Mother's Thighs

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Son caring for his sick mother succumbs to his desires.
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The guilt lay like a rock in my heart, a lump in her throat. I thought I was brave enough to try to deny my sins and forget them to go on with the daily affairs of life. But that hasn't been the case. I tried to rationalize my behavior, placing part of the blame on others to make me feel less guilty. I often wonder why we engage in guilty pleasures, knowing that guilt is a demon. It is an awful, horrible sensation that eats away at your mind, consuming you if you let it, eventually leaving you emotionally drained. For several years now, I have been fighting not to let the guilt tear me apart and learn to cherish nothing but pleasurable memories. While longing to tell my story, I resolved to squirrel away my remorse, hoping that you would see it in a different context because even I sometimes feel pleasure outweighs guilt.

I've been blindsided by remorse on many favorable and supposedly pleasurable occasions. I am not a pundit to analyze those feelings or tell the difference between one another - at least on one occasion that I will tell you.

I grew up in a somewhat typical family, but my father was away on a UN peacekeeping mission around the time of the incident, which led to my unforgettable memories. Despite being underdeveloped for my then age 18, I was a normal guy. I wish I could boast of being six feet tall, lean, and handsome, but the truth was far from it. I must have inherited my maternal grandfather's genes to be barely 5'7" with boyish looks instead of from dad's side. My friends, peers, and girls I knew accepted me as a nice guy or cool guy, but that wasn't enough for me to be a chick magnet or at least good enough to attract a single girl to date. I often wondered what it would be like to get a hand job, blow job, stick my cock in a girl's wet pussy, and so on, as imagination knew no bounds. But the truth was that I was desperate to try anything with a woman.

It all started when I came down with stomach flu. I missed three days of school due to diarrhea and vomiting but fortunately got over it without other complications. A few days later, one morning, I found Mom complaining about diarrhea and stomach cramps, etc., that I had experienced just a couple of days earlier but dressed to go to work anyway, saying that she could somehow manage but was forced to change her mind when she vomited a few times just after her morning coffee.

That afternoon, I remember coming home from school to find Mom in the family room, lounging on the couch sideways, facing the TV. She had a trash can nearby, and from the first glance at her, I knew something was wrong with her. She looked up to meet my eyes as I entered the living room, then immediately sat, bringing the trash can to her face, and then started vomiting. I watched in dismay as she kept at it. Then she knelt on the floor with her face down to the trash can, gagging. Her jaw went slack, and a drool trickled slowly down one side of her chin. Her eyes looked completely dead before rolling back as she crumpled to the floor in a fit of violent retching and gagging.

I dropped my backpack to the floor and rushed to help her. Mom looked groggy and disordered, but I managed to bring her to her feet and help her get to bed before calling the next-door neighbor, Mrs. Nicholas, for help; fearing that Mom needed instant care, Mrs. Nicolas immediately took her to urgent care at the nearby hospital.

Hours later, when they returned, Mrs. Nicolas told me that Mom had caught the same stomach flu that I had, which, without a doubt, I knew. The doctor had prescribed her an antibiotic, medicine, and a couple of over-the-counter flu medications for the flu and nausea. She further advised me to feed her broth, crackers, and other non-dairy drinks for a day or two till she became better. Mrs. Nicholas stayed until about 9 pm, making sure all was well around the house before she left giving me instructions to look after Mom.

"I'll be back around 11.00 in the morning after the meeting at my church. You take good care of your mother," she said as she left.

The bowl of chicken broth that I gave her took a long time to finish; Mom appeared as she regained some of her strength after having the broth and medications. I helped her to the bathroom, and she showered without assistance. So, I left her in her room to rest and watched TV for a while before showering and getting ready for bed. Then, thinking about Mom, I went to her room to check on her before hitting the sack myself. Upon entering her room, it became apparent that her condition had worsened within the short period since I last tended to her. I found her in bed, covered with a blanket yet shivering as a fish out of the water. She complained about stomach cramps and being very cold. She whined, sobbing in discomfort, turning side to side and holding the blanket with her hands as she turned. I knew it was too late to call Mrs. Nicolas, but I had no other option since I didn't know what else to do.

I dialed Mrs. Nicolas hesitantly and explained Mom's condition to her. After listening carefully, she asked me to take Mom's temperature and call her back.

After monitoring Mom's body temperature, I called Mrs. Nicolas to report that the reading was nearly 102. She instructed me to remove all covers and blankets from Mom and give her the flu medication and as much Seven-Up as she could drink. She asked that I retake her temperature in an hour and call her if it hadn't dropped. I followed her instructions and gave Mom her flue medication with Seven-up that she drank, holding the glass with her shaky hands.

"Mom, Mrs. Nicolas asked me to take blankets and comforters away until your fever drops," I said, taking covers off her bed.

"You look tired and sleepy. You can go to bed; I will be ok." Mom murmured, finishing a sip of liquids. I noticed in her eyes that she was still disoriented by how her eyes hovered all over the room.

"I am not sleepy anymore, Mom; why don't you rest? I'll stay near your room in case you need me." I said, not wanting to leave her alone when she was severely ill. Besides, I could think of many occasions when she stood by me when I was sick, and tending to her was a tiny return for all she had done for me.

"If you want, but I am better now. I should take a short nap before I get ready for work." She insisted and said, "Or you can lay here with me and try to get some sleep, you poor thing." What Mrs. Nicolas said about high fever and being disoriented quickly struck me when Mom mentioned getting ready for work.

I hesitated momentarily, looking at Mom's eyes to see if she was serious. I hadn't slept with Mom as long as I could remember and wasn't even sure if it was a good idea to start now.

"Here, come and stay with me." Mom said and slowly moved to the other end, making room for me to lie. Undecidedly, I sat and lay on my back without looking at her. Mom turned to her side, trying to get the needed rest. A few minutes later, I heard her mumbling, and she grumbled about being cold.

"Hold me, please, I am cold..." She begged. How could a son turn down such a request from his loving Mom? I rolled towards her and onto her side, placing my arm loosely over her waist. Mom mumbled, trying to adjust her position to be comfortable and her warm body pressing closer to mine. When she finally settled, I wondered if she realized that her buttocks were firmly pressed against my pajama shorts-covered crotch. It made me uneasy, but the sensation of having her soft body against mine felt great, and therefore, I remained calm, hoping to comfort my loving Mom.

We remained in that position for a while. Being tired and sleepy, I must have dozed off for a period. Then, when I was awoken by being hot, uncomfortable, and sweaty, I found myself still holding Mom, except my hand wasn't where I placed it over her earlier. It was right over Mom's breasts, and she had her hands over mine to keep it locked in position. To my horror, I also realized that my cock had gotten swollen during my short sleep, and the cockhead had emerged from the crotch since the pair of PJs that I wore that night had a missing button, and my cock was resting on Mom's thigh. Apparently, Mom had adjusted her legs during her sleep, or I may have moved closer to her, spooning her. I raised my head and took a peek at Mom. I was relieved to see she was faster sleep.

I remained frozen, not knowing what to do. I didn't want to move much, fearing that Mom would wake up, and then I feared Mom finding me with my shaft rubbing on her upper thigh. In the state of predicament, I suddenly remembered one morning Mom coming to my room to wake me up and pulling my sheets to find me with a morning wood. I immediately covered it with both hands. She smiled and said it was normal for boys my age to become erect in the mornings.

With that thought, I relaxed and let my cock rest on Mom's warm and silky thigh. It felt fantastic, and my cock had never felt anything like that before. The sensation was no comparison to my own hands. I may also mention that Mom was still a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. She was not very tall, but she was leggy and had a round butt that perfectly matched her equally round breasts.

We remained glued to each other, my cock pausing relentlessly on Mom's thigh. Keeping my eyes close to acting as I was asleep, I slid a little towards Mom and pressed my hips forward, finding a gap between her upper thighs where my cock could slip into for added comfort. No sooner I found my cockhead slipping in, I stopped and waited for a moment to read Mom's breathing, then pushed forward slowly. It felt awesome!!! I didn't want the feeling to end, so I waited to persevere in the sensation of her warmth and velvetiness.

Before long, my pre-cum started to leak off my cock, flooding between Mom's upper thighs. As I pressed my hips gently forward. Mom bent her knees, slid up, and her back pushed towards me locking my cock tightly between her cushiony thighs at the same instant, giving me immense pleasure. As I slowly pressed my hips towards her, I felt the radiation emitted from her hole. Just the thought was enough to get me fired up and wild. The pleasure was too much for me to bear. The movement of my hips picked up speed without being violent, and my balls started to heat, preparing to send a large load of cum.

However hot I was, I knew that I shouldn't shoot my load to make a mess between Mom's thighs. I slowed down and fucked to lengthen the outcome while enjoying every split second of my newfound sensation. When I reached the point of no return, I quickly, yet reluctantly, freed from her, rolled off the bed holding my cock. Once I stood up, I grabbed a few tissues from the box on the nightstand, held them with one hand, stopped to take a good look at where my cock had been, and whacked my cock with my other hand. Gawking at Mom's pearly thighs and butt that were still exposed below her risen nightdress greatly enhanced my thrill of shooting the load.

After I came, I felt remorseful for what I had done, but it was too late. I grabbed a few more tissues and softly cleaned between Mom's thighs off my pre-cum, and to my relief, she slept through the entire episode.

Not wanting to wake her up, I placed my hand on her forehead and neck to monitor her temperature and found her body warmer than usual but not a running fever. I watched her breathing patterns, her tightly shut eyes, and her body that was motionless except for the chest that moved with each breath that she took. I became worried even though she was breathing; some strange fear shot through my mind, seeing her lying motionlessly for the most part. Then it hit me that either she was too tired after vomiting nonstop for a reasonable length of time or the multiple medications that she was prescribed could have been the reason. Taking the medicine bottle, I gave her from the nightstand, I read the label: two teaspoons every six hours. Then, it quickly became apparent that I used the wrong measuring line of the cup and gave her two tablespoons full of it just a couple of hours earlier.

I was worried but, at the same time, very relieved. Even though I unintentionally gave her too big of a dose, it may have caused Mom to get much-needed rest. I took a closer look, leaning over her, and saw that her eyes were closed and determined her breathing was very regular; in all appearance, she was asleep. Her breasts wavered with each breath she took, clearly showing their size beneath her transparent nightdress. My hand reached inside my crotch without deliberating with my brain and squeezed the semi-hard head of my cock. Keeping my eye on Mom, I considered what I should do next. I wanted to have a good look at her pearly thighs that led to her most intimate private area, very close to where my cock got wedged during my sleep.

I knelt by the bed and gazed at her marvelous thighs, adoring them while holding my cock that responded immediately by becoming stiff once again. Part of me wanted to wake her up and give her more Seven-Up since she had a running fever, yet another part rejected the idea.

At last, I found enough courage; I took the edge of her nightdress and lifted it slowly above her butt. I studied her legs, which were very straight and without any hint of hair. The back of her thighs looked so smooth and round, and they gleamed in the dim room light as they were carved from ivory. I continued lifting her nightgown until it was around her mid back from the rear and stopped with my heart beating in excitement mixed with adventure. I paused to enjoy the sight of her half-naked body, and I couldn't see one single thing that I would want to change in her flawless figure. She was perfection, from her long, straight legs to her firm, juicy delicacies. Her buttocks were very round with good size cheeks, and as I stared at her, I began to feel saliva starting to run from the corners of my mouth while my cock was already twitching in my hand.

After debating for a few minutes, I resolved to lay by her for a bit longer to monitor her fever. I slowly touched her upper thighs, feeling some sticky spots that I missed when I cleaned her off of my pre-cum earlier. In pure lust, I caressed her thighs, soft ass checks, and slowly worked down the crack towards her pussy, the part that was visible between her legs. I could feel her smooth thigh with the tips of my fingers that, sent shock waves throughout my body. As I felt her slick ivory skin, my cock pushed against the crack of her bottom. I knew that she could feel my stiff cock if she wasn't over-medicated and being weak from the virus she fought.

I drooled over the back of my Mom's very pale thighs. From my previous encounter, I already experienced the sensation of her soft skin produced when I rubbed my cock on her. My cock was now twitching in appreciation of what my eyes witnessed. I knew I would never tire of staring at her mind stimulating the body. I could have never imagined that my mother could be so sexy, even when she was sick and lying in bed.

Very slowly, I raised one hand, and I gently placed it on the soft, warm flesh of her left breast; I let it remain there very still. As soon as I felt no reaction, I gently lifted her breast, and I tried to estimate its weight. I was surprised to find how hefty it was; at the same time, it felt delightfully licentious to know that I was actually holding and rubbing my own mother's breast. I could restrain myself from thrusting my throbbing cock from pushing against her bottom.

My cock traveled between the gap between Mom's upper thighs once more, and I was so excited when I sensed the heat generated from her pussy panting my cock; I took a deep breath and gently pushed my cock towards the heat source. I wanted to see if Mom would react when the head of my cock gently violated her pussy folds, but to my utter delight, she kept breathing generally without making any movements.

Encouraged and bold, I reached her hole with a finger; I stopped right where I guessed her hole was and waited to see if she would react again, but no signs were seen. Hooking my finger, I pressed forward; I was surprised when I felt that her pussy was somewhat saturated. Perhaps she dreamed of Dad in her feverish state.

I guided my cock to where my finger was, sliding down the bed to get a better angle, and pressed forward with my hips slipping between her folds. My cockhead slithered into her warm pussy. Oh...what a feeling! I waited to hold my breath and enjoy the feel of Mom's slick pussy walls that ringed around my meat. The feeling was so astonishing it caused my entire body to shake. I thrust my cock against her, more out of instinct than design.

I pressed forward again, inching more and more of my cock into her hole that was so drenched now and slimy while caressing her soft thighs gently with my top hand, knowing that I had offered my virginity to my own Mom. My cock slid in and out of her hole, and my hand wandered on territories that I had never explored before, but I did so tenderly not to cause any unnecessary stirs and commotions. As I kept pushing in and out, I soon noticed that Mom was beginning to respond by pressing her lower body toward me each time I gave her a shove and pulled it away; she would push back to meet my cock halfway into her precious tunnel, perhaps involuntarily.

Having cum once, I lasted longer, but I soon reached "the point of no return." I knew I would quickly empty my sack again. I wanted to withdraw but kept promising myself to do so after another stroke and then another before I could prevent the unwanted squirting inside Mom's pussy. But instantly, I began to flood the deep inside of her cunt, shivering and holding her as I did. The surges of intense pleasure sustained for a long time when my sexual appetite was fulfilled to the rim. I kept pressing inside, hearing the soppy sound that her pussy was full of my cum mixed with her nectar.

Once it was over and my cock began to deflate, I remained motionless, still holding Mom. Slowly my cock slid out of her pussy followed by thick liquid that we produced together that seeped along her thigh. At that moment, I was still not sure what came over me; I scooted further down, pressed my tongue on her thighs, and licked every bit of my cum that mixed with her juice eagerly. My tongue reached her hot hole to suck out every drop of syrup before getting off the bed to grab a moist towel to clean the rest. I only left the room after assuring me every trace of my sins was erased from everywhere except my mind.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I am copy pasting a comment I can relate to.


mcbtws - about 6 years ago

Ignore the outraged Fuckwits lol

Good story, quite natural for a teenage boy to be sexually stimulated laying next to his half naked mother plus these idiots should understand it's only a fucking story lol.

* * *

I gave u a 5- [4.6 = 92% (☆☆☆☆☆-)]!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


A five star incest/tabo story: 5 0 = 100%!

I have a voyeur son since forever.

My mom's ass and thighs were like a fetish for me, a fetish I was kissing and licking and worshiping in my incestuous fantasies.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This is an accurate description of the way a mom's wet hairy pussy feels on a son's hard cock when he slides it through her large long open slick inner lips. There is no feeling like it.

ejb57ejb57about 1 year ago

I loved this story. Wish there was a follow up!

NesticNesticabout 1 year ago

Fantastic… I totally enjoyed your story. So gentle, loving and sexy. Please go on. Great use and choice of words. More please, please …

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Re Mother's Thighs


GAVE IT A 5.0 = 100% = A++ (♡♡♡♡♡+)!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago




My mom was the protagonist in 75% of my jack off fantasies. This story mirrors most of my erotic fantasies involving my mom.

In my fantasy world i was just caressing & kissing her body. Like in the story, my dick, somehow, always happened to be touching her thighs or her ass cheeks.

I was so much obsessed with my mom's thighs & her ass that they were my fetish. Well, i adored her skin too: very sexy looking, naturally hydrated, never too dry, never too oily.

Hi ares2009:

Thank you for this story!

End quote.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

In my book this is a five star story. It being very very erotic, I gave you a 5.0 = 100% = ☆☆☆☆☆+!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love ❤️ it; 5.0 = 💯% (☆☆☆☆☆) 👍👍!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I knew I would LOVE this story from the moment I read its title. And I was not disappointed!

I loved it! I loved it! I loved it!

I gave it a 5.0 [100%, (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!)]

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

I do not like rape stories of any type, but especially those involving incest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
no reality

no reality makes this worthless

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Fresh, Fragrant Love

Mother's Thighs recreates the magic of one of the most beautiful relationships of Mother-Son relations. It brings out the delicacy and diffidence of a son, hesitantly approaching his mother. Hesitancy is only initially. Slowly, but surely, he gains confidence of making love, and passionate one, at that, with his idol and icon, his mother.

Mother's Thighs has the freshness and fragrance of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve made love and pure love, at that. It is important to recapture that spirit in the Mother-Son Love, which is the most sublime and sensuous form of pure lofe. -- Ramesh

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Reading your story i could recognize myself when i was 18 or 19: late bloomer, never had sex, totally infatuated with own mother... What can I tell you...

Your story made my day!

• • •

In 9 months or so this story got 158,866 views & 78 favorites. I know i love it, & i am glad other people love it too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

My mom was the protagonist in 75% of my jack off fantasies. This story mirrors most of my erotic fantasies involving my mom.

In my fantasy world i was just caressing & kissing her body. Like in the story, my dick, somehow, always happened to be touching her thighs or her ass cheeks.

I was so much obsessed with my mom's thighs & her ass that they were my fetish. Well, i adored her skin too: very sexy looking, naturally hydrated, never too dry, never too oily.

Hi ares2009:

Thank you for this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

all good but the last bit off!,

enmividalocaenmividalocaalmost 7 years ago
Great job.

Great story, keep it up. And to the guy complaining about spelling. The word comment has 2 m's not one. Please edit your complaint. Then edit yourself off of here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Looking forward to what's next

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Interesting story

Some good ideas butt should have stopped at the rubbing and looking. Write more honest and realistic. You have a lot to offer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Now then

If the hounds of inconsistency are not heeded this is what will always happen. "What?" say you. Thank heaven that you are not caught up in the desires of one that you will never meet only to transform your asshole into a lethal turd gun?

Turd, terd, tird, tyrd? This question has plagued philosophers for millenia.

mcbtwsmcbtwsalmost 7 years ago
Ignore the outraged Fuckwits lol

Good story, quite natural for a teenage boy to be sexually stimulated laying next to his half naked mother plus these idiots should understand it's only a fucking story lol.

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