Morina & the Switching Spell Ch. 19

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The Romanian Bat Pendant.
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Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Morina and the Switching Spell Ch. 19

Chapter 19: The Romanian Bat Pendant.

4 June 1944, Sunday around 1600 hours.

I was sitting on the floor with my back towards the door, holding hands with the Nazi double-agent John Ayresdon. He was about to chant the reversal to the switching spell enabling him to return to his male body and me back into my female form.

He chanted the counter-spell, taking care to substitute the first word, "Lovers" with "Magicals."

"Magicals switched, / In bodies dwell, / Change them back, / Reverse their spell!"

I felt the room get cold and dark as the whirlwind between our bodies kicked up, pulling me sideways inside the enchanted maelstrom. The dizziness and the whirlwind were almost completed when I opened my eyes. There was a brief moment of what looked like double vision as it appeared as though I could see John popping back into his own body. Now my back was towards Olga, and I was about to turn and pounce on her when the front door flew open.

Lee appeared with Amanda emerging from behind him, both with their wands drawn.

John quickly turned around and pointed his wand towards the door.

--"Emortutum!*" Olga chanted behind me.

--"Exarmartus!*" Lee and Amanda chanted

--"Emortutum!" John chanted

--I turned and lunged at Olga.

These all occurred nearly simultaneously.

Olga fell over backwards in the chair with me on top of her. My knees pinned her arms to either side of her head and my crotch was in her face. I grabbed my wand and pulled it from her left hand. Her own wand was on the floor, just a few inches away from her open right hand.

The ruby eyes of her bat pendant had been glowing and quickly faded. I grabbed the silver chain to her pendant with my free hand and yanked it away, breaking it. The pendant flew somewhere behind me.

"Don't move!" I commanded, pointing my wand at her face.

"Mandy!" I heard my brother say in a sob.

I brushed Olga's wand out of reach and turned to see what had happened. Amanda was sprawled on her back on the floor. She wasn't moving and didn't appear to be breathing. Lee was bent over her, holding her head.

"Lee, what happened?" I shouted.

John sprang for Olga's wand, grabbing it, and pointing it at me.

"Emortutum!" he chanted -- the death spell.

Nothing happened. He dropped the wand and lunged at me, knocking me off Olga and sending me crashing against the legs of the table. His hands were at my throat.

"Amovartus!" I gasped, holding my wand against his ribs

Instantly, his entire body froze in position. His hands were still on my neck, but he was no longer able to close his fingers around my airway. I crawled out from underneath him in time to see Olga grab her own wand.

"Amovartus!" I chanted, freezing her in place before she could wield her wand.

Lee was still bent over Amanda's body when I walked over to him. Tears were rolling down his face and onto Amanda's. Her eyes were open and lifeless, and her face had a frozen look of surprise and pain on it. We were in the open doorway, so we pulled her body inside and closed the door. I got dressed and helped Lee move Amanda's body to the bed. That's when I saw Olga's pendant on the floor, still attached to its broken silver chain.

I picked up the pendant and examined it carefully with its ruby red eyes and that black dot of what appeared to be dried blood between the fangs of the bat.

"Lee, look," I said.

Lee turned and looked at the pendant.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Olga's pendant. Look at that black dot, what does this remind you of?" I asked.

"Let me see that," he said.

I handed him the pendant and he examined it closely. He gingerly placed his finger over the black dot.

"Careful! Don't touch it!" I warned.

A red spark shot out beneath Lee's finger followed by a puff of blue smoke and the smell of burning sulfur.

"Fuck!" Lee shouted, pulling his hand back and dropping the pendant on the floor. There was a black burn spot on the tip of Lee's finger where he touched the dried blood.

"Are you alright? What was it?" I asked.

"Dried warlock blood. I guess that old witch's tale was true," he replied.

"Oh my God! Lee look at your finger!" I exclaimed.

"I'm fine, Reena. Just a little burn, that' all," he replied.

"But Lee, if the story of Wallachia is true, that means that you're--" I began.

"Reena, I'm fine. Honest," he said reassuringly.

There was an old witch's tale about Vlad Dracul II, "the Impaler," who at one time was the King of Wallachia, now known as Transylvania, a part of modern-day Romania. He was later fictionalized by Bram Stoker into the vampire Dracula. Stoker's novel was remarkably close in guessing Vlad's supernatural abilities, but the real King Dracul was a warlock, not a vampire.

It is said that Vlad impaled hundreds of his enemies on long wooden stakes, causing them to suffer and die painfully hideous deaths. A few of Vlad's victims were warlocks, whose blood he collected and incorporated into protective charms. It was rumored that the charms he made using warlock blood would enable the wearer to attack and overcome the protective pendant charms of other magicals.

That would explain why Olga was able to disable Amanda's protective charm and kill her. But it was also said that the warlock blood on those charms carried a curse, and whoever removed that blood from those charms would die. Fortunately, Lee did not appear to be affected.

Lee looked at Olga's motionless form and pointed his wand at her. "You nasty bitch!" he yelled.

"Lee! Wait!" I cried, knocking his arm down.

"Reena, why did you stop me? That witch needs to die," he said, raising his arm again.

"She does, but not now. We need both of them to confess their crimes to the Coven and Warlock Council. It's up to them to decide their fate. Besides, there's an innocent warlock in the stockade right now and their confessions are his only chance of exoneration," I pled.

He slowly lowered his arm.

"What do we do now?" he asked.

"I'll watch these two and guard Amanda's body. You should go back to the airfield and get a hold of Agatha," I suggested.

"Agatha's not there. She's on her way to London. Amanda told me that when you didn't give the correct response to her question about darts. She knew it wasn't you, so she went to find Agatha. Agatha told Amanda to find me and stop whoever it was in your body from broadcasting the D-Day location to the Nazis while she went back to London to get a few things," Lee explained.

He continued.

"By the time Amanda found me, you, or the person in your body, was no longer in the communications tent, so we decided to come here," he explained.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"We ran. We got here in time to see the light in the cottage dim. So, we knew he was reversing the switching spell. We waited until the light inside the cabin was restored before opening the door. But I don't understand why Ayresdon's death spell didn't kill you," Lee wondered.

"When I was in John's-- sorry, Lord Ayresdon's body and held captive, I managed to drink the vial of amagae potion I had in my purse. After Ayresdon switched our bodies back, the potion was in his system, not mine. He won't get his powers back for another 23 hours," I explained.

"Reena, you took an awfully big chance," Lee exclaimed.

"We all did," I replied, looking at Amanda's dead body.

"Do you still want me to go back to the airfield?" Lee asked.

"Yes. Ayresdon told me that when he was in my body, he made sure there were witnesses when he divulged the location of D-Day to the Nazis. I'll be arrested as a traitor if I go back. You should take the Rolls back to the airfield, so they don't accuse you of going AWOL. When Agatha gets back from London, send her here. I'll wait for her," I instructed.

I walked Lee to the door and kissed him on the cheek, still salty from his tears. The wind had stopped, and the skies were starting to clear. Without Lord Ayresdon's magic, the weather was returning to normal.

While I waited for Agatha, I covered Amanda's body with the blanket from the bed. I found several coils of rope and bound John and Olga to the two chairs in the cottage, their hands pinned harmlessly at their sides. I enchanted the rope with a spell that would prevent them from getting loose. John was still naked from when we switched bodies.

With both of them thoroughly bound, I unfroze them. I wanted answers.

"John, how were you able to gain access to the Albion Warlock Council if you're German?" I asked.

"Johann," he said derisively.

"What?" I asked.

"Johann. My real name is Johann," he answered.

"Fine. Tell me Johann, how did you get on the Council?" I asked again.

He cleared his throat.

"After the Great War, there were a lot of vacancies, too many warlocks on both sides were killed in the conflict. Life in Germany was hard after the Armistice and the German Warlock Council chose my father and me to go to England to infiltrate the Albion Warlock Council."

He continued.

"When we got to England, my father hid his identity, bought Ayresdon Manor, and soon met Edward VIII. He eventually introduced the King to that American, Wallis Simpson. My father died shortly after that, but I kept things going, even after Edward abdicated the throne," he explained.

"How did that help you get on the Council?"

He sneered at me.

"As I mentioned earlier, the Council had vacancies as well as a few newer and younger members. Many of them seemed quite... lonely, let us say. You see, young men with their horny cocks are even easier to manipulate than young girls' hearts."

I choked back a tear.

"You bastard!" I cried, pointing my wand at him.

"Really my dear? I never figured you for much of a killer. I can still help you get safely out of England and into Germany. My warlock colleagues in Germany have total control over that idiot puppet Hitler. They are the real power behind the Nazi party. Their whole plan was to start this war and keep it going until the non-magicals wipe themselves out," he stated casually.

"Killing you would be too good. Maybe you should have a taste of your own medicine," I said, pointing my wand at his penis.

"Phallus Sensitious!" I chanted.

The spell made his cock very sensitive. John's, or rather Johann's penis instantly became erect, red, and swollen. Within minutes a clear drop of pre-cum could be seen gathering at the tip.

"Let's help it along, shall we?" I taunted. I waved my wand, and I was naked.

First, I lightly scraped the side of his erection with the tips of my fingernails. Then I made a show of fondling my breast with one hand, and fingering my pussy with the other, moaning erotically. I withdrew my finger from between my moist labia and traced it above his mouth, smearing my musky nectar just under his nose.

Ayresdon writhed in the chair from intense horniness. His cock and hands twitched repeatedly, as he tried in vain to reach and stroke himself, but the ropes held his arms in place. When he shut his eyes, I moaned louder, and lightly brushed my breasts against his cheeks until he began screaming obscenities, begging me to stop.

After a few minutes of this, I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to get dressed and cool off.

Later, I made myself a cup of tea and did my best to ignore Johann while he squirmed, begged, and scraped his chair against the wooden floorboards.

His sexual agony and frustration went on for hours as his erection throbbed for relief. It wasn't until it got dark that I decided he was ready to answer more questions.

"Did I ever mean anything to you?" I asked him.

"Remove the spell! Let me cum!" he begged.

"Answer my question. Did I ever mean anything to you?" I asked, sternly.

"You were the only one who knew the switching spell. Once Agatha Brewster told me about it, I knew I had to gain your trust so you would teach it to me," he replied.

"Is that why you invited me to your manor?" I asked.

"That was the only reason. I took a risk, especially after I caught you looking at the portrait of my father in his German uniform. He was the famous Eisenadler, the Iron Eagle, a national hero in Germany. Fortunately, you were too stupid not to recognize his German uniform," he replied.

"You were in such a hurry that night. Where did you go after you dropped me off?" I asked.

"Please, remove the spell. Let me cum!" he begged.

"Where did you go that night?" I asked again.

"To Ashford. I radioed the Luftwaffe that afternoon to bomb the airfield so they would station you there. There was no moon that night and I needed to signal the plane to show the pilot where to drop the bomb," he explained.

"Were you the one who sabotaged Lee's plane?" I asked.

"Please?" he begged.

"Were you?" I asked again.

He pursed his lips and held his breath in an attempt not to speak.

I leaned over and gently blew air across the tip of his straining cock.

"Scheisse!" he spat, "Yes, that was me. He was becoming too much of a hero. I thought if he died, it would discourage other American warlocks and witches from joining the war effort."

"What was in that whipped cream I ate yesterday?" I asked him.

"A sleeping potion. I needed you to be asleep when I went back to use the airfield's radio to tell my contacts in Germany that I knew the secret of the switching spell. I would teach it to them when I returned to Germany," he confessed.

"Why did you need me? Why didn't you use your own radio?" I asked.

He looked down at his own cock. It was now purple and straining for release, thoroughly coated with his own pre-cum.

"I couldn't. Olga and I planted my radio in Nigel Porter's tent, under his footlocker the night before. Porter suspected I was a double agent and I had to get him out of the way before the location of the D-Day landings was confirmed. The whole reason I helped set you up as communications officer was so that I could use your spell to disguise myself as you and use the airfield's radio to communicate with Germany."

I couldn't bear to hear another word. The Warlock Council would be able to get more information from him in the morning. The interrogation left me angry and ashamed. He had used and manipulated me, and I had all I could do to resist the urge to torture or maim him. My only consolation was knowing he also deceived the British elite and the Albion Warlock Council, although I found no comfort in knowing that. I couldn't begin to imagine what actions they would take once they learned of his deceptions.

I removed the sensitivity spell. Johann was exhausted and panted for breath as he relaxed against the bonds of his roped confinement.

I sat on the floor and leaned against the bed, briefly remembering Amanda's body lying under the blanket behind me. Because I didn't sleep well last night, and I was too physically and emotionally exhausted for that thought to bother me. It was going to be a long night.

I must have dozed off, because I was startled by the sound of the door opening and Agatha bursting in.

"Morina! Are you alright?" she asked as she ran over and stooped down to check on me.

I got up, stretching my arms to relieve the stiffness. I must have been sitting in the same position for hours.

"I'm fine, but Amanda..." I said, looking at the blanket covering her body.

"I heard. Which one of them did it?" Agatha asked, whipping out her wand and looking at the two figures tied to the chairs.

I pointed to Olga.

"It was her. But don't kill her. We need her to testify so that Nigel can be released," I commented.

"What about Ayresdon?" Agatha asked, looking at the naked man tied to the chair closest to us. He was still erect and a small puddle of pre-cum had accumulated between his thighs.

"He needs to testify too. He's the mole you've been after. He's kept you looking at Nigel Porter all this time so you wouldn't suspect it was him all along," I explained.

"You look tired. Let's get you back to the airbase," Agatha said.

"I can't, I'll be arrested. Johann Ayresdon here made sure there were witnesses when he was in my body and revealed the location of the invasion to the Nazis. Everyone now thinks I'm the traitor," I explained.

Agatha smiled. "Don't worry about that, we've got you covered," she said.

"What about Amanda? We can't leave her body here," I said.

"You're right. Help me load her into the back seat of the car," Agatha agreed.

We placed Amanda's body in the back seat and covered her with the blanket. Before we left, I went back inside and snipped off a lock of Ayresdon's hair.

"Something to remember you by," I said as I wrapped it in tissue and placed it in my purse before leaving.

On the way back to the airfield, I asked Agatha if she was able to bring back the transmogrification potion I asked for.

"Brewing that potion was one of the things that kept me in London so long," she replied in a tired voice.

It was close to midnight when we arrived at the main gate to the airfield.

The sentry shone his flashlight in our faces, temporarily blinding us.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you in, it's well past curfew," he said.

"That's okay Corporal. I'll take it from here," a deep voice said from behind him.

"Yes sir, Colonel!" the sentry said, snapping to attention.

A nearly full moon broke through the clouds at the moment Colonel Drummond stepped closer to the sedan. His craggy face was smiling at us.

"Ah, Miss Spellman! I'm happy to see you. Thank you, Miss Brewster, you can drop her off here and I can take her to my headquarters," he said.

"Uh, Colonel, perhaps I should drive in? There is an important 'package' in the back," Agatha replied.

"Oh, very well. Drive on and we'll meet you near the administration tent. Miss Spellman, would you kindly walk with me?" the Colonel asked.

I got out of the car and walked with the Colonel. We were some distance from the main gate when I asked, "Am I in some sort of trouble, Colonel?"

The Colonel stopped and turned towards me.

"Not at all Morina, and please feel free to call me Samantha," he said, smiling broadly.

"Oh, Miss Caldwell, I mean Samantha! I'm so glad it's you!" I exclaimed.

"Now, tell me what happened," she asked as we continued our walk.

I gave her the details about what happened in the cottage, confirming what she had already learned from Lee and Agatha. I was especially concerned about the witnesses that overheard Lord Ayresdon in my body giving the Nazis the location of the D-day landings.

"Yes, that was a Lefftenant Fisher and a Corporal Matthews that overheard him. They reported it directly to Colonel Drummond," Samantha, Caldwell replied.

"You knew about that?" I asked.

"Not at first. But after speaking to your brother, we tracked it down. We've altered their memories a bit," Samantha, said reassuringly.

"You mean I'm in the clear?" I asked.

"Nothing to worry about. We even covered up your long absence from the airfield. Everyone now believes that you were on assignment by Colonel Drummond and managed to capture the traitor, Ayresdon and kill his accomplice," Samantha, informed me.

"I did? Who did I kill?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Your tent mate and radio partner, Amanda Chanter," she replied.

"No! You can't do that. Amanda was a decent person; you can't despoil her name and reputation like that. Besides, I couldn't kill her," I protested.

"My dear, I understand your sentiment and it's very decent of you to think that way, but please see reason. This is the only way we can clear your name and explain Amanda's death. You're alive and we need you, Morina. There's nothing we can do to bring Amanda back and I'm sure that Miss Chanter would be happy to know that even in death, she is serving the Coven, the nation, and helping you," Samantha, said.