Mrs. Hart's Ache Ch. 16


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Saundra was turned on too. If I'd cupped her pussy at that moment, I'd have felt goo there too. She saw it in my eyes. For a split second, I saw hunger; raw need, then it was gone. Mistress Saundra was back with a vengeance. Her eyes glittered, daring me.

Hhhhmmmm! Well now! That has definite possibilities!

Instead, I bussed the end of her nose. She looked startled, then grinned.

Time out.

Ohbaybuh! As much as I wanted to at that moment,I had to back away.

Mr Snake was sniffing pussy again; pussy not quite within reach. Down boy. Let's finish up with our dear Veronica, and leave the Bitch Goddess for another day. She's right about one thing though: what a rush that would be. No doubt!

Time in.

"Let me get back in there," she said smiling at the prospect. "I'm eager to finish marking her for you. Your Tinkerbelle is going to be a very busy little girl tonight. By the way, thanks for lending her to me."

I laughed. "No problem, Mistress Saundra. I don't mind sharing with you, nor with Mistress Gwendolyn either. You are the only Dominants that I allow that privilege though. You two are special in so many ways."

I bowed my head and brushed her bare nipple with my lips. Both nipples popped cherry at the touch of my lips; flushed gumdrops perched high on her bare breasts. Mistress Saundra maintained her persona, but only with effort. I saw the nisus in her eyes. She knew that I saw. We were both content, knowing that it would not end there.

Time out.

Jesus I loved that by-play there. The two of us were gonna get to it at some point. Who would win? As she said, what a rush!

Time in.

I glanced down at Veronica and continued, "As you say, let's finish with this one. I think that Mistress Gwendolyn will have Cassandra primed by the time we're through. I believe that she will be sharing our bed tonight."

Veronica's eyes were huge again. Saundra laughed. Veronica flushed and looked down, avoiding our gaze. Saundra and I laughed together. I'm certain that Mrs Hart found it quite evil. Humiliating at least. Tough shit.

It made her wet though.

Still chuckling, we returned to work. Saundra had me thoroughly rinse Veronica's breasts with special cleanser, taking special care to wash her areolae and nipples. Veronica watched with guarded eyes, but was otherwise still. I think that she was embarrassed that she had cum, and hoping that we hadn't noticed.

No such luck Mrs Hart.

"You do get gooey when you cum Veronica," I mused looking down at her pussy. "We may need to equip you with a sponge instead of a panty liner when we're done here."

Veronica's face instantly flushed scarlet. Saundra's burst of delighted laughter exacerbated Mrs Hart's embarrassment. She refused to meet out eyes.

Still chuckling, Saundra picked up a fine point marker pen, then took my place, stepping between Veronica's wide-spread legs. She carefully imprinted a tiny purple dot to either side of each nipple. She stepped back a moment to judge the placement. She looked to me and smiled at my nod. She stepped forward again, and prepared a rather large hollow needle. Then, forceps at the ready in her left hand, she smiled down upon my 'acquisition' now her 'patient'. She flicked Veronica's left nipple with a latex-clad fingertip. Already crinkled and standing tall upon her bare breast, the nipple flushed darker and rose higher as her areola tightened. Veronica gasped behind the gag, then caught her breath as the forceps closed firmly upon the throbbing bud. The needle point pricked the dot.

"Hold very still now, my pet," Saundra warned. " Take a deep breath. I'll count to three. One, two, th – " then thrust the needle firmly through the nipple. Veronica's body spasmed, and she let out a muffled cry. Her eyes closed sending two tears trickling down her cheeks. Saundra stepped back, ignoring Veronica's pain, to consider again the placement. The needle was left in place centered through the base of the nipple. Satisfied, she stepped forward again and prepared a second needle.

"Here we go again, sweet'ums," she announced with the forceps gripping Veronica's other nipple. "Don't move, or I'll have to do it over. Ready? Take a deep breath. Hold it. One – " again she thrust the needle through.

Veronica maintained better the second time. She gave a muffled yelp, and her eyes watered, but she didn't move. Saundra motioned me back with her to judge the placement. Veronica half lay upon the table naked looking down upon her breasts. Two large needles remained suspended there halfway through her nipples. Both were perfectly centered, in line with one-another and parallel to her shoulders. Her eyes flickered up to the video monitor, then down again to her breasts. She shivered.

"Very good Mistress Saundra," I said warmly. "You truly are anartiste."

"Yes. I am," she acknowledged with confident pride. "Now let's finish this part. I'm looking forward to decorating our little slut's pussy. I've an idea that I think you'll like. I had our rather large friend machine the pieces for me."

Apparently Mistress Saundra had gotten Maxine to help out with the preparations.

Veronica didn't like the sound of that at all. Deal with it Mrs Hart. Or don't. It's gonna happen anyway.

She squirmed uncomfortably through the next few minutes as Saundra finished inserting the rings. Each had a captive bead which Saundra centered below the nipple. Saundra gave her a wicked smile and said to me, "This isn't particularly painful. She just doesn't like me fondling her breasts. I am going to have so much fun with her when she comes to me for training. Your pet will too."

Veronica stiffened. Her eyes spoke volumes. No, I doubt very much that she'd enjoy herself. Saundra definitely; Veronica just as definitely, not.

At Saundra's request, I adjusted the video camera down from Veronica's breasts to her belly. While I made the adjustment, Saundra washed her hands and donned fresh gloves.

The belly ring took almost no time. Veronica hardly noticed. She spent most of the time peering down at her breasts rather than at the monitor, watching Saundra pierce the flesh above her navel. Personally, I believed that getting a bellyring was the least of her concerns. I thought that she was much more worried that we were getting close to her pussy. A needle through her tummy was nothing compared to what was coming.

Again, Saundra's placement was perfect. The fitting on the end of the barbell held a pear shaped three carat blue sapphire solitaire, centered over her navel. The handle of the flogger hung beneath, from which dangled the five chain strands of the miniature whip. Each ended in a tiny spiked ball in which was embedded a diamond chip. The bellyring was expensive and elegant; just like Veronica herself. To bad that she was also a bitch on wheels.

Veronica's fear was palpable as Saundra raised the table, then adjusted the stirrups as wide as Veronica's legs could extend. Her eyes got wider and wider as the motor hummed. She mewed franticly as the muscles of her inner thighs stretched. The outer lips of her vulva separated, exposing the delicate inner lips with a small gap below. Her relief was only momentary when the motor stopped.

Saundra cupped the pouting lips of her vulva, then said, "Oh to have my new strapless strap-on or even my flogger right now. Either would be delicious. Or both; then I could tenderize your cute little pussy before I fucked it."

Veronica's body surged upward, straining against the straps. She thrashed desperately, attempting to lift herself away from Saundra's fingers, but the straps insisted upon holding her in place. Saliva bubbled from the corners of her mouth around the ballgag.

Outraged, she mewed frantically, but Saundra only grinned at her antics, then reached down to peel back the hood, exposing Veronica's clit.

Veronica's wriggling grew ever more frenzied as Saundra delicately massaged her pearl. Her muffled moans took on a pleading note as Saundra leaned forward and planted a kiss on her cheek. Her lipstick left a blood-red imprint of her lips behind.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun together, babycakes," Saundra whispered intimately. "I can feel you getting wet, even through these gloves. You're making me wet too. I can barely wait to get you on your back naked and spread your thighs wide. I'm going to so enjoy fucking you. I bet I can make you cum even quicker that Master James. From what I've seen, he's an expert, but I know all the spots that heat up a girl fast."

There was no sense arguing with Saundra about that topic. I knew Veronica's buttons very well. But something told me that Saundra would have a party discovering them for herself.

Veronica slumped in her bonds when Saundra stepped back. While my 'baggage' regained her composure, Saundra retrieved a small plastic tube from a rack in one drawer. Grinning evilly, she showed me the contents. I matched her grin and nodded my acceptance.

She stiffened again, but Saundra patted her thigh. "Relax my pet. It will soon be over. As much as I'd love to have you licking my pussy this afternoon, I've already promised Tinkerbelle the opportunity to please her Mistress. Besides, I believe Master James has plans for you. Now be perfectly still. You don't want to screw this one up. I won't be happy if this is not perfect too, and we both know what happens if I'm not happy."

While Saundra washed her hands again, I washed Veronica's pussy with disinfectant soap, then rinsed her vulva with saline solution and patted her dry with sterile wipes. Once she was ready, I adjusted the camera to show a general view of her mons. Positioning was difficult, but I managed to give Veronica a view from over Saundra's shoulder.

Once the camera was set, Saundra had me wash and glove again. I had no plans to get anywhere near Veronica's pussy until we were through, but Saundra is nothing if not thorough.

Saundra donned fresh gloves too then regained her place between Veronica's widespread legs. Once seated, she glanced at the tray. Everything was ready. With a new, wider set of forceps and her pen in hand, Saundra bent in concentration. Veronica's eyes were centered on the monitor. She gasped helplessly when Saundra captured her hood and clit, then pulled out slightly, stretching the tender flesh. She placed a dot on either side, then sat back to judge the placement. Apparently satisfied, she took the forceps with the needle from the tray, got a fresh grip upon Veronica's bits, then glanced up at her face.

"Take a deep breath sweet'ums," she said with a smile. "This won't hurt much at all. Well, maybe a teensy bit. Stay still now."

Veronica was not at all reassured, but was apparently resigned to her fate. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as instructed.

Saundra centered the needle on the dot. Concentrating upon her aim, she waited until Veronica's breath caught.

She announced, "I'm going to count – " then pressed the needle through her target. The tip of the needle passed straight through the point of aim and emerged in the center of the far dot. "Onetwothree. That's done."

Veronica blinked. Her eyes were round with surprise. She looked in the monitor and was shocked to see the needle apparently spearing the base of her clit, but there was no discomfort. A spot of blood welled from beside the needle tip.

Within a few moments, Saundra had slipped the circular barbell in place and tightened the bead upon the bare end. She sat back again, then glanced up at me with a smile.

"Jesus I'm good!" she said smiling. "That looks perfect."

"No doubt," I agreed, matching her smile. "You are an exceptionalartiste; with many instruments. Whips, chains, floggers, needles, you name it. You are talented in the extreme."

We laughed together, though I don't believe Veronica was at all amused. Tough shit.

"One more to go, then were finished," Saundra said as she stripped off her gloves and donned a fresh pair. "Open the tube, but don't take it out. When I'm ready, I'll have you slide it into my hand."

She took her pen in hand again and bent to mark the aim points for the HCH adornment. By this point Veronica was calm, though still less than happy to be belted naked to the examination table with her legs pulled up and spread wide, and chewing on a ballgag. Like I said, tough shit. Deal with it Mrs Hart.

Saundra sat back to consider the placement again. She shook her head, brushed away the first marks and made new targets, slightly higher than the previous, then sat back again. Still dissatisfied, she looked up to me.

"Move that camera. The 'baggage' has had her show for now. She can examine herself later."

She laid her hand, palm up over the tray.

"Slide that thing into my palm, please. Carefully. We don't want to have that thing fall on the floor. It'd take a half-hour to sterilize it again. There's no 'five second' rule in this venue."

I laughed and almost dropped the jewelry, but she caught it and gave me a grin.

"Nice catch, Arod," I said. "Now let's see where it'll fit best."

Saundra centered the new piece above the freshly inserted jewelry, then moved it up and down a few times.

"There I think," she said studying the effect. "That looks best, and the bead will sit right where it will do the most good. What do you think?" She glanced up to me.

"Phat!," I answered. "Perfect as usual. And it will be easy to see if anyone looks closely, which I'm guessing is the reason you chose this particular piece."

"Oh yeah!" she answered, judging the placement again. "She might need a magnifying mirror, but anyone else that gets close will be able to see it clearly."

To say that we had Veronica's attention was a vast understatement. She was desperate to see, but in her position, there was no way she could. Until she was released, she would have to use her imagination; and her imagination was killing her. Deal with it Mrs Hart.

Five minutes later, target dots in place, Saundra pierced the hood of Veronica's clit. Her aim was true again. She hadn't bothered to count. Two minutes after that, the last bead was screwed in place. Veronica's piercing ordeal was over.

"Shall we let her see before we let her down, Master James?" Saundra asked with an evil grin.

"We may as will Mistress Saundra," answering both her query and grin. "We'll use your video monitor so she can get a close-up of herself."

I moved the camera and adjusted the lens to provide a tight shot of Veronica's bare vulva.

Saundra stood by, watching Veronica's face while I adjusted the focus. The flush blooming across Veronica's cheeks and the expression of panic in her eyes were the clue that the focus was perfect.

Centered on the monitor was a magnified image of her hairless vulva. Balanced upon the center of the hood of her clit was the ring with a captured bead of polished stainless steel. That bead was positioned squarely atop her clit.

Each of the three beads were etched in script so small to be indecipherable without a magnifying glass.

In that finely etched script, upon the captured bead of the ring were initials. Below and to either side, the stainless steel beads of the circular barbell framed her clit. Each of those beads also had words inscribed; taken together, a badge of possession.

Read as one, the words became a comment; a proclamation:




No, Veronica was not at all pleased with her new jewelry.

Deal with it Mrs Hart.


Index of Terms

ball-gag – a rubber or plastic ball large enough to fit a person's mouth, with straps and buckles to secure the harness to that person's head.

bananabell – a piece of piercing jewelry in the general shape of a small curved shaft (in the shape a banana) capped with a bead at either end; worn with the curved shaft inserted through the piercing site with the beads exposed on either side of the wound; see barbell.

barbell – a piece of piercing jewelry in the general shape of a small shaft capped with a bead at either end; worn with the shaft inserted through the piercing site with the beads exposed on either side of the wound; see bananabell.

Dom – short for Dominant; a Master; see Dominant; see Domme.

Dominant – a Master or Mistress; see Dom; see Domme.

Domme – short for Dominant; a female Dominant; a Mistress; see Dom; See Dominant

five second rule – invented by a guy, most likely, a single guy: the rule states that germs and/or bacteria and/or other nasty things do not cling to any item, particularly a morsel of food, dropped on the floor, if that item is picked up in less than five seconds, and is therefore safe to consume, or whatever.

flogger – a short handled whip with many narrow strips of leather, suede, horse hair or rubber.

girl goo – natural vaginal lubricant.

HCH – Horizontal Clit Hood; a piercing done with a needle passed through the hood of a woman's clitoris horizontally.

jodhpurs – riding breeches, cut full through the hips, tight across the butt and from the knees to the ankles.

liplock – an intense kiss.

Mistress – a female who is dominant in a dominant/submissive relationship; see 'Master'.

mons – Mons Veneris or Mons Pubis; New Latin in origin; literally, 'eminence of Venus'; a rounded eminence of fatty tissue upon the pubic symphysis especially of the human female.

nipple ring – a piece of piercing jewelry generally ring-shaped inserted through one's nipple.

phat – Fabulous; great; fantastic.

Princess Diana – a type of female genital piercing for those women who want a triangle piercing, but whose 'architecture' does not allow one; basically it is a VCH piercing through the hood of the clit, but instead of entering and exiting the top of the hood, the jewelry passes through the hood so that the bottom bead rests along side and in contact with the clitoris. The piercing is done at a slight angle away from the clit at the top and toward the clit at the bottom in order to maintain contact. Most often the woman gets two Princess Dianas so that a bead rests on either side of her clitoris. Many who choose the Princess Dianas also get a VCH so that a third bead is centered over the top of her clitoris.

pussy; puss – Vulva; the external genitalia of a woman.

ring gag – a gag in the form of a head harness made with a short tube of plastic or metal which fits between the wearer's teeth, effectively forcing the wearer to keep his or her mouth wide open; similar to a ball gag, except the ball gag blocks the wearer's mouth while a ring gag doesn't.

St Andrews Cross – an 'X' made of heavy timbers to which a person is secured by cuffs, chains and/or ropes for the purpose of torture.

sans – French for 'without'.

slut – wanton woman; promiscuous female.

Spanish Inquisition – a tribunal set up by the Spanish government (Ferdinand & Isabella) that held sway from 1478 to 1834; the purpose was to rid the Catholic country of Jews, Protestants and heretics; this was done primarily by means of torture.

strap-on – a dildo with a harness which a woman wears strapped to her groin, which allows her to assume the roll of a man while engaging in sexual intercourse.

strapless strap-on – a relatively new development; search the internet for Feeldoe.

sub – see 'submissive'.

submissive – a person who attains sexual gratification by submitting to the demands of another.

taint – contraction of 'it ain't'; 'tain't her pussy, 'tain't her ass; the small area between a woman's vaginal opening and anal orifice.

tête-à-tête – French; literally 'head-to-head'; a private conversation.

Triangle – a type of female genital piercing in which a piercing needle is inserted horizontally through the skin, passing beneath the bundle of nerves of the clitoris, then emerging through the skin on the opposite side of the clitoris, after which the needle is replaced with a piece of jewelry (usually a circular barbell with beads at either end) so that the ends rest to either side and frame the clitoris. The sensation produced during sex is of stimulation of the clitoris from behind, that is, from inside the woman's body.