Multiple Units #211

Story Info
Beautiful black girl makes friends on a hot summer day.
7.7k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 04/16/2019
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This story has been posted to Literotica.Com with the full knowledge of the original author, JimBob44. No part or whole of this story may be reprinted in any other format or on any other web site without the express written consent of the original author.

Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell -check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.


Venice Apartments had a sign out front, with the name 'Venice Apartments' in black against a background of the Italian flag of green, white, and red. Encircling the name was the silhouette of a gondola and gondolier.

The complex was comprised of four separate buildings arranged in a square. Each building faced inward, faced the pool and small courtyard. The first building, the northeast building was three floors, with five apartments on each floor. Apartments 101, 105, 201, 205, 301 and 305 were two bedroom units. The three units in between each two bedroom unit were one bedroom units. The southeastern building had apartments 106 and 107 on the ground floor, each a two bedroom unit. The second and third floors had four single room efficiencies on each. The southwestern building was a duplicate of the northeastern building, each floor with a two bedroom unit on the corners, separated by three one bedroom units. And the northwestern building was a duplicate of the southeastern building, a ground floor of two units, each with two bedrooms, then eight one room efficiencies atop. Behind the northwestern building was a large laundry room and an exercise room.

Across the parking lot in front of the northeastern building was the rental office. And on top of the rental office was the apartment building's clubhouse. Each tenant had the right to reserve the clubhouse for parties, but they must notify the apartment manager of the desired time that they planned to use the clubhouse.


Kelissa Michelle North took a moment to admire herself in the full length mirror on the sliding door of her closet. The patriotic American flag bikini looked good against her creamy brown skin. Her 34DD breasts threatened to spill out of the bikini top and her 33 inch hips strained against the strings that tied over her hips. Her 29 inch waist looked good; there was only a hint of softness to her belly.

She shook her tousled mop of dreadlocks out of her eyes as she turned to glance at her smooth back. The bikini bottom stretched taut across her full buttocks; In Kelissa's eyes, her body was milk chocolate perfection.

Looking at her buttocks, Kelissa thought of Johnny Arcenoux. They'd dated a few times and she had enjoyed the attention the handsome young man had paid to her.

"And when it comes to ass? Damn, that boy was a freak, you hear?" Kelissa thought, leaving her bedroom.

Johnny Had kissed her with a passion that left her breathless. When she'd indicated her heavy breasts, Johnny had not grabbed them, pawed at them. Instead, he fondled, caressed, and stroked them, coming closer and closer to her large dark brown areolae and hard nipples. When he pinched, twisted, then tugged her diamond hard nipples, Kelissa had actually flooded her boy shorts with a forceful orgasm.

When she wiggled out of her faux Barragona jeans and boy shorts, Johnny had not simply poised himself between her splayed legs and driven himself home. Wiggling down her torso, he took a few minutes to suck on her breasts, bringing her closer and closer to another breast-play induced orgasm. She was writhing in need when he wiggled down more and nibbled and gnawed on her belly.

"Oh! Hair...God! I, I love a smooth pussy," Johnny had enthused, reaching Kelissa's bare pussy.

With fingers and tongue, Johnny brought Kelissa to a monumental climax. He continued lapping at her pussy, teasing her clitoris for a few moments more before finally wiggling up her torso again. Part of her resented the condom he insisted on, and part of her was grateful for that latex sheath protecting her from any unwanted diseases or pregnancy.

Johnny Arcenoux was already a bit of an oddity; he had made sure to pleasure her before intercourse. He continued to be an anomaly; he didn't bolt the minute he finished. Instead, he cuddled her naked body against his naked body, touching and stroking her flesh while murmuring sweet words to her.

Then, he rolled her onto her belly. Kelissa squealed then groaned as he began nibbling at her buttocks. When he pulled her buttocks apart and began tonguing her tightly clenched anus, Kelissa shuddered in pleasure. When Johnny thrust two fingers into her rectum, Kelissa had groaned, grunted, then screamed in orgasm.

"Yeah, that Johnny was all about the ass," Kelissa thought, anus clenching involuntarily as she thought of the two times they'd had anal intercourse.

His tongue had felt magic. His fingers had felt so naughty, so dirty and illicit. That first stab of pain as he pressed the head of his greased cock against her slimy anus had caused her to gasp out. Then, feeling his flared cockhead rubbing against her tightly clenched orifice, feeling her anus slowly giving way, then flowering open to accept his fat cock...

"Damn!" Kelissa said out loud as she sauntered through her kitchen into the dining room/living room combination of her apartment.

"My apartment," Kelissa smiled with satisfaction as she looked at the washed out antique white table with four matching chairs.

"My apartment," Kelissa thought as she looked at the low slung light blue velour box chair with matching ottoman, low end table of washed out antique white with candlestick lamp and dark blue velour loveseat against the opposite wall. She'd bought some light blue pillows to put on the love seat, tying the pieces together.

"Ooh, ooh; keep forgetting," Kelissa said out loud, grabbing the squirt bottle from the dining room table.

She prayed a fine mist of water and nutrients onto the potted plant on the floor. Then she misted the two hanging baskets, one on either side of her chair. Satisfied that she'd avoided disaster, Kelissa checked that she had her apartment key hanging on the lanyard around her neck.

Inch after inch, a fraction at a time had pushed into her bowels. Kelissa was sure Johnny was ripping her sensitive membrane as his girth stretched her anus wide.

"Need to quit thinking about it," Kelissa told herself as she stepped out into the sweltering summer heat.

"Bottle, bottle, bottle," Kelissa chided herself as she stepped into the semi-dark, cool interior of her apartment again.

Grabbing her reusable water bottle she'd filled with Sangria wine, Kelissa again left her apartment. The summer was truly here; the heat and the humidity competed to wrest the breath out of her body.

The orgasm she'd experienced from anal sex had been painful and breath-taking at the same time. She'd laid on her belly, her shoulders and knees unable to hold her up any longer after such a powerful climax. Johnny had hammered her, his long cock plowing in and out of her raw guts.

"Should have never broke up with him," Kelissa said, reaching the gate that closed off the pool area.

"Why did I break up with him?" Kelissa asked as she lay her beach towel on one chair underneath the large umbrella.

"'Cause you was stupid and listened to that bitch Karyn," Kelissa said, giving a noisy slurp to her chilled wine.

Karyn Nicholls had sat in front of Kelissa through much of their school days at Northside High School. For that reason, and that reason alone, they'd been friends. In truth, Kelissa had been happy for the three weeks that Ayleen North had sat between herself and Karyn. Then, an incident happened in a school bathroom and Ayleen did not return so Kelissa and Karyn were once again seated, one in front of the other.

Karyn was horribly racist. No matter how much she protested that a black person could not be racist, Karyn was racist. She had an inherent distrust of all white people, based solely on the color of their skin.

"Believe that ignorant shit?" Kelissa asked herself as she sat, sweating in the heat.

That first time experiencing anal sex had truly been overwhelming. Feeling Johnny's semen forcefully ejaculating into her bowels had caused another ripple of pleasure to travel through Kelissa's prone body. And, just like every other time they made love, Johnny was sweet and loving, cuddling her and whispering words of endearments to her afterward.

When Kelissa had realized she'd made a horrible mistake, a mistake that cost her the already quite tenuous friendship with Karyn, Johnny was sweet but did let Kelissa know he was already in another relationship. He was seeing Ally Sanchez, a beautiful Filipina girl, a cashier at that new restaurant, Sassy's.

Now, on a blistering hot summer day, sitting and sweating heavily underneath the shade of the large umbrella, Kelissa watched two handsome young men as they swam back and forth, paused to loudly taunt one another, then splash one another or vigorously swim again. Idly watching the two men, Kelissa took another suck of the straw in her drink bottle and daydreamed about Johnny Arcenoux.

"Hey; what's in the bottle?" Kelissa heard, interrupting her erotic thought of Johnny's tongue and fingers and magic cock spearing her anus.

"Hey," Kelissa smiled up as one young man smiled at her, toweling himself dry.

"Yeah, what's in the bottle?" the other young man asked, briskly toweling his shoulder length blond hair.

"Just some Sangria," Kelissa said.

"Nice," the first young man smiled.

"Yeah. I take a big can of fruit cocktail? Pour that into the bottle and let it get good and cold," the second young man agreed.

"Then when you finish the wine? You just eat the fruit," the first man said, more to his friend than to Kelissa.

Kelissa wished she'd worn her sunglasses. She focused her attention on their handsome faces but would have loved to be able to glance down, see what they might be packing in those swim trunks.

One young man had beautiful green eyes. His blond hair had streaks of brown woven in; dirty blond they called it. His nose was a little large for his square face but his smile seemed genuine. He bent to pull a tee shirt on and Kelissa chanced a quick glance down.

His swim trunks hung down, almost reaching his knees. What Kelissa was able to see, he had muscular thighs and a fairly nice lump in his trunks. His waist was narrow and his chest was smooth.

His friend had whitish blond hair, an easy smile and warm brown eyes. He had a muscular chest with some sprigs of white chest hair. He too had a narrow waist and muscled legs. Kelissa's eyes opened wide at the sight of his very skimpy swim suit and the nice lump he sported.

"Lived here long?" the owner of the skimpy swim suit asked.

"Moved in 'bout um, maybe two months ago," Kelissa said. "Y'all?"

"Apartment three fifteen," the dirty blond man said, pointing to the two bedroom apartment in the far corner.

"Been here eight months now," the blond said, pulling his own tee shirt on.

"Oh! Hey, I'm Kelissa. Kelissa North," Kelissa introduced herself.

"Kel..." the blond asked.

"Like Melissa, but with a 'K,'" Kelissa explained, quite used to the question by now.

"Oh, cute!" the dirty blond said. "I'm Calvin Smith. No, not Calvin Klein. Smith. Smith. And Captain Ugly here?"

"Fuck you, Major Ass-face," the blond laughed. "Hi, Kelissa; I'm Ned Broussard."

The two young men asked if they could share Kelissa's shade and she smiled her agreement. Ned and Calvin had a very easy friendship and spent time lightly teasing one another and also complimenting one another as they chatted with Kelissa. They had both been on the swim team at Kimble Academy; Ned had been given a scholarship to the University of Louisiana at DeGarde and Calvin had been given a partial scholarship to ULD.

"Yeah, you know, you fuck off in class? Wweellll, you might be a pretty good swimmer but..." Calvin admitted.

"He was a great swimmer," Ned said.

"Still am, butt head," Calvin said.

"What. Ever," Ned smiled.

"Anyway, we both just got on at Thibodaux Investments," Calvin bragged.

"Let me tell you, Tom Thibodaux? The man is a genius!" Ned complimented.

Kelissa told them she'd graduated from Northside High School the previous August. Just like Calvin, she'd found out that fucking off and not doing schoolwork wasn't a recipe for success. That was why she'd had to go to summer school in order to graduate. Currently, she had been fortunate enough to get hired on by Coach John's Uniforms, in the textile department. Kelissa finished her drink.

Coach John's?" Calvin said, indicating his tee shirt.

"Coach John's?" Ned agreed, showing his very snug swim suit.

"Not sure who made this," Kelissa smiled, indicating her very skimpy swimwear.

"Oh, I'll be happy to look for the tag," Ned quickly offered.

"I'll help; he might miss it," Calvin offered.

"Uh huh," Kelissa laughed, getting to her feet. "I'm just about to die out here."

"It is hot," Calvin agreed.

They continued to chat as they left the courtyard. Like true gentlemen, they let Kelissa proceed them up the stairs. Reaching the landing of the second floor, Kelissa blurted out she had some ice cold Gratchley's beer in her apartment.

"Tell you what," Ned smiled. "I mean, not that Gratchley's isn't nice but..."

"We've got some Corn Terlings; you ever have Corn Terlings?" Calvin said.

"I'm right over there, in two eleven," Kelissa agreed, pointing her dark red fingernail toward her apartment door.

She watched their taut backsides as they continued on to the third floor. Kelissa could hear them whispering excitedly as they continued up the stairs to their own apartment. She hurried to her apartment and unlocked the door. Her nipples, already quite hard from anticipation stiffened considerably when the chilled air hit her damp flesh.

Kelissa gave a quick glance around and nodded; the apartment was neat and orderly. She had even made her bed. She dashed into her bathroom and sponged her armpits clean of her heavy sweat. She didn't know which young man she was more attracted to; Ned or Calvin, but did not want either young man to be put off by the scent of her sweat.

"Hmm, maybe both of them?" Kelissa asked her reflection in the small mirror over the bathroom sink, feeling her crotch become quite wet at that thought.

The thought was interrupted by a sharp rap at the door. She tossed the washcloth into her tub and scampered to the door.

"Hey!" she happily said, opening the door of her apartment.

"Hey," Ned agreed, proceeding Calvin into the apartment. "Quick! Close the door before he gets in."

"Shut up," Calvin laughed, entering the semi-dark apartment.

"Y'all have a seat," Kelissa invited, smiling.

"Now, this beer? Is made from corn," Ned explained, pulling a six pack of beer from a plastic grocery bag.

"Hence the name, Corn Terlings," Calvin teased.

"What a butt hole. So, it's kind of sweet," Ned continued, putting the six pack onto her table. "Nice table, by the way."

"Thanks. Got it at that consignment shop? One next to um, Naigle's in Elgee," Kelissa said.

"Nice, nice," Calvin agreed, putting a second bag onto her table.

"So, the best way to enjoy Corn Terlings? Is with a shot of bourbon," Ned said, producing a fifth of Iron Barrel bourbon and three shot glasses from the second grocery bag.

"Not that we're trying to get you drunk or anything," Calvin said.

"Aw! Why not?" Kelissa laughed.

Kelissa reached over and turned the dim light on and Calvin and Ned took seats across from one another at her table. Calvin opened three bottles of beer while Ned poured three shots of whiskey.

The sixteen ounce bottle was heavy. Kelissa had to agree; the beer was very sweet. The whiskey burned her throat and she chased it down with some more beer. Ned held up the bottle of bourbon, a questioning look in his eyes. After a moment's hesitation, Kelissa nodded her approval and Ned poured a second shot of bourbon for her.

"Let's see..." Kelissa said, pulling her tiny purse from the floor.

Ned poured Calvin a second shot of bourbon as Kelissa dug a quarter from her purse. She'd done five loads of laundry yesterday and had three quarters left from that exercise in patience.

"Heads its Ned; tails its Cail," Kelissa laughed and flipped the coin.

"Cail, huh?" Calvin smiled.

"Yay! It's heads!" Ned exclaimed, hurriedly slapping his hand over the quarter as it clattered onto the tabletop.

"Move your hand, bitch," Calvin laughed.

"See? It IS heads!" Ned smiled, pulling his hand from the quarter.

"Do it again and this time leave them hands under the table," Calvin laughed as Kelissa giggled and Ned smirked.

Kelissa did flip the coin a second time and again, George Washington's head smiled up at the three of them.

"Okay, so, what did I win?" Ned smiled at Kelissa.

"I'm going kiss you first," Kelissa announced, leaning over and pressing her full lips to Ned's lips.

The closed mouth kiss became a duel of tongues. Kelissa moaned into Ned's mouth as his left hand softly traced along her cheek and jawline.

"Need to flip again?" Calvin asked when Kelissa and Ned broke the kiss.

"No," Kelissa husked, leaning to her left.

While Calvin and Kelissa kissed, Kelissa reached back and undid the small clasp of her bikini top. Her large breasts sprang free, displaying her tightly crinkled areolae and rock hard nipples.

Breaking her kiss with Calvin, Kelissa downed her shot of whiskey and drank the rest of her Corn Terlings. Standing, she dropped bikini bottom to the carpeted floor and turned toward her bedroom.

Ned and Calvin quickly stripped off their tee shirts and swimwear and followed Kelissa into her bedroom. She smiled as she clicked her bedside lamp on, then crawled onto the bed, posing on hands and knees.

"Heads, Ned, Tails, Cail," Kelissa reminded them, giggling at her own joke.

Ned knee-walked to Kelissa's mouth, holding his hard cock in his left hand. Kelissa opened her mouth wide for his five and a half inches and waggled her tongue around his fat cockhead before swallowing half of his length into her mouth.

Calvin scrambled onto the bed, moving her four pillows aside. He knee walked to kneel between Kelissa's spread legs. Her dark pink inner lips peeked out from her hairless mound, slick and puffy with her excitement. Just above her pink slit, her chocolate star winked at him.

"Mm, I, oh, oh yes," Kelissa moaned, pulling her mouth off of Ned's cock with a 'pop.'

"Mm, mm hmm," Kelissa grunted as Ned reached down and fondled her hanging breasts.

"Mm, mmng!" Kelissa grunted as Calvin thrust forward, burying his entire cock into her pussy.

"Mmng! Mmng!" Kelissa moaned as Ned pinched and twisted her nipples between thumbs and forefingers.

The three lovers fell into a rhythm; thrusting in and out of Kelissa's holes.

"Mmng! Ack! Ack!" Kelissa cried out as Calvin reached around her hip and diddled her fat clitoris.

She gave a very noisy slurp to Ned's cock, tasting his excitement beginning to trickle from his cock. Ned groaned in pleasure.

"God, I, this, damn!" Calvin grunted, pounding her pussy with short, forceful jabs.

"I, damn, damn, Melissa, I'm about to cum," Ned warned.

"Kelissa," Calvin corrected Ned.

"Shit. What, what did I say?" Ned asked, eyes squeezed tight.

Kelissa swallowed the mouthful of saliva and Ned's excitement. She created a powerful suction with her mouth as she bobbed her head along his length.

"God! God damn yes," Ned cried out and pumped his semen into her throat.

"Aw, aw fuck, aw fuck," Calvin groaned a moment later.

Kelissa also groaned in pleasure as she climaxed. She felt each spurt of her lovers as they spent into her.