Murder Misstery


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As expected, I was singled out for a thorough search. A matronly employee took her time with a wand, feeling me up and down, but she didn't come near my package. I had to stand there for a long time in my stocking feet while they pawed through my purse, then I was on my way to the first class lounge. I indulged myself with some excellent champagne and brie, flipping through the Chicago papers for anything about Norman Wolf's murder. My flight was called, and I was just gathering up my purse when it made the evening news:

"Norman Wolf, a prominent Chicago businessman, was found dead this afternoon in his luxurious condominium on Lakeshore Drive. A housekeeper discovered his body next to an open safe in his study. Wolf had not been missed at work, where he has been on leave of absence since his indictment for securities fraud. Police declined to speculate whether there was any connection between his death and the pending charges…."

Time to get out of the country! I hurried to my gate, where the last of the passengers were just boarding. The first class steward escorted me to my seat, and I was handed another glass of champagne as soon as I sat down.

A leather amenity kit full of crèmes and lotions, a pillow and blanket, and a menu and wine list soon followed. If this was the life of a female fugitive, I could get used to it! I snuggled into my enormous sleeper seat, more like a flying Barcalounger, and closed my eyes. By now I'd become so comfortable wearing women's clothing that I didn't mind the thought of sleeping in my dress. After 36 hours without any sleep, it wouldn't take long for me to drift into dreamland.

You would think I was in for a restless night, with blood on my hands and the law on my tail, but after an excellent dinner and too many glasses of wine, I was dead to the world. When I finally awakened, the cabin crew was already serving breakfast. I beat the crowd into the well-appointed lavatory and surveyed myself in the mirror. As I feared, stubble was peeking through my makeup. Fortunately, the lavatory was equipped with a nice array of amenities, including razors and shaving cream. Fifteen minutes later, my female face restored, I was ready for a bloody mary with breakfast.

I gazed down at the snow-covered Alps as we made our final approach, calculating my next moves. As soon as we touched down, I shouldered my purse and braced myself for passport control. Ashley's passport worked for me again, and after an anxious wait, her suitcase emerged on the baggage carousel, I breezed through the Nothing to Declare line, and it was off to the U-bahn to central Zurich.

Figuring that my days might be numbered, I splurged on a five star hotel by the lake, taking the best room available. As soon as I was safely inside my suite, I tore open Ashley's suitcase to see if the cash was still there. There they were, glorious bundles of green, submerged in a silky sea of skirts, lingerie, and stockings. I wept silently as I tallied them up…five hundred thousand…one million…two million…Norman Wolf had squirreled away over three million dollars, which now belonged to me, as long as I was willing to spend the rest of my life as a woman.

There are worse fates, I pondered after I shaved my legs in a long, hot bath. Luxuriating with a cup of room service espresso in my plush hotel bathrobe, I made a list of things to do, practicing how to write with a girlish hand:

1.Open bank account

2.Find Internet café

3.Look for news about NW Tracy

5.Web search re female hormones?

I scratched out the last item…I knew I had to make some serious decisions about my future, but they could wait. To open my Swiss bank account, I put on my most conservative outfit: a crisp white blouse, pleated black skirt, heels and stockings. In no time, I'd stashed most of my blood money in a numbered account, and used the rest to score a hundred thousand euros in travelers checks, no questions asked.

My spirits soaring, I found an Internet café and checked the Chicago Tribune website for news about the Wolf investigation. What I found wasn't good: Chicago police were looking for Matt McCoy in connection with Norman Wolf's murder. Also sought for questioning was the blonde woman seen having dinner with Wolf the night before his body was discovered.

Shaken, I checked my email address for messages. There was this from Tracy:

"Where are you? The police met my flight today and grilled me about you. When I got home I found your note. Then I turned on the news and learned that Norman Wolf has been murdered. Please tell me you didn't have anything to do with it! PS – Ashley got back today and she is really pissed. Did you take her passport too?"

I felt the noose tightening around my neck. How long did I have before the police made the connection between Matt McCoy's disappearance, the mysterious blonde who left Gibson's with Norman Wolf, and Ashley's missing passport? One thing was certain: as soon as Ashley reported her passport missing, it would be radioactive. I closed my eyes and desperately tried to think: a routine check with INS would tell the police about Ashley's flight to Zurich. How much time did I have before they came after me?

I reckoned that the police and the FBI were monitoring Tracy's emails, so I sent her this:

"Can't believe Wolf is dead. How am I ever going to clear myself now? I'm in California, will stay here until I figure out what to do next. PS – Needed photo ID to fly here, borrowed Ashley's passport, my bad"

Using Ashley's passport at an airport would be like waving a red flag now, but I ought to be able to show it to railroad conductors at border crossings without leaving any trace. I spent the next few hours scouring the Internet for information about European trains and how to obtain a fake ID. Before leaving, I checked for emails again. Another message from Tracy:

"You're living as a girl in California? That is such a turn-on! I totally believe you're innocent. Lay low as long as you have to, Maddy. I'll be waiting for you. Love, Tracy PS – Those FBI creeps were here today to talk to Ashley for some reason, they took one look at her and left"

Time to get out of Zurich! But only after I got back on the web to do some fast research about electrolysis and female hormones, which led me to the Gender Identity Clinic at the Free University of Amsterdam. There was no turning back now. Maddy, she called me…maybe the next time I saw Tracy, she'd have her lesbian lover.

Chancing a return to my hotel, I changed into my sweater and kilt and hurriedly packed Ashley's suitcase. I slipped out a side door without checking out, and caught a taxi to the Bahnhof, where I used travelers checks to book a first class sleeping compartment on the overnight express to Amsterdam.

My train wasn't leaving for another hour and a half. I bought a mini electric shaver at the station arcade, which also featured a smart bistro. It occurred to me that I hadn't eaten since I got off the plane, and suddenly I was starving. I went into the bistro and asked for a table for one. For the first time in my life, I felt self-conscious about dining alone at a restaurant. Life was going to be so different for me now!

In Europe, it is customary for singles to be paired off in restaurants, and I found myself seated across from a distinguished-looking man in a suit and tie. He put down his paper and smiled. I smiled back, and he introduced himself in English with a French accent.

"I'm Maddy. How did you know I spoke English?" I asked in reply.

"American women are the most beautiful in the world. You are very beautiful, so I took a chance." I actually felt a little stirring in my panties. What in the world was happening to me?

A waiter came, and I ordered quiche and a glass of white wine. My companion ordered steak frites with an expensive Bordeaux before he resumed his seduction. "Have you been in Zurich long?"

"I flew in this morning."

"If you look this way after a night without sleep, I can only imagine how beautiful you would be after a night in bed."

"Wouldn't you like to know," I replied. In spite of myself, I couldn't resist having a little fun with him. I took a cigarette out of my purse, and waited expectantly for him to light it. He didn't disappoint me, producing a Cartier lighter with a flourish. After he lit one of his own, we inhaled silently, regarding each other through the smoke like worthy adversaries in a chess match.

"And where are you spending tonight?" he finally asked.

"I'm off to Amsterdam in an hour."

"Pity. I myself am returning to Paris." I found myself glancing at his left hand. His wedding band had been removed from his ring finger, but the well-worn groove was still evident. I wondered what he would have tried if I were on his train? And I wondered how I would have responded?

Our conversation petered out after that, although when we'd finished our dinners and wine he graciously stood up and kissed my hand. I must have been quite flustered, because he had to remind me that I had forgotten my purse. I thanked him profusely, and he gave me his business card before I left to catch my train.

It was a long walk to the platform for the Amsterdam express. I felt a surge of excitement when I looked up at the crowded departures board. Berlin, Rome, Paris…this would be my life from now on, trying to stay one step ahead of the law, in high heels. The last passengers were just climbing aboard my train, and I was relieved to find that my compartment had already been turned down for the night.

I kicked off my heels and stretched out on the cozy little bed, looking down at the sleek, silky legs under my skirt. Soon I would be growing my hair and breasts to go with them. When I left Chicago, my life as a man was behind me. By the time I left Amsterdam, a life of leisure as a wealthy woman would lie ahead, in Saint Tropez or sunny Spain.

There was a rap on my door, and I opened it cautiously. It was only the conductor. I handed him my ticket and Ashley's passport, and locked the door for the night. The train was already rolling by the time I put on my nightgown and crawled under the covers. I closed my eyes and thought back over all that had changed, and the changes yet to come. It wasn't long before I succumbed to the rhythm of the rails, my slumbers spiced by forbidden dreams.

I woke up with a start to polite but persistent tapping on the door of my first class sleeping compartment. "Zehn Minuten bis zur Amsterdam Centraal" a man was saying. After he repeated his warning in Dutch, I finally heard, "Ten minutes to Amsterdam." I wrapped my robe around my shoulders, checked to make sure my wig was on straight, and cautiously opened the door a few inches to retrieve my passport. "Guten Morgan, Fraulein," the conductor said.

"Thank you," I stammered in a woman's voice before I slammed the door. Ten minutes! A few days ago, that would have been do big deal for Matt McCoy, but how was Maddy ever going to get herself dressed and made up in ten minutes?

Relax Fraulein, I told the tousle-haired woman in the mirror. They're not going to kick a first-class passenger off the train before she's had time to make herself beautiful. You're a rich bitch now, act like one! My cozy little compartment had its own toilet and sink, and soon my teeth were brushed, the stubble was gone from my face, and I was ready to transform myself into a woman once again.

The train was still lurching over the points approaching the station, do I decided to get dressed before putting on my makeup. Hmm…what does a girl wear to score a fake ID in the back streets of a notorious European city? Thanks to my girlfriend Tracy, my wardrobe was ultra-feminine, but I finally settled on a thin turtleneck sweater, a knee-length skirt, and since I'd be doing a lot of walking, my comfy flats. A peek through the curtains confirmed that it was gray and drizzly, much like the weather I'd left behind in Chicago, so my black trench coat would complete the look.

I put on a fresh pair of panties, filled a bra with my wonderful silicone breast forms, and sat down on the bed to ease on a pair of sheer black pantyhose. I was still fascinated by how sexy they made my legs look, and I had a pang of longing for the way Tracy used to tease and please me when I dressed this way…would I ever see her again? And if I ever did, would there be anything left of the man she used to love? With those morose thoughts, I pulled on my sweater, zipped up my skirt and stepped into my dainty shoes. I rummaged through my suitcase for a scarf and some jewelry, and by the time I was finished dressing we'd come to a stop. I was getting better and better at doing my makeup and styling my wig, so in no time at all a pretty young woman was towing her suitcase behind her through the bustling railroad station.

After quick stop at a station café for coffee and a Dutch breakfast that looked and tasted like an Egg McMuffin, I checked my suitcase and left the station, taking some time to get my bearings. Eventually I found a tram to my first stop, a wig store on Prinsengracht, a narrow street fronting on one of the canals. I got there a few minutes before they opened, and killed some time smoking a cigarette as I gazed out at the houseboats. My skirt and stockings were no match for the raw winter weather, and I stamped my feet in the cold as I waited impatiently for the shopkeeper to arrive.

When the door finally opened, I spent a few minutes looking around self-consciously before a middle-aged woman approached me. "Can I help you, miss?" she asked. Good thing everyone in Holland seemed to speak English!

"Yes, I need a good wig that will be easy to take care of and style."

"I recommend one of our top-quality synthetics. Is there a particular style and color?"

"Yes. My natural hair is dark brown, and I want it much longer than this," I said, pointing to my short blonde wig.

"Of course, if you will follow me to one of our private rooms, let me find you a wig cap and we can try some on."

Even in the privacy of the booth she led me to, it was humiliating to remove my wig and sit before her with a man's haircut in women's clothing. Obviously she had seen it all before, and in no time she was back with an armful of mannequin heads, each featuring long brown hair. One after another, I let her try them on me, until she showed me one that looked and felt just right. The brunette looking back at me in the mirror was strikingly attractive, and her hair would be long enough to pull back into a ponytail when she was in a hurry. Most important, her hair was similar to the way mine used to look when I wore it long in college, so when I grew it out again, pictures of me in the wig would match the way I was going to be.

I paid for the wig with a travelers check and wore it out of the store, tossing Ashley's borrowed blonde wig into the canal. Then I retraced my steps to the station, where I had spotted a shop specializing in passport photos. Twenty minutes later, I was riding on a different tram towards a seedy neighborhood frequented by foreign students, illegal émigrés, and assorted criminals. The address I'd found in an Internet chat room, where several satisfied customers had remarked about the proprietor's skill and complete discretion. He must have been surprised when a wholesome-looking American girl knocked on the door of his upstairs flat, but his poker face revealed nothing until I got straight to the point.

"I need a passport."

"What makes you think I can help you?"

"You are highly recommended, and I will pay whatever it takes." That got his attention, and after he took a quick look behind me to make sure I wasn't part of a sting operation, he let me into his shabby apartment. I scanned the tables and shelves piled high with print stock in various colors while he locked and bolted the door behind me.

He was still wary, so I pulled Ashley's passport out of my purse and put my new photos next to it. "Do you do American passports?"

"It's possible."

"I need one, today, with this picture."

"Today is out of the question."

"What is your price?"

"Ten thousand euros."

I knew from the chat room that he was asking considerably more than his going rate, but I didn't flinch. "Only if I can have it today. Here is the name and address you are to use." I handed him a slip of paper with the name Madison Monroe, an obscure porn star whose work I enjoyed, and a date and place of birth slightly different from my own. Then I put Ashley's passport back in my purse and started counting out ten thousand euros in travelers checks.

"I only accept cash."

"Fine. I'll cash them myself and return this afternoon. Shall we say three o'clock?"

He nodded, and I waited for him to unbolt the door before I let myself out. Once again I retraced my steps to the station, only this time I went to the ticket office and booked a seat in the name of Maddy Monroe on the high-speed train leaving for Paris at 5:00. After I found a bank and cashed the travelers checks, I wandered the quaint streets of Amsterdam, looking for an out-of-the-way place for lunch. I finally selected a small Indonesian restaurant, where I ordered a rice dish with spicy condiments and a split of French Chardonnay.

This would be my life from now on, I reflected as I sipped my wine with a cigarette. Although I looked completely different now as a brunette, it was only a matter of time before the FBI picked up my trail in Zurich, and I wanted to keep a low profile until I was safely out of Amsterdam. My original impulse in coming to Amsterdam was to admit myself to a gender identity clinic, and begin therapy to turn myself into a woman, but I had a new plan now, and I wanted to put some time and distance between my old life and my new one before I took that fateful step. I was obviously passable as a woman the way I was, and with my new identity and appearance, there would be nothing to link me to the stolen passport I'd used to flee the USA as a blonde named Ashley.

After lunch, I killed some more time window shopping. The department stores were already full of spring fashions, and I found myself wondering what I would look like in a sundress and sandals…and what it would feel like to wear them. One thing was for certain: I'd had enough cold weather to last me a lifetime, and if I had to start my life over as a woman, it was going to be in a warm, sunny climate.

On an impulse, I went inside De Bijenkorf and rode the escalator up to the women's department. There were racks of summer dresses, and before I knew it, I was in a fitting room trying one on. It was so cute on me! Only it looked strange with my black leather flats, and I'd need a purse to match my new sandals, and a necklace to go with my dress….An hour later, when I went back into the cold, I felt a little warmer thinking about the sundress and other girly things in my shopping bags. "You should have been a girl," Tracy once told me. Maybe she was right after all!

When I went back outside, I started walking down the sidewalk when I experienced a sensation I'd never felt before. It was the pitter-patter of raindrops on the tops of my feet, coming right through my stockings. Just another of the many joys of being a woman….I went back to the department store and bought a ladies umbrella to protect my new hairdo. Then I found an electronics store for one more acquisition: a throwaway cell phone with a number that was good throughout Europe. I selected an ultra-slim model and prepaid for several months of airtime. I thought about trying to call Tracy, but I didn't know whether my location could be traced, so I abandoned the thought for then.

At precisely 3:00, I knocked on the door of the forger's flat. He admitted me immediately, and as soon as the door was closed he presented me with a flawless US passport featuring me with long brown hair, gender female. I complimented him on his handiwork, gave him his ten thousand euros, and let myself out. Ashley's passport joined her wig in the canals of Amsterdam.