My Brother's Slave


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For a second I panicked and froze. I realized that I had no idea if she was into girls, and maybe this was her idea of asking me on a date. The wicked grin she flashed me reinforced that, but then she looked over her shoulder at a guy and wiggled her ass at him. She laughed, hugging me and using me to steady herself as she teased him. I laughed too, relieved.

Mary was exactly the kind of girl Angela thought I'd become if I went to a party. Well, fuck her. Mary was having fun, and I was going to have fun too. I held onto her and ground against her as well, trying to ignore the sudden feeling like this was the worst idea ever and everyone would laugh at me.

No one laughed. Most people were too busy dancing or grinding against their own partners. The few people watching me seemed entranced at the tease of potential girl on girl. A thrill went down my spine as I shimmied right as Mary turned back to face me, smacking her with my boobs. She burst out laughing and suddenly everything was okay.

Dancing was fun. More fun than I'd realized, cooped up with my books every day. The music was too loud and was beginning to give me a headache, but I wasn't about to stop. After each song, one or the other of us would run up to get us both drinks. After about an hour of this, I was as exhausted as I was tipsy.

It was all fun and games up until the guys Mary was keeping at arm's reach got drunker, bolder, or both. One of them got up behind me and put his hands on my hips. I froze, but didn't shove him off. Next came his semi-hard crotch digging against my ass, and thrusts to match. Beneath me, Mary laughed, but I was mortified.

And intrigued.

I'm definitely no dog, but between my charming family's influence, being more inclined to books, and trying to be as invisible as possible most days, this was the first time any guy had ever touched me or even hinted that I was worth touching. I hesitantly moved my ass back. It was just a dance, right? There was no need to get hung up over grinding.

Then his hands cupped my breasts and squeezed. His fingers dug into my exposed skin, and he jiggled them in his hands. Another first. My heart thudded in my chest. The drunk, relaxed haze of my body enjoyed it and wanted to arch up into his touch, beg for more. Part of me wanted to see just how it would feel if I let him do whatever he wanted to my tits, but the rational part of me wasn't completely gone. He'd crossed the line.

I was about to tell him just that when his lips brushed against my ear, making me shudder. "You're in trouble," he said just barely loud enough to be heard over the music. I froze entirely. I knew that voice. I knew that voice very well.

Mary must've known something was wrong. She turned around, and instantly she was a fierce defender, hands balled up into fists at her sides and showing teeth. "Back the fuck off!" She yelled at my assailant. She didn't know. Thank god, she didn't know.

Bryan let go of me and took a step back. I turned around, completely disbelieving what I was seeing. There was my stupid stepbrother, grinning like a cat who had a lizard under his paw. A lizard he knew exactly how he was going to dismember and eat. A cornered lizard without anywhere to run and hide.

"Bryan, please," I started, way too low to be heard over the music. He knew, though. His grin just got wider as he backed away into the crowd. People shifted, and he was completely gone from sight.

My heart jumped up into my throat. He wasn't going to just grope me and run, having a laugh at me later. He wasn't going to let this go. He was going to hurt me the best way he knew how. I turned around and grabbed the front of Mary's dress.

"I need to get home. Now." Tears were already in my eyes, and I had to choke back the sobs that threatened to come. I wanted to believe that Bryan wouldn't get me kicked out of my home, but he would.

Mary didn't ask any questions. I could've kissed her for that. She took me by the hand and fought to get us through the crowd of sweating, gyrating, drunk college kids. Even if it was only for a short period of time, I was happy to be one of them, and have fun. If Bryan had his way, it was the last bit of fun I was going to have for a long, long time.


Angela and Rick weren't waiting for me when I crept inside. That was a good sign, I hesitantly thought to myself. If they knew, then they'd be waiting in their dual recliners, staring at the door like they wanted it to die until I walked through it. So that meant that either Bryan didn't tell them about me going to that party, or he wasn't home yet.

That meant I had time to get changed and wipe this makeup off before the bastard came home. If there was no evidence, then there was no crime! It would be his word against mine, but I could have Mary back me up, if need be. A simple text would dispel anything Bryan had on me. Okay, so maybe I was still a bit tipsy, but I had a chance.

As silent as I could in these ridiculous borrowed shoes, I snuck down the hallway. Every single creak and moan of the house was aggravating, a guard waiting to call out the alarm and let my family know what I had done. But no one peeked out of their bedrooms. I could hear Rick's snores from across the house. He must've gotten in, got drunk, then passed out after molesting Angela.

Even Bryan's room was silent. I paused a moment to stare at it, waiting for him to jump out and expose me. Nothing. I breathed a sigh of relief and stepped into my room. I closed the door, and turned on the light.

Bryan was waiting for me, sprawled out on my bed. He had a pair of my panties bunched up in one hand, and his other hand was down his pants. There was no shame or surprise on his face. Only his usual gleeful malice, mixed with something new in his eyes. Something I didn't like.

"Welcome home, Sarah. Have fun tonight?" He brought his hand out of his pants. The bulge remained. I took a step back. The door was against my back. I started trembling.

"Bryan, look," I started, voice cracking.

"No no, none of that," he said, raising his voice. I looked over my shoulder, wincing. "When it's just the two of us, no more Bryan. I'm thinking 'Sir' is a lot more appropriate. Bryan implies that you're my equal. You're not. You never were, but after tonight? Hoo boy."

"Bryan, I swear, I - "

I didn't get a chance to finish that thought. Faster than I thought possible, he was off the bed and had his hands on either side of me. My panties were still in his hand. He somehow managed to avoid slamming into the door as he loomed over me, looking down on me with something less gleeful and crueler.

"That's one. Everyone gets one, whore. You will address me as Sir, or mom and dad will know what you were up to tonight. From now on, you belong to me. Do you understand me? You will do what I want, when I want it, or I'll tell mom and dad you were at a party, dressed like a slut and grinding against other sluts."

Not once did Bryan raise his voice. He didn't have to. He had me over a barrel and he was enjoying it. He kept his voice low, soft. It was just loud enough for me to almost hear it. I found myself leaning closer, trying to catch everything he was saying. I couldn't afford to piss him off. Not now.

"How do you think they'll react? My money's on them kicking you out. Maybe dad will have a soft spot and just blister your ass and make sure you never do anything without their permission ever again. You know how much he loves to swing his belt around."

I winced. When we were younger, Rick was fond of using his belt for discipline. I got it more than his golden boy did, but Bryan had his fair share of beatings too. I was twenty now, but that didn't matter to Rick and Angela. Not so long as I lived under their roof. I didn't have the money or friends to escape just now.

"What...What do you want me to do? Sir," I added hastily.

It was enough for his ego. Bryan's look of intense concentration and barely restrained fury melted away into a smile again. He was almost handsome when he smiled, but I knew better. If he was smiling, that just meant he was more likely to hurt someone, and very much enjoy hurting them.

"This is what we're going to do, Sarah," he said. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up for me. I swallowed hard. He took his time continuing, looking me over at his leisure. "I'm not going to tell mom and dad. Hell, I might even cover for you. If you're going to dress up like a whore and go party, knock yourself out.

"But you're going to share that love with me." His big hand left my chin and ventured lower. He grabbed my left breast and squeezed. None of the cautious, gentle groping from the warehouse. Bryan practically mauled me, squeezing and playing with the soft flesh. I couldn't back up any further. I couldn't escape him, playing with me...molesting me like this.

"I don't care if you slut it up around town, but I get to get in on the fun. I get first dibs. You understand me? If I want something of you...If I want you, then you'll be there, you'll be obedient, and you're not going to say a fucking thing to mom and dad."

His words didn't register at first. I was still stuck on being caught and him pinning me against the door like this, and calling me a whore. He would joke about it all the time - usually to egg Angela on - but he didn't believe I was actually loose, did he? Then he found my nipple through my dress and pinched it Hard enough to make me squeal. His free hand covered my mouth while he played.

Oh god, he was serious. He was serious about this. Looking up into his eyes, I could see it. He was focused, and he was predatory. Bryan was looking at me like I was a piece of meat, not his stepsister, not someone he was raised with or spent every day tormenting and teasing. We weren't much of a family, but I thought we were better than...than this!

"Sir, please..." I said after he uncovered my mouth. He never stopped playing with my breast, and my traitorous nipple was hard for him. I hated how weak I sounded, but I couldn't just let this happen. "Please don't do this. I'm your sister."

The son of a bitch actually laughed at me. "Eh. Not really. You've always just kind of been...There. And now you're going to be useful for a change."

His words were like a punch to my stomach. I knew they were true. I thought it often enough, but hearing him say it...I didn't fight him when he pushed me down to my knees. I could barely think through the tightness in my chest. This couldn't be happening.

It was. I was on my knees, in a skimpy dress that made my tits stand out, and my brother was grinning at me and unzipping his pants. He shifted, and his penis flopped out of his jeans and against my face. I flinched, which only made Bryan laugh again. The same barely restrained, breathy laugh as he swung his hips and hit me in the face with his cock.

My face was on fire. I tried not to look at it, but it was impossible. My broth- Bryan was gifted. It may have been the first penis I'd ever seen and I wanted to start sobbing, but it was at least six inches long, and girthy. Even half hard it was nearly as thick around as my wrist, and slowly growing, hardening right against my face. I could smell the sweat from the jeans and something else. Something animalistic and musky. I licked my lips without thinking.

"Look at that. You're more eager than I thought you'd be. You really are a whore, aren't you?"

I opened my mouth to protest. He jammed the head of his thick cock into my mouth with a quick thrust. From there, I panicked.

I simultaneously wanted to clamp down on it and spit it out. Neither would be well received. I ended up opening my mouth wider in shock, and it was needed. It was hard fitting the entire thing in my mouth, let alone as much of it as he wanted as he continued to harden and poke against me. I recoiled, but the door held me in place. And god help me...

It wasn't that bad. At least not at first. His cock was salty from the sweat, but it's not like he tasted awful. He tasted like...Well, skin and the way he smelled. As the intruding dick in my mouth ploughed forward and against my tongue, I had to admit that it wasn't the worst thing ever.

"Be a good girl, and I won't tell mom," he purred above me.

The words 'good girl' made me tingle. I didn't know why, but I was far past thinking. I ran my tongue along the bulbous head, feeling and tasting him and making him let out an appreciative sigh. I didn't stop. Slowly, carefully I continued running my tongue in circles, bathing the invading member with a slow, steady trail of spit while I backed off.

I was doing it. I was sucking my brother's cock so he wouldn't tell on me for being at a party. I pulled back until just the head was in my mouth, tongue still circling it, and I sucked on it like it was candy. My brother swayed in place. He let out another moan and grabbed onto my curly red hair. My next lick had him tugging on it. It stung, but not in a bad way.

I closed my eyes and bobbed my head forward, feeling his shaft fill my mouth and take over it. I sucked and licked as best as I could with my lips wrapped firmly around him. It was all I knew back then, the only way I knew felt good to Bryan. Later, I'd refine my technique and truly know what he wanted and how. Later, I'd want to give it all to him, but not now.

Now I was testing the waters and finding that I didn't hate the act. It made my entire body tingle, hearing him moan and whimper and grunt above me. If I kept my eyes closed, I could pretend it was anyone else. I could pretend that I found a cute boy at the party, and followed him home. I bobbed my head back and forth against the hard, hot cock in my mouth a bit quicker.

Bryan let out a moan loud enough that I worried it would wake up Rick and Angela. The next time my tongue passed his pisshole, I tasted his precum. My breath hitched. It was salty, thin, and my tongue swirled over my brother's sensitive cockhead, greedy to get another taste of it, another taste of the proof that I was doing it right.

Fuck. What was happening to me? I realized too late that I was clutching my chest. Not like a scared damsel, but like a wanton whore. I was playing with my own tits while I bobbed up and down Bryan's cock like a whore. I want to say that I stopped, right then and there. I want to say that I had enough sense to know that this was wrong and I could stop it. I didn't.

I just pinched my nipples through that fuck-me dress I was wearing until it hurt. I tweaked until tears filled my eyes and I bobbed forward faster and faster. His cock was soon hitting the back of my throat, but I didn't stop. My jaw ached from keeping it open so wide, but I couldn't stop now.

Not with the bastard holding onto my head and keeping me in place. Panic and lust fought, and lust won out. Bryan's fingers dug into my scalp. He was right about me. Tears freely flowed down my face as he began to thrust in short, shallow spurts. I choked, but he didn't let up. I just pulled on my nipples and let him fuck my mouth, trying to ignore the heat between my legs.

Even if I wanted to keep blowing the bastard, and god help me but I did, he wasn't letting me. I looked up through the haze of tears at him. His own eyes were closed and he was into it. He was practically drooling as he thrust into my mouth. Bryan didn't care what he was doing, or who he was doing it to. All he cared was that he was getting his dick sucked.

On his next thrust I closed my eyes and swallowed around his fat tip. I pressed forward, swallowing again and again, hoping to get that monster down. It's what girls did in porn, right? And in those stories we liked to pretend the library didn't have. I swallowed my brother's thick cock.

The world darkened. I couldn't breathe. I was choking on his penis. I was on my knees like a whore and swallowing like I was dying of thirst while the bastard tugged on my hair and just tried to feed me more of his thick, musky, hard as a rock cock. My nose was pressed up against his pubes. I could feel his balls against my chin and I couldn't breathe and I was going to die like this and -

Bryan grunted and pulled me off his cock. The world spun and I gasped for breath.

"Fuck...Fuck fuck fuck," He grunted. I blinked away more tears. His cock was halfway in my mouth, and his hand was on it, stroking and jerking it too fast for me to follow. I dumbly held my mouth open for him like the obedient whore I was. I couldn't think straight. Bryan's cock twitched against my tongue, and then it was happening.

My brother's cock erupted into my mouth as he stroked every last drop of cum out. The first blast hit me in the back of my throat and I swallowed on reflex. There was no stopping now, and I didn't want to. I mauled my breasts as Bryan finished off in my mouth and I swallowed his cum as fast as it came out. My entire world was a haze.

The only thing that mattered was sucking and swallowing. Even breathing took a backseat to the delicious feeling of his cock in my mouth. My entire body was on fire and pulsing. My heartbeat thundered in my ears.

"Fuck...See? Was that so hard? Maybe you're a good girl after all."

That did it. I closed my eyes and let out a low whine as my entire body shuddered. My pussy, long since wet enough to soak my panties, clenched and tingled and the rest of my body joined it. The stimulation was too much. I finally released my poor nipples and collapsed on the ground, panting and trembling.

"Fucking hell, Sarah," I dimly heard Bryan say above me. He put his cock away and buttoned up. I didn't answer outside of licking my lips and letting out muffled sob.

Now that it was over, shame hit me like a truck. He was standing over me, gloating over his victory and what he got out of it and all I could think about was how awful I felt, how betrayed by my own body. The fucker raped me. He raped my mouth. And I let it happen. Enthusiastically even!

"Mom would piss herself if she knew how right she was. Well, a deal's a deal. Keep your mouth open for me, slut, and I'll keep mine shut." He laughed at his own joke. He opened the door, hitting me with it. He kept opening it until I got the hint and moved.

I crawled into bed, half numb and struggling to avoid sobbing into my pillow. He was gone, and it was just me alone in my room. Me and my thoughts.

This would never happen again, I swore. I wasn't going to let him hurt me ever again, and I sure as hell wasn't going to give in and give him what he wanted, ever again. I wasn't going to be a shameless whore. I wasn't going to give my brother any more of my body.

I stripped out of the skanky dress and stowed it under my bed. I thought about putting on a nightie, but it didn't matter. It wouldn't make the night un-happen...And I wanted free access. I cursed Bryan again as my hand went between my legs and felt my slit.

I vowed it would never happen again, but...Even back then, I knew it was a lie. This was only the beginning.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Part two?

Are you going to continue the story? I would love to hear what happens next

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not trash or garbage but raw sewage

1) Not incest. No blood relationships.

2) Retarded girl. Who stays in an emotionally and physically abusive environment

after age 18?

3) Felonious rape of a mentally challenged person. Distribution of this sewage

("story") is probably illegal for both the writer and Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You should definitely continue. Love the story line and the dominanice of the situation. I'd love to see more, great job ❤

prop69prop69almost 7 years ago
May not be real, but she has been taken care of since she was a baby

Good story.

Looking forward to her next sex visit.

Wasn't she a virgin before Bryan fucked her?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

There's a paragraph early on page 1 where you switch between she/I pronouns. Otherwise, very well-written.

divergurldivergurlalmost 7 years ago
Trash basically a abused girl becomes an abused woman

First you say the pos step father had the mom as a rebound and just stayed because she didn't care he was an asshole. So why would he marry her? She died when she was 2 yet he was already remarried by 3. If he did not adopt her she would not have stayed with him after moms death. Where is rest of her and her bio Dads family? They are who would have gotten custody. Why do you have her talk shit about being Irish? She is 20 and stays in an abusive home? No story line how she went from you will suck my dick daily to him fucking her in the prequel. Story is all over the place no consistency except rapist brother. Zero explanation why while family hates her. Sad sorry over done rape story. She has no blood relation to anyone so not incest

prop69prop69almost 7 years ago
Even though it was rape, it was erotic

Once she started, she was hooked.

Nothing or tender, but so sexy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Rape, plain and simple

Terrible trashy story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Tags are your friend

I would have added a Noncon or Nonconsent tag, personally. That or submitted in the Nonconsent/Reluctance category with the tags you have. The story is good, don't let the ither commentors dissuade you, but a lot of people here really dislike even properly categorized Noncon stories.

ROCKY70ROCKY70almost 7 years ago
Wrong place to be !!!!

Most comments should say the same thing. This belongs in the trash can.

SomethingInTheWaySheMovesSomethingInTheWaySheMovesalmost 7 years ago
I was going to leave a comment explaining why this isn't Incest (and if you try to claim it's Taboo, what ISN'T?)...

...but the last comment beat me to it. What they just said.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
doesnt belong here

her brother isnt her real brother just like the mother and dad are not so itsnot incest

second this kind of belongs in nonconsent

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