Mommy's Cuckcake Ch. 03

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Emma sets her sights on Daddy, Jill submits again.
9.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/23/2024
Created 04/02/2024
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From the Author: Thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive response to chapters one and two, I hope chapter three lives up to the first two. Please read those chapters first. This will not make a lot of sense otherwise. Be advised, this chapter contains themes that may include, but are not limited to, incest, sadism, masochism, "watersports", race play and humiliation. If these themes offend you, please move on, otherwise, I hope you all enjoy the ride. Comments are always encouraged, good and bad, as long as they are constructive. I will delete those that are just character or author bashing.

New Player:

Judith Jones -- The Housekeeper (referred to as the maid, by the whole family)- 5'9", a lithe bodied, light-skinned African-American woman in her twenties with a flawless complexion, an angelic face and gorgeous hazel eyes, firm b-cups that do not require a bra and nipples you could hang a coat from when hard. Her ass is not prominent, but as firm as a stone-cold concrete, and she has a seemingly unassuming personality. She has only been working for the family for less than a year, hired after their long-time housekeeper, Bertha, retired.


End of chapter two.......

When she was done relieving herself on Melissa and her rug, Nancy moved to the couch, put her dress on with nothing underneath and grabbed the rest of her things. As she walked by the drenched and still recovering Missy she said, "Until next time, you needy cunt." She was certain there would be a next time. There always was with needy subs like this one.

Melissa lied there for another 20 minutes contemplating her situation. As the smell began to consume her and the warm wetness turned to cold, she justified that she had done all this to be with Emma. She stood, undressed on the rug, rolled it up, with her clothes inside, and drugged it all, stark naked, through the kitchen and into the back yard, leaving it there. She would have the gardener get rid of it. She rushed upstairs and showered. As she came out of subspace and crashed, the emotions overwhelmed her. She balled up on the floor of the shower sobbing, until she finally collected herself. She crawled into bed naked, even though it was only early evening, and she passed out, not waking up until late the next morning. The last thought in her mind as she fell asleep, was how proud of her Emma would be when she showed her the video of her obeying her commands.

And now, chapter 3...

The next morning Melissa woke up in a state of depression. She didn't understand the reality of "sub drop". It was a real thing, and it can sometimes be devastating. She lied in bed for the entire morning wallowing in her feelings. At some point, she finally came to the realization that she had completed the task assigned to her by Emma and that she was going to be able to be with the domme she really pined for. She suddenly had great energy and she jumped from her bed, picked out an outfit she was sure Emma would find sexy and texted the teen vixen, letting her know she had done what was told to do and asked if she could see Emma and show her the evidence she had demanded. All that excitement gradually waned, as Emma didn't reply the entire afternoon or evening.

Just like before, the longer Melissa waited the more desperate she became, the more she texted and the more depressed she felt. She tried to eat, she tried to watch tv she even tried to read, but none of it quelled her fear that Emma would continue to ignore her, even after she had done what she demanded. As she moved around her house, she never let the SD card out of her sight, and as it sat on the kitchen table while she tried to eat lunch and then dinner, it seemed to be mocking her as evidence of the most humiliating moment of her life. The more she stared, the more the scenes recorded on that card ran through her mind, and a funny thing happened. She began to get aroused and she found herself longing for Nancy's attention. When she realized what she was feeling, she instantly rationalized that she was just substituting Nancy for the true object of her desire, Emma, since Emma was ignoring her, and Nancy had not.

It was 11:30 that night when Melissa's phone finally chimed. Melissa was in her ensuite undressing when she heard it. She almost ran to the nightstand where her phone and the SD card rested. She picked it up so excited, hoping it was from Emma. It was. It was short and to the point.

Emma: Starbucks 7:30 am, bring the proof.

Melissa was both happy to hear from her, but completely disappointed by the location selected to meet. How did this little bitch know just how to give her hope and at the same time smack her down? She wanted to ask if Emma would come to her house or meet her in a more private place, but she feared she would upset her goddess and she would not allow Melissa to see her at all. She took a deep breath and replied.

Melissa: Yes, Emma

She was so desperate for the conversation to continue, that she purposefully addressed her by name, hoping she would correct her, and it would give her a chance to show her proper respect. However, Emma did no such thing, and as she knew it would, it left Melissa disappointed with herself the entire night. Even when she corrected herself and sent an apologetic text, calling her "Goddess" and everything, Emma never replied. Melissa mentally punished herself the entire night as she never really slept for more than a few minutes at a time. When she finally gave up trying at 5:00 am, she was completely exhausted as she showered and meticulously prepared herself to meet her domme.

When Emma walked into Starbucks at 7:00 am the next morning, she could not have been more delighted by what she saw. She had picked the 7:30 time on purpose, knowing that the morning rush would make her plan more stressful and humiliating for Aunt Missy. However, when she saw Nancy Jergens sitting at a table having coffee with Pastor Mike, she became giddy. The fact that the table where they were sitting was smack dab in the middle of the place was the cherry on top. She quickly purchased Melissa's and her favorite drinks, walked to that table, and invited herself to sit with the two titans of her church. Both were a bit perturbed by the young woman's forwardness but were also too polite to decline. Soon, Emma spotted Melissa entering and waved her over.

Once again, Emma found a way to both excite and fill Missy with dread at the same time. Her face lit up when she spotted Emma, then she froze like a deer in the headlights when she noticed with whom she was sitting. Emma got a little thrill inside when she watched the blood drain from Melissa's face. Missy took a deep breath, collected herself and proceeded to the table.

"Pastor Mike, Ms. Nancy, good morning. I didn't know you were joining us." Melissa said with a forced smile and fake delight in her voice while taking a seat at the table. The way Missy addressed Nancy was not missed by her and older domme gave Melissa a clandestine wink.

"No, no...." Emma replied, "They are not joining us. There wasn't anywhere to sit when I got here, so I just pulled up a chair to wait for you."

The pastor and Nancy looked at each other quite puzzled. There had been plenty of tables available when Emma had joined them, but again, in each other's presence, they had been too polite to say anything. Melissa let out an audible sigh of relief, and picked up the cup with her name on it and took a big drink without even thinking, burning her tongue in the process.

Nancy could see the anxiety exhibited by Melissa, but the pastor never noticed a thing. Nancy figured it was because of her, but soon realized it may not only be because of her when Emma looked at Melissa and spoke.

"Did you bring it?"

"Yes." Melissa said immediately looking nervously at the other two occupants of the table, before reaching into her purse and pulling out the SD card and handing it to Emma. Without a word, Emma grabbed her tablet and slid the card into the slot on the side. Melissa's eyes shot wide, as she thought Emma was going to play it.

Nancy could tell, Melissa didn't want anyone to see the contents of the memory card and decided to press her submissive whore. "What's on the card?"

Melissa panicked, hemming a hawing for a moment trying to come up with a believable lie, before Emma saved her, "It's a bunch of pictures of my mom and dad from college. I am doing a family tree project in one of my classes and Auty Miss offered to get me some younger pictures of them."

Nancy knew that was a line of crap. She could see all the submissive signs Melissa displayed yesterday with her, currently oozing out of the nervous southern belle. This made her wonder what the nature of the relationship truly was between these two "family members". Just then, the table immediately behind Pastor Mike opened and Emma stood and directed Missy to move, saying they had interrupted the others' meeting long enough.

Never so relieved, Missy stood, "Pastor, Ms. Nancy." She nodded at each before hurriedly moving to the other table, cursing herself for slipping again when addressing Nancy in front of others.

Emma sat at the new table, so she and Pastor Mike were back-to-back between Missy and Nancy, who were facing each other. She pulled out her tablet and began tapping it to pull the video up.

"Please goddess, not here." Missy begged immediately, but the embarrassment caused her to have to rub her thighs together to alleviate the burning in her pussy as she recalled what was recorded on that SD card from the day before.

Emma ignored her and began watching the video. Melissa immediately began to run her fingers through her hair and gnaw on her fingernails as Emma stared at the screen intently, with an evil smirk that would have made Cruella DeVille proud. The tablet was flat on the table and the sound was down. So, only they could really see it.

"Did you have fun?" Emma asked, never taking her eyes off the tablet.

"Please, not here." Missy appealed again to her niece.

"I asked you a question." Emma snapped.

Melissa looked around to make sure Emma's voice wasn't drawing attention from those around them. She lowered her voice, "Emma, please you embarrassed me once already here the other day, show some compassion, pleeeeeeeease. Can't we do this somewhere else, like my house?"

"I asked you a question." Emma said sternly, picking up the tablet and lifting it so others, specifically Nancy, could see what was playing on the screen.

Missy looked over Emma's shoulder and saw Nancy stretching her neck to the side over the pastor's shoulder to see if she could view what was plying on the tablet. The two women locked eyes and Melissa quickly grabbed the tablet to lay it flat on the table again.

"OK, OK," Melissa relented. "Yes, I mean, no, I didn't have fun, as you stated." She was not sure what the correct answer was, but she wanted to make sure Emma knew she was doing as she asked, "..... but I did what you asked, because I want...... no.... I need to be with you Emma. Please can't we just get out of here?"

Emma paused the video, looked at Missy with that squinted eyes look that says, "I mean business" and snapped. "I am not done watching the video. When I finish, and if you behave, maybe I will consider going somewhere else with you. Besides that, from what I have watched so far, I think you just lied to me. You looked to be having quite a good time. Did you just lie to me, you lezbo slut?"

Emma was cornered and just decided she needed to say whatever it took to make Emma happy. "Yes Goddess, I lied, I did enjoy it." She was not sure if that was a lie as she considered that answer, but she knew it was the correct answer.

"That's what I thought. Now, there will be consequences for that behavior. Take your panties off and go give them to Ms. Jergens, while I watch the rest of this video."

"Emma, gawd, no, please you are being unreasonable. I can't do that, not here."

"It's Goddess!" Emma retorted.

"I'm sorry, Goddess, but please, you can't." Missy whined.

"NOW!" Emma growled lowly.

Defeatedly, Missy began to stand to go take off her panties in the bathroom.

"Where are you going? Take them off right there, where you sit." Emma commanded.

Melissa's eyes bugged out, but she did as she was told, sitting back down. As discreetly as she could, she reached under her designer skirt and pulled down her red silk thong and balled it in her hand. She cursed herself for wearing the red one she hoped would please Emma, as it would be much harder to hide when she handed it to Nancy. She stood and walked the short distance to the next table. She knew there was no way to veil what she was doing by making idle conversation with Nancy and the Pastor, and she didn't want Nancy to know she was ordered to do it. She wanted it to seem as though it was her idea. Therefore, she just leaned over grabbed Nancy's hand and transferred the garment as she whispered in her ear, "I wanted you to have these, Ms. Nancy." After which she stood, addressed the clergyman, "Pastor Mike." And returned to the table with Emma.

Emma looked behind her at the older woman and gave her a wink, acknowledging that she knew exactly what Melissa had just done. Nancy returned a nod of acknowledgement as well. "Such a dutiful little slut you are Aunty Miss." Emma said to Melissa as she sat.

"Thank you, Goddess. I want to please you."

Emma resumed the video and Missy sat nervously the whole time. Emma lifted the screen again and moved it so Nancy would be able to see it if she made an effort. Nancy was so curious, of course she did.

"Please Emma, don't." Melissa begged when she saw what was happening. She looked over the screen to find Nancy was staring right at it. Then their eyes met, and Nancy glared at Melissa, causing her to drop her eyes to the floor.

Pastor Mike rose a few moments later and bid Nancy goodbye before exiting. However, Nancy didn't move for some time. Melissa was a ball of nerves waiting for Emma to finish and hopefully grant her the reward she craved when Nancy finally stood and walked to the table. The video was still playing, and Nancy watched for a moment before she bent over so she was nose to nose with Melissa.

"You filmed us, you filthy fucking piss whore?"

Melissa began to defend herself when Nancy stuffed Melissa's own panties into her mouth and said, "Not another work, cunt! You will pay for this!"

Melissa just dropped her head in shame.

Nancy stood, handed Emma a piece of paper with her email address on it. "You will send me a copy of that, young lady." Then she left the shop.

Emma broke out in a fit of laughter. Melissa just sat there in a puddle of shame, before pulling her undergarment from her mouth. When she had composed herself, Emma proceeded to tell Melissa that because of her poor behavior and whining, that she would have to perform another task before Emma would allow her to be with her. She proceeded to tell her exactly what she needed to do. Melissa was devastated but agreed to perform the newest task for her Goddess. Emma picked up her tablet and walked toward the exit, still watching the remainder of the video. Melissa did her best to pull herself together before standing a few minutes later and exiting the coffee house as well.


The whole ride home from the coffee shop Emma was sexually charged. First, from watching the video and second, from observing how Ms. Jergens handled Aunt Missy. She was obviously right about her assumption that the bitter church bitch was a domme. Emma was so impressed, that she now had mad respect for her and swore that she would learn all she could from this nasty old woman. Her pussy was so wet, that she was sure she was leaving a puddle on the leather seat of her car. She pulled in the driveway, stepped out of that car, pulled her panties off from under her skirt and headed inside. Once inside, she beckoned loudly and rudely for her mother.

"What is it, Emma? I thought you were going to be gone all day." Replied Jill, a bit curtly as she descended the stairs, trying to keep up appearances for any of the staff that might be around.

Emma marched right toward her with a determined pace and look on her face, meeting her mother at the bottom of the stairs. Jill noticed Emma's manor and a chill ran up her spine.

Jill asked, "What...." But was cut off by a mouthful of her daughter's panties.

"Knees!" Emma commanded.

"But...." A muffled reply came from Jill.

"NOW!" Demanded Emma, backhanding her mother across the face.

It was not a forceful slap, but it made the point and Jill obeyed, wilting to the position, looking up at her daughter with tears welling in her eyes. The taste of Emma's secretions was now very evident in Jill's mouth, and she began to move her tongue trying to get more.

"How do my panties taste, Mother?" Emma teased, "Can you taste my delicious cunt juices?"

Jill nodded.

"Would you like to taste those juices right from the source, you dirty, lezbo slut?"

Jill nodded again.

"I can't hear your head nod."

Getting a bit of conscience, Jill hesitated then mumbled through the now soaked silk panties, "Baby, this is incest, this is wrong....... it's illegal."

Emma pulled the garment from her mother's mouth, "What was that, mother?" She asked, calling her "mother" to emphasize the incest warning Jill had just administered.

"Emma, please, Judith is here, she could see us." Jill pleaded, referring to the maid. Trying desperately to prevent another coupling with her daughter.

Jill was not wrong. Judith was nearby. In fact, since the moment she heard Emma scream for her mother, she had been peeking around the corner from the kitchen and she watched Emma shove the panties right back in her mother's mouth.

"Did I ask for any of your back talk? Do you think I care if that black bitch sees me owning you?" Emma snapped, claiming her superiority over the 'help'. "Go upstairs, take off all your clothes and bring me my crop!"

Jill began to stand.

"On your hands and knees, like the fucking animal you are." Emma barked.

Jill slowly crawled up the stairs and disappeared from sight. She crawled into Emma's room, undressed, and removed the riding crop that her daughter had mounted on her wall the day after she had informed her it was her who had whipped Jill so mercilessly with it. It was meant to be a sign to her mother of who was in charge. It was awkward to crawl with it in her hand, so she pushed it into her mouth behind the panties that already occupied her mouth and crawled back to Emma.

Pulling the panties and the crop from her mother's mouth Emma moved to the hind quarter of Jill's body as she stood on all fours. Without a word, Emma administered 5 lethal strikes to one of Jill's exposed ass cheeks, causing the submissive mother to scream out in pain.

"Shut up, slut, or the maid will hear you. You wouldn't want that, do you, mother?"

Jill bit her lip to stifle her cries.

Moving directly behind her now, Emma used the crop to direct Jill to spread her legs. Jill complied and Emma smacked her exposed clit harshly, without warning. Jill squealed sharply and her legs shook violently.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, Mommy likes that?" Emma taunted, repeating the act again.

Jill's head flew backward, her squeal deepened, and her thighs and ass shook even more.

"You're gonna fucking come if I do that again, aren't you?" Emma mocked her mother. "Don't you dare come without permission, you filthy whore." This triggered Emma's memory and she added, "Like you did last time." At that point, she quickly abused her mother's swollen nub again several more times quickly, bringing a quivering Jill to within an inch of orgasming, before swiftly moving to the other side and whipping Jill's unscathed ass cheek several times with malice.