Mr. Carson and His Different Life


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"I feel a bit guilty," Ben explained as he reached over into the night table and removed a tube of gel, and as he generously lathered up his long sleek member he explained. "Your anus - have you ever looked at it? It's beautiful. It looks so pink and pure it's as if nothing's ever gone in or out. You okay Tim?"

"Yes," I assured him as I put a little quiver in my voice while I gave his long prong a wary look. "Guess I'm just a little scared."

"I'm shaking too son - only not from nerves," Ben replied as he tossed the tube aside and moved up close with his slick spear leading the way. "Now just relax son."

I let out a sob that was far more pleasure than pain, and as Ben took a hold of my scalp and gently raised my head backwards a bit I rolled my eyes back into my skull as the old man slid a little deeper and leaned over me with a wicked grin.

"Ow! Please," I whimpered.

"Don't you like it Tim?"

"Yes but - I don't think I can. I think it's too big," I begged as Ben worked the tip of his cock slowly in. "Is it all in me?"

"Lord no," Ben chuckled. "Long way to go for that but I'll be gentle and I'll take my time. I think I might surprise you with my endurance, although looking at you like this is testing my resolve."

In and out the head of Ben's cock went, dipping a little deeper with each stroke as his hands caressed my back and shoulders while telling me to relax.

"You're doing great son," Ben declared. "You're so sweet and tight. How does it feel?"

"Big," I grunted as Ben had pushed almost all of his manhood into me.

"You like it though, don't you Tim?" Ben asked as he pulled his cock nearly all the way out of me, and as his hand grabbed my scalp again and made my eyes meet his in the reflection I saw the fire in his gaze. "Tell me."

"I like it," I grunted, rolling my eyes back in my skull again as he completely impaled me.

"Tell me about it - I like dirty talk," Ben hissed.

"Your cock - so freaking big it's splitting me in two," I dramatically announced. "I can feel it pulsating in me."

"You want more though, don't you?" Ben asked. "You love my big pecker as much as I love your sweet ass, don't you? You want it harder and faster."

"Yes - I do," I choked out, and with that Ben proceeded to show me that age is really just a number.

Despite my being much stronger and younger Ben treated my body like a rag doll, and although it couldn't have been done without my cooperation I loved the feeling of this wiry senior having his way with me.

Showing remarkable limberness Ben leaned back on his haunches and as he did pulled me back with him, the result of which was him skewering me with his cock, and as I leaned back against him his hand came around and grabbed my boner.

"This tells me how much you like it more than words," Ben snapped as he bit my shoulder lightly while his thumb and index fingers jerked me hard, and then Mr. Carson found out that not only did I love it I had little self control as I sprayed the bedding with my orgasm.

"Had enough?" Ben asked as he leaned me back forward, and after I indicated the answer was no he hunched over me and thrust hard and fast.

His cock was relentless as he humped me with the exuberance of a teenager, probing rhythmically and deep while his hands encircled me. I was dripping with sweat by then, allowing his hands to glide over me and pluck at my nipples which were too slick to really grasp.

Then I ended up flat on my stomach while Ben kept going, massaging my back while amorously assaulting my anus with his instrument, and then I found myself spun onto my back with Ben wedging a pillow under the base of my spine and lifting my legs high and wide.

"Omigod!" I cried out as I grabbed the backs of my thighs while Ben slid his manhood back in me. "Feels even bigger this way. You're like a machine."

"Warned you," Ben grinned as he leaned over me, and although he no longer looked like the distinguished gentleman he had been in the car with his silver locks now a wild mess and his lean body dripping sweat onto me, I found his cockiness as exciting as his incredible endurance.

It had to end eventually, and it did after Ben put me in yet another position. After moving us so the mirror was on our right Ben had me straddle him as he held his still stiff cock upright, and as I slowly squatted down and took in into my anus the ease at which it glided in made be sure it had to be gaping wide open by then.

"I'm afraid I'll never last long like this," Ben declared after I impaled myself on his stiff tool. "It's tough enough looking at you in the mirror but seeing you like this - not too big anymore am I?"

"No sir," I replied, and my title slip up didn't get anything but a smile. "It's perfect."

"And look at you," Ben remarked as I moved up and down on him very gingerly since I was getting sore by then. "Your dick is almost hard again. If I was your age again we would never get out of bed."

My cock was almost back to life, although it looked a little the worse of wear since my usually pink little prong was now a rather angry red thanks to Ben's enthusiastic pulling on it whenever he could.

"Is my little friend as sore as he looks?" he asked as I made like he was a horse on a merry-go-round, and I shrugged my shoulders as he reached down and put a bony finger underneath it and let it slide up and down the underside.

"That feels nice," I admitted as despite the soreness I got harder from the stroking.

"Do you think you can really cum again?" he asked as he bit his lower lip.

"If you keep doing that," I responded.

"Want to see if we can cum together," Ben grunted, his face red and his neck muscles bulging. "Can't hold it back much longer - let me know when you're ready."

"Rub harder - press under the base. Hard."

"Like that?" Ben asked, and after I nodded he gasped, "Put your hands behind your neck if you can - tense your muscles - yes! Just like that..."

The rest was lost as Ben groaned along with me, and while the timing wasn't precise as I felt Ben's cock throb a bit before I came, the soothing warmth of his sap coating my bowels as my toy cannon spat a modest load onto the silver cloud on his torso was a fitting climax in every way.

I fell off of Ben and settled next to him, and after a few seconds of rest he was leaning over me, kissing my chest and nibbling my nipples while his mischievous look returned to his face.

"Even your sweat tastes like spring water," he opined as he licked around my collarbone and let his tongue slide under my arm to orally caress the peach fuzz while I giggled in response.

"I suspect dinner is almost ready," Ben mentioned, and when I glanced over at the clock I was stunned to see how long Ben had made love to me. "There's a shower there in the bathroom through that door."

"How about you?" I asked, and after Ben said he could wait for me to get done I suggested differently, saying, "I'd like to take one with you if you would like."

"Really?" he said in a surprised voice, and after I said I would like that a lot we climbed off of the bed and headed that way.

"Wait a second Tim," Ben said as he stopped us in front of the mirror again. "Look at us - look at you. You're beautiful."

I had already figured out that Ben liked looked at us in the mirror, and while I winced a little at me standing there with all my shortcomings exposed and the red marks on my knees and elbows and other places making me look like I had been savaged, I guess Ben saw something different.

"I think WE look beautiful," I corrected, the smile on the old man's face never wider, and then we went into the bathroom to clean off.

The shower was plenty big, giving us plenty of room to clean ourselves and each other. I gave what Ben called a very localized scrubbing, enjoying soaping up his long flaccid hose and stretching the limp organ out to preposterous lengths as I tested the rubbery flesh's limitations.

"If I was forty years younger you wouldn't be playing with a dead dick right now, I assure you of that," Ben said with a twinge of sadness.

"I don't think I could handle a 20 year old Ben Carson," I said honestly as he reached around and cleaned my bottom. "I may never walk normally again after you got done with me."

"Nonsense," Ben replied and as he looked down through the spray and saw what the shower had done to me he laughed and commented, "There's no keeping that pointer down, is there?"

"Can't help it," I replied regarding my re-energized dick and then seriously replied, "It's the company I'm with I guess, but I think there's something wrong with me."

"Nothing wrong with having non-stop erections. I mean, when I was young I was resilient but nothing like you. Can I do something to get rid of it at least temporarily for you?"

"No, I'm fine," I answered, but when I looked down at Mr. Carson's flaccid member I changed my tune.

"Do you mind?" I asked as I reached down and brought his cock up to meet mine.

"Surely you jest," was Ben's reply as I pushed the head of my dick into his foreskin, and then I squeezed us together, at which point Ben's hand joined mine.

"Feels so good," I said as my stiff prong was crushed into my old friend's rubbery organ, and as I began moving my hip to and fro I added, "Hope we don't run out of hot water."

"We won't," Ben said as his free hand drew my close to him, and as our slick bodies pressed into each other I savored the feeling for as long as I could before I felt the tingle.

"Cum for me Tim," Ben said as I leaned into the slender senior while nuzzling into his neck, and while I doubt whether I was able to ejaculate anything at that point the electric feeling of the orgasm was the same.

"My wife is a great cook," Ben said after I got my legs under me and we rinsed off, answering the question I would never have asked. "I think we worked up an appetite, don't you?"

"Yes sir - I mean Ben," I quickly added, and then in a few minutes we were at the dining room table eating a meal that I would like to say I hadn't had the equal of since I was back home with Mom, except Mom was no great shakes as a cook and when we had something like pork chops ours would be little skinny things instead of the two inch thick monsters I was encouraged to have two of.

As the three of us ate I looked over at the woman who was married to the man I had just slept with. Jane was a pleasant woman who was a little older than my Mom, and I couldn't help think of Alice on the Brady Bunch when I looked at her.

Did she know what went on in that bedroom? I don't know if we were loud but how could she not know? Yet she was charming and gracious and so nice that by the end of the meal I was as confused as I was full.

"I'll be taking Tim to his dorm dear," Ben said, answering the question of what was next, and as Mrs. Carson puttered around I whispered to Ben that I thought my wallet must have been left in the bedroom.

He asked me if I knew the way and I told him I did, but after I headed down the hall I realized that this place was so large that I should have asked because unlike home you could get lost in here.

I got to the end of the hall where there were two doors next to each other, and so I just opened the closest one. As it turned out it was the wrong one.



Leave it to me to pick the wrong door. That was my immediate reaction when I flicked on the light because that was my luck. Chose heads and tails comes up, pick odd and it turns out even, and as far as rock/paper/scissors goes - well you get the idea.

I was in a bedroom alright but not the right one. This was just as lavishly furnished as the one we had been in and might have actually been the exact same room with one exception, but that was a rather major exception.

On the wall that separated the two bedrooms, there wasn't a mirror, or at least not the kind I was familiar with in the other bedroom. It was more like a window and through the window you could see the entire bedroom. The practically destroyed bed with the sheets coated with our bodily fluids, the tube of lubricant on the carpet and even my wallet by the night table. It was all there to see from here.

On this side of the room there was a large chair facing the mirror/window and on the floor behind it a wine glass with a little remaining in it and a vibrator - one that was every bit as large as the real thing I had enjoyed - and a bottle of lotion. Way too much for my mind to absorb.

"Ahem," came the clearing of a throat behind me, and while I jumped as I turned and saw Ben in the doorway, I supposed it was better than the alternative.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't snooping. Not really. I thought this was the room," I mumbled but Ben waved my apology off.

"We'll talk in the car," Ben responded as I went past him and into the right room while Mr. Carson turned the light off and waited for me to get my wallet.

"Please don't say anything," Ben cautioned me as we went back to the kitchen, and I nodded.

Using what I hoped were good acting skills I thanked Mrs. Carson who the delicious dinner, and judging by the way she acted I guess I pulled it off. I gave her a hug that she returned in kind and even gave me another kiss on the cheek before we departed.

"I hope you come back again Tim," Jane Carson said, her wholesome expression not revealing anything more than my 'oh shucks' manner had. "I do like it so when Ben brings his friends over for a visit."

"Yes ma'am," I replied. "Very nice to meet you Mrs. Carson, and dinner was great!"

The ride to my dorm was much slower than the ride to Ben's home and was made in silence with a very muted Magic Carpet Ride the only sound until we got to my building.

"Thank you for being so nice to Jane as we left," Ben said after turning off the ignition and swiveling in his bucket seat to face me, wincing at the movement and adding, "My back is reminding me I'm not a kid anymore."

"You'd never know it," I replied, trying to ease the tension in the car.

"Anyway, you deserve an explanation."

"No, I mean I shouldn't have gone into that room. Should have made sure that I had my wallet," I rambled, ready to apologize for everything under the sun but Ben cut me off.

"Don't be silly. Remember before we entered the house and we were in the driveway and I told you that you might be a little confused and things might be a little strange to you?"

"Yes," I replied. "You did say that. I mean, I knew you had a wedding ring so I figured you were married - or had been married."

"I am, and I love Jane with all my heart," Ben explained. "You see, we never had children and most of our lives we had been - I guess what today they call swingers - although we were always very discrete about it. We shared our bed with many a couple and select young ladies and gentlemen."

"Oh. Like that movie Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice?"

"I suppose, only in our case it was Ben and Jane and fill in the blanks. We enjoyed sex with other people and really enjoyed watching each other have sex, especially young folks like you. I would have sex with a young man or woman and Jane would also enjoy other guys and gals while we watched each other," Ben told me. "It didn't mean we didn't love each other. In fact I think it helped our marriage although I wouldn't recommend it to everybody. Does any of this make sense to you?"

"I guess," I said although I was still dazed.

"A few years ago Jane had a bit of a health problem. Thankfully she pulled through and is fine now, but the operation left her - let's just say she doesn't feel comfortable letting others see her now," Ben explained, adding, "Although she looks every bit as beautiful to me."

"She's a pretty lady," I said, seeing the woman for the first time through Ben's moist eyes.

"Thank you. Anyway, she - we - are still as alive as we ever were and time and issues couldn't tame Jane's sex drive so she wanted - insisted that we continue our sex lives but in just a slightly different way," Ben concluded. "That's the reason for the one-way mirror and the viewing area."

"She watches you?"

"She watched us. Every minute I suspect, and she probably enjoyed it almost as much as I did. How do you feel about that? Be honest."

"It feels weird," I admitted. "I mean, there's no way I could have ever done that stuff with you if I knew your wife was watching."

"I know, and that's the beautiful thing about it. You were uninhibited and as horny as we ever were."

"I haven't really had women see me naked before," I said, unable to stop the shiver that noticeably shot though my body when I thought about being paraded in front of that mirror like that while Mrs. Carson sat there watching. "The time I did - it didn't work out well."

"I can't speak for that but I can tell you one thing," Ben confided. "When you went to get your wallet I asked Jane what she thought about you, and she said she didn't know what she wanted to do more, fuck you or adopt you. She's wild about you and even though she got herself off watching you and me, by the time I get back she'll be in bed waiting for me."

"Lucky for me while you killed my pecker at least for the time being," Ben added, "I have a the tongue of a teenager and I've been told I know how to use it."

"You sure do," I agreed.

"And I don't know if you noticed, but Jane still has a great ass on her," Ben chuckled and winked. "And she loves being married to an guy who enjoys it."

"Are you going to tell her that I know about her watching?" I asked before I climbed out of the car.

"No, and I hope you don't should you visit again," Ben replied. "She would be very embarrassed about it. I was afraid you overheard her when she came. Even through the wall sometimes I can hear her when she's having an orgasm. She's a howler when she cums, and you know when I would grab your hair and pull your head back while I fucked you? That gets her every time and that's when I heard her."

"Guess I was distracted by other things," I sheepishly admitted. "I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did."

"I'm sure she did. Well, I guess I'll see you at the gym," Ben said she we prepared to part. "Don't be afraid to drop the soap, and if you do take your time picking it up."

"Okay," I said as I climbed out of the Corvette and walked across the green to my dorm.

"That ass looks great even in jeans," I heard Ben say before he roared home to his wife while I tried to convince myself that the last several hours had actually happened.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

Really enjoyed this story snd look forward to more installments

MickyFox0MickyFox0almost 7 years ago

Enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed the others, hope Jane enjoyed it as much as the other two

tameriustameriusabout 9 years ago

this is a plot and a background you don't see often. I liked it, maybe because of the newness.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Excellent Story and Content

I love the way you write your stories Tim. Most stories are too quick

and too blunt regarding the way they write. But your stories are a

slow build up that has me gasping for my cock to be sucked and

also wishing I was in the story. Every good writer...and wish I could

read some of your stories....they are masterful.

Simplyme99Simplyme99about 9 years ago

Superb, loving and raunchy.

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