Mrs. Scott's Ordeal


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She bit her lip occasionally, wincing and gasping in apparent discomfort, but kept to her task doggedly. As if she was desperately trying to submit to my will in atonement for her uncondoned orgasm. Once again I was having difficulty keeping my eyes on the road as I tried to observe as much of her anal masturbation as I could.

I arrived at a small park with a bench next to an alley in the subdivision. I pulled my Cadillac to the curb and shut my lights off as Mrs. Scott continued thrusting three fingers into her rectum. She was clearly enjoying the sensation now. Whether it was strictly physical, or psychological because I had ordered her, or a combination, I was unsure. Not that it mattered particularly.

"Alright, Slut," I began, opening the door and stepping out of the vehicle. "Into the back seat." I strode around to the back of the Cadillac, opened the trunk, and retrieved a cooler that I had placed in there in anticipation of the scenario that was now about to unfold. I was excited and apprehensive.

Mrs. Scott had climbed into the back seat after responding in acquiescence, as instructed, and waited, her eyes searching my expression for any hint of what was to come. She looked slightly worried, but had an expectant stoicism to her demeanor.

She was definitely curious as to what was in the cooler.

Joining her in the spacious back seat and closing the door, I wasted no time in opening the cooler and withdrawing a few items. One was an enema bag that I hung from one of the clothing hooks installed in the interior.

"Do you know what this is, Slut?" I asked.

She swallowed. "Um, a... an enema bag, Sir?"

"Very good, Slut! You've been doing your research. You know what we discussed about this, right, Slut?"

Her countenance took on a more concerned expression. "Uh, yes... y-yes, Sir..." My cock was absolutely hammering in my pants. I had taken her to such heights and depths already, and we weren't done yet... How would she respond? I thought of her reaction in front of my picture window... All of this was clearly exciting her and fitting locks she never knew she had... Would this be too much?

I opened a thermos and began pouring steaming hot water into a pitcher. I mixed it with cold water from a bottle as I spoke. "This is part of your humiliation and punishment, Slut. Now that your backside is warmed up, I'll be inserting this probe into your rectum." I displayed the probe and hose for her. "You will hold the enema for a period of time. I haven't decided how long. You will probably feel an immediate need to evacuate your bowels, and the urgency of the sensation will quickly escalate to an unbearable level."

I focused on mixing the water to bring it to a comfortable warm temperature, perhaps 5 degrees Fahrenheit below body temperature.

"But, Sir, I... I..." I could see the concern and lack of comprehension on her face. She was grappling with where she would expel. Obviously. As I had intended.

"I know what you're thinking, Slut. And no, no provision for you will be made to release in my car."

I let the gravity of my words sink in before reaching up and pouring the water into the bag. When it was full, I screwed the hose and nozzle into the black rubber bag and inverted it. The clip was closed on the hose, so I unclipped it and let a small portion of the water squirt back out into the pitcher. Then I reaffixed it.

I fixed her with an intense gaze. "When I have decided, you will exit the vehicle." An expression of horror overtook her features. I continued without acknowledging, withdrawing a tube of lubricant and applying a dollop liberally to the probe. "I will drive to the other end of the alley. I will have a towel ready for you, as I will accept no mess at all in my vehicle. You will take care of whatever needs you have in between those points. Is this understood, Slut?"

Her jaw trembled as she struggled to form words. "N...N... Please..." she stammered. "Master, p-please... I can't..."

"You know the rules, Slut," I said matter-of-factly. "'No', and 'please' mean nothing." I raised the nozzle, brandishing it in my right hand. "You know the word you have to say to end this session, upon which we will drive home and that will be that. Otherwise, bend over. Get on your hands and knees and put your ass in the air, Slut. You are to receive an enema."

She choked. Her face was a conflicted, tortured mask. She began to cry. "R..." she stammered. "R... Re.... Re..."

Dammit. So close, I pushed her just a hint too far...I prepared to disassemble the apparatus I had set up. My heart was falling.

"Ok, Master!" she gasped suddenly, twisting her body, climbing on her hands and knees on to the back seat, presenting her buttocks for me. "Ok!" she sobbed. "Ok, Master. Give me the enema. I'll... I'll..." she sobbed bitterly. "I'll do whatever you wa... wah... waannnnt..." She finished in a howl of anguish, sobbing and quaking pitifully.

I was almost alarmed. Should I relent? Should I end the session? Was I pushing her too far into something that would end up damaging her? I paused to observe her. She was still crying like a child, but she had her ass pointed straight up and her legs apart... Her vagina was soaked with moisture, her hips slowly rotating and undulating...

I made the decision. This was too enticing. Damn the torpedoes.

"Alright, Slut, prepare yourself," I stated, spreading her cheeks with the fingers of my left hand and exposing her anus. I applied a small drop of lubricant to her sphincter and began massaging it in as she blubbered and shook.

I pressed the nozzle against her puckered butthole. She was howling out sobs and gasping in breath. I was quite alarmed. She was nearing total hysteria. Yet I was compelled to continue.

I felt her sphincter yield, then accept the nozzle. Gently I inserted it further, sliding it slowly up into her rectum.

She was babbling now, totally incoherent in between her sobs and gasps. "Sir, I... I... Please, it's... Sir... I just... No, I... Please... Please, Sir... Please... I beg... Beg you, Sir..."

"The safe word is 'red', Slut. 'Red'. If you want this to stop, all you have to do is say it..."

"Please, Sir... Not the... Please... Alley... I won't... It's... I..."

"Answer me. Please. Mrs. Scott. Peggy. This is me, speaking. This is real, here, this is serious. If you don't give me a positive response, an assurance, I'm going to end this scene here and now. You don't need to be ashamed, or afraid; you've done incredibly, amazingly. I've never been more impressed with a sub, ever. I have nothing but the highest level of respect and pride in what you've accomplished so far. But I need your assurance. Can you do this? Do you want to continue? If you can't, just say nothing, I'll end the scene, everything will be ok and we'll go home. Peggy. Peggy Scott. Do you want to continue?"

She blubbered for a moment, heaving and sobbing.

"Yes!" she cried out suddenly, gasping and sobbing in her breath. "Yes, yes, please... Please, I want to continue... Please... Yes, please, Master, I want to continue..."

"Alright, Peggy," I said softly. "My Slut. Get ready. Here comes the water..."

I released the clip. There was no easy way of turning back now.

"Ah!" she gasped as the warm water began flooding her bowels. "Ah!" She started and froze in alarm. The invasive sensation was clearly demanding all her attention. I watched her carefully for signs of distress or excessive discomfort. As the water flowed, she twisted and lurched a couple of times, but she brought her breathing under control.

I observed the bag as it slowly deflated. I was conflicted with many competing emotions... Total, Dominant lust, concern, fear, excitement, anticipation, compassion...

Peggy's breath came in tortured gasps now with long pauses in between. She was concentrating intensely. Her discomfort and apprehension carve distorted lines of anguish in her features. Would she be able to take it all? She had confided via email the excitement she had towards medical fetishes, and enemas in particular, but had never experienced a full enema, just bulb enemas prior to her delivering her children. My mind was utterly in the present, totally overloaded taking in the spectacle before me, both in excitement and concern. I felt as though this was as arduous for me as it was for her!

Finally, as her gasps turned to moans of discomfort as her bowels distended with liquid, the bag deflated completely. She had taken the full quart and a half!

"Alright, Slut, clench your anus shut. Hold that water. I'm going to remove the nozzle. If you make a mess in my car, I can't tell you how displeased I will be..."

"Y... Y-yes Sir..." she choked out, obviously feeling insistent discomfort.

Gently I withdrew the nozzle. A tiny squirt of water issued, dripping on to the towel I had prepared. Mrs. Scott, Peggy, held her belly and let out a whimper.

I let her suffer for a moment, again gauging her state. I was also testing her, seeing if she would be able to refrain from speaking until I addressed her... She was shifting and rocking gently, both hands clutching her abdomen. Oh, this was delicious... My excitement returned with a full-force rush as I observed her anguish. She was enduring this grief and humiliation for me... Only to please me...

"Ok, Slut, sit up," I commanded her.

With a tortured moan, she clumsily shifted and changed position, bracing with her elbows and knees to try to keep any pressure off her belly. Her eyes were closed and her face clearly showing her discomfort. "Yes, Sir," she bleated as she complied.

Sitting up right, her breath came in quick, little gasps and puffs as her lips formed an 'O'. My cock was throbbing in full erection as she endured this for me. Again I let agonizing seconds pass, seeing if she would speak unbidden.

She gasped and cried out in alarm, her right hand flying in between her legs to cover her anus.

"NNNNNN!" she grunted. "Ah! Ah!" she almost spoke, using all of her will to control the overwhelming distress and need for relief I could she was experiencing. Enraptured, I half had the urge to just play it out, to watch her lose control of her body and expel all over the inside of my car. But that was obviously not an option. Time to release her from the hook I was dangling her from.

"How do you feel, Slut? Do you need to let it go?"

"God, yes, yes, PLEASE Master!" she wailed. "PLEASE! I can't hold it! PLEASE, let me go, Master!!!" She was bouncing up and down in her seat now.

"Alright, Slut, go!" I said tersely, reaching past her to open her door. She flailed around, desperately lurching for the door. Any thought of modesty or propriety was clearly beyond her now. A small jet water issued from between her buttocks as she dove forward out of my Cadillac, spattering the seat. Quickly I wiped it up; the liquid was clear. Fortunately it would not harm my upholstery.

I observed her dash in her high heels, her right hand tucked between her buttocks and her left clutching her belly, as she made best speed into the darkness of the alley. This was insane. I couldn't believe that I had conjured such a risky scenario, and that we were genuinely enacting it!!

A wave of fear washed over me as I quickly exited the back seat and got into the driver's. Putting the Cadillac into gear, I drove off, cold sweat now appearing on my brow as I navigated the dark, silent streets toward the other end of the alley. Never! I swore. Never again would I conjure up such a risky, public scenario! Tits exposed at a gas station was one thing, but this?? What was I thinking!

My heart began pounding and surging up into my throat as I slowed my auto and pulled over to the curb. I searched the darkness of the alley for any hint of Peggy. Fear and concern were eating away at me. I could see no sign of her.

For tortured moments, I sat peering, desperate to see her coming towards my Cadillac. What if someone had seen her? Or if she had tripped in her heels and twisted her ankle? Or something? Shit, I should get out of the car! Right now!

Just as I was unbuckling my seatbelt in a hurried blunder of motion, cursing myself for my recklessness, I saw motion in the lane. Was it her?? Yes! Slowly her pale, white form came into view, shuffling and stumbling like a zombie...

I resisted the urge to run to her and help her, reaching over to open the passenger door....

Hurry, hurry up, dammit!I thought. I was petrified, darting my glance in all directions, looking to see any hint of anyone that might see...

Tears were streaming down her face. She was sobbing, crying piteously, totally incoherent. She basically collapsed into my car, falling into the passenger seat and my lap, clutching to me as her body heaved and quaked.

"There, there," I consoled her. "It's ok, you're ok... Everything's fine, everything's going to be ok. You're amazing, you did wonderfully, it's ok..."

I just held her and continued stroking her hair, muttering endearments to her as she sobbed from the depths of her soul in my lap.

"We have to go, ok?" I muttered to her softly. "We need to drive for a bit, just a few blocks, just to get out of here, ok? You can... You can put your head in my lap, ok? Whatever you need, ok? The scene is over, everything's ok, I'm so proud, I can't believe how far you went, I'm so proud..."

She tried to say something, but just bawled out and held my shirt tightly in her fists. I gently closed her door and shuffled over to the driver's seat, putting the Cadillac into gear and quietly purring away for a couple of blocks. I was careful not to pull away from her grasp. She was definitely challenging or releasing something from deep, deep within. I was scared that I had really done some damage here, that I had pushed her way too far.

I parked the car and took her in my arms, cradling her and rocking her, muttering tender endearments and encouragements to her. Oh, lord, please let her be all right... If I'd done any damage...

After some time her breathing slowed and became more controlled. Her bawling faded to soft bleating, then finally just to deep, even breaths.

My leather pants were covered in her tears. I didn't mind... They were treated for moisture anyway, and if they were ruined, well, they were just pants after all. They could be replaced.

She just clutched me tight and held on to me for some time as I idled the vehicle with the heat on to gently warm her, my arms surrounding her form, trying to make her feel as shielded and protected as I could.

After a good ten minutes, I gently asked of her, "Would you like to go home?"

She just nodded slowly and put her head in my lap.

I engaged the drive and began the journey back to my house as she held me tight.

When I pulled into my driveway, she seemed more in control of her faculties, though she still said nothing.

I offered her my hand, and she took it. I helped her out of the car, and supported her with my hand around her waist as we slowly walked up to my step. I opened my front door and led her inside. I was still unsure of her mental state... I had allowed myself to step so far out of my comfort zone, I had lost control. I would never forgive myself if I had harmed her. I wished she would say something...

When we were inside and I had closed the door, she encircled me with her arms and laid her head against my chest. "Thank you..." she whispered softly.

Relief flooded through me... Surely she was all right?

"Thank you," she whispered again. "That was so amazing, so incredible... I never thought I could feel... That..."

"You're welcome, Peggy," I simply replied in a gentle tone.

"I loved it," she said. "I loved all of it, oh god, every bit of it..." She trembled and sobbed briefly. "Oh lord, I loved every bit of it..."

She held me tightly.

The she looked me submissively in the eye. "Thank you, Master."

Retrieving her purse, she withdrew several hundred dollar bills with shaking hands and placed them in the donations dish.

"That's really not necessary," I began. "I really can't accept..."

"I insist," she stated pointedly. "Please, I insist. May I see you again, Master? Please? Soon?"

I laughed. "Yes! Yes, absolutely!" I was utterly elated and relieved. I was terrified that I'd taken her far too far, but no. She was the sub of my dreams.

"That must have taken a lot out of you, Peggy," I said. "Would you like to relax for a while? Perhaps a drink?"

"Oh, lord, yes," she breathed, "Yes, please, thank you."

"Have a seat," I bade her. "And I never offer this to anyone, but..." I paused. "Would you like to stay the night?"

"Yes!" she gushed. "Yes, oh lord, yes!!"

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WargamerWargamer28 days ago

There were moments there where he crossed the line and sexually assaulted her.

That was awful, she’s stupid really stupid to put herself into such an idiots hands.

Him a master?

No way, not in a million years, he’s an ass.


Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago

An interesting and enjoyable tale of the discovery of a true submissive.

Thank you for publishing this beautifully prepared and written work.

Fetishist77Fetishist77over 3 years ago
Engaging story of introducing BDSM

I really lived your story. From the mundaneness of the Peggy Scott character to her gradual transformation into (or revelation as) a sub, it was a very realistic tale that had me hooked till the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great story

I loved your story. I loved the way you gave the sub permission and frequent reminders that she could end the session at any time and yet her need to submit motivated her to continue. I loved the forcefullness of your domination mingled with empathy and care. I also love intense nipple and anal play. Your story has all the right elements to make me feel connected and like I so wish I could be her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Couldn’t finish your story of the wannabe Dom or should that be the whore because he’s being paid for sex?

I hope you’re aware that there is more than one type of BDSM? Not every sub gets off on pain and humiliation - seriously a woman in her mid forties with low self esteem because her arsehole husband is a cheating scum bag and you thought humiliation was the way to go??

I think the only thing I noticed that was right was the explanation of safewords.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Very impressive the ordeal would have taken hours and the subjet would have been very stressed a slut that could take this would be exceptional and very rare my only hope would be to find one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
This was great

Loved the combination of caring AND humiliation. Really well done.

jenellesljenelleslalmost 10 years ago

I'm quite sure I could hold out like that in a first session. I like that he questioned himself. It showed he was aware of where they were in the relation. The problem for him now is, how to push further.

Stay tuned, I hope

slaverowanslaverowanabout 10 years ago

This slave was in awe and came many times reading this. Your description of her breaking through the walls into subspace was spectacular.

Thank you Sir x

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Divine story

As a switch myself you perfectly captured both elements of D/S and captivated me with your words. Please continue it and thank you for your time!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Deeply In Aw..

I enjoyed every bit of it. It kept me wanting more. Love the characters and scenes. Sinful Delight ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Mrs Scott

I really enjoyed this story, especially the Dom being surprised. You have to write some chapters

ShaiHuludShaiHuludover 10 years ago

Great story, really enjoyed how it progressed. I'm hoping there are plans for more chapters

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