Mrs. Dylan's New Tenant Pt. 02

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Mrs Dylan overpowers her boy.
7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/24/2022
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Jeremy could hear the loud crashing of the heavy weights coming from the gym below him. He wondered what kind of weight Mrs. Dylan was working with. She liked to work out by herself. Jeremy would have loved to be in that gym to see her in action. Today he thought he'd try and peek into the side window of the gym to watch her work out. He quietly went down the stairs and went to the side of the garage and slowly approached the window. He didn't want her to see him watching her. From the little he knew of her in his few interactions with her since he moved into his apartment above her gym, Jeremy knew Mrs. Dylan was strict and controlling of her time. While she was always nice to him when they did see each other, Jeremy definitely got the vibe Mrs. Dylan called the shots whenever they did meet. He didn't want to get on her bad side so he didn't want to screw this up.

Jeremy edged his way to the window and carefully looked in. There she was. Larger than life. He had a side view of her. She was wearing a black one piece outfit what he thought was a lycra lifting suit. It looked like a tank top/shorts combination. Her powerful body stretched the suit to its breaking point he thought. From his side view her legs looked massive, solid with no fat on them at all. Mrs. Dylan wore a leather support belt around her round waist while her breasts appeared like large mounds straining against the fabric. Her arms were huge, larger than his thighs he thought. They hung by her side. He could see Mrs. Dylan looking into the distance blowing air hard out of her mouth in a quick manner. She's getting ready to lift he thought. About two paces in front of her on the floor was the barbell loaded with weights. He could count the plates on the side of the bar closest to him. Three 50lb plates, so that meant there were six 50lb plates on that barbell -- 300lbs. Add in the barbell at 20 lbs and that meant she was lifting at least 320lbs. That was twice what he weighed!

He watched her step up to the bar. She was clenching and unclenching her fist. She then slapped her hands together causing the chalk on her hands to billow out in a small cloud. He knew the chalk was to absorb any sweat on her hands. Mrs Dylan bent over the bar deliberately grasping it, one hand facing outwards, the other facing inwards. She was going to do a deadlift with that hand grip he thought. She lowered her haunches, keeping her back straight. She looked forward keeping her head up and Jeremy could see her rapidly blowing air out of her mouth as she readied herself. With a yell, she exploded upwards and the bar lifted up off the floor. Mrs. Dylan straightened her back as she stood up. She lowered the bar under control and when it touched the floor she yelled again and pulled that heavy weight up again. She repeated this movement three more times. On her last rep, as she reached the top of her lift, she let the barbell drop to the floor where it landed with a crash. Breathing hard she turned to look at herself in the mirror. She had her back towards Jeremy now. He still couldn't believe the size of that muscled ass and those huge pillars that were her legs. Mrs. Dylan placed her hands on her hips which showed Jeremy a breathtaking view of her wide back. He could see her staring intently at the mirror and slowly shaking her head.

Jeremy pulled away from the window. He was stunned by what he had seen. How could someone her age be as strong as she is. Jeremy also realized he had an erection. I have to get of here he thought and he then made his way back to the stairs and up to his apartment. He was going to look after that erection.

Mrs. Dylan

The barbell hit the floor with that loud crash she loved to hear. She was satisfied with this workout. Mrs. Dylan turned to look at herself in the mirror. She could see herself still breathing hard. The white chalk was all over her upper thighs and her shorts. That chalk was also on her top where she had placed her chalked hands on her hips. As her breathing eased she saw something in the window behind her which was reflected in the mirror. It was only part of a face but she knew it was Jeremy. He had been watching her. She was going to whirl around and catch him looking at her but then she thought better of it. She looked down for a moment and when she looked up, the reflection in the mirror told her Jeremy was gone. She looked at mirror for a moment and then watched as a grin broke out on her face. It's time to reel young Jeremy in, she thought.

Back in her house she waited for Jeremy to leave his apartment for school. When she saw him come down the stairs to head off for the day, she stepped outside to meet him.

"Jeremy," she called. Jeremy stopped dead in his tracks and looked nervously at her.

"Yes, Mrs. Dylan."

"Jeremy, I think I may need help with my workout on Wednesday morning. I'm hoping you can spot for me. Could you help me out?"

She could see a look of relief spread over his face. I wonder if he knew I saw him watching me, she thought.

"Um, Wednesday," he replied. "Um, yes, I could. I don't have any classes on Wednesday. I just have to be at the university for rowing practice later in the afternoon."

"Great. Thank you, Jeremy. Will 8 am be ok?"

"Um, sure, Mrs. Dylan. I'll be there at 8."

As Jeremy moved off to head to school, Mrs. Dylan watched him disappear down the street. Too bad I have to wait until Wednesday she thought.


As Jeremy walked down the street, he couldn't believe his good luck. I'm going to spot for Mrs. Dylan he thought. Yes! He could envision her big body in the weight room. His body responded with a rock hard erection. He was glad he was wearing his university sweatshirt. It went below his crotch so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone seeing the bulge in his jeans. He knew the whole day would be like this. The library bathroom was going to be seeing a lot of him today to masturbate to relieve this tension.

On Wednesday at 7:45 am, Jeremy heard noise from the weight room below his apartment. He could hear weight plates being moved about. He thought about heading down to the weight room right away but he knew Mrs. Dylan had said 8 am, so 8 am it would be. He finished putting on his spandex rowing shorts and university t-shirt. He made sure his t-shirt was long enough to cover his crotch just in case his cock gave away his secret. Last to be put on were his bright yellow rowing shoes. At 7:59 am Jeremy walked out his door, down the stairs and stopped in front of the door to the weight room. Looking at his Fitbit he waited until 8:00 am appeared and then he opened the door and walked into the weight room.

Mrs. Dylan was stretching. She was wearing the same lycra weightlifting suit as he had seen her in earlier. Her stretches were slow and deliberate. He wasn't sure what to do. He knew if he didn't do something else to take his eyes off of her he was going to make a fool of himself. Mrs. Dylan saw Jeremy and stopped her stretching routine. She stood with her hands on her hips and looked Jeremy in the eyes.

"Hi, Mrs. Dylan," he said feeling awkward as can be.

"Hi, Jeremy. I appreciate you coming here to help me this morning."

"No problem."

Oh shit, he thought. I'm getting an erection again. I'll lean forward a bit so my t-shirt drops even lower and she won't see my hard-on.

"I'll be a little while warming up, Jeremy. Why don't you go and row for maybe 15 or 20 minutes. Then you can come and spot for me for my bench presses."

"Sure, Mrs Dylan. That's a good idea." Jeremy moved towards the ergometer and sat down on it. At least this will work off my hard-on, he thought. He slowly moved into a rowing routine. I may as well get a fast workout in myself he thought and take my mind off of her.

Mrs. Dylan

At 7:55 am Mrs. Dylan started to slowly stretch. She faced the door because she wanted Jeremy to see her when he first walked in. At 8 am on the dot, Jeremy walked in. He's punctual she thought. I like that. She stopped her erstwhile stretching routine and straightened up. Placing her hands on her hips she waited for Jeremy to say something first.

"Hi, Mrs. Dylan."

He looked unsure of himself. Not sure where to put his hands, they dropped beside him then went on his hips mimicking her stance. This is going to be fun she thought.

"Hi, Jeremy. I appreciate you coming here to help me this morning."

"No problem," he replied.

She could see he was trying to be nonchalant about the whole thing. And then his eyes went panicky for a second and he looked away from her for a moment. Even with that t-shirt ostensibly hiding his crotch, she could see there was definitely a bulge there. She could see him awkwardly bend forward hoping his t-shirt would become looser and not tightly cover his crotch. Keep a straight face, girl she thought to herself. I do love teenage boys.

"I'll be a little while warming up, Jeremy. Why don't you go and row for maybe 15 or 20 minutes? Then you can come and spot for me for my bench presses."

The rowing machine was near the door and the rower faced the door and away from where Mrs. Dylan stood. She started to slowly stretch again but kept her gaze on Jeremy knowing he couldn't see her. She watched as he slowly increased the intensity of his rowing. She watched his legs moving like a piston. His legs are really quite defined. Not heavily muscled but more sinewy. Those muscles showed from under his skin as he pushed hard into his rowing motion. His t-shirt stretched tightly over his back as he leaned forward at the end of his glide back to his starting position. Those back muscles were definitely well developed. He's going to be a delight to look at naked she thought. And with that thought, she felt herself becoming wet. She stared hard at Jeremy's moving back, taking in his pumping legs and that tight ass outlined nicely in those spandex shorts. She had a hard time concentrating on her stretching routine.

Turning away from Jeremy, she walked to a barbell lying on the floor. She then moved to the frame where the weight plates were kept. Picking up a 50 lb plate she returned to the barbell and placed the plate on one end of the barbell. Returning to the frame Mrs. Dylan picked up another 50 lb plate, placing it on the other end of the barbell. She then fastened a sleeve to each plate on the barbell to keep the plates from sliding. Standing over the barbell, she bent over and easily picked it up and placed in on the bar catchers of the stand of the bench. Mrs. Dylan than went to the bench itself and sat on it. Laying herself down on the bench, she slid herself under the barbell. Breathing out, she lifted the barbell off of the bar catchers. Holding it over her shoulders, she let out a breath and lowered the barbell to her chest and then, breathing out, pushed it back up easily to the full extent of her arms. She repeated this bench press movement 10 times and then dropped the barbell back onto the bar catchers. Sitting up, she could see Jeremy still rowing, now with more intensity. Getting up she moved to the end of the barbell and removed the sleeve and then did the same action with the other end. This time she added 25 lbs to either side of the barbell. Moving back onto the bench, she did a further 10 repetitions with the barbell and then placed it back on the bar catchers of the stand. It was still an easy warm up for her at this weight. She sat up and watched Jeremy row. She could easily hear his rhythmic breathing. Moving her tongue over her lips, she drank his moving form in.

"Jeremy," she called loudly, "can you come here and spot for me now?"

Jeremy slowed his rowing down and slowly came to a halt. He looked over his shoulder at Mrs. Dylan. As soon as she caught his eye, she motioned with her hand for him to come. He leaned forward and loosened his foot straps, placed his feet on the ground and stood up. He stepped over the rower and walked slowly to Mrs. Dylan. He pulled the front of his t-shirt up to use as a towel for his sweating forehead and face. He stood next to Mrs. Dylan and looked expectantly at her.

"Let's take the 25 lb plates off and replace them with 50 lb ones," she instructed him.

They each took an end of the barbell and took the sleeve off and removed the 25 lb plate. Jeremy carried the plate over to plate stand and put the plate with the other 25 lb plates. He picked up a 50 lb plate and cradled it into his body. He found it quite heavy and needed both hands to carry it. He saw Mrs. Dylan take her 50 lb plate and carry it with ease. They each placed their 50 lb plate on their respective end of the barbell and secured it with the sleeve.

"Have you spotted before?" she asked.

Jeremy nodded.

"I was on the wrestling team at high school for year or so. I spotted then. Never for this much weight though. But I'll be able to spot 200 lbs if you need the help."

"OK," she said. Bench pressing this weight wouldn't be a problem for her. She knew she could easily do another 70 lbs if she had to. But bench pressing more weight wasn't really her goal. It was time to reel the boy in. Plus, she wanted to conserve her strength for what she had planned.

"I want you to stand over the bar to help me if I need it. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah. No problem," he said.


Jeremy watched as Mrs. Dylan moved under the barbell. She grasped the barbell. "Move closer to me," she commanded.

Jeremy moved closer so his legs were almost spread almost directly over Mrs. Dylan's face. He looked down on her prone body and heard her start to expel air in short, sharp bursts as she prepared to lift the barbell off the bar catcher. Jeremy placed his hands over the barbell but not touching it, ready to help if need be. He felt his cock respond as well to the sight of the prone Mrs. Dylan. With a loud grunt, she lifted the barbell off of the bar catchers and held it straight above herself.

"C'mon, Mrs. Dylan," he said. "You can do this."

She let the barbell come down to her chest under a controlled descent and then with a loud yell pushed it back up until her arms were straight. He could see the muscles on her big arms almost burst out of her skin. Now his cock was pushing against its spandex prison with vengeance.

"Way to go, Mrs. D," he yelled as he helped guide the barbell back onto the bar catchers. As she sat up he pulled his t-shirt down as far as it could go. Embarrassment started to wash over him. I fucking hope she hasn't seen my boner, he thought.

Mrs. Dylan

As she lay down on the bench, she wanted the kid to be as close as possible to her.

"Move closer to me," she commanded.

Mrs. Dylan pretended to be concentrating on the barbell resting on the bar catchers. But she was watching the boy. As she grasped the bar, she had a straight up view of his crotch. And there it was. The kid's erection was on full display in his spandex shorts. She forced herself not to smile. Let's get this lift over, she thought. With a loud grunt she lifted the barbell up.

"C'mon, Mrs. Dylan," he said. "You can do this."

Now concentrating solely on the heavy weight she was holding up, instead of the kid's growing privates, she let the weight come slowly to her chest. As soon at she felt the barbell touch her chest, she let out a loud yell and drove the barbell upwards.

"Way to go, Mrs. D," he yelled.

As she lay the barbell back onto the bar catchers, she took a look at his telltale crotch. Nice view, she thought. She sat up and swung around to face him. She could see him pulling down his t-shirt and looking really uncomfortable.

She looked him in the eye for split second and then got up from the bench. Walking around, she moved her head in a circular motion and spread her arms out and then moved them a large circular motion pretending she was working out the tightness in her muscles from the lift. She slowly moved to the corner of the wrestling ring and took hold of one of the corner posts. Mrs. Dylan then spread her legs and bent her body at the waist all the while holding the post. She could feel the stretch in her shoulders and upper back. She straightened up and looked back at Jeremy.

"You said you wrestled in high school," she stated.

Jeremy nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement.

"Is that a yes or a no," she said. "Answer me."

"Yes, I did," he answered in an uncertain voice. "For about a year. I wasn't very good at it."

The ring was about a foot off of the floor. It was a 10 foot square ring rather than the regulation 12 foot square ring. Jeremy guessed it was smaller to fit into the more confined space of the garage gym.

Mrs. Dylan then stepped up onto the ring and slipped between the middle and top ropes. She walked to the far side of the ring, turned to face Jeremy, and leaned against the ropes.

"Come on up here and let's see what you can do."

She saw the surprised look on his face and his whole body language told her he'd rather be anywhere else but here. He just stood there looking really uncomfortable and awkward.

"Jeremy," she said in calm but forceful voice, "come here. Get into the ring."

"Uh, Mrs. Dylan, you're a lot bigger and a whole lot stronger than me. I can't compete with you in the ring." He paused for a moment and then continued, "I'm willing to bet, with that ring in here, you also have way more experience than I do wrestling. I've only wrestled freestyle and that's really different from your style of wrestling that you see on TV."

Mrs. Dylan stared hard at Jeremy for a moment. "Jeremy, this is the last time I'm telling you. Get in the ring."

She watched the boy hesitate. She held his gaze and then, sure enough, he moved towards the ring, step up onto the ring and climb through the ropes. Her whole body tingled in anticipation. Her nipples were starting to say hello.


Standing beside the bench and barbell, Jeremy watched Mrs. Dylan walk towards the ring, moving her head in a circular motion and swinging her arms slowly in an exaggerated movement. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She walked to a corner post of the wrestling ring and took hold of it with both hands. Bending at the waist to stretch, her huge ass filled his vision. His cock was throbbing in his spandex shorts.

She straightened up and looked over at him. "You said you wrestled in high school," she stated.

What's this all about, he thought. He slightly nodded his head.

"Is that a yes or a no," she said. "Answer me."

Mrs. Dylan sounded really impatient to Jeremy. He didn't like how her mood had suddenly changed.

"Yes, I did," he answered in an uncertain voice. "For about a year. I wasn't very good at it."

Mrs. Dylan turned her attention back to the ring. She stepped up onto the mat and then stepped between the ropes and into the ring. Jeremy watched her move slowly across the ring. When she got to the far side of the ring, she turned to face him. Draping her big arms over the top rope, she leaned back into the ropes to let them support her.

"Come on up here and let's see what you can do."

Fuck, he thought. She wants me to get in the ring with her. She'll beat the shit out of me. I never thought someone old enough to be my grandmother would be challenging me to a wrestling match. I don't want to go in that ring with her...

Mrs. Dylan stared straight at him. In a terrifying, quiet voice she said, "Jeremy, come here. Get into the ring."

"Uh, Mrs. Dylan, you're a lot bigger and a whole lot stronger than I am. I can't compete with you in the ring. I'm willing to bet, with that ring in here, you also have way more experience than I do wrestling. I've only wrestled freestyle and that's really different from your style of wrestling that you see on TV."

He couldn't break the hold her dark eyed gaze had on him. "Jeremy, this is the last time I'm telling you. Get in the ring," she said in a hard, no-nonsense voice.