My Daughter Dani


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"You okay there, old lady? Are you gonna live?"

I gathered my composure and my ability to breathe normally. "Okay, enough story time. I think we both need some sleep."

"Not yet, mom. I had all 7 beads, remember. We've only been talking for about 10 minutes. You owe me."

Did I give birth to a future politician or lawyer?

I sighed "Fine. But I really am tired. We'll compromise. I know I owe you another 25 minutes, but I just can't tonight."

"That's fine. Give me 10 more minutes tonight and you can go to bed. Deal?"

"Thank you, honey. What is it that you'd like to talk about?" I asked her.

"Well, Cindy always seemed like such a stuck up bitch. I-"

"Dani! What kind of language is that?" I weakly scolded her.

"Uh uh, mom. Here in story time, anything goes as long as it's the truth. We agreed." I didn't really remember agreeing to that aspect of the rules, but fair enough. I just nodded and bade her to continue.

"As I was saying, she's such a stuck up cunt." she upped the vulgarity for shock value, watching for a reaction on my part, "I mean, yeah she's hot and all. But I've just seen her be so mean to other girls, waitresses at restaurants, check out girls at the mall, her own sister and me, and even lady cops. And everyone just seems to accept it. Some even seem to enjoy it. Mom, why are you blushing?"

I hadn't realized that I was blushing, but being called out on it made me bite my lip and choose my words carefully.

"I suppose you could say that a part of me likes it when she's cruel."

"Wow... you're so weird, mom. Good night." She half giggled as she hugged me good night, but she also sounded half disgusted too.


So a lot has happened since then. Dani has dated some. I've dated some. One constant is that she never likes any of the guys I date. Her acceptance of the man in my life is important to me. I don't break up with a guy just because Dani doesn't like him, but my relationships don't seem to last real long with those guys nonetheless.

And now I've been seriously dating a man named Andy. Andy is a nice guy. He's somewhat athletic - I can beat him at tennis, but you'd never hear him admit that - and he's good looking. He has dirty brown hair and a goatee that is starting to show some gray. Where my ex-husband Jimmy is very vanilla sexually and very unstable emotionally, Andy is quite sexually adventurous and aggressive but pretty low key otherwise. Dani tolerates Andy, but she rarely lets an opportunity go by to lip off to him. And the opportunities have been more available lately, because Andy has been spending a lot of time at my place lately, as his house is currently undergoing treatments and some renovations due to termite damage.

As I mentioned, Dani can be like her dad - overly emotional and princessy. She came home from her local college one afternoon, slamming the door. I had to run to the grocery store because we were out of milk. Andy was home preparing dinner.

"Hey Andy. Is my mom around? I really need to talk to her."

"She's at the store. We needed a few things and with the traffic at this time of day, she may be 45 minutes or so. What's up, Buttercup? Is there anything I can do?"

Dani sort of bitterly laughed and replied "Yeah, can you tell me why men are such douchebags?"

Andy almost choked on his beer but didn't miss a beat "Well, I COULD tell you, but it's kind of against the code."

"Seriously. It's like guys my age only watch porn, smoke pot, and play video games. Like it's not enough to suck a guy's dick anymore. They're all about the porn throat-bang thing. If I like a guy and want to suck his cock, shouldn't that be enough? Why do they want me to fucking gag and almost vomit just to show that I'm into them?"

"Well, Dani, I can't really answer that. If you're sucking my cock and you're really into it, then I'd want you to love on my cock and enjoy it and let your passion come out in how you suck me. I'm not against giving a girl a good throat-fucking, but I certainly don't want you to vomit to show you care," he laughed.

"Oh fucking gross! I am not about to suck your gray ass limp dick, you sick fuck!"

Andy was used to these charming little outbursts. "I was actually using the universal you, princess. I didn't mean you personally. But I will say this. You're an intelligent and beautiful girl. You don't owe anything to any of these guys. If they don't realize what a treasure you are, then move on and find someone who will treat you right."

"Oh... well... Thanks, Andy. I'm gonna go to my room. I'll come down when dinner is ready."

Two hours later, I called up to Dani to have her come down to eat. As she came down, she looked guilty. She walked over to Andy, hugged him, and blurted out "I'm really sorry I've been such a bitch to you, Andy. You seem like a good guy and you've been really good with my mom. She's lucky to have you and you've been nothing but kind to me, no matter how horribly I've treated you. Thank you for what you said earlier. That meant a lot."

Andy wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly, It seemed that years of being disappointed in her father and other men were being poured out in that one hug. It did my heart good to see her accepting him that way. And it seemed that a lot of her bitterness went away after that as well. As they finally broke the hug, I could tell that she had actually cried on his shoulder a bit. He leaned in to kiss her forehead, but she turned up at just the wrong moment and he wound up accidentally kissing her on the lips instead.

"Well hello!" he exclaimed, trying to laugh off any awkwardness. I have to admit, a part of me got jealous seeing them kiss. A small part. There was another part that enjoyed seeing it. I convinced myself that it was only because of maternal feelings of wanting my precious daughter to not feel bitter toward men or toward my boyfriend, but a small voice in the back of my mind teased differently. In any case, a lot of the tension in the house was relieved after that accidental kiss.

That night, we all watched a movie together. Instead of sitting off by herself as she usually does, Dani sat on the couch with Andy and me. She didn't cozy up or anything weird, but it was cozier than normal with the three of us on the couch. After the movie, I hugged her good night, and she also came over and gave Andy another hug as well. Then she reached up and kissed his cheek, thanked him again, and told us both good night. As Andy let her go, however, she smiled at me, then gave my boyfriend another quick peck on the mouth. I got a wry grin, put my hand on Andy's cock. It was a bit firmer than I would have liked, I admit. I did what any woman would do when she finds her hand on her man's erect cock, I gave it a slight squeeze. Then I blurted out "Mine! My boyfriend!" and led Andy by the cock to my bedroom. Dani laughed a laugh that did this mother's heart good. It was fun to hear her be playful again.

That night, Andy fucked me hard. He's not always the most gentler lover by nature, but he was particularly rough with me this night. He gripped my hair hard as he fucked me from behind, whispering in my ear how wet my cunt was even before he touched it, and how good my pussy felt around his throbbing dick. We repositioned so I was lying on my back with my ass on the edge of the bed and he was standing, so he could fuck me with full force, and he slapped my poor tits HARD and pinched and pulled on my nipples. God that man is hot! In an unusual twist, we wound up in missionary position last... we was kissing me hard when I felt his body tense up and his cock throb and erupt inside of me. I locked my ankles around his ass as I felt the warm spurts filling me. I loved that feeling, and sometimes I love it most when he's on top of me in that position and I get to wrap my arms and legs around him. It was a very good night.

Andy made a comment the next morning about us both being so into it, and me being even louder than usual. I didn't know that I was a loud lover. Hmm... I do enjoy myself though. Dani came down, fresh from her shower, and walked into the kitchen. I was standing at the sink washing the plates from Andy's and my eggs, and she walked up and hugged me from behind.

"Good morning, Mommy. It sounds like someone had a good time last night," she teased. Wow... maybe I WAS louder than usual.

Then she walked up to Andy, hugged him again, gave him a quick peck on the lips again. Without a word, she grabbed a pear from the dining room table for breakfast and bounced out the door, carrying her backpack, her ever present water bottle, and the aforementioned pear. Rachel was waiting in our driveway to drive them both to the local campus, where they were both taking some community college courses while they tried to figure out what they wanted to do with their lives. I dried my hands, cupped Andy's cock outside his khaki slacks, gave it a bit of a squeeze again, kissed him softly on the lips, and sent him off to work. I didn't realize it at the time, but my squeezing his cock and kissing him after Dani kissed him was starting to become a habit of mine.

We had a normal day. It was Friday, so Dani and Rachel had gone out with some friends and got back after midnight. She came into my room, where I was half sleeping with my head on Andy's chest. She crawled up on top of us, waking us both up, her body prying itself between us. Her breath smelled like peppermint schnapps. She had that charming (not) coordination that intoxicated people get when they're trying to be quiet but can't quite manage normal movements.

She was giggling and said "I didn't get my good night kiss, Andy." The way her knees were coming up, I protectively moved my hand to protect Andy's goods. Andy was just stirring awake and Dani kissed him full on the mouth, even licking her lips and pressing the tip of her tongue into his mouth. He was awake now, and so was his cock in my hand!

"If you're trying to make me jealous, Dani, it's not going to work," I teased her. I think I was sort of seeing how far she'd go. She surprised me, however.

"There's no reason to feel jealous, Mommy." With that being said, she repositioned herself so she was right on top of me, and she kissed ME on the mouth. This was no peck, however. She kissed me the way Cindy used to kiss me - hard, passionately, possessively. Her tongue moved in my mouth and her hand found my hand on Andy's cock. We sort of stroked it together as I moaned into the kiss.

I love how Andy kisses me, don't get me wrong. There's just something different about being kissed by another woman - especially a younger woman. The fact that it was now my own daughter kissing me didn't seem to stop my joy of the kiss... it may have increased it, in fact. I fished Andy's cock out of the slit in his boxer briefs, so she could feel it without any fabric. Now it was her turn to moan into the kiss. I realized that I wanted her - my daughter. And I wanted her badly. I also now realized that I wanted her to have Andy, and for Andy to have her, and I was going to help them. But not tonight... I wasn't quite ready for this. It was all happening too quickly.

"Okay, you've gotten your good night kisses, Dani. Now it's time to go sleep off your alcohol."

"Awww, mom..." she whined, but didn't really argue. As she was sliding off the bed, however, she gave Andy's cock a quick kiss, the way she had been kissing his lips. It was more of a tease, really. Or maybe a "see you soon"?

"Mmmmmm... precum! Yummy!" she winked at me and left us for the night.

Andy's cock was now completely swollen and stiff. I couldn't leave him in that state. I eased his boxer briefs off (I love how his erection springs back when I do that!) and took him into my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down fast, taking him as deep into my throat as I could with each thrust. It didn't take him long at all. Soon, I got my reward, feeling his cock pulsate and fill my mouth. I swallowed quickly, and was able to not spill a drop. I kissed it one last time and we both fell into a nice warm blissful coma.

It was a holiday weekend, and we all had Monday off. Saturday and Sunday went by somewhat quietly. Dani did insist on giving us each both a good morning and good night kiss. She grew more aggressive each time she kissed me. With Andy, she seemed less sure... intimidated maybe? No, flustered. She was attracted to him but acted quite girlish sometimes around him too. It was adorable and sexy. When she kissed him, she was more timid, as though afraid of rejection. However, on Sunday night when Andy was in the bathroom, she kissed him good night, offering her mouth to his tongue, and squeezed his cock. She then came into my bedroom, kissed me good night, completely fucked my mouth with her tongue, and squeezed my tit hard. That kiss and grope conveyed a simple but strong message - she was going to do what she wanted to me and I was going to accept it.

Monday morning everything changed. It was a bank holiday, so none of us had work or school. Andy and I walked into the kitchen, where Dani was standing, drinking a cup of hot tea. She smiled when she saw us. She was wearing a sheer pink nightgown that barely fell down to her thighs.

"Good morning, sleepy heads. Mommy, come give me a nice good morning kiss. I really want to feel your tongue go deep."

I was a bit shocked by the brazen comment, but that was nothing. As I approached her, she lifted her nightgown and pressed on my shoulder. My daughter wanted me to give her a good morning kiss on her pussy!

My training with Cindy and my growing lust for Dani kicked in, and I dropped to my knees. I leaned in, inhaled the scent of her arousal, and was immediately consumed with lust. I pressed my lips to her bare mound and gave it a soft kiss. Her hand moved behind my head, holding me in place. I looked up at her as I began to lap at her clit. I saw her crook a finger toward Andy, beckoning him closer. Andy didn't need to be asked twice. As I took Dani's clit between my lips, I saw my boyfriend give my daughter a kiss that was so deep, so passionate, so intense, that I literally felt her knees grow weak.

I began to press my tongue inside of her wet cunt as Andy pressed his into her wet mouth. It was incredible! Being on my knees as I was, I couldn't help but notice his erection growing out of his pajama pants. He had fallen asleep naked after my blow job and just threw on the pajama pants on the way down. As it so often has lately, when my two greatest loves are kissing each other, my hand found Andy's cock. This time, instead of stroking it, I gripped it and pulled on it, urging him forward. Grasping his cock at the base, I rubbed his cock head up and down Dani's slit. Her knees buckled and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He stepped forward, pushing her against the cupboard, and I helped him enter her.

She whimpered into the kiss, sucking on his tongue and lifted her left leg up to give Andy better access. Still on my knees, I watched as he began to fuck her hard and fast. Their passion for each other that had built up so quickly was quite evident in their fucking. It was honestly beautiful. There was a pit in my stomach as I knew that Andy had almost forgotten me now, and had his full attention on my daughter.

"Oh fuck, Andy, your cock feels so good! Uh! Fuck! Uh! Fuck yes!" Dani gasped. Andy was far less coherent, grunting primally as he does when he loses control. My boyfriend was about to cum inside my daughter, and God help me, I couldn't wait!

Her legs wrapped around him and he set her on the edge of the counter. He was fucking her so hard, deep, fast, his orgasm close. I could see his shoulders start to tense. They were still making out like long lost lovers as his orgasm hit him. He buried himself balls deep in her cunt and began to unload inside of her. His orgasm triggered her orgasm, and she clung to him like a koala bear, just trying to hold on, loving the way his cum felt as it sprayed inside of her, and riding out her orgasm.

Still on my knees, I rubbed his ass as they came back to earth. As he withdrew his cock from her gorgeous cunt, I immediately caught it in my mouth. It was coated their combined juices and I sucked him clean of every bit. I knew he would be sensitive, so I tried not to overstimulate him, but dammit, I was fucking greedy now! I looked up, and they were still kissing. The pit in my stomach grew and got harder, but my own pussy got wetter.

"You're such a good Mommy. You deserve a reward. You may suck Andy's cum from my pussy." Dani taunted me. Fuck! She was a natural... or had I helped encourage this side of her?

"Thank you, baby. I'd like that." I leaned in, wrapped my lips around her pussy lips, and began to take deep swipes inside with my tongue. I curled my tongue, digging out as much of the cum as I could get, lapping as deeply as I could.

"Fuck, Mommy, you're such a dirty cunt licker! But you're sooooo fucking good! I can tell you've missed being on your knees before a superior younger woman."

I was burning. Shame. Arousal. Jealousy. Betrayal at having her reveal some of my past to Andy that I hadn't told him about yet. And pure lust. "Mmhmmm..." was all I could muster as I serviced my daughter's pussy to my best ability.


It's been two weeks now, and Dani sleeps in my bed with Andy every night. I sleep in my bed most nights, but sometimes she makes me sleep in her room. One night, she made me sleep on the floor of my own room as they fucked. I masturbated so hard that night! Most nights, if I am allowed to sleep in "their" bed, I'm forbidden from having an orgasm. On those nights, my role is to assist them... using my mouth to make him harder or her wetter, guiding his cock inside of her just like I had first done that fateful Monday morning, or simply telling them how beautiful they look when he is on top her, missionary style, and her hands rake down his muscled back.

I never expected any of this to happen. I certainly never planned for it to happen, at least not consciously, but I'm amazed each day at what our family has become. Sometimes, that pit in my gut makes my orgasms even more intense. Other times, it keeps me awake at night wondering what the fuck I have done. In the end, though, my beautiful daughter is now my beautiful Queen - a princess no more. And I glow when I look at her. A proud mom looking up at her gorgeous daughter from the floor, before I bury my face between her legs.

"Guess what, Mommy. Andy and I may look at rings later today. Don't worry, he'll look for something for you as well. Maybe a clit ring or a nipple ring. Or maybe tattoo. We both want you to be a part of our wedding and honeymoon, and our life together afterward of course. We just haven't yet decided how we're going to mark you or brand you. Oooh, there's an idea! We could brand you! Maybe get a two female symbols and a male symbol linked together on your ass - with one female symbol being beneath the other two, of course. I think my new husband will love that idea, don't you, Mommy? Though maybe just a tattoo."

My head was swimming. My heart skipped a beat when she mentioned having me branded. I actually looked at her enthusiastically when she reconsidered to "only" having me tattooed. Tears threatened my eyes - whether from jealousy at marrying the man I wanted to marry or because I was so happy for them. I'm not totally sure which. I believe it was probably a combination of the two. And through it all, my betraying cunt was wet.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Please resume and continue

OMG! This story is *so hot* ... Read it a long time ago and just re-read it. I do not hold out much hope, but, I will adding my nagging to others who commented, begging you to resume and continue this sizzling series. As a mother with two daughters, it shamefully resonates deeply with me. So, again, pleeease?!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great submission, pardin the pun

Please follow up on this series.

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999over 7 years ago
It was okay

Would have been much better if Andy had not made an appearance. Would have been much happier if Dani had assumed total control of her mother. But that it just me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Okay Story

Nice sexy story up until you introduced Andy into the mix, which for me spoiled the story ending. Having the mom submit just to her daughter and they become lovers would have been a great ending or beginning of a longer story.

Three stars but could have been 4 without Andy in the picture.

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