My Adorably Hung Summer Roommate Ch. 02

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Sharing dinner, lessons, girls and of course Danielle's cock.
9.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/28/2015
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At the end of part one, Darren had just discovered that his cute roommate Dani held a considerable advantage in the genital magnitude department and he owed her dinner as per an agreed wager. His disappointment was somewhat reduced by her comforting words and, oddly enough, finger-tip semen feeding.


"I swear to you, there is no dining experience as satisfying as wager-winning dining," Danielle teased as they walked across the plaza towards The Silver Trident. Out front, the spray from the arcing fountain water splashed and babbled amidst the statues of water sprites surrounding a central figure of Nereus, his gaze proudly surveying the establishment's canopy like a divine manager counting heads for the dinner crowd. Darren walked slightly behind Danielle, his eyes scanning the champagne-colored strapless fit-and-flare dress that embraced her form. He was still surprised at how softly feminine, even outwardly delicate she could appear considering...well, just considering.

It was a slightly overcast evening so the crowd was light. Ocean-themed artwork dominated the decor, with paintings of Sailfish and Swordfish adorning the walls as well as more mythical beings. The low room lights and elegant lit candles at the table were not what Darren had expected, less of a friends' night out atmosphere and more of a ...romantic vibe. They were seated by their server Valeria right across from a small statue of a nude Naiad emerging from her enchanted spring, tempting a youth seated near the water.

"They really do enjoy their artwork in the buff at this place, " Danielle mused as she began to look over the entres. "I guess the theory is that it promotes a variety of appetites."

Darren smiled. "Well it must be working with me I'm starving." Looking at the statue he smirked as he thought of Danielle's words. "In the buff...where in the world did people even come up with that saying?"

"It comes from skinned buffalo, or buff leather. Buff leather has a pale yellow to tannish color that, if you squint enough, kind of resembles human skin. It's good for polishing which is why people say you buff things until they shine. They also used it in uniforms for firefighters and other hazardous professions in the old days, to the point where they sometimes called firefighters 'buffs'."

"Why am I not surprised that you are a wikipedia entry on the usage of the word 'buff'."

Danielle grinned. "You learn all kinds of useful trivia working around older people in the knifemaking business. They do have some great stuff on this menu--Low Country Bouillabaisse with oysters and garlic croutons, white asparagus, sauteed baby spinach, Aixoise Salad with pickled ginger and pumpkin seeds, Maca-Banana oat muffins with walnuts. They're REALLY big on the Semen Volume cuisine here." Dani peeked up from her menu with a sly look in her eyes. "Do you think you'll be hungry again in a few hours?"

Darren blushed and lightly coughed as he surveyed his options. "You're going to bring that up a bunch from now on aren't you?"

"I honestly still can't believe you did it. When I wiped my cum off your shoulder and held my fingers up I thought you'd make a face or jump back. I was stunned when you licked it off the tips like it was fine caviar. There wasn't a drop left." Noticing Darren hiding behind his menu, she added,"I'm just teasing silly. I'm glad you did it."

Darren looked across at Danielle with a sheepish expression."I...I'm not really sure why I did it, you just looked really sensual at that moment. Your face was red and glistening with sweat, your hair was tossled and you had this glazed-over expression of pleasure on your face. I kinda got lost in the moment."

"Well yeeeaaah I generally look that way after I've just shot my load and my limbs are still tingling. It was actually pretty erotic to watch your mouth slurp it up. It's just...I don't know, I was thinking about it last night and I was worrying that I was misleading you with my signals or something."

"Oh no, no its..." Darren hesitated and patiently chose the words, trying to express them with confidence. "I actually think you're really beautiful and fun to be around Dani. And exciting, unquestionably exciting. There are just so many things that I'm not sure if I'd be ready for because it's all so... different."

Danielle reached her hand across the table, stroking the tips of his fingers sympathetically. "Aww Darren that's fine babe. You're only 18, I had very little idea what I was looking for or exactly who I even wanted to be when I was 18. You're a sweet roommate who is fun to come home to and I'm grateful to have you around to listen to all my bitching about school and life. I think we work well as adventurous roommates, but we're at different ages and places in our lives I think anything more than that would..."

Danielle was cut off by their server Valeria returning to take their orders. Danielle quickly read out her choices, while Darren took his time going through the menu and, to Danielle's eye, taking in their latina server.

After Valeria left Danielle eyeballed Darren. "Well I guess I didn't have anything to worry about."

"Umm..why's that?"

"You were looking at that girl like she was an item on the menu...a rather savory item."

"Well she seemed very polite and cheerful know hugable."

"Yeah I saw the way you were checking out her ass when she walked away I know just what you'd love to embrace."

"Danielle, you're crazy. "

Dani grinned. "Hey I'm ok with it, I just didn't realize you were such an Assman. I enjoy checking out a nice fat butt from time to time too..maybe because I'm kinda lacking in that department myself."

Darren smiled. "You have a really cute little ass Dani. Trust me, I've noticed it a few times."

"But do you have a preference?"

Darren mulled the question over for a moment. "Not really...I mean I don't really have a type I look for in women. It's the way it everything comes together in terms of physical assets, spirit, personality, humor. The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts when you're attracted to someone."

Danielle smiled. "I suppose that's true...but all the same I like kind, sensitive eyes on a guy. And not too tall, I don't want to feel like a Lilliputian next to him." Her grin taking a more devilish twist of the lip, Dani held her hands out in front of her in a mock squeeze. "And a tight butt with firm cheeks, the kind you just want to spank..or bite."

"We went from fat ass to tight cheeks?"

"Well a girl's ass you want something with a little soft give when your hands hold it, a guy's ass you want to feel a touch of the bound-up energy, the vitality, the...thrust potential. Or the potential to handle the thrust, you know?" Danielle nodded her head in the direction of a cute guy bussing a table. "Now that's a quality male derriere. What do you think of his thrust handling capabilities?"

"With you Dani? I'm guessing he'd be as nervous at the thought as I would be."

"Oh reeeally?" Danielle turned back to look at Darren, leaning forward with her chin resting on her fists and an arched brow. "So when you were engaged in this so-called checking out of my ass, were you noticing the roundness of my cheeks or imagining them as the muscles for a human power hammer?"

"Definitely the's hard for me to think about the second," Darren stated in a less than convincing fashion.

"That's because you've never seen me in action...I mean, with something other than my hand."

At that moment Valeria returned with the food. Darren slowly picked at his Yellowfish Tuna as he watched Danielle feast upon her bouillabaisse, noticing when she would look up to sneak another peek at the busboy's bottom when he was near, her green eyes staring with an intense, almost predatory hunger that had nothing to do with the food.

"And what might you be thinking about?'

Dani halted her ogling and had a contemplative expression. "Just daydreaming in general. So have you ever thought about what you want in a relationship...I mean I know you're probably not looking to be attached to someone at 18 but like down the road?"

Darren's eyes widened in a mock-exasperated glare. "I dunno...right now there's school and work to think about, and then after that getting started in my profession asuming the economy is good, and then...well, I know plenty of my friends' parents who ended up separated, and the hassle that can be on finances and time. If I could find someone I was fairly certain about staying with through all the hurdles...I guess that time seems far away for me."

"Understandable. I actually would love to meet a guy in a few years, someone who has an independent streak and would maybe be into something longterm with a girl in my special circumstances, maybe run a family business and adopt a kid. You know a pleasant middle class America existence, just one where I get to fuck his ass a couple times a week. Do you think I'm asking for too much?"

Darren chuckled. "I'm sure your dream guy is out there somewhere Dani. Maybe if you pose seductively in that dress he'll walk up and buy you a drink."

Dani rolled her eyes. "Nahh not tonight. I need to cut back on the adult beverages anyways. I was overdoing it last weekend and almost completely blacked out. There' a definite limit this sexy little form can handle and I need to learn it. I was stumbling all over the place when my friend dropped me off Friday night."

"I know I heard the crashes and... expletives"

"Hehe sorry about that..I guess I was just blowin' off steam."

As they were finishing their meal and Darren looked ready to leave, Danielle suddenly had a concerned look on her face.

"Darren, did you want to order dessert or have more to drink?"

"Actually I'm pretty full Dani. Or were you just looking to accentuate your victory by adding more to my bill?

"No,no...maybe we could just sit here for a few minutes."

"Why...something the matter?"

Biting her lip, Danielle leaned forward and whispered," I've got a bit of an erection and it's more than a little noticeable in this dress."

"Can't you use your purse to hide it?"

"I left it in the car, I wasn't paying so I didn't think about it!"

Darren smirked. "How I wish I could get you to walk out of here with a tent in your dress."


"Ok, ok." Darren waved Valeria over. "Would it be possible to get your Tupelo Honey Cheesecake in a box to go? We're taking some for a friend."

"Of course sir."

As Valeria walked away, Dani flashed Darren a grateful grin. Shaking his head, Darren gave a slight snicker. "You might want to hold back on the thrust potential in public, Dani."


"Hey Dar are you home? Company is here!," Danielle exclaimed in her noisy manner as she burst into the apartment, friend in tow. Darren looked up from his position on the couch to see her leading in a tall, voluptuous, raven-haired beauty with rimless eyeglasses and a cargo jacket.

"There you are. Darren, this is Erica, she works with me down at TigerTeeth. Get up. You're eating with us." In her free hand Danielle was swinging a takeout bag from the Deli a few blocks down. Checking his watch and seeing he had a little over an hour before work, Darren moseyed over to the table where the ladies were already setting up the eats.

"Do you want the Club Royale or the Turkey Breast Muffaletta?"

"I'll have the Royale, I'm somewhat suspicious of anything with the word 'Muffaletta' in it."

Dani playfully elbowed him. "Hey, no biases against eating Muff at the table young man. We actually have a guest at the table who possesses one and can bring you up on discrimination."

Erica squinched her face in amusement. " Oh Danielle it's ok if the boy doesn't like a little muff no need to shove it in his face."

Darren sighed as he picked up his Royale. "I walked right into that one."

"You sure did, and frankly you should be honored o be in the presence of a muff belonging to such a talented artist. Erica, show him what you designed at the shop."

Erica put down her Wrap and removed a leather zippered case from her purse. Opening it, she displayed a knife with a satin finished spear point blade and notched thumbrest.

"Isn't it beautiful Darren? Black/green G-10 scales, titanium liners, lockup and blade seating...I know you have no idea what I'm talking about but trust me this is 7 inches of exquisite workmanship." Danielle trailed her fingers over the handle in an almost tender manner.

"Well it almost matches its creator's radiance", Darren mused as he looked at Erica's blushing grin and began to take in the breasts stretching out her dark t-shirt displaying spectral stallions galloping in a western milieu.

"See Erica I told you he was a flirt. Right now he's thinking about eating his Royale from between those big tatas of yours." Dani hugged Erica from behind and pretended to be cupping her large shirt-covered breasts with her small hands as Erica through her head back and tried to wave her off. "Dani you're making me giggle while I'm trying to eat, I'll make a mess!"

"That's ok Erica, Darren likes girls who can get a little messy, don'tcha hon?"

"I'm going to continue enjoying my Royale in a kingly manner and act like I'm above your silliness."

"So Darren, Dani tells me you're in Computer Graphics...what are you taking this summer?"

"Interactive Computer Graphics for the major, and then Intro to Greek Tragedy to meet some requirements."

"Sounds fun...I caught a few theater productions when I first came to school, they were quite good."

"I wish I could be seeing some of these stories as performances, then it might make sense," Darren exclaimed as he finished his sandwich. "Hate to cut out on all the fun innuendo but my shift starts soon. Nice to meet you Erica."

"Long shift tonight?"

"Nahh I should be home by 11...later."


Darren returned home that night to an apartment that, for a few moments, seemed empty. The central living area and kitchen were unoccupied and the TV volume was on low. Then he heard the faint sound of creaking...once, twice, the distinctive sound of a mattress absorbing repetitive movements. And then sighs and moans...soft at first but growing steadily louder as they emanated from behind Dani's bedroom door.

"Uh, oh god Da...Dani please baby." It was Erica's voice, stammering in a low, breathy, uneven manner. "Uhuh geez slow please, not used to..ohoh God Dani! That's too...uhhh deep pleeease ohh fuuuuuck." Darren's heart began too pound and his skin began to feel that energetic jolt of the sneak trying to conceal his presence. The focus of all his being was on his ears as he tiptoed to the door.

With his ear right up against it he could hear Erica's loud cries but also something new...the steady, rapid, low breathing of someone involved in constant movement...a movement that was starting to make the headboard on Dani's bed smack loudly, almost violently against the wall on every few thrusts. And the thrusts were coming at an accelerated pace, the creaking of the bed growing into a near constant, shrill squeak.

"Da-Da-Dani, ohh god oh go' I'm gonna gon...uhuhhhhhUUuHHH fuck!" In his minds eye Darren could almost visualize what was actually happening in the room. Erica's dark raven curls were splayed off to either side of the pillow, her eyes fluttering and lips quivering as sweat glistened on her cheeks. One tit jiggled wildly as a small hand tried to palm its soft mass, the other caught between hungry lips that puckered and a dancing tongue that twirled figure eights around a plump nipple. Erica's left hand cradled Dani's head and ran its finger's through her long red strands that seemed to have a fiery glow in the soft light, her digits curling when Dani playfully nipped at her nipple like it was an exotic berry....and when she felt the fullness of Dani's thrust.

Further down, Dani's bloated, lime-sized balls were slamming against Erica's ass with each shove of her engorged cock, her scrotum wet with the splashing juices from her friend's arousal. Erica's lower lips were stretched obscenely wide by the girth of Dani's pole, looking red, puffy and exhausted from the steady pounding they had taken for the last 30 minutes. Her vaginal walls spasmed continuously, clinging tightly to the bulging meat, trying to resist its outward movements and passionately gripping it with every homeward thrust...despite the aches in her battered, overstretched depths, her cunt didn't want that fat cock to stop, to leave.

"Oh God," Erica whimpered, clutching Dani tightly as Dani's pistoning ass shoved deeply into her pussy. "I-It's too mu-much gonna coooome." Dani removed her lips from Erica's sore nipple and threw her own head back, eyes glazed over and mind not fully conscious as she felt that familiar shiver of energy pulse from her groin through her limbs. Erica stared wide-eyed as Dani's hands tore into the mattress sheets with an eagle claw grip, eyes rolled back and her ass shoving one final time before her cheeks flexed and her full balls began erupting a huge load deep inside Erica. The cum pulsed through Dani's shaft and flooded Erica's pussy, some of it seeping out to pool around her bottom and Dani's balls. The small girl collapsed against the soft, inviting curves of her mutually exhausted friend as the two drifted off.

Upon hearing the sudden stillness Darren tiptoed back to his own room. Changing out of his work clothes, Darren lay back in his bed massaging his own meat though his shorts. He imagined all the possibilities that had happened behind that closed door, his mind wandering from Erica's form back to Dani's, back to Erica's. He fantasized he was the one creating such powerful thrusts that the bedframe threatened to shatter, that Erica was screaming out his name, that Dani was watching...and touching him.

After some time Darren heard the door to Dani's room open and the tiptoeing of footsteps out to the kitchen. Too wired by all he had heard to sleep, Darren got up and decided to see who else was feeling restless.

He saw Erica leaning against the counter in her t-shirt and panties, drinking a glass of green tea and munching on grapes. She looked up at him and smiled shyly.

"When did you get home?"

"Probably a little over an hour ago."

"Oohhhhhhh," Erica put her hands to her face in a slightly mortified expression. "I guess you ..umm heard some things then? Sorry about that."

"No, no it's cool, I mean Dani and I are pretty open about things and I figured she had a love life, I just didn't know it included girls."

"Well that's probably more on me than her...we kind of flirt a little at work and, well, I'd heard rumors about her that were intriguing."

Darren smiled. "Well you know what they say, curiosity killed the pussy."

"God you have no idea how true that saying is, mine is so achy and tender right now, it feels like I've had a battering ram inside me."

Darren poured a glass of tea as those words sank in. "Yeah, I can pretty much imagine."

Erica giggled, "Oh of course, you probably would know about her..many blessings."

"Well yeah roommates and all it's hard to keep those things secret."

"Yeah." Erica stared at Darren, a pensive look on her face as a question swirled in her mind. "So....then has she ever fucked you?

Darren nearly choked on his tea, some of it squirting from his lips as he coughed out a reply. "N-no, ahem, no we're not like, I mean I'm not like that at all."

"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to imply anything. It's just that..."


"Well, earlier today you just seemed somewhat quiet and reserved. It's nothing, I just thought you might have a...well submissive side."