her flesh and I leaned forward, face first, with my tongue out.

"Mistress!" gasped Charlotte, as I poked my tongue into her tight pink ring.


"I like your idea of lube better," Charlotte jiggled as she chuckled.

I swirled my tongue and thought about how I was going to have to change my pants before my next video call.

Lapping at Charlotte's ass, I let plenty of saliva run down the crack. "You feeling properly lubed?" I asked, reaching for the plug.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Here it comes." I pushed, slowly but firmly, and watched Charlotte stretch to accommodate the entirety of the invading silicone. I heard a grunt and watched her rise to her tiptoes during the process, as was her usual way of bearing it.

"How's it feel, baby?" I asked, enjoying the sight of Charlotte's distended ring of muscle shrinking down again to suck everything into place.

"Mmm. Good."

I tucked my finger under the thin bit of thong and got Charlotte's lacy excuse for underpants back into place. "I like it," I said. "I don't know what the occasion is, but I like it."

"Mistress," admonished Charlotte, as she pushed herself up off my desk and turned around. "Did you not read the thing?"

I intended to look Charlotte in the eye when I answered, but I never made it past her boobs.

Charlotte sometimes complained that she hadn't been blessed with much in the chest department, but as I always tell her, she's perfect. She has the most beautiful nipples that stand at attention anytime the breeze changes direction, and right now they were poking through the cups of her lacy bra that was doing an excellent job of putting her assets on display.

I thought about those nipples in my mouth.


"Huh?" I switched my gaze to her crotch.

"Mistress!" she said.

"Charlotte, your tone leaves a bit to be desired."

"You're staring at my pussy."

"I'm not just staring," I said. "I'm thinking about my fingers up inside it."

Charlotte chuckled. "Did you read the thing on my phone?"

"No. Should I?"


"Now that just sounds like whining, Charlotte." I touched my fingernail to the little triangle of fabric hiding Charlotte's treasures and dragged upward to her navel. "I will not have whining."

"Yes, Mistress." Charlotte hunched her shoulders.

I leaned back in my chair and patted my thigh. "Come sit on my lap, baby," I said.

Charlotte stood fidgeting for a second. I patted my thigh a second time.

"I might make a mess, Mistress."

"I think a change of pants is already in my future."

Charlotte just stared at her feet.

I stood up, unbuttoned my trousers, and let them slide to the floor. After stepping out of one side then the other, I kicked them aside and sat back down. The chair felt chilly with nothing between it and the back of my legs, but Charlotte would soon warm me. "Baby," I said, holding out my hand.

Charlotte caught my eye with a smirk before bouncing over to land on my lap. She threw her hands around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. I dropped my gaze to her beautiful backside. I could feel the handle of the plug pressing into my thigh.

"How's that feel down there, Charlotte?" I asked.

"Full," she said, wiggling back and forth a couple times.

More than once, I watched her fighting to keep her eyes from rolling back before she stopped.

"Baby, you are a treat."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"So what's up?"

Charlotte reached out to my desk and picked up her phone. She frowned at the blank screen and then touched her finger to the device. The screen came back to life. "It's a study of kinky behavior," she said. "At the university. I thought it might be something we could do together."

I looked at Charlotte's phone, pitched forward to snag my reading glasses from the desk, and then looked again.

"And it's legit?" I asked. "Like, it's not just some random dude trying to get women to share their intimate details and racy photos?"

"It's run by the university's sociology department, Mistress," said Charlotte.

"Hm," I said. "Looks interesting."

"You want to sign up with me?"

"Sure. Anything in the name of science." I leaned in to land a peck on Charlotte's cheek. "And anything for you, baby."

"Great," said Charlotte. She got up off my lap and stood in front of me with her hand out.

"What?" I said.

"Let's go sign up, Mistress."

I looked at her, not at her crotch or her tits, but in the eyes this time. "What? Today?"

Charlotte shrugged.


Charlotte nodded. "It's kind of last minute. Sorry. I didn't see the posting until just this morning."

I felt a grin creeping over my face. I reached out with my index finger and poked Charlotte in the boob where she was spilling out over her bra. "This is why you got dressed, isn't it?"

Again, Charlotte nodded.

"Well, we don't have much time. Go find me some clean pants to put on, girl!" I bit my lip to hide my grin and tried to look stern, as I pointed at the door with my arm straight out.

Charlotte spun around and bounded out into the hall. I watched her nicely plugged ass jiggling the whole way, and thought about what I wanted to do with it when we got back home.

* * *


"Hi, I'm Jessica," I said, thrusting out my hand. "I'm the study coordinator."

They had neither one of them introduced themselves yet, but I already pegged who was who in this relationship. The adorably slim brunette in the oversized college logo sweatshirt and leggings was the submissive. I'd put money on it. And the hourglass figured gal in business casual was definitely the one calling the shots.

"Come on in," I said. "I promise next time we meet, it'll be somewhere less cramped. Someone double-booked the room I had reserved, so you get my charming and spacious office instead."

"You must be Charlotte," I said to the brunette. Then turning to the woman at her side, I said, "So that makes you Natasha. Did I get that right?"

They both nodded. Natasha stuck out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Jessica," she said. "I'm Natasha."

I made a few notes in my head. Definitely the take charge type. Looked me right in the eye as she shook my hand. Firm grip.

"And I'm Charlotte," said the brunette, offering her hand.

She was no nonsense in her grip and eye contact too. Definitely not the meek and mild type, but I'm still laying odds she's the submissive one. With a woman like Natasha at her side... Hell, I'd probably be tempted to get on my knees myself. And that necklace Charlotte's wearing. There was something about it.

"So how much do you know about the study?" I asked.

Charlotte perked up. "It's a study of kinky behavior," she said. "I read about it on your department blog."

"You look familiar. Are you a student?"

"Used to be."

"Ever been in one of the other Sociology studies?"

Charlotte shook her head.

"Hm. Have a seat," I said, gesturing at one chair and dragging another over from my officemate's desk, who was fortunately at lunch.

The two of them sat. Charlotte fidgeted a little before she seemed to get comfortable, and I swear I saw her eyes flutter a few times. Natasha was looking her over like a tiger eyeing a piece of meat while this fidgeting was going on.

"So yeah, it's a study about women of color engaging in kinky behavior. So Charlotte--"

"I'm half Chinese," she said, turning to look me in the eye.

"Oh. Mixed is fine." I nodded and pointed my fingers at the center of my chest. "It's Creole for me."

"Sorry, all White European ancestry here," added Natasha.

"That's okay," I said. "I assume you're Charlotte's partner?"

"We're married," said Natasha.

Charlotte nodded. "And I'm collared," she said, touching her fingers to the necklace she wore. "This only comes off in emergencies. And then only with a screwdriver."

"Okay," I said. "You definitely qualify. And I don't think I'm going to be putting you in the control group either. Is that a fair assessment?"

They both nodded. Charlotte grinned.

"Good. We can skip a lot of the preliminary questions then." I reached into my desk and pulled out a sheet of paper. "You both have internet access?"

Charlotte and Natasha both nodded and I passed over the instruction sheet.

"This gives you an overview of the study. If everything looks amenable, there's a QR code at the bottom. Scan it and it'll take you to the initial questionnaire. Some of the questions are specific, some are more general. But, nearly all of them are quite personal. So what I'd like you to do first, is to come up with an alias I can use in my study."

"Alias?" asked Natasha.

"Yes," I said. "I'll use the alias in place of your name. So in my notes, instead of writing Natasha is married to Charlotte, I would put down Participant 1 is married to Participant 2. But that's hard to follow. So if you pick an alias, I'll use that in the final write-up."

"I usually just call her Mistress," said Charlotte.

And, bingo! Natasha's the dominant. "Yes, but in a study on kinky behavior, there might be more than one Mistress in the group of participants. In fact, I'd bet on it."

"Hmm," said Charlotte. She held her chin in her hand as she looked her wife up and down. "How about Misty? You wanna be Misty, Mistress?"

Natasha grinned. "Sure, baby," she said. "I'll be Misty. Who are you going to be?"

"Charlie?" Charlotte shrugged. "My friend Alex, she used to call me Charlie."

"That might be a little close to the mark," I suggested.

"Cheryl," said Natasha.

"Where'd that come from Mistress?"

Natasha shrugged. "I don't know. Close, but not exact. Like Misty and Mistress, I guess."

"That'll work," I said. "Let me jot that in my notes and you two are free to go. Thank you for participating in my study. I really appreciate it. Do either of you have any questions?"

It was Natasha who piped up first. "I'm kind of doing this over my lunch hour," she said. "Is there a good place with carry out you can recommend?"

"Oh, sure," I said. "There's this hole in the wall Poké Bowl place near campus that's really good, or if you don't mind traveling a little farther, there's a family run Italian place that is to die for."

Natasha chuckled as I finished. "Sorry," she said. "You just named two of Charlotte's favorites."

"I play piano on weekends at the Italian restaurant."

"That's it," I said. "I thought I recognized you from somewhere and that's it. You're really good."

"Thanks," said Charlotte. Then, turning to Natasha, she said, "You ready, Misty? I think I see a Poké Bowl in your future."

"I think you're right..." Natasha snaked her arm around Charlotte's waist and pulled her close as she paused. "Cheryl."

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Thank you again," I said, as I showed them to the door.

As I turned back to my office, I heard Charlotte's voice echoing down the hallway. She was really belting it out with her singing.

You came in like a poké bowl.

Never hit so hard at lunch.

What followed was quite possibly a smack and a throaty moan. But I could have been mistaken.

* * *


"What kind of dressing you want, Mistress?" I hollered. I'd left Mistress in the living room with her phone to look over our first survey from Miss Jessica.

Okay, she had never introduced herself as Miss Jessica, but I kind of got that vibe from her. Like she didn't just pull her "Attitudes Toward Deviant Sexual Behavior by Women of Color" study out of a hat. I had a feeling it might be more personal for her. And she might be the one sitting in the living room while her girl whipped up something tasty for dinner.

That's how it was in my mind. Didn't mean it was a fact though.

"Mistress?" I hollered again.

"I'm still thinking. What kind of salad is it again?"

"Nothing fancy. Just the leftover rotisserie chicken pieces. Breaded, fried, tossed in spices and a little hot sauce for good measure."

"Nothing fancy." Mistress chuckled. "Blue cheese, baby. "Sounds like a good companion to the spicy chicken you've got going on."

"Okay," I hollered. "Oh!" When I turned around, Mistress was walking into the kitchen. "I guess I don't need to shout."

She was holding her phone as she wandered over to the breakfast bar. "Have you started your survey yet?"

I shook my head as I turned my attention back to the stove. "I set up my account and password, but I haven't dived in to any of the questions yet."

"First one's pretty tame." Mistress swiped at her phone. "On a scale of one to five with one being very masculine and five being very feminine, how do you identify?"

"Oh that's easy, Mistress. Definitely a five."

"Me too," she said.

As I started pulling the chicken pieces from the skillet and laying them out over the paper towel, Mistress had moved. I knew this, because she was pressing up against me from behind. And since my apron only covered me in the front, I could feel her warm skin against me.

I turned my head for a peek. "Mistress, where's your blouse?"

She pointed to the back of the chair. When I'd left her in the living room with a glass of Chardonnay to keep her company, she was still in her work clothes. Now she was standing behind me in just her pants and a bra. "You like it?" she asked.