Mud and Magic Ch. 04


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"From what I've seen, he's taken over at least nine in the vicinity, including the one where I'm from."

"They'll see soon enough," Ewan said, leaning against the parapet. "I'm from Horvath Point. Used to be a shiny harbor down south when I was a lad like you. And much like now, the small villages around that place would fall under his sway. The rulers of the Point sent calls for aid to the Four Cities but none came. And suddenly there was this delegation." He spat. "Let's call it what it was -- a small army. They demanded the Point surrender or they would make life even more miserable than it already was, without food other than what fish could be caught and barely any land trade coming in."

"And they just rolled over for him?" Rhys asked, flabberghasted.

"What could they do? Horvath Point didn't have an army, they had a town watch. And even if they had fought, the black riders threatened they would retaliate by going for the water supplies. To spare the city the horrors of a siege, the council surrendered."

"I just wish the Four Cities would send their armies."

"Not gonna happen," Ewan said. "Unless he's mounting a scary large attack, and I don't see that happening. You can kill a man by chopping off his head -- or by bleeding him dry through a thousand cuts. Carver's doing the latter."

Rhys joined Ewan at the parapet and looked down. The crossroads was clogged by wagons, carts, carriages and horses. The toll barrier had been lowered and locked, with Hendrick repeatedly calling out that service would resume in short order.

A few minutes went past and the other guards spilled out of the tower led by Tegan. She wore a gleaming suit of armor and a white cape and had a large heater shield strapped to her arm. A heavy mace hung at her hip, the flanged head promising shattered bones even through solid armor plates.

Rhys spent the rest of the morning keeping watch while Ewan seemed to doze off every few minutes, only to come awake with a snort and the circle would begin anew. The old archer occasionally peered through the spyglass but if his efforts yielded any results, Rhys didn't know.

There was a surprising amount of traffic going out of Lordehome, while much fewer wagons traveled towards the town. Only occasionally would there be a group of people on foot, mainly what looked like families with all their belongings, maybe pulling along a donkey laden high with what few possessions they had.

The guards worked in a certain rhythm, the loud banging of the toll barrier their metronome. And before he knew it, the steady flow of traffic, the regular banging of the barrier had Rhys lulled into a daze.

Suddenly, the hatch fell shut. Rhys shot upright and blinked. Hilgrun joined him at the parapet. "My turn," she said. "Anything happened while you were up here?"

"I've seen a lot of traffic but nothing which looked like a bunch of armed warriors, disguised or not."

Hilgrun growled in the back of her throat. "By the Sea-Lord's dripping balls, I hate waiting!"

* * * *

Rhys stepped away from the window. Dusk was settling over the toll station and by now he knew exactly how Hilgrun felt. The tension was unbearable. Not that he would know what to do when Carver's men finally arrived. Could he just meet them in open combat? Could he even defend himself if they attacked him? Sparring with Hilgrun and Hagazz was one thing, jabbing his daggers into a stranger, possibly killing them -- even if they were, like Thurguz had said 'scum of the Old Kingdoms' -- something completely different.

He slumped down onto the bed and took off his boots. When he had returned to the inn after Hilgrun had relieved him, Idunn had thrown him a key for one of the small rooms she had rented. It had two beds, two chests and a small washing table under a cracked mirror. He'd spent the afternoon out and about, watching the people passing through, hoping to catch a glimpse of the attacking force should they somehow have managed to slip past Hilgrun's or Elara's watchful eyes. But hours trickled by and nothing had happened.

Rhys stood up and went to the window again. Lanterns had been lit, one at the watchtower's door, one by the toll booth and two in front of the inn, along with whatever lights the inhabitants of the huts decided to turn on.

The door opened behind him and Elara came in. She stretched and shrugged her coat off her shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" Rhys asked. "I thought you're sharing with Hilgrun."

"Why? Because we danced naked in the common room yesterday?" Elara undid the laces holding her breeches up and pushed them off her legs.

Rhys turned away, blushing. "Well... yes, that."

Elara giggled. "Tegan has spoken with Idunn. She will stand guard tonight along with two of her boys, so Hilgrun and I can rest as well. Said we'll be more useful in a stand-up fight than her old bones. I'm not complaining." Water splashed. "You may look if you want. It's not like you haven't seen me naked already. Anyway, if I were to share with our feisty warrior princess, I would get no sleep whatsoever. She's incredibly frisky before a battle."

Rhys shot her a glance. Elara stood in front of the washing table, gloriously naked, and washed herself with a piece of cloth.

"Elara... I have a question." Rhys stepped away from the window and sat on his bed again. "How do you do it? Killing your enemies in cold blood?"

The naked elf plucked a threadbare towel from underneath the wash table and dabbed herself dry then she sat down at the foot of Rhys' bed. "Oh, I kill my enemies all right," she said, her usual levity gone. "You're probably pondering 'what have these men done to me to deserve death,' right? You're wondering if there's another way."

"Something like that. I mean, they have sworn loyalty to Carver, but-"

"Think about this then, Rhys: The wolf hunts and kills but only to feed her young and to protect herself. These men, they don't kill for food. They kill because their lord told them to. They kill for riches, they maim and rape for sport and they won't hesitate to do it again if given the chance. You have seen by now how far Carver and his men have come. I am trying to bring the world back into balance by culling his predators."

"And you're okay with killing them instead of," he shrugged, "bringing them to justice?"

Elara moved, until she could hug Rhys from behind. Her hands crawled under his shirt, caressing his stomach. "I am being far kinder to them than they ever will be to me or any of my kin. I have hunted Carver's henchmen for nearly thirty years, Rhys. I have seen what they have done to men, women, children and nature. Killing them in combat is a mercy they don't deserve. But if I don't kill them, they might come back one day, even more determined, even more driven to despoil and harm what is dear to me."

"I don't know if I just... even after what they have done to Mirrin."

Her lips gently touched his neck, her breath in his hair. "I would be worried if you could simply shrug and wade into battle, spilling blood without remorse. You're quarreling with your conscience. That's the sign of a sensitive and noble man."

Rhys laughed bitterly. "And what good will that be? I don't want to be a burden like Hilgrun says."

Elara pulled Rhys' shirt over his head and embraced him again. The moment her breasts touched his back, goosebumps erupted all over his body. "Life has a tendency to sort itself out. You will know exactly what to do when the time is right. Let things come your way and act accordingly."

Rhys slid from her embrace and turned to face her. "I don't know if I can do that. I'm afraid one wrong move on my part could get someone killed."

A knock on the door interrupted him. Elara snatched the towel and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Yes?" Rhys called.

Idunn entered. She looked from Rhys to Elara and sighed. "Did I interrupt anything?"

"Not yet," Elara said, her voice a raunchy whisper. "I think we can accommodate a beautiful dwarf woman. Right, Rhys?"

"Huh? What?"

Idunn shook her head. "Don't make this any more awkward, Elara. You know my stance on teacher/student interaction. No exceptions, even in the field." She smiled. "I'm honored you'd even consider an old warhorse like me though. No, I'm here for a quick lesson. Rhys, do you think you can concentrate enough for a new spell?"

"Anything to distract me," Rhys said. "What do you have in mind?"

"As if I'm not distracting enough," Elara said, grinning. She moved to the window and sat on the sill, watching them.

"You know how I can summon my battle axe," Idunn began. She moved her hands and the fiery weapon appeared.

"Yes. It's a spectacular manifestation. Do you need to concentrate on it?"

"No. By drawing in enough power, you can make spells last longer than the few moments a force missile exists between the throw and the impact. I want you to apply the same principles to create a shield for yourself."

"A shield. Let's see." Rhys closed his eyes, blocking out everything around him. Idunn's expectant smile. Elara on the windowsill, one hand on her thigh and her incredible amethyst eyes which seemed to move the whole world a few inches out of focus until only they remained. He could feel the stir of power around him, the wind in the leaves, the numerous fires burning or the congregation of people below, saturating the ether. He opened his right hand. Instead of using it to project the magic, he used it to draw in the power, daring to weave more threads of energy than ever before until his fingers ached with the strain. He pictured Tegan's stout shield on his left arm, a solid wall protecting him from harm. The power flew from his palm, along his arm, across the shoulders and wound around his wrist, like a slight maelstrom of force which suddenly expanded. Rhys opened his eyes. The shield was barely visible, a slight distortion in the air, but he could feel it, even without him spending a conscious thought on it.

Idunn's axe was out in a flash and she slammed the blunt end his way. Rhys took a hasty step back and raised his arm. The axe slammed against the shimmering emanation and bounced off it with a solid, deep thud.

"Not bad, not bad," Idunn said, dismissing her axe. "When we return to the tower, we can start working on spells affecting your body, like armor, flight and the like." She looked at Elara on the windowsill.

The silver-haired elf smiled back at her. "And you're sure you don't want to stay, help Rhys find his peace?"

"I'm sure you can manage that on your own, elf," Idunn snorted. She squeezed past Rhys and opened the door. "And by the Hearthmother's tits, try and be quiet. No need to keep me, Hilgrun and the rest of the inn awake." The door fell shut behind her.

Rhys dismissed the shield and sat back on his bed. "And now I'm back where we started. Even more nervous. Why did she teach this to me now?"

Elara slid off the windowsill and walked to Rhys, stopping right before him. He looked up, his head level with her breasts. Elara claimed his hand and pulled him to his feet, melting against him.

"Listen, you don't have to-" Rhys began. Elara shut him up with a kiss. Her hands made quick work of his belt and the buttons holding his trousers in place. They slid down his legs, leaving him standing in socks and his loincloth. Rhys' hands had snaked around her waist, holding her by the butt.

Elara broke the kiss and grinned up at him. "It's not about 'have to.' More 'I want to.'" She plucked at the string holding his loincloth in place. "I can't promise to take your thoughts off the battle but I see no harm in trying." She swayed her hips and the last piece of clothing between them fluttered to the floor and she trapped his rod between their stomachs. "Beats marching a groove into the floorboards, don't you think?"

Rhys suddenly chuckled, much of the rigidity melting from his body. "Your logic is hard to argue, damn it."

Elara nimbly slipped from his embrace and sashayed to her bed. She slid onto the mattress and rolled onto her side, back to the wall. "It's not always obvious but I know how to pick my arguments. Come. Let's caress each other and see where we end up."

Rhys slipped out of his socks and joined her. "Caresses, hm? I thought you wanted to..." He took her hand and placed it on his lance.

Elara closed her fingers around him and stroked his full length self-indulgently. "The journey can be as much of a delight as the destination. And tonight, your destination is right here." She took his hand and placed it on her mound. She was completely hairless, not even stubble from a shave. She pulled up her leg, opening herself wide for his questing fingers. "But why skip all those interesting twists and turns? That's not 'taking your mind off the battle,' that's 'hitting you over the head with a club and collecting the pieces.' If you want that, see Hilgrun."

Rhys leaned in and trapped Elara's left nipple between his lips, gently sucking on it. Her caress on his rod slowed to a languid crawl and she uttered a slow, drawn-out sigh. He kissed the goosebumps on her breast then grinned. "If you haven't noticed, she hasn't called me by my name once since I've arrived at the tower. What makes you think we'll ever end up in bed together?"

Elara kissed him, hungry and passionate, her tongue darting between his lips. Rhys kissed back, although on his end, it was more desperation than anything else. His fingers between Elara's thighs curled up and inwards, sliding between her nether lips. Eyes glinting, the silver-haired elf rolled onto her back, spreading herself wide for him as two fingertips entered her. Rhys broke the kiss, his lips making their way down her neck and back to her breasts, eagerly kissing and licking at the valley between them. Eventually, his mouth moved further down, over her stomach. Sighing, Elara relinquished her grasp on his rod. Rhys kissed and nibbled his way over her mound, laving the smooth skin with his tongue before diving between her labia, aiming for her most sensitive spot.

Elara gasped. "And here I was, thinking it was me taking your mind off the battle."

Rhys kissed her nether lips eagerly, as if it was her mouth. His eyes sparkled with mirth. "Who says you aren't? I think I enjoy exploring a body like this." He lowered his head again, taking a long, sensual lick all the way from below her lips up to her clit.

"That will make you very popular with all the girls," Elara giggled. "And the boys." She writhed against his eager mouth, her hands tousling his hair. Rhys cupped her butt with both hands, kneading the soft orbs as he explored her with his tongue, the tip darting this way and that, poking at her opening, languidly licking at her folds or swirling around her love button. His tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, spurred on by her little squeals and moans and with more enthusiasm than skill, he kissed and nibbled her over the edge, not even stopping when she helplessly bucked against his face, caught in an almighty orgasm. She had barely found her breath again when his tongue was on her again.

"Rhys! Rhys! Stop! In Plenty's name, let me breathe, please!" The whirlwind of licks and kisses slowed and he looked at her, puzzled. Elara slid down the mattress so she could lie face to face with him, kissing her taste off his lips and cheeks and chin.

"I love the enthusiasm," she purred. "And I will sing your praises every night from now on." Her grin was radiant. "Or not. I wouldn't mind keeping this glorious mouth...," her hand traveled along his stomach and found his rock-hard spear, "or rod all to myself. Allow me, please." Now it was her turn to explore his body. In the past weeks, he had put on a bit of weight. Gone was the skin-and-bones look, replaced by something more akin to a slender elven male, something which Elara liked very much. She took her time teasing him, her nimble tongue circling his belly button, causing Rhys to try and struggle away from her. Not that she'd let him.

Eventually, she had reached her object of desire. He was long and slender, with a slight curve. She approved of him being circumcised. Her breath on his sensitive skin had him writhing against her in no time. She used both hands to hold him, one around his root, the other cupping his balls, eliciting a content groan from him. Elara writhed until she could comfortably kneel between his shins then she leaned forward. Their eyes met when her lips were only a hair's breadth away from his glistening tip. Elara closed her lips around him and let her tongue swirl around the glans, taking in as much of his taste as she could. And she got a lot. The moment her tongue made contact, Rhys uttered a strained moan, his hips rocketed up from the bed and erupted between her lips like a geyser. Elara gulped down as much as she could but strands of his pungent seed ran from her mouth, over her chin and back onto his thighs again.

"I-... I'm sorry," Rhys gasped, looking in horror at the mess he'd just made.

Elara giggled and melted against him, using the back of her hand to wipe away some of the excess. She shook her head, gulped one last time and smoothed her body against his. His arm snaked around her back, his hand found her buttocks and rested there. "Why?" she asked.

"Because... I mean..."

Elara grinned. "You blessed my mouth with your seed. Generously. I see nothing wrong with that. It just showed me how much you needed the relief." Her hand caressed along his body and found his rod. If it had deflated at all, Elara couldn't tell. "And it seems there's much more where that came from." She leaned over him and kissed him. To her surprise, Rhys didn't shy back. On the contrary. His tongue darted into her mouth, licking up his own taste.

She looked into his eyes when the kiss broke. "You are an unusual human, Rhys. Most men I know shy away from the taste of seed. Especially their own." Her hand caressed his length. If anything, he seemed to get even harder.

"I'm still new to sex," Rhys said, shrugging. "Trying to figure out what I like and what not. I don't mind seed. It's just salty."

"How would you like to bless my other mouth with your seed next?" Elara asked, sliding onto her back and spreading herself wide open for him.

Rhys kissed her again and climbed between her thighs. He sat on his haunches as he slid his cock along her slick nether lips, using his tip to caress her, taking Elara's breath away whenever he deliberately circled her throbbing nub. His face was awash with the joy of discovery, a smile tugged at his lips whenever he managed to coax a little gasp or sigh from her with his antics.

"No one said anything about torturing the poor elven druid," Elara moaned. "Please, Rhys?"

He thrust gently but missed her tunnel, the tip poking at her behind instead. Elara giggled. "I wouldn't mind that eventually but not today." She gently adjusted his angle. "Yes, that's the spot." Her voice broke when he slid into her. He wasn't rough, on the contrary. She was so wet and her body so willing, his full length seemed to simply appear within her. Rhys' breath caught in his throat.

"Still overwhelming?" Elara asked, caressing his thighs.

Rhys nodded. "It feels so... new. So incredibly good."

"The feeling is mutual. It's been a few months since I've..."

Elara contracted her pelvic muscles, squeezing his rod deep inside her. Rhys nearly jumped. "You may move if you want. Feeling you inside is wonderful already but imagine how much better it-" She nearly choked on her tongue. Rhys slowly withdrew, until only his tip was nestled in her opening. He pushed back in, gently, inch by delicious inch until his balls tickled her backside.

"Like this?" Rhys asked, again pulling out.

"Just like that. It's the most intimate caress you can give. Oh damn!" Elara crossed her legs behind him and pulled him close. She didn't want to let him go ever again, not when his cock felt so ...right within her. Like Galdor's had before him, after thirty years of abstinence, loneliness and blood, trying to wash the bitter stench of Faedal off herself. Elara reached up and pulled Rhys against her breasts, holding him with arms and legs wrapped tight around him while his behind picked up speed, driving his beautiful, curved dick deep into her. Her mouth found his and now she was the desperate one, urging him on and on as they kissed in the vain hope he might be the one to finally make her forget.
