Mother's Helping Hand Ch. 12

Story Info
Bobby get's his dick moulded and ends up in a 3some.
5.9k words

Part 12 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/03/2015
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The usual disclaimers apply, the story contains incest and sexual scenes so if you are likely to be offended by this please don't read any further.

The characters are over 18, the persons and events described are entirely fictional. The author reserves all rights to the story and its reproduction with the exception of Literotica.

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Chapter 12

As Alison found herself blearily coming to she felt confused, dawn light was shining in through the windows but the room was unfamiliar and she was not alone, there was an arm draped round her cupping her naked breasts, an arm that was unmistakeably male as was the erection that was pushing into her back. With a sick jolt the events of the night before came back to her. Sitting astride her son having a climax after kissing and making out with him. Was that all that had happened? She thought it was, as if that wasn't bad enough. She remembered guiltily the moment when she had actually considered putting Bobby inside her... she tried to push the memory away but all the same, she had to be sure.

She reached behind her and gently unrolled the condom from the huge hard cock that she had nearly made love with, delicately she pulled the rubber from his cock. Bobby murmured but didn't wake, she held the sheath up so she could examine it. The teat was full of a milky liquid, Alison breathed a sigh of relief. On another man it would have looked like he had cum but she knew it was only pre cum, Bobby would have produced far more and it would be far thicker. At least that meant he hadn't had an orgasm and if he hadn't climaxed it followed that they hadn't actually had sex.

She made her way out of bed, gently extricating herself from the hand holding her boobs before disposing of the condom in the trash. She made her way unsteadily to the bathroom and shut the door trying to clear her head. Her revulsion with herself and the effects of the wine were proving too much, her stomach was churning and her head was spinning and finally she she found herself being ill. When she'd finished she started to feel a little better and ran a shower letting the water run over her and try to wash away the confusion and guilt. When she left the shower Bobby was still asleep but had rolled onto his back so his hard on was jutting up over his belly, casting a shadow in the morning light like some obscene sundial.

Ironically she noticed the time was getting on, they had to be at the studio first thing and she felt she needed several coffees before she would be ready to face that. She wrapped her towel round herself and shook Bobby awake by his leg, trying not to notice how the movement caused his giant cock to sway side to side as she did.

"Uhhhhmm, what?"

"Time to get up Bobby."

"Uh, oh, right. Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night."

It was a wonder he got any he figured, after his mom left him high any dry. She was wearing her towel and had already washed, so that wasn't a good sign he guessed, looked like she was on a guilt trip. He figured there was no point pushing things right now.

"The shower's hot, let's get you washed and dressed and we can get some breakfast."

"Uh ok..."

His mom put the bags on his hands and helped him into the shower, keeping her towel on and standing outside the door so she could wash him without getting wet... or naked. She chatted all the while about the arrangements for the day and whatever trivia she could think of to avoid the elephant in the room. When she came to wash his cock she directed her gaze away as she ran her soapy hands over it. WFT he thought, after she's sucked me off, tit fucked me, jerked me and nearly fucked me suddenly she's all shy? Oh well, there was no denying her hands delicately soaping his dick felt good, though right now she could have beat the shit out of it and that would have still felt good. She rinsed him off and dried him before helping him dress, delicately rolling a condom on before pushing his cock into some tight underwear. When his mom dressed she turned her back before slipping off her towel, teasing him with views of her beautiful ass and the side of her tits swaying as she put on her bra and panties before putting on a skirt and tight top.

They had breakfast across the street from the hotel, mom didn't seem keen to revisit the hotel dining room where they'd had their meal the night before, too many awkward memories he guessed. It was a pleasant diner and Bobby ordered himself a good size breakfast while mom just sipped a large black coffee from behind her dark glasses. After a couple more coffees mom had some french toast and began to look more like her old self, even managing a couple of smiles at Bobby's jokes. For his part Bobby could hardly contain his excitement, after nearly 3 days of blue balls he was finally going to get off. His only worry was whether his mom would oblige now, she seemed to be unwilling to even look at his dick let alone get him off. Oh well, hopefully she'll chill out by the time the situation arose.

They caught a cab to the studios and arrived there a little early. The studio was in a loft apartment so they took the elevator up to the top floor. Alison rang the buzzer on the door and after a few minutes it was opened by a pretty young girl with curly dark hair and a Mediterranean complexion.

"Um hello, we have an appointment for 9am? Bobby... um Smith."

"Oh sure," the girl replied with a bronx accent. "Hi I'm Cynthia, just call me Cyn. Come in, sorry I'm really behind today. My girlfriend is sick and I'm having to do everything myself."

Bobby guessed she was in her early twenties, she was petite with a slim body and wore a tight yellow shirt with red shorts. As she turned to let them in he also noticed she had a firm looking ass and great legs. Bobby's dick gave an extra lurch at the thought this little honey would be the one doing the casting.

"Oh I see, well if there's anything I can do to help?"

"You must be, Alison?"

"Yes that's right."

Cynthia noticed the bandages on Bobby's wrists for the fist time as she closed the door behind them.

"Oh that's right, you're his... assistant, right?"

"Um, yes."

"Well, actually it would be really great if you could help get Bobby ready for the impression, especially as he's not able to do it himself. Normally Pamela, my girlfriend, takes care of all that but like I say, she's got a fever."

"Yes, alright, what would you like me to do?"

"Ok, well first off there's a razor and some foam over there by the basin. Can you just make sure he's all clean shaven down there. It makes it a lot less painful when we take the plaster off if you know what I mean."

"Oh ... um ok." Alison looked a little taken aback.

"Oh, I mean if you're ok with doing that, I just kind of assumed you guys were an item?"

"Yes that's fine."

"Great I'll start mixing up the plaster."

Without speaking Alison led Bobby over to the basin before filling it with hot water. She then undid his shorts, pulling them down before removing his underwear, his giant dick springing free. She slid the condom off and threw it away before soaping her hands and lathering his cock and balls. She seemed more relaxed now, he guessed she felt in her element, shaving patients for surgery and so on. The fact he was her son and sporting a huge boner must have seemed a little odd but other than that she proceeded in a business like way. Wetting the razor she began gently shaving around the base of his cock and his balls, gently but firmly pulling his cock and balls this way and that as she worked. There was something about the clinical dispassion of her actions that made the process even more exciting for Bobby and his cock lurched and ached more than ever,

Alison rinsed his cock and balls off and after checking her handiwork dried him with a towel. Cynthia returned from the other room mixing a large bowl of white power and water into a paste.

"Holy shit that's a dick and half!" she remarked staring at Bobby's cock. "Oh my goodness, I hope I've got enough plaster for that!"

Bobby's cock jumped at the praise and Alison found herself flushing at the other woman's admiration of her son's penis.

"Is there anything else I can do?"

"Um well, actually there is. You see the next thing get a good casting we've got to get you as hard as possible before we put the plaster on, Pam, my girlfriend, normally helps fluff the guys. She's great at getting them right to the edge without making them cum, but she's not here and seeing as his hands are in plaster, err, I guess this will be down to you as well..." Cynthia said looking at Alison questioningly.

"I see."

"I mean if you're ok with that?"

"Yes of course, I understand it's necessary."

There was a pause while Alison flushed slightly before she took hold of Bobby's cock and began stroking it while Cynthia looked on, continuing to stir the mixture. Bobby found having an audience was proving a turn on and he thrust his giant hard on out so Cynthia could get a good look. Bobby took the opportunity to study her, it was pretty obvious she wasn't wearing a bra and he noticed her nipples were starting to look hard. He wondered what her breasts looked like, through her shirt he could tell they were small but looked perky and from the way her nipples protruded he guessed they were pretty big. She mentioned having a girlfriend.. but she seemed pretty interested in his dick too, so so he guessed maybe she swung both ways. His mom continued stroking his cock in the way only she could, delicately rolling the skin up and down over his purple glans as she tenderly tugging on his giant hard on. She was clearly embarrassed at doing this in front of another woman but Cynthia showed no signs of leaving as she watched Alison working on his iron hard cock. Her tugging on his dick was starting to have its effect and he could feel his cum beginning to rise, but it seemed Alison sensed it almost before he did and as his cock began to swell and his balls drew up she slowed her stroking making the movements caresses rather than jerking.

"Wow, looks like you know what you're doing alright. Ok, well I'd like to keep watching but I have to get the mix ready for the mould, I'll be a few more minutes so just keep jerking him but make sure he doesn't cum."

Bobby groaned to himself, more teasing? God his dick was so hard it ached and his balls felt like they weighed a ton. Still his mom seemed to be taking her duty seriously and continued lightly tugging on his cock building his excitement his balls tightening and his cock swelling as he neared his orgasm. With an uncanny sense she could bring him shuddering to the brink of a climax only to back off at the last moment leaving his cock twitching and lurching in the hope of a final release. She would then play with his balls hefting the giant gonads in her hand and feeling how heavy and full they were becoming before resuming her stroking and bringing him towards another achingly frustrating denied orgasm. After the fourth time of edging Bobby closer to his climax he thought his mom had gone too far, he felt his balls draw up and his cock begin to lurch, he considered trying to warn her but he was too far gone and felt like even if she stopped now he would cum anyway. Instead of just stopping though, his mom slid her hand down and gripped the base of his cock, squeezing as hard as she could choking off his orgasm.

It was almost as if she was strangling his orgasm, he groaned in frustration as he felt his climax being choked off by her vice like grip around the base of his dick. If he didn't know better he'd think she was enjoying her role as fluffer / tormentor, he looked down at his cock, it was bloated and purple, the veins standing out where she was strangling it and choking off his release. As she sensed his orgasm abate she released his cock and a dribble of cum ran down his glans and onto his shaft. She smoothed the cum into his cock and began teasing it again, lightly running her fingers over the iron hard contours of his dick.

"Wow looks like you got him pretty worked up!"

They were both startled out of their reverie by Cynthia's return, she was carrying a tub of white liquid under one arm and a long cylinder with a strap in the other hand which she set on a bench.

"Do you mind if I check?"

"Um no." Alison stepped back allowing Cynthia access to Bobby , she reached out and held his cock in her hand, feeling how aroused he was, before running her fingers up and down his iron hard dick.

"My god, you're hard as a rock! This is gonna go great, that's if we can fit you in the cylinder. Ok there's just one more thing I need you to do." She said addressing Alison once more. "There's a tube of lubricant over on the table, I just need you to put some on him so he doesn't stick to the plaster."

Alison fetched the tube before squeezing a little into her hand and gently rubbing it over Bobby's cock, by now the cum and precum that had drooled from him were making his dick pretty slippery anyway and with the addition of the lube his cock looked like it was made from stainless steel. While Alison had been doing this Cynthia had poured the plaster into the long cylinder she'd brought and carried it over to Bobby placing some plastic matting on the floor.

"Ok this is what I'll need you to put your dick into, it's 12" so I hope it's big enough. Um you may need to hold him Alison, he's kind of sticking up in the air at the moment."

That was an understatement, Bobby's dick was so hard it was almost pointing and the ceiling so Alison held him by the base and, as gently as she could, bent him down so he was aimed at the cylinder which Cynthia held in front of him.

"Ok now just slide it in nice and gentle, imagine it's a virgin!"

Alison blushed at the suggestion and felt Bobby's cock lurch in her hand at the reference, he then stepped forward and she slowly eased his cock into the cylinder as Cynthia held it. The plaster actually felt quite cool and soothing and as he slid deeper the pressure increased making it feel like he really was sliding into a pussy. The excess plaster dripped out onto the plastic matting and eventually Bobby's cock was completely encased in the plaster.

"Ok just hold the cylinder for me."

Alison did as she was directed while Cynthia fastened the two straps around Bobby holding the mould in place.

"Great, now we just gotta wait for the plaster to dry."

With that Cynthia pulled her shirt over her head revealing her small perky boobs with dark erect nipples. Bobby and Alison both looked at her in astonishment as she tossed her shirt to one side. She looked back at them quizzically as they stared at her.

"Oh the shirt? I guess I should have said. It's important that you stay hard while the plaster sets so I normally take my shirt off to, you know, give the guys a little visual stimulation. You can touch them if you want, that's if you know, it's ok with you?" she looked from Bobby to Alison.

Alison didn't say anything and Bobby wasn't about to wait.

"Um, thanks." Bobby didn't think there was any chance of him going soft any time in the next decade but he wasn't about to turn down the offer to grab a pair of boobs. She had pretty small tits, maybe an A or B cup he guessed, and as he reached out to hold them it felt strange to have a pair of boobs he could easily hold in his hands. He toyed with her nipples, bigger than his mom's which he thought was ironic given the difference in the size of their breasts. They sure were a perky pair though, sit up and beg boobs as his room mate had called them, Bobby preferred to call them party hats, either way they were small but cute.

Alison glared at Bobby and Cynthia, looking like she wanted to strangle or punch them but unable to do anything in the situation.

"When my girlfriend's here we usually put on a show for the guys but unfortunately that's not going to happen." She noticed Alison staring at Bobby's hands on her tits and added. "That's unless you'd like know?"

"What? Um, well...I'm not sure..." Then she noticed Bobby's eyes on Cynthia's tits and a jealous anger rose in her. "Yes alright then, what would you like me to do?"

"Cool! Well take off that shirt for a start!"

Alison hesitated before lifting the shirt over her head, her boobs bulging out of her bra as she stretched and discarded the top.

"Wow, those are huge! They gotta be fake right?"

"Um no, they're not."

"You're kidding! Can I take the bra off?"

"Um ok."

Cynthia moved away from Bobby's grasp to undo Alison's bra and slip it off her shoulders, Alison stood uncertainly, displaying her breasts to another woman.

"Holy shit these are awesome! My girlfriend will be so jealous when I tell her about you, she loves big tits! Guess she really lucked out with me right???" Cynthia laughed.

"I think you have very nice... breasts."

"Oh that's sweet of you to say, but these are huge! Can I touch them?"

"Um, yes alright."

Cynthia lifted Alison's boobs in her hands and squeezed her tits together before bouncing them in her hands.

"Oh my god! They really are real, shit you were certainly blessed!"

"Um thank you."

"You two would be a real hit at Bacchus you know."


"Yeah Club Bacchus, it's a private resort down on the Gulf of Mexico, it's clothing optional although pretty much everyone is naked the whole time. Everyone's too busy sucking and fucking to bother getting dressed. Pam and I and heading down there next month. You two would be a real hit, as would these two!" she remarked bouncing Alison's tits for emphasis.

Cynthia continued squeezing and groping Alison's boobs before putting her face between them and motor-boating her. Alison stood transfixed, unsure how to respond to the attentions of Cynthia. She had never had sex with another woman and was unsure how to react until she began sucking her nipples and she found herself responding to the caresses. As Cynthia continued to feast on Alison's breasts licking and sucking her nipples, Alison found herself moaning and began running her hands through Cynthia's hair, encouraging her to gorge herself on Alison's abundant offerings. Clearly Cynthia was getting more turned on as she eventually removed her mouth from Alison's nipple, kissing her way up the slopes of her breasts before facing her and kissing her on the lips. Alison was initially unsure how to react but as Cynthia continued squeezing her tits and snaked her tongue into her mouth she found herself instinctively returning her kisses.

Alison had never considered herself gay or bi but there was something about the touch of another woman who new exactly how to stimulate her in ways only a woman could know that was erotic and tender at the same time. Alison felt herself growing wet and excited and reached out, running her hands over Cynthia's shoulders and down her sides before seeking out her breasts. Cynthia stopped groping Alison's tits to allow her access to her own much smaller offerings. Alison cupped the boobs in her hands, surprised and how small they felt after only having her own to compare them to. She ran her fingers over the engorged nipples before squeezing them as she knew she liked to do with her own. Cynthia gasped at the touch and pushed her boobs out inviting Alison to squeeze harder which she did before finding herself being drawn other woman's breasts, taking one nipple in her mouth and sucking while squeezing the other. Cynthia held Alison's head to her breast like a mother nursing a child and groaned at the sensations.

For his part if Bobby's pecker hadn't been encased in plaster that was rapidly hardening he guessed he would have shot his wad from watching his mom and a hot chick making out and sucking each other's tits.