Mr. E. (Scaled Back)


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When Trent emerged from the restroom the banquet was already well underway. People were taking turns telling stories of how Mrs. Miller had influenced their lives. When it was Trent's turn to speak, he gave his former teacher the credit for steering him towards medicine. Although in reality Trent wanted to be a doctor long before he ever met Mrs. Miller, Trent figured that the fat cats they were trying to squeeze money out of would have no way of knowing this. He figured that it wouldn't be such a bad thing if some of the wealthier members of the community were inclined to dig a bit deeper into their wallets because of his little white lie. Hell, it was all tax deductible anyway; right.

Becky and Trent never did go get coffee after the banquet. If truth be told, they were each too embarrassed to face one another the rest of the evening. Greg finally cornered Trent, and it looked to Becky as the two of them were having some type of disagreement. They eventually left the hall together, leaving Becky to wonder what they were up to. With curiosity getting the better of her, she quickly decided to follow them.

"I can't believe you want me to do this," Trent complained.

"Oh come on man, every member of the team has signed it, even the coaches," Greg said.

"I wasn't on the team," Trent reminded him.

I don't care. Now that I am the coach, I want Mr. E's signature on the championship ball, like it should have been all along," Greg exclaimed!

"You are opening up a big can of worms here Stevens. If I sign this now, people are going to start asking questions about my identity again. I still don't want anyone to know that I was Mr. E.," He said.

"Come on man just sign it. I promise I won't tell anyone who you really are, Greg replied.

As a stunned Becky hid behind the corner witnessing the event, Trent reluctantly signed the pigskin, before handing it back to the former quarterback.

Becky couldn't believe what she had just overheard. Of all the possible candidates she would have suspected to be the elusive Mr. E., Trent's name was not among any of them. Choosing to remain hidden, Becky continued to listen as the former quarterback turned coach, tried to persuade Trent to take a look at his team's playbook, and maybe offer up a few suggestions on how they could improve upon it. The two men quickly finished up their conversation, and proceeded to go their separate ways, both unaware that their discussion had been eavesdropped upon.

At this point Becky wasn't sure what to think. It had been years since Mr. E. had given out coaching advice, yet still to this day people still speculate about him. It would be so easy to receive her "15 minutes of fame" by revealing to the world the true identity of Mr. E., but should she? Trent obviously didn't want anyone else to find out. Not being sure what to do next, Becky decided that the one person she just had to share this news with was her best friend Stacey.

Finding her talking to a few old friends, Becky was forced to join into the conversation making small talk with the group until she could pull Stacey aside for a private chat.

"You are not going to believe what I just found out tonight," Becky said.

"Well speak up girl. Don't leave me in suspense," Stacey replied.

"I found out the true identity of Mr. E.," Becky exclaimed!

"And who might that be," Stacey asked?

"Get this, it's Dr. Trent Hamilton," Becky said.

"Did Trent tell you this himself," Stacey wanted to know?

"No I overheard Greg and him talking about it, and I actually saw Trent sign Greg's game winning football," Becky replied.

"Have you told anyone else about this yet," Stacey asked?

"No, you're the first," She answered.

"Good. Don't tell another sole what you have told me tonight. Come over to my house tomorrow morning after 10:00 AM. Stan will have left for his fishing trip by then. We need to talk," Stacey told her.

"Maybe I'm missing something, but you don't seem very surprised about all of this," Becky questioned?

"I'm not. Look, just meet me tomorrow, and I will tell you everything you want to know. Until then, please don't say a word to anyone else about what you witnessed tonight," Stacey pleaded?

After the ladies agreed to get together the following morning, Stacey tried her best to get in touch with Trent, but alas all of her efforts came up empty handed. Now that the preverbal cat was out of the bag, so to speak, Stacey wondered just how much of the truth she should reveal to her best friend. She fully expected Becky to be somewhat angry with her for keeping Mr. E.'s true identity a secret for so long. She also had to wonder how well her friendship with her two former classmates would fair after the truth would finally come to light.

Becky arrived shortly after Stan left for his fishing trip the following morning, and by the looks of things, neither of the ladies managed to get much sleep the previous evening. After taking their morning coffee into the living room, the two friends sat down for a long overdue and much needed heart to heart conversation.

"How long have you known that Trent was Mr. E.," Becky wanted to know?

"I found out just before he left for college," Stacey answered.

"You mean you have known this whole time, and never bothered to tell me," Becky asked with a stunned expression?

"I was sworn to secrecy," Stacey said.

"By whom," Becky wanted to know.

"Greg and Trent," Stacey answered.

"So keeping their secret was more important to you than sharing the biggest piece of news our school has ever had with your best friend," Becky asked?

"Yes. At the time it was," Stacey replied.

"I don't believe this! I thought we shared everything, and then I come to find out that my best friend has been lying to me for the last 15 years! How could you do that to me," She asked?

"To you, I did it for you," Stacey replied.

"What the hell are you talking about," Becky said now completely confused?

"Please just calm down and let me explain. I promise that I will answer all of your questions after I am finished, but for now just be quiet and listen to what I have to say," Stacey said in a somewhat raised tone of voice.

"Alright, but this better be good," Becky threatened.

"Oh it will definitely be that," Stacey replied.

For the next half an hour Stacey began to explain how Trent had come up with the whole Mr. E. persona, and why it was best for everyone that his alias should remain a secret.

"So you expect me to believe that he came up with this whole new identity, just so that I could get a full ride scholarship to nursing school," Becky asked?

"That's what he told me. If you think about it, everything he did makes perfect sense," Stacey replied.

"Not to me. How did giving the football team new plays help me get into college," Becky wanted to know?

"Did you ever see a college cheerleading coach come to any of our games by herself, or was she always accompanied by one of the school's football scouts? You and I both know they always carpooled. Your advisor for career day even said that it was nearly impossible to get a cheerleading scholarship, yet we both ended up with one. Do you honestly believe that would have happened if our football team hadn't won at state," Stacey asked.

"When you put it that way the pieces do seem to fit together, but why would Trent go through all that trouble just to help me out. We weren't even that good of friends back then," Becky wanted to know.

"Maybe because he was in love with you," Stacey answered.

"That's ridiculous. We barely knew each other back then," Becky stated.

"Did you happen to take a look at our class yearbook? Damn girl, you were every teenage boy's ultimate wet dream," Stacey replied.

"OK, I get that he might have been a bit infatuated, but seriously do you really believe he was in love with me," Becky asked?

"After seeing his reaction to you at the reunion, I am not only certain that he was in love with you back in high school, but I believe that he still is today," Stacey answered.

"So why did he just walk away from me last night? We were discussing your offer to partner swap. I told him that you asked me as well, in hopes that having two former cheerleaders to have sex with would have enticed him to accept your invitation. Trent said that although it would be difficult for him to do so, he still would have had to decline your offer. Just for fun, I asked him if it would have made any difference if you weren't married to Stan. That is when he freaked out, said your marriage wasn't the issue, and ran away from me, Becky explained.

"That is something you had better ask Trent directly. Actually I think he should be the one to answer any other questions you may have," Stacey said.

"Not so fast. I still want to know why my so called best friend chose to keep me in the dark about all of this," Becky inquired.

"I have two main reasons for not telling you that Trent was Mr. E. First and foremost, you were so angry with him because of the whole Tim situation, that I was afraid you would turn down the scholarship if you thought that he had any involvement in helping you to obtain it. My second reason, Becky dear is that although I love you like a sister, you are without a doubt the biggest gossip I have ever met. Part of the reason why all those scouts came to our games is the mystery that surrounded the identity of our secret coach. If Trent's identity would have leaked that hype would have quickly died down, instead of escalating, as it did. It may have been our talent that earned us those scholarships, but it was the promotion of those talents that brought the scouts out to see us," Stacey explained.

"Ok, I get it. Keeping his identity a secret did increase publicity, but seriously, I'm not really that bad, right," Becky wanted to know?

"I will answer your question by asking you one, and I want you to be honest. If you found out that Trent was Mr. E. back in high school, could you have kept it a secret," Stacey asked?

Although Becky hated to admit it, Stacey was right. There is no way she could have kept quiet about the biggest secret in school. Even now, as a grown woman, the urge to yell it from the rooftops is almost unbearable. Becky stayed until just before Stan was due to arrive back home. Although they had always been cordial to each other, Becky still felt a bit ill at ease in his presence. Stacey had always had a bit of a wild streak about her, but it wasn't until she met Stan that she got into partner swapping. It is hard to get comfortable around a man who would fuck his wife's best friend right in front of her. To keep the peace Becky would often joke with the two of them about getting together, but she made it quite clear to Stacey that it would never really happen. Maybe Trent didn't realize she was only teasing him at the reunion, and that is why he got so upset.

Being true to her word, Becky did not tell anyone else that Trent was Mr. E., but that didn't stop her from constantly thinking about it. Did he really fall in love with her back in high school? How did he feel about her now? Does he think that she's a slut because of her teasing him about Stan and Stacey? Then she started to ask herself tougher questions. Why do I care what he thinks about me? Why can't I stop obsessing about this? Is it possible that I have feeling for this guy? I wonder if he is as good in bed as Stacey claims. After a month of not being able to clear her mind of these issues Becky came to a decision. Taking a weeks', vacation time, she drove two hundred miles to the hospital that Trent worked at and waited for his shift to end. She was sitting on the hood of his car when he came out of the building.

"Hi Becky, what are you doing here," asked a noticeably stunned Trent?

"Waiting for you of course," she responded cheerfully.

"Alright, what can I do for you," he asked nervously?

"We need to talk, but I was hoping that we could go someplace and get a drink first," she suggested.

"Well, I was actually just about to go get some supper. There is a small Italian restaurant just down the road a bit. You are welcome to join me," Trent invited her.

"That sounds really good, but I will have to follow you in my own car," Becky said.

After they had agreed to this, Trent pulled out of his parking spot and waited for Becky to get behind him, before he drove off in the direction of the restaurant. He could barely keep him mind on the road, as he pondered the endless possibilities of why she had traveled over two hundred miles just to see him. Trent knew that was entirely his fault that their last meeting had not ended on a positive note. He had wanted so much for them to hit it off, but when she started talking about getting together with Stacey and Stan, all Trent could do was picture himself watching Becky make love with another man. The thought nearly made him physically nauseous.

After the pair had arrived at the restaurant, Trent requested a quiet table for two, where they could talk peacefully throughout their meal. After their order was taken, and their drinks were served, Becky began to explain the reason for her visit.

"Trent, I don't want you to get mad, but I know about you being Mr. E.," she told him.

"After what she said finally started to sink in he quietly asked. "Who told you?"

"I followed you and Greg that night, and saw you sign his football. Stacey filled in the rest," she answered.

"Did she tell you why I did it," he wanted to know?

"Reluctantly she did. I couldn't believe that you did all that just so that I could go to college," Becky stated.

"I overheard your conversation with Stacey in the library, after you had talked to the guidance counselor about career day. I could easily see how crushed you were to not be able to go to college. I knew you were smart enough, but with your priorities being split between school, cheerleading and your problems at home, your grades just weren't quite good enough to carry you to an academic scholarship. I didn't want you to end up one of those women who had to rely on some asshole like Tim to support you the rest of your life," Trent explained.

"Why did you do it," Becky wanted to know?"

"What are you talking about? I told you that I became Mr. E. to get you into college. What, don't you believe me, Trent asked exasperated?

"No, I mean yes, of course I believe that your goal was to get me a scholarship. What I want to know is why did you care if I went to college or not," she asked.

"What does it matter now anyway," Trent asked trying to avoid answering her question?

"I took a week off of work and drove over two hundred miles to get here, because it matters to me. Please answer the question," Becky requested.

"Didn't Stacey already tell you," he asked?

"I want to hear it from you," she said.

"Fine, I fell in love with you. Is that what you wanted to know," Trent asked with a defeated expression?

"If you're being honest, then yes it is," she replied.

"I've never been more truthful with you than I am being right now. Still it doesn't change anything," Trent said dejectedly.

"What if I said that it did," Becky asked?

"I don't want your gratitude," Trent firmly stated.

"My gratitude you will have regardless of whether you want it or not. That being said, it has no bearing on my decision to spend the week with you," she informed him.

"Becky, I didn't know you were coming. I have to work this week," he told her.

"And I will be waiting when you get home. I'll even cook you supper," she declared.

"I don't think that is such a good idea. My guest room is kind of small and filled with other things," he mentioned.

"Well then I guess your girlfriend will be a bit cramped, because I have no intention of sleeping in there anyway," she informed him.

"I live alone," he said.

"Not anymore, at least not this week anyway," she replied.

"So you want me to use the spare room," he asked?

"Don't be silly. We will be sharing your bed," she informed him.

"We barely know each other anymore," Trent declared.

"Can you think of a better way to get reacquainted," she asked him?

They ate their meal in kind of an awkward silence, each one contemplating what was to come next. Finally Trent had to ask "Why are you doing this Becky? You said that it wasn't gratitude, so what is it that you really want?" he had to know.

"To be honest, I have been attracted to you for quite a while now, although I never would have admitted to it, even to myself. Stacey told me that you were one of the best sexual partners that she ever had. I know that she would love to experience the more seasoned version of you. I do not intend to give her that chance," she replied.

"So this is all about sex," he asked?

"Well that's not all this week is about. I am not a slut. I do admit that sex is definitely going to be a contributing factor," she honestly admitted.

"What would you do if I refused," he questioned?

"Camp out on your doorstep until you felt guilty enough to let me in, and then proceed to seduce you," she replied.

Knowing Becky as well as he did, Trent was certain that if he turned her away she would make good on her threats. That itself, was enough of a reason to allow her to stay. The couple decided that Becky would follow Trent to his apartment. When they arrived he handed her a visitors parking pass to put in her car window, then proceeded to usher her up to his place.

"Well this is it. I know that it is not exactly the Grand Palace, but it pretty much meets my needs," Trent said nervously.

"I think that it is kind of cozy, although it could use a women's touch," Becky replied.

"Yeah you are probably right. I moved here after I broke up with my last girlfriend. As you can see I am not exactly an interior designer," he said.

"I don't think you did that bad of job. Is that the bathroom," Becky asked pointing to the door on her right?

"No, actually that is the spare bedroom I was telling you about. I use it to store my massage table," Trent answered.

"You have a massage table," Becky questioned smiling?

"Yes. My last girlfriend liked massages. After I caught her cheating on me I wasn't about to let her keep the table. The damn thing is expensive," Trent replied.

"Do you still love her," Becky asked not quite sure that she really wanted an answer to her question?

"To be honest I don't think I ever really did. I mean I liked her. We also had a pretty fair sex life, but I never really felt that she was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe she sensed it and that is why she cheated on me," he wondered out loud.

"Are you any good," she asked trying to change the subject?

"Am I any good at what exactly," he inquired with his eyebrows raised slightly?

"Giving massages silly." she said.

"Well the only complaint I have ever received is when I've had to stop," he told her smiling.

"Would you give me a massage," she asked?

"I could do that, but you would have to remove all of your cloths," he said.

"Even my panties," she asked?

"Well, I suppose that you could leave them on if you wish, though I would prefer that you didn't," He answered.

As Becky turned to get undressed, Trent went about gathering the supplies needed for the procedure. Knowing that the key to a sensual massage is to arouse the senses, he set out to accomplish that very task. Upon returning to the room, he was pleased to notice that Becky was already stretched out on his table and had a towel covering the bottom portion of her body. Her panties, as well as the rest of her clothing were lying neatly on the bed nearby. Knowing the towel wouldn't be in place for long, Trent smiled to himself as he handed Becky an eye mask.

"What do I need this for," she asked?